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This paper will problematise the notion of distributed cognition in courses across cultural learning borders, by presenting a narrative case study of six learners’ journeys to online learning. I will argue that although distributed cognition is a widely acceptable theory in e‐learning, it is based on an assumption that the ‘distribution’ of cognition is reciprocal between toolmakers, texts and users, when perhaps, in certain instances, it excludes the life (and learning) world of local learners in the global, borderless environment. In these instances the cognition that is assumed to be distributed is, in contrast, ‘contained’ in the narrative‐in‐action that is familiar to the learners, whose situated knowledge is embedded and embodied in a non‐global discourse ( Henning et al., 2000 ).  相似文献   

One of the most perplexing factors in the Japanese financial crisis is the apparently non‐optimal and non‐rational behaviour of Japanese banks. We provide a “rational” explanation for bank behaviour based on a theory of community banking that incorporates Japanese institutional characteristics. We find three implications of community banking – a low lending rate, a low bankruptcy rate, and in particular, institutionalisation of ‘rational rigidity’ (an institutional pledge of no profit maximisation) – in Japanese banks. We argue that this type of banking is viable as long as the economy expands and asset prices go up, which was the case before the asset‐market crash in 1990. The stagnation and free‐fall of asset prices in the 1990s exerted tremendous pressure on Japanese banks but did not paralyse them completely in the 1990s, although there are indications that they failed to restructure distressed large corporations in some sectors, notably real estate. Thus, the problem is not that paralysed banks are blocking recovery, but that their current institutionalised rigidity in banking practices is no longer viable because private enterprises in the market economy are suffering from asset‐price deflation and economic stagnation.  相似文献   

Derived from previous research on social influence on food consumption and social comparison theory, this article examines the effect of service employees’ appearance on consumers’ food choice using an experimental study, involving a video manipulation and eye‐tracking technique. The video shows a menu being proffered by a waitress whose degree of apparent healthiness varies (healthy, overweight, unhealthy lifestyle). The menu contains both healthy and unhealthy meal alternatives. The analysis of participants’ eye movements demonstrated that exposure to the overweight employee did not stimulate greater (i.e., earlier or longer) attention to unhealthy meal alternatives, whereas exposure to the employee who displayed an unhealthy lifestyle did. These findings have social and managerial implications: The postulated stigma according to which the presence of overweight others encourages unhealthy eating appears questionable. Service providers that might secretly hire according to body weight have no grounds to do so. In contrast, employees signaling an unhealthy lifestyle through their style choices prompt patrons to pay more attention to unhealthy meal alternatives. Food service providers might want to take this factor into consideration and actively manage the aspects that can be altered by simple measures.  相似文献   

As retail experiences have become more important to the modern consumer, the store environment has taken on greater significance. The store environment is especially of great significance to the millennial consumer. These consumers tend to spend more time in the fashion retail store, while their expenditure on fashion items increases on a yearly basis. The dressing room must be seen as the clothing retailer's selling room – the place where the retail environment plays an immense role with regard to a consumer's cognitions, emotions and purchasing behaviour. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe young millennial clothing consumers' Functional, aesthetic, emotional and symbolic dressing room experiences. A qualitative research strategy was followed. Two unstructured interviews were held with 15 participants. Participants had to take photos of retailers' dressing rooms before the second interview. A photo‐elicitation technique was employed during the second interview. Findings revealed that participants had specific expectations with regard to the functionality and aesthetics of the dressing room, as well as with regard to the symbolic messages and the emotions that they expected to experience. If the dressing room did not meet their expectations they got disappointed, experienced negative emotions and thoughts and the need to leave the dressing room. The behavioural response of avoidance strongly came to the forth. Findings of this research point to the importance of the dressing room as part of the retail experience and have implications for consumer specialists and retailers.  相似文献   

2019年是新中国成立70周年,也是国家实现高质量发展的关键年。在这一年中,许多中国企业都在踊跃地寻找新的经济增长点。互联网的力量被再次放大,许多新科技的出现,也推动着中国品牌朝着更加智能、专业的方向发展。民族品牌立足于我国实际,在国家政策的指引下,以更加激昂、充满活力的状态参与到国际品牌竞争的浪潮中,同时又以更年轻的姿态迎合着国内消费者的需求。  相似文献   

