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随着微博注册用户的迅速增长,无论是作为公众的交流平台,还是媒体本身,抑或是营销平台,微博都显示出巨大的商业价值,微博营销成为企业争相试水的对象。微博的火热发展推动了微博营销的产生与发展壮大。在我国微博用户迅速上升、微博营销飞速发展的大背景下,微博营销对消费者口碑传播的影响越来越受到企业管理者的重视,已经提到营销日程上来。相对来说,口碑传播是信任度较高、成本较低的传播方式。鉴于此,商业化正在逐步潜入微博,一种新的品牌传播和营销模式正在形成。本文结合微博营销的特点,以我国微博用户为研究样本,通过微博营销对消费者口碑传播的环境分析和案例分析,了解了微博营销对消费者口碑传播的价值。最后通过得出的结论提出管理建议,以期为我国微博营销的发展提供有力借鉴。  相似文献   

文化营销传播研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以企业文化营销传播为研究对象,分析研究了文化营销传播的现实意义和文化营销传播的主要形式,为企业更好地提升文化营销传播水平,巩固和发展营销市场提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

本文通过对国内外传播环境和营销环境的对比,从营销传播的方式、效果、信任、导向等角度总结和反思了国内企业营销传播存在的若干问题,并对国内企业营销传播过程的管控以及营销传播的理念进行深入分析,强调国内企业在营销传播的管理方面应该根据国内具体的市场条件以及媒介条件来设计适合自己的营销传播战略,并应契合消费者的信息需求,以达到最大的传播效果.  相似文献   

本文从品牌营销的视角,研究了中国红十字协会的危机传播对品牌的影响。从郭美美事件、虚假发票、万元帐篷、天价公务餐事件及各种滥用善款和贪腐问题入手剖析危机传播对中国红十字协会的品牌影响。最后,提出建议和方法。  相似文献   

丰田公司表示,自建的营销传播公司能使丰田汽车的营销工作更具有针对性,迅速、准确地作出营销决策,更好地洞察消费者需求并及时反馈给总公司。  相似文献   

随着价值创造方式的变迁,顾客角色经历了资源的提供者和"兼职员工"、共同生产者、价值共同创造者和价值单独创造者等不同阶段的转变。本文从价值创造的视角分析了不同阶段顾客角色具有的特征,以及其在价值创造中的作用和地位的明显差异,揭示了共创价值方式下顾客角色发生的本质变化、形成基础及其对营销战略产生的影响,并提出在共创价值模式下企业营销战略调整的方向。  相似文献   

未来营销的五大趋势第一种趋势:消费者的王朝消费者已经变得比以前更为见多识广,并且结成了一个个的社区,消费者可以轻易在网络上得到这些产品的信息,并且在各种网站、论坛和博客上获得用户使用回馈。  相似文献   

本文分析了作为网络营销主要手段之一的病毒营销的作用及内涵,揭示了以4C营销理论、口碑传播理论、网络价值理论和六度分隔理论为代表的四个主要的病毒营销理论基础,构建了病毒营销的传播机理模型,对病毒营销理论研究和实践有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

相比于传统媒体,网络媒体的信息传播模式由"一对多"转变为"多对多"模式.在网络多对多传播模式下,企业面临着负面信息无法控制、正面信息无法凸显等营销传播困境.解决企业营销传播困境的办法是以正面信息来覆盖负面信息,企业可以通过信息内容、信息发送者、信息传播渠道、亚网络和舆论领袖等方面的整合,打造一条凸显正面营销信息的路径.  相似文献   

全球快餐连锁巨头肯德基,在中国市场成功树立起了"时尚健康、积极、有责任感"的新快餐品牌形象,这要在很大程度上归功于其坚持的社会营销观念.据此,本文选取肯德基在中国的营销活动作为样本,结合社会营销观念的相关概念,对肯德基采取社会营销观念的客观环境、营销策略及其效果进行了分析.  相似文献   

2007年,在芜湖的电视荧屏上,最受瞩目的莫过于《CCTV"倾国倾城:最值得向世界介绍的中国名城"——走进芜湖》这项大型电视活动了。这场主题鲜明、独具特色的晚会,介绍了芜湖深厚的历史、文化,展现出江  相似文献   

