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2009西方广告学术研究的七大视点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"新媒体"、"金融危机"和"全球化",构成了2009年西方广告学术研究三大语境,在此影响下,西方广告学术研究的话题和话语发生着渐变与切换。"植入式广告"、"口碑传播"在新媒体环境中具有新的话题价值,"数字媒体和数字广告"的发展促使"新媒体广告规制"研究成为必然的诉求,同时也促使"广告效果"、"消费者"和"国际广告"等研究领域,迸发出更多新的话题。在它们的影响下,西方广告学术研究的视野在拓展,亚太地区,特别是中国,引起更多西方学者的关注。  相似文献   

许正林  马蕊 《中国广告》2012,(4):139-145
本文以西方目前主导性广告学术类六大刊物在2010-2011年间所刊登的188篇学术论文为主要考察对象,整理出比较突出的广告研究热点:社交媒体与广告的研究热潮、互动媒体环境要求新的社会营销模式、植入式广告在新媒体环境中的效果、少数群体的广告也成为了"热点"、广告道德规范、当广告遭遇"回避"、广告效果认知的误区、市场调查的未来发展等八个方面,希望由此勾画出西方广告学术研究发展的最新脉络。  相似文献   

赵宏  顾波 《国际广告》2011,(12):134-135
针对全球的数字广告研究发现,亚洲的数字广告不再亦步亦趋地紧跟西方之后,呈现出超越西方影响的趋势。  相似文献   

祝帅 《广告大观》2009,(4):87-96
当今治中国广告史的研究者,常常以1979年丁允朋在《文汇报》上发表的《为广告正名》一文以及唐忠朴等《实用广告学》一书的出版作为新中国广告学术研究的开端。然而,1949—1978年这段时间中的广告学研究,并非是人们所想象的一片空白。在新中国成立后前30个年头中,广告研究零散地分散在文史研完、商业美术、对外贸易系统等多个领域中.在那个特殊的历史时期的文化政治背景中取得了一些独特的学术成果。如果忽略中国广告学在这三十年间所关照的一些研究主题,我们就无法建立起一个关于二十世纪中国广告学学术史完整的脉络,也无法从根源上理解八十年代广告学研究中的某些时代性主题。  相似文献   

祝帅 《广告大观》2010,(2):68-75
广告史是广告学理论体系的重要组成部分,也是深入反思中国当代广告产业的重要基础。但是中国广告自古无史,"广告史"作为一门学科在中国的形成,是20世纪30年代受到西方学术制度之"专门史"研究的传入而诞生的。将近一个世纪以来,中国广告史的研究从无到有,从"大事记"到学科反思,经历了一番复杂的学科建构的过程。  相似文献   

2008年适逢中国广告产业发展30年,广告教育与学科研究发展25年。在这样一个关节点上,我们以中国广告三大学术期刊在2008年所发表的学术研究文章为版本,对作为工具的中国广告研究方法进行梳理,以图在对中国广告研究方法的现状描述中,推进中国广告研究的学术化进程。  相似文献   

作为世界上广告监管最为规范的国家,英国的广告监管经验非常值得借鉴。在英国,广告监管主要通过行业自律机构实施,包括对误导性广告的监管。本文通过对英国误导性广告的现状、"立法"和"执法"等进行初步的分析和探讨,希望能对中国误导性广告监管有所借鉴。  相似文献   

许烨 《广告大观》2014,(11):80-81
技术就是生产力,对于如今的互联网广告而言,没有比这更为强有力的哲学。身为中国最大的多屏整合数字广告平台——易传媒高级副总裁,王帅民直言,数字广告令人惊叹的魅力在于效率,效率在最大程度上减少了人力,利用不断发展的科学技术,带来翻天覆地的广告革新。"正如网络流行语‘懒人是推动社会发展的源动力’所流露的思想内涵一样,简单、便捷、迅速、高效这些互联网广告的特质,都是广告主难以抗拒的,也是数字广告公司孜孜以求的。  相似文献   

我们为什么“不看”广告——广告回避研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘荣 《中国广告》2011,(6):120-123
广告信息的处理是一个攀登"AIDAS"①阶梯的过程,如果没有第一步"注意"的基石,后续的效果就无从谈起。因此了解受众,或者说媒介用户的广告回避行为,以及不同媒介用户的广告回避规律是非常重要的。本文采用滚雪球文献搜集法,对近50年来的广告回避研究做了梳理,重点呈现三方面的信息:其一,广告回避的主体描述,侧重对有强烈广告回避倾向受众的特写;其二,不同广告回避方式所造成的注意力流失情况;其三,受众为什么回避广告的解释模型。  相似文献   

蒋军  王一辛 《中国品牌》2010,(5):106-109
相比之下,"1∶1∶1"广告之所以取得成效,就是因为这种数字只是说明了营养搭配的平衡,与上面所举的一些数字成语有异曲同工之妙,简单、形象、易于传播和消费者记忆。  相似文献   