2019年,中国海关深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,全面贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,牢固树立“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,坚决做到“两个维护”;认真落实中央经济工作会议部署,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,坚持推进高质量发展,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,坚持深化市场化改革、扩大高水平开放,围绕稳就业、稳金融、稳外贸、稳外资、稳投资、稳预期,强化监管优化服务,全面深化改革攻坚,加大科技创新应用,提升海关治理体系和治理能力现代化水平,切实维护国门安全,进一步优化口岸营商环境,更好服务对外开放大局;以政治建设为统领,加强和改进党的建设,坚走不移全面从严治党、从严治关,锻造“政治坚定、业务精通、令行禁止、担当奉献”的准军事化纪律部队,全面推进政治建关、改革强关、依法把关、科技兴关、从严治关,马上就办、真抓实干,锲而不舍、一以贯之,奋力建设新时代中国特色社会主义新海关,取得了优异成绩。岁末年初,2020年全国海关工作会议前夕,特组织稿件,管中窥豹地回顾中国海关忠诚履职的2019年,以记载历史、传承精神,在新的起点上鼓劲再出发。  相似文献   

J  J_ 《招商周刊》2007,(8)
6;J160_3;J162_21;J159_246;骆勇;105-107内部审计先进理念与发展趋势探索张崴; 天津财经大学会计系,内部审计;;先进理念;;发展趋势近年来,内部审计的发展和其作用的发挥在世界各国产  相似文献   

Socially responsible consumption (SRC) behaviours have progressed over the last few years and appear to show signs of a lasting trend. Situations of atypical consumption such as Christmas time, however, raise an important and as of yet unexplored question: What are the influences of unusual situations upon the relationship between people's socially responsible profile and their socially responsible purchase intentions (SRPI)? The objective of this article is thus to use the theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991 ) and environment‐based variables, called ‘atmospherics’, to answer to this question. A Web survey on a total sample of 301 Canadian consumers, shows that people's past SRC behaviours are positively related to their SRPI in unusual situations. Moreover, the atmosphere of the place consumers are situated in has a negative moderating influence upon this relationship. This result is explained by a change in people's attitude toward SRC. However, this negative moderating effect of atmosphere is contained and constrained by social desirability in the form of subjective norms on SRC and the level of behavioural control consumers perceive.  相似文献   

This article investigates and explains the behaviors, motives, and characteristics of Chinese privately owned enterprises’ (POEs’) outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), and compares this with the behaviors, motives, and characteristics of Chinese state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), using the institutional perspective and resources‐based view. Through in‐depth interviews with senior managers and an extensive secondary data analysis of Chinese POEs’ OFDI, we found that Chinese POEs are increasingly active in committing both market‐ and strategic asset–seeking OFDI due to the unfavorable institutional environment they face in China and the different types of resources possessed. POEs cluster with their business partners or domestic peers for international market expansion and adopt several approaches to acquire strategic assets. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

<正>本刊拟在2019年改版,改版后刊期、刊号、页码均不变,仍为月刊,国内外公开发行。《市场研究》聚焦经济社会的方方面面,关注统计科学的最新进展,研究统计领域理论与实践的创新,崇尚学术性、创新性,主要栏目有本刊特稿、本期策划、调查分析、决策咨询、理论与实践、改革与发展、经济观察、区域发展、产业研究、统计经纬、党的建设等,欢迎政府机关、高等院校、企事业单位等各界人士围绕经济社会发展主旋律,用统  相似文献   

姚恩育 《浙商》2020,(5):74-79,8
他们是行业的领跑者,更是新时代浙商精神的践行者。他们在风云浙商的舞台上相映生辉,谱写新篇。1月16日,由《浙商》杂志、浙江经视、钱江晚报共同承办的2019年度风云浙商颁奖典礼如约而至。自2004年评选活动举办以来,这已经是风云浙商评选的第17个年头。典礼也已经成为浙江经济界的“奥斯卡”。  相似文献   

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