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李建保35岁,中共党员,1983年毕业于河北化工学院化学工程系,现任洛阳石化工程公司工艺系统室副主任。毕业至今,李建保一直从事石化装置工程设计和工艺技术开发工作。作为项目负责人之一和装置负责人,他组织参与了国内催化干气制乙苯工艺技术开发和首套工业化装...  相似文献   

巴陵公司将建催化干气制乙苯装置中石化巴陵有限公司 30kt/a乙苯工程项目启动。该工程总体投资 7991万元人民币 ,项目包括新建 5 0kt/a催化干气脱硫、30kt/a乙苯及相应配套储运工程。可行性研究报告正处于审查和报批之中 ,有望在 2 0 0 5年全部建成投产。乙苯装置采用第三代稀乙烯制乙苯改进技术 ,乙苯产品主要用于生产苯乙烯 ,苯乙烯产品就地生产苯乙烯 丁二烯 苯乙烯共聚物 (SBS)。由于苯乙烯生产不加阻聚剂 ,故可省去SBS生产中脱除阻聚剂的精制过程 ,每吨SBS生产成本可降低 2 0 0多元 ,增强了SBS产品的市场竞争力。中国石化有机原…  相似文献   

催化干气稀乙烯制内醛及丙醛市场前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据丙醛国内外生产和市场情况,从技术和经济两个方面探讨了利用炼厂副产干气生产丙醛的可行性,认为利用炼厂副产干气生产丙醛在技术上是可靠的、在经济上是可行的,建议有关炼厂可以建立规模为20kt/a和采用国产技术的丙醛装置。  相似文献   

文章先分析了第三代催化裂化干气制乙苯技术的工艺过程和特点,随后介绍了设备运行结果,包括装置概况、原料、反应工艺条件和催化剂性能、设备运行情况以及能耗状况,希望能给相关人士提供有效参考。  相似文献   

通过对国外近年新开发的ARS回收系统,特别在技术特点、分离原理、工艺过程、产品质量、能量平衡及工艺综合经济评价等方面的介绍,认为,炼厂中干气乙烯提浓和利用是关系到炼厂发展深加工和提高经济效益的大问题.就ARS与深冷分高、中冷油吸收、络合吸收制乙苯法比较而言,由于其工艺简单、设备少、产品纯度高、能耗低、投资效果好等优点,在国内推广将具有一定竟争性和经济性.  相似文献   

世界迎来了新世纪的第一缕曙光,中国石化集团洛阳石油化工工程公司以挑战的姿态,跨过了她的45个春秋。45年春华秋实,45年沧桑巨变,洛阳石化工程公司已由单一的炼油设计院,发展成为集工程设计与工程承包、科研开发、工业实验为一体的科技型企业。45年来,洛阳石化工程公司创造了中国炼油工业和石化工业的一项又一项共和国第一:中国第一套流化催化裂化装置、第一套同轴式催化裂化装置、第一套延迟焦化装置、第一条成品油长距离顺序输送输油管线、第一套催化干气制乙苯装置、第一套国产化加氢裂化装置、第一套200万吨/年重油…  相似文献   

近期国内炼油石化科技10大进展两段提升管催化裂化工艺研发成功石油大学(华东)研究开发成功两段提升管催化裂化新工艺技术。年加工能力10万吨催化装置工业试验显示,该项工艺技术可使装置处理能力提高30%~40%,轻油收率提高3个百分点以上,液体产品收率提高2至3个百分点,干气和焦炭产率明显降低,汽油烯烃含量降低20个百分点,催化柴油密度下降,十六烷值提高。据称,这是继分子筛催化剂和提升管催化裂化工艺技术出现以来的又一次催化裂化技术的重大创新。该技术的突出效果是,可改善产品结构,大幅度提高原料的转化深度…  相似文献   

目前我国生产PVC的方法主要有乙炔法和乙烯法两种.乙炔法工艺短,但能耗高、污染大、处理三废工艺复杂.乙烯法工艺复杂,但能耗低、污染少,且处理三废工艺简单.  相似文献   

江苏省丹阳市化工医药设计研究所成功开发非乙烯路线乙苯新工艺。该所设计的一套采用分子筛气相法直接将乙醇与苯烃化制乙苯的工业化装置在江苏镇江实现平稳运行,生产的乙苯质量稳定,各项指标满足苯乙烯生产要求。  相似文献   

中石化巴陵有限公司30kt/a乙苯工程项目启动。该工程总体投资7991万元人民币,项目包括新建50kt/a催化干气脱硫、30kt/a乙苯及相应配套储运工程。可行性研究报告正处于审查和报批之中,有望在2005年全部建成投产。  相似文献   

高炉煤气全干法除尘技术在首秦的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
高炉煤气全干法除尘工艺是一种节能、环保的新型高炉煤气除尘工艺。经该工艺处理的高炉煤气含尘量少、温度高,可大幅增加余压煤气发电量,且处理过程不消耗水,显著降低了对环境的污染。从高炉煤气除尘技术的研究及应用状况出发,借鉴该技术在小型高炉上应用的成功经验,对其在大型高炉上的应用做了分析研究。目前该技术已在首秦成功应用。  相似文献   

增产丙烯途径的技术经济比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了增产丙烯的三种工艺;结合蒸汽裂解装置增产丙烯(烯烃置换工艺、MOI工艺)丙烷脱氢工艺、FCC装置增产丙烯,进行技术经济比较,认为结合乙烯裂解装置增产丙烯的工艺是一条最有前途的工艺路线,但对我国来说,选择FCC增产丙烯的工艺最为合理。  相似文献   

随着电力技术、设备的发展以及生产工艺的变