The marketing mix (MM) is an integral part of a firm’s marketing strategy sitting at the nexus between a company and the marketplace. As such, it evolves together with the marketplace and its stakeholders. Over the past decade, three fundamental global drivers have emerged—advancements in technology, socioeconomic and geopolitical shifts, and environmental changes—that have caused major ongoing and intensifying evolutions in the marketplace, its stakeholders, and, in turn, the MM. We describe the resulting evolutions in the MM along four central questions: who is involved in the MM, what constitutes the MM, how is it implemented, and where is it deployed. We identify a blurring of roles and responsibilities relating to the MM (who), an extension and integration of the MM instruments (what), an increase in customization and fragmentation of its actions (how), and a growing recognition of emerging-market idiosyncrasies (where). Taking a look into the future, we observe that along each of the four dimensions, the MM has arrived at a crossroad, with opposing scenarios for its future: (i) more inter-firm collaboration versus marketing-mix protectionism, (ii) added complexity versus increased simplicity, (iii) further automation versus an increased recognition of the human touch, and (iv) local adaptation versus global uniformity in the marketing mix. Applying a contingency approach, we derive relevant moderators for these forthcoming evolutions and provide an extensive set of future research questions.  相似文献   


Live streaming has recently become a popular direct selling channel which offers small, self-employed sellers unseen levels of consumer interaction and engagement. While the extant research focused on consumer motivation and intention to shop via live streaming, little is known from the seller’s perspective. Indeed, the potential advantages of live streaming commerce are accessible to everyone, but sellers experience different levels of success with this medium. Using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, this study analyses Facebook data of live streaming sellers to assess the nature and extent of engagement metrics, and delineate the dynamic, interactive live streaming sales process. We identify four sales approaches and twelve strategies adopted in acquiring and retaining customers. This typology of sales approach representing seller-focused antecedents is mapped against the relationship process and outcomes to provide a framework for understanding relationship mechanisms in live streaming commerce.  相似文献   

The interactivity of the new electronic media requires that a database-driven segmentation approach to communication strategy be employed to take advantage of its uniqueness. To accomplish this, firms must develop ways of collecting information at the individual level by traditional and/or electronic means, and of using that data to create informationintensive customer communication strategies. These strategies should then employ the new media to generate interaction with customers. We term this approach ‘Interactive IMC’. In this article we propose and illustrate an interactive IMC process model.  相似文献   

Negative attack ads used in political compaigns have been attacked as being unethical because they contribute to voter cynicism and apathy and as being manipulative. From a rhetorical perspective these advertisements serve a positive societal function by creating alternative rhetorical visions that can contribute to the marketplace of ideas.Dr. Banker is an Assistant Professor in the Communication Department at Stonehill College in North Easton, Massachusetts. He has published articles in such journals asWorld Communication and theJournal of Educational Psychology. His primary research interest is in Political Communication.  相似文献   

Understanding the situational relevance of strategy is vital given that strategies have varying utilities under different environmental settings which result in performance variations. Research remains silent regarding the situational relevance of cooperative marketing strategy implementation whereby performance outcomes are maximised. Through quantitative survey results, we explore the relationship between cooperative marketing and performance outcomes across varying environmental contexts (internal and external environments). While past studies acknowledge the importance of an open systems' perspective and the influence of the environment on strategic outcomes, they fall prey to key shortcomings such as a reductionist perspective and inadequate measurement. We provide an insight into the environment-strategy-performance relationship by using a holistic environmental approach and detailing the environments conducive to co-marketing strategy implementation. Managerial implications and future directions for research are also provided in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how, using both a futures studies perspective and social contract theory, marketing is uniquely positioned to help reduce crimes against wildlife. The futures studies perspective involves predicting probable, preferable, and possible futures. Moreover, marketers have an obligation (i.e., a social contract) to society—wildlife included—to meet consumer needs through well-rounded, morally robust strategies. Using face-to-face and digital data collection methods, a broad set of consumers were asked about their perspectives on the future wildlife. Grounded theory was used to analyze responses until a point of thematic saturation. The results indicate that consumers take a broad, inclusive view of wildlife crime. Participants describe the immediate probable future where micro-, meso-, and macrolevel wildlife crimes persist, and a preferred future of wildlife, including among others, reduced wildlife crime, decreased animal cruelty, and human–wildlife symbiosis. Respondents expressed a desire to reduce what they view as wildlife crime and presented viable paths to reduce such crimes. Theoretical and managerial implications are offered.  相似文献   


This paper explains the basic social process of “personal legitimising” and illustrates its influence on marketing activity. Personal legitimising is the process by which individuals manipulate situations to suit their own agenda. The link between personal legitimising and an organisation's marketing activity was discovered using a grounded theory research strategy within a UK management consulting firm.

Personal legitimising has two groupings of behaviour, namely “obstructing existing marketing activity” and “driving new marketing activity”. Within the former are the categories of “stigmatising”, “pseudo endorsing” and “smokescreening”. The latter incorporates the categories of “latching on”, “self indulging” and “bragging”.

The paper has three parts. The first explains the basic social process of personal legitimising. The second shows how grounded theory methodology was used in this context. The third develops the possible contribution of personal legitimising to the understanding of marketing.  相似文献   

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