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南朝鲜经济的飞速发展举世瞩目,但其经济在高速增长的同时,通货膨胀亦十分严重,1962~1981年,批发物价平均上涨15.7%,消费品物价平均上涨15.5%。从总体上说,采取高速增长发展战略所导致的货币超经济发行是造成南朝鲜长期通货膨胀的主要原因。以往几十年南朝鲜经济虽然获得了惊人的发展,但高通货膨胀的局面至四十年代中期开始一直持续了30多年,直到1981年才基本上得到控制,实现了低通货膨胀的经济快速增长。南朝鲜的通货膨胀在不同历史时期特点各异,大体可分为“物资短缺型通货膨胀”,“经济结构失衡型通货膨胀”,“黑字型通货膨胀”三种类型。本文将重点探讨前二种通货膨胀的原因,以及南朝鲜当局为此所采取的政策措施和效果,从而实现低通货膨胀的经济快速增长等问题,以便对我国的经济发展有所借鉴。一、物资短缺型通货膨胀(1945~1961年)物资短缺型通货膨胀主要指贫困国家或地区在物资严重不足时出现的一种通货膨胀。就  相似文献   

<正> 新兴工业化国家和地区在经济发展中也经历过不同的通货膨胀阶段。它们在整治通货膨胀保持经济发展中,也运用了多种多样的政策系统,其中有不少成功的经验,也有失败的教训,可以给我们提供宝贵的启示。一、在反通货膨胀中曲折发展的南朝鲜经济南朝鲜经济的飞速发展举世瞩目,但其经济发展也经历过一个从高通货膨胀向相对稳定方向转变的过程。自40年代中期开始,通货膨胀持续了30多年,直到1981年才基本上得到控制。南朝鲜的通货膨胀在不同历史时期特点各异,当局的对策也各不相同。各时期发生的通货膨胀大体上可分为物资短缺型通货膨胀、经济结构失衡型通货膨胀、黑字型通货膨胀三种类型。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,苏联及东欧一些国家,如南斯拉夫、波兰和匈牙利的通货膨胀问题表现得日益严重。事实证明,无论任何社会形态,只要存在商品和货币关系,就可能产生货币与商品的失衡问题,当总供给少于有货币支付能力的总需求时就会发生通货膨胀,只是表现形式在不同的条件下有所不同而已。在价格开放条件下,通货膨胀集中表现为物价上涨;在价格管条价下,通货膨胀集中表现为商品短缺。东欧国家的通货膨胀主要表现在物价持续地大幅度地上涨方面,当然也伴有不同程度的商品短缺。南斯拉夫的通货膨胀由来已久,早在60年代就有轻度的出现。70年代,其通货膨胀有所加剧,年均通货膨胀率为19%。进入80年代后,其通货膨胀进一步加重,1987年通货  相似文献   

基于中国1993年1月至2010年12月的月度数据,本文采用双变量GARCH模型测量了中国通货膨胀不确定性,并借助于传统的Granger因果检验以及基于马尔科夫区制转移向量自回归(MS-VAR)模型下Granger因果检验等方法对通货膨胀、通货膨胀不确定性与中国实际产出增长进行了实证研究.本文研究发现:中国通货膨胀和通货膨胀不确定性之间存在着Granger意义上的双向因果性,在作用机制上支持了Okun-Friedman理论假说以及Holland论断;传统的Granger因果检验表明中国通货膨胀、通货膨胀不确定性对中国实际产出增长之间存在Granger意义上的因果性,但是基于MS-VAR模型的Granger因果检验研究则表明上述因果性仅存在于特定的机制下.  相似文献   

现代西方通货膨胀理论要述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志勇 《山东经济》2006,22(5):31-34
自凯恩斯以来的西方经济学家,以不同学派的经济理论为基础,对通货膨胀从各自理论的角度进行了研究,形成了各具特色的通货膨胀理论。从通货膨胀的涵义、分类、机理、效应和治理等方面,探讨西方有代表性的通胀理论,对我国在经济增长过程中趋利避害、预防和治理通货膨胀,具有重要的镜鉴意义。  相似文献   

