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安提瓜诉美国赌博服务案(DS285)是近年来在WTO领域的一个重要案件。此案是WTO成立以来在服务贸易领域的首例经由上诉机构对案件进行审理的案件。案件不仅涉及服务贸易市场准入规则的解释和澄清问题,而且涉及主权国家是否可以公共道德豁免其市场准入承诺问题,因而备受关注。  相似文献   

随着气候问题的讨论和研究升温,世贸组织新一轮全球贸易谈判——多哈回合谈判中的贸易与环境谈判问题也备受各国关注。环境服务谈判作为多哈回合贸易与环境谈判的重要组成部分,且作为一个新的谈判议题,值得深入研究。本文对世贸组织内部关于环境服务的讨论和谈判进行了一个简单梳理。  相似文献   

王哲 《北方经贸》2011,(6):8-10
国际教育服务贸易近年来发展迅速,但由于教育涉及到文化价值观和民族传统,所以,教育服务是世贸组织成员国最少承诺的部门之一。就目前的统计数据而言,很难得出国际教育服务贸易的确切的发展水平和规模。由于互联网的迅猛发展,在线学习可能对教育服务贸易的未来发展产生巨大影响..此外,迫切需要一个国际性的质量保障体系来更好地保护消费者,提高教育市场的透明度。  相似文献   

关兵  姚滨英 《北方经贸》2000,(1):140-141
世界贸易组织(WTO)成立四年多来,成员已扩大到133个,其影响日益扩大,如今的世贸组织已远非当年的关贸总协定可比,它所管辖的范围不断延伸,已比原来的货物贸易扩展至服务贸易及与贸易有关的投资、知识产权领域,甚至还涉及金融、信息、环境、劳工等方面.因此,世贸组织不仅在国际贸易领域,而且在整个世界经济领域起着越来越重要的作用.  相似文献   

多哈是卡塔尔首都。不久前世贸组织(WTO)147个成员就“多哈回合”的主要议题达成框架协议,内容涉及农业、非农产品市场准入、服务贸易、贸易便利化和发展等领域。  相似文献   

世贸组织与服务贸易自由化及我国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、世贸组织成立以来服务贸易自由化的进程世贸组织是第一个在多边范围对其成员服务贸易政策进行国际协调的组织,根据《服务贸易总协定》规定,服务贸易理事会积极推进1994年各成员承诺的服务市场准入的实施和在一些服务部门的自由化谈判,已取得了积极的成果,主要...  相似文献   

世贸组织中的国际贸易与环境保护:问题与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国际贸易与环境保护的关系是近几年来国际经济领域的一个重要问题。论文分析了贸易与环境涉及的主要问题,指出世贸组织这一多边贸易体制处理环境保护问题时存在一定的难度,问题出在世贸组织既定的原则对环境的适用性上面。世贸组织的贸易政策条款需要一定的灵活性以处理环境保护问题,否则环境保护会成为世贸组织的一个不解之题。  相似文献   

市场准入(Market Access)是指在多大程度上允许别国商品和服务的进入.是《服务贸易总协定》的核心条款之一.同时也是国际服务贸易双边或多边谈判中为各国所关注的焦点问题。中国作为世界上的贸易大国和世贸组织的成员国之一,将不断提高市场准入程度.逐步全面放开中国市场。  相似文献   

尽管在《服务贸易总协定》中规定了一些对服务贸易进行救济的途径,但由于这些规定的模糊性以及所涉及的其他问题和障碍,使得在服务贸易领域进行贸易救济措施非常困难。在当前服务贸易迅速增长和发展中国家服务贸易有相对较弱的情况下,探讨初步建立我国的服务贸易救济体系过程中的可行步骤和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

林金和  温和 《商》2013,(3):196-197
本文首先通过叙述服务贸易自由化在现代国际贸易中的重要地位之后,介绍了服务贸易竞争力方面的相关研究;其次,重点阐述了两个常用来衡量贸易竞争力的指标;再次,对比了加入世贸组织前后十年两个时段里,中国服务贸易竞争力变化的状况;最后得出结论并提出些许建议。  相似文献   

中国诉美国“301条款”关税措施案源起于美国根据其国内法出具的301调查结果而对中国采取的单边征税措施。专家组在报告中鼓励平行于WTO争端解决机制开展的双边谈判,认定美国违反了最惠国待遇义务且不能援引“公共道德”例外免责。作为中国诉美国关税系列案的第一案,本案对理解与适用GATT第20条的例外规定、DSU第12.7条和第23条的规定都具有极大的借鉴意义。在单边主义大行其道、WTO上诉机构瘫痪的背景下,面对美国滥用其301条款发起的种种挑战,中国如何运用国际法规则、尽善尽美地维护自身权益仍任重道远。  相似文献   

The widely‐followed ruling by the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body against the United States concerning the latter's FSC/ETI scheme, which led to the largest retaliation award ever authorised in a dispute at the WTO, confirmed (if there were ever any doubt) that, generally speaking, direct taxes, like indirect taxes (including tariffs), are subject to the multilateral rules of the WTO, notwithstanding efforts by tax authorities to secure specific exemptions for certain direct tax measures in these agreements. This ruling reconfirmed the traditional distinction under international trade rules between direct and indirect taxes, particularly with respect to how such taxes should be treated under the subsidy and border tax adjustment rules of the WTO. It prompted the US Congress finally to pass legislation in late 2004 to repeal the FSC/ETI scheme as part of a larger overhaul of the US corporate tax system. The most recent disputes between the United States and the European Communities over assistance to large civil aircraft (allegedly amounting in each case to even more than the FSC/ETI) also encompass direct tax measures. It would not be surprising if other WTO‐inconsistent direct tax measures were identified in the future, leading to further disputes among WTO Members. Multilateral WTO rules, which are agreed by consensus, can therefore be expected to continue to be an important factor in determining how Members shape their tax policies, as they will undoubtedly want to avoid having their tax policies successfully challenged in the WTO.  相似文献   