Advertising value research is rooted in the view that advertising messages are potential communications exchanges between advertisers and consumers. Since some level of processing effort on the part of receivers is necessary for successful exchanges to occur, it is proposed that advertising processing decisions are based on initial, spontaneous, categorical evaluations that combine to form an expected advertising value (EAV) assessment. If sufficiently positive, individuals devote additional processing effort to the advertisement and more detailed ad-related factors become the focus. Once processing ends after some or all of an advert has been taken in, an evaluation of whether or not the effort was actually worthwhile - designated as outcome advertising value (OAV) - should be a measurable outcome. Factors that account for OAV and its relationship to attitude-toward-the-advertisement (A ad ) are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文系“全国高校学生广告素养研究”项目系列研究成果之一,主要报告我们在大学生广告接触状况、广告卷入度状况、广告相关经历和广告满意度状况等方面的实证研究发现,从行为层面和心理层面,探讨中国高校学生对广告的认知、态度和使用问题,并总结在后续研究大学生广告素养特征和开展高校广告素养教育时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

A consensus emerging from writings about attitudes towards advertising in general is that such attitudes consist of two dimensions: the social and economic effects. However, as is the case with other marketing concepts and propositions, the findings pertaining to the structure of advertising attitudes are primarily based on American research. This study investigates the dimensionality of advertising attitudes in a non-US setting. The results obtained from a survey of Saudi adult consumers suggest that advertising attitudes do indeed decompose into social and economic effects dimensions as espoused in the US-based literature. The measures developed to capture the two dimensions demonstrate satisfactory internal consistency reliability and pass the tests for convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity. The implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

本文在阐述欧盟的立法框架及形式的基础上,分析了欧盟广告立法进程及监管特征,同时也分析了欧盟法与欧盟各成员国的国内法之间的关系,以期为变革中的中国广告监管提供参考。  相似文献   

This study explores the information processing tendencies of individuals exposed to advertisements containing fine-print disclosure footnotes. Results indicate that individuals have a lower recall of disclosure footnotes than to the message points contained in the body of the advertisement, though involvement with the advertisement tends to improve recall of disclosure points. In addition, the study tests a model of attitude formation, finding that the type of disclosure (restrictive versus informative) and advertisement involvement interact to affect the means by which brand attitudes are formed. Theoretical and practical implications for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-premium brands occasionally emulate their premium counterparts by using ads that emphasize premium characteristics such as superior performance and exclusivity. We define this practice as “advertising up” and develop hypotheses about its short- and long-term impact on advertising elasticity and brand equity respectively. We test the hypotheses in two large-scale empirical studies using a comprehensive dataset from the automotive industry that includes, among others, the content of 2317 television ads broadcast over a period of 45?months. The results indicate that advertising up increases (decreases) short-term advertising elasticity for non-premium products with a low (high) market share. The results also show that an intensive use of advertising up over time leads to long-term improvements (reductions) in brand equity for expensive (cheap) non-premium products. Furthermore, an inconsistent use of advertising up leads to reductions in brand equity. The results imply that managers of non-premium products with a low market share can use advertising up to increase advertising effectiveness in the short run. However, advertising up will only generate long-term improvements in brand equity for expensive non-premium products. Finally, to avoid long-term reductions in brand equity, advertising up should be consistently used over time.  相似文献   

通过对近八年来我国广告创意批评现状的梳理,归纳批评的内容、批评的方法,以及批评者的素质和特点,发现并总结出广告创意批评存在的问题。  相似文献   

广告市场发展的不规范性使得政府的广告监管工作成为必然。广告监管的理念应以促进广告行业良性、健康发展为导向,在整体、动态、开放的监管方式下创新监管模式,客观公正地为广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者以及受众服务。  相似文献   

The diverging interests of manufacturers and retailers famously give rise to the double marginalization problem but have consequences far beyond pricing. Advertising is another marketing instrument that is under the control of the manufacturer but its ultimate effect on consumer demand also depends on retailers’ pricing decisions. We decompose the effect of advertising in the channel and highlight an additional route through which advertising affects sales, namely via the changes in the retail price that a strategic retailer makes in response to changes in demand following manufacturer advertising. The total demand effect of advertising thus comprises the direct effects of advertising on market shares, and the indirect effects coming through adjustments that the retailer makes to the in-store prices of all the brands in a given product category in response to the shifted demand due to advertising. We match advertising data for four different categories (both food and non-food) to store-level scanner panel data, which also include information on wholesale prices. Controlling for wholesale prices, we establish in a reduced-form model that the retailer reacts to manufacturer advertising by changing retail prices instead of simply imposing a constant markup on the wholesale price. To further explore the role of the strategic response of the retailer in a systematic fashion and quantify the effects derived in the decomposition, we estimate a discrete-choice model of demand and determine the magnitude of the direct and indirect effects. We find that the indirect effect of advertising through retailer prices is about half the size of the direct effect, and thus substantively affects advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文运用对外直接投资理论和交易费用理论的相关原理,具体阐述了跨国广告集团全球市场扩张的经济动因,即跨国企业全球市场拓展和广告公司自身业务发展的双重需要。在此基础上,作者深度剖析了跨国广告集团全球扩张模式的三种主要模式及其选择不同模式的影响因素。文章最后重点分析了跨国广告集团在中国的市场扩张战略,以期为民族广告公司的可持续发展和国际化转型提供策略参考。  相似文献   

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