通货膨胀是经济学中的一种特有现象,因此,对通货膨胀的预期管理是关键,本文列举国外的案例,对我国通货膨胀管理现状进行了深入的分析,为我国提供了有效管理通货膨胀预期的方法和途径:估计一定时期的菲利普斯曲线;研判货币政策影响通货膨胀的机制;确定货币政策管理通货膨胀预期的手段;建立反馈与再调节机制。  相似文献   

在VAR模型的基础上,讨论货币政策、通货膨胀和股票价格之间的相互作用机制。研究表明:①提高利率会使得通货膨胀和股票价格上升,但是与通货膨胀相比,股票价格受影响的程度和时间较短;②股票价格上升能够使通货膨胀小幅上升;③通货膨胀上升使得股票价格下降。  相似文献   

2010年下半年以来,我国日益严峻的通胀形势引起广泛关注。文章首先通过对5个主要价格指数1990-2010年的数据进行因子分析,得到的通胀—紧缩因子作为对通货膨胀的测度。进而建立多变量时间序列变动因素分析模型对影响通货膨胀的11个指标进行实证分析,得到三个公因子即成本及经济增长因子、需求因子和货币因子,并通过计量回归模型得出这些因子对我国通货膨胀的量化影响。文章还讨论了我国现阶段的通胀形势,对我国的通货膨胀的容忍区间进行了分析,认为现阶段我国通货膨胀在1.87%~4.87%范围内是合理的。  相似文献   

张权   《华东经济管理》2011,25(6):35-38,48
2010年下半年以来,我国日益严峻的通胀形势引起广泛关注。文章首先通过对5个主要价格指数1990-2010年的数据进行因子分析,得到的通胀一紧缩因子作为对通货膨胀的测度。进而建立多变量时间序列变动因素分析模型对影响通货膨胀的11个指标进行实证分析,得到三个公因子即成本及经济增长因子、需求因子和货币因子,并通过计量回归模型得出这些因子对我国通货膨胀的量化影响。文章还讨论了我国现阶段的通胀形势,对我国的通货膨胀的容忍区间进行了分析,认为现阶段我国通货膨胀在1.87%-4.87%范围内是合理的。  相似文献   

我国正面临着通货膨胀和经济减速的两难困境。我国通货膨胀的直接原因是通货膨胀的国际传递,但其深层次的原因在于政策失误;而通货膨胀又是造成我国经济减速的主要原因。因此,要走出两难困境,应从源头上遏制住通货膨胀,同时增加国内需求。  相似文献   

Around the end of 1999, Bank Indonesia (BI) adopted inflation targeting as part of its approach to monetary policy. This article reviews the experience up to 2012, examines BI's performance in hitting its inflation targets and considers certain broader indicators of success. Overall, inflation targeting in Indonesia has been a messy, evolutionary process, and BI's implementation record compares unfavourably with that of its peers. Yet Indonesia recorded a significant downward trend in inflation during this period and maintained strong economic growth. Also, almost all of its inflation-targeting arrangements are now in line with common international practice. Looking ahead, this article offers suggestions for sustaining progress in inflation targeting, such as setting more ambitious targets in the outer years and implementing strong policies to reduce inflation further, including after large administrative price shocks.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the main causes of inflation in China since the early 21st century are changes in the public's inflation expectations. The conventional wisdom, the quantity theory of money, may not be adequate to capture the relationship between price changes and money supply growth, as the economic system evolves and people's income and wealth grow. An examination of China's GDP deflator and broad money supply relative to nominal GDP shows that the relationship between the two series is relatively weak. A further examination of China's monthly CPI series over the period 2001–2010 reveals that the autoregressive models are a better fit than the moving average models, which suggests that the role of CPI expectations has been significant and important. Because of the importance of inflation expectations in CPI movement, we believe the Central Bank's monetary policy that targets CPI inflation should emphasize the use of policy instruments that have direct and strong communication links with the public. Quantitative measures would have their own use, but their effectiveness would be unlikely to match that of interest rate measures, especially from a short‐term perspective.  相似文献   

What determines the cyclical behavior of aggregate inflation and regional inflation differentials? The answer has strong implications for monetary policy and in Europe for the Stability and Growth Pact. In the United States, inflation rates move pro-cyclically, and across the Euro Area, inflation differentials are positively correlated with growth differentials. This suggests that demand shocks are the primary determinants of the cyclical behavior of aggregate inflation and regional inflation differentials. In this paper, we discuss New Keynesian explanations of these correlations, and we argue that demand shocks are either missing or inadequately modeled in the in typical New Keynesian model.  相似文献   