"美国—影响中国家禽产品进口的某些措施"案是中美贸易争端中首起直接涉及WTO《卫生与植物检疫措施协定》(《SPS协定》)的争端。此争端源于美国国会依据《2009年综合拨款法案》第727条禁止美国农业部制定从中国进口家禽产品的规则。本争端涉及3个核心问题:一是SPS措施的认定问题;二是专家组的管辖权(职能范围)问题;三是SPS措施的对等承认问题。但归根结底第727条违反了WTO非歧视性原则。该争端说明,推进我国与其他国家(包括美国)检验检疫机制的对等互认是我国稳定和扩大外贸出口的重要手段。  相似文献   

On the day before Brazil was to start imposing retaliatory sanctions against the United States in the WTO dispute settlement case regarding unfair domestic and export upland cotton subsidies, the parties have reached a preliminary concession aimed at settling this eight‐year‐long trade dispute. In this paper, we explore the economywide impacts of a no deal with specific emphasis on intellectual property retaliation in a computable general equilibrium framework. As awarded by a WTO dispute settlement panel, Brazil would have been entitled to $591 million in retaliatory sanctions in goods sectors and $238 million in intellectual property sanctions. We find that retaliation by Brazil would have led to welfare gains for all countries except the United States. Most importantly, however, had Brazil not been allowed to retaliate in the form of suspension of intellectual property rights, the impact of trade retaliation alone would have been negative for both Brazil and the United States, a case of shooting oneself in the foot to shoot at the other person's foot.  相似文献   

入世前中国在入世议定书中对服务贸易的开放作出了相关承诺。如今中国入世已近10年,服务贸易对外开放的进展情况如何?本文就这个问题采用修正过的对外贸易比率法进行了实证研究,并用同样的方法研究了美国的服务贸易开放度,然后对中美服务贸易开放度进行了比较。研究结果表明,中国服务贸易处于一个相对较高的水平,服务贸易开放的现状与我国入世承诺基本一致。  相似文献   

At the time, the negotiation of the SPS agreement was seen as a major accomplishment of the Uruguay Round. One of the first major tests of both the SPS and the WTO’s new dispute settlement system was the long standing and acrimonious dispute between the EU and the US and Canada over trade in beef produced using hormones. Both the SPS and the disputes system performed as expected but the EU, the loser in the case, has chosen to ignore the WTO Panel’s ruling and accept retaliation. As a result, the credibility of the WTO is threatened and the outcome suggests that new negotiations may be required. The issues in the case are outlined and implications for trade in biological products drawn.  相似文献   

Japan's recent trade policy is sometimes characterised as ‘aggressive legalism’ in the sense that it aggressively utilises the multilateral trade rules embodied in the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation in dealing with disputes with its trade partners. This policy may appear to be a marked departure from Japan's past practice of favouring bilateral, non‐legal settlement of trade disputes. Upon closer examination, however, while Japan has been moderately active in using the WTO dispute settlement process for resolving its trade disputes, it behaves more like a country that resorts to surgical strikes on selected targets (usually the United States) under a powerful cover of the European Community. Compared to Japan, Korea's attitude in the WTO is more aggressive. While the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is not content with the status quo and is seeking to expand its aggressiveness in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, it faces an uphill battle. One of the difficulties facing trade officials in Japan may be the lack of a national system for lodging WTO complaints, open to any citizens or firms, like Section 301 of the US Trade Act of 1974 or the European Trade Barriers Regulation. Nonetheless, in the historical context, Japan is far more aggressive than in the past in utilising the rules of the GATT/WTO to advance its national interests. It will never revert to the infamous practice of bilateralism and grey area measures.  相似文献   

文章在回顾相关研究的基础上考虑四阶段WTO争端解决程序,根据WTO争端案例结案时长不等的特点和多阶段策略选择难以量化的性质,建立WTO贸易救济措施争端解决绩效动态非平衡面板数据模型,运用系统GMM检验,对WTO贸易救济措施争端解决绩效进行了实证分析。结果表明:积极援引WTO争端解决机制是能够在一定程度上挽回贸易损失的,尤其是双方在争端解决过程中达成的磋商解决、请求专家组中止工作、相互满意解决或者败诉方执行WTO决定等均对申诉方出口贸易具有促进作用;尽快结案将有利于申诉方,而WTO争端解决案件的持续时间越长,越不利于申诉方。  相似文献   

WTO争端解决机制的专家组和上诉机构能否根据MEA和一般国际法处理冲突的规则优先适用MEA,并认定一项根据MEA所采取的贸易限制措施不构成对WTO法的违反呢?为回答这一问题,本文首先确认,现行WTO法将争端解决机制的适用规则严格限制于WTO适用协定,即根据其实体管辖权,专家组和上诉机构专门受理根据适用协定所提起的申诉,不能受理根据MEA或其他实体国际法而提起的申诉。因此,MEA或其他实体国际法不能成为适用规则。其次,通过分析对这一问题的赞成与反对意见,对包括MEA在内的实体国际法的限定性适用,本文提出了支持的观点,认为前者更有利于克服当今世界国际法的"碎片化"现象。  相似文献   

中美、日美纺织品贸易摩擦比较及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于对日美、中美纺织品贸易摩擦状况的回顾,本文提出在贸易摩擦中提高产业国际竞争力,利用贸易摩擦推动国内产业结构升级,借鉴日本贸易谈判应对经验,抵制贸易摩擦给人民币升值和资本市场开放带来的压力,更多地运用世贸组织等多边贸易摩擦解决机制等建议。  相似文献   

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