The performance of inflation in China over the past few decades has been remarkable. This paper characterizes the statistical nature of the inflation series in China over the past quarter of a century and presents an interesting scenario of large decline in inflation pass-through accompanied with low inflation since the end of the 1990s. How should monetary policy in China be conducted under these new economic conditions? We propose a discrete inflation-targeting framework for monetary policy,which is likely to be suitable for the regime of low inflation and inflation pass-through. The advantages and caveats of adopting such a framework are also discussed.  相似文献   

流动性、合理流动水平与宏观管理的现实情境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在宏观调控层面判断流动性是否合理的标准,主要取决于流动性是否能保证通货膨胀维系在合理水平,并以此促进经济增长。由于经济发展的阶段不同,发达国家与发展中国家实际通胀率以及可容忍的通胀率可能都存在差异。流动性的波动较大,甚至受心理预期、投机等多种因素影响,往往难以预测。从近年来的现实来看,我国的流动性管理和宏观调控具有鲜明的中国特色,其调控思路与我国的现实国情基本相符。我国逐步试错的渐进性宏观调控方法具有较强的现实科学性和中国式哲学的逻辑性,甚至在传统货币政策理论方面,也作出了创新性的贡献。  相似文献   

China's astonishing economic growth implies a necessity to understand its inflation. The present paper employs threshold nonrecursive structural vector autoregression analysis to explore the asymmetric effects of macro-variables on inflation in low and high inflation regimes. The empirical evidence demonstrates, first, that the reactions of inflation to various shocks are inflation-regime-dependent and asymmetric. Second, monetary policy influences China "s high inflation and adjusting the domestic interest rate in China may be an effective way to control inflation in a high inflation regime, but not in a low inflation regime. In a high inflation regime, a high inflation rate may cause the macro-policy authorities to increase the domestic interest rate, in an attempt to stabilize high inflation. Third, contrary to expectations, the world oil price is not a strong cost-push factor in a low inflation regime. Oil price increases may increase inflation in a high inflation regime, but there is no such obvious effect in a low inflation regime. Finally, China "s nominal effective exchange rate influences inflation in both low and high inflation regimes. A nominal effeetive exchange rate appreciation might be effective in controlling domestic inflation in both regimes.  相似文献   

This paper uses a stochastic volatility model structural break tests with unknown point, and a counterfactual simulation method to discuss the significant decline in inflation uncertainty in China over 1978-2009. We attempt to quantify the contributions of better monetary policy and smaller structural shocks (including demand, supply and policy impacts) on the reduced inflation uncertainty. Empirical results in the present paper suggest that improved monetary policy accounts for only a small fraction of the reduction in inflation uncertainty from the pre-1997 period to the post-1997 period in China. The bulk of the significant moderation in inflation uncertainty arises from smaller shocks. This finding indicates that the quiescence of inflation in China over the past decade could well be followed by a return to a more turbulent inflation era. Therefore, the use of preemptive monetary policy to anchor inflationary expectations and keep moderate inflation uncertainty is warranted.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of inflation in Italy over the period 1970–1992. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of central bank independence in influencing monetary growth, and on the role of monetary growth and of the Exchange rate Mechanism (ERM) in affecting inflation. In the 1970s and early 1980s, when the Bank of Italy lacked independence and the ERM was still not credible, monetary growth was highly unstable and was the main determinant of Italian inflation, although oil price and tax shocks also played a role. After the March 1983 general exchange rate realignment and the French U-turn, the ERM became more credible and monetary growth stopped being a significant determinant of inflation; instead, the German inflation became the main variable influencing Italian inflation.  相似文献   

We use Greek data during 1960–1994 to test and estimate a model in which wage inflation, price inflation and unemployment depend on the exchange rate regime, the identity of the political party in power and whether an election is expected to take place. We respect the Lucas critique and take into account the statistical properties of the data. The main results are: (i) The exchange rate regime matters for inflation. After the fall of the Bretton Woods regime in 1972, there is a Barro-Gordon type inflation bias due to the inability of all policymakers to precommit to low inflation. (ii) There are no Barro-Gordon type partisan differences in inflation or unemployment.  相似文献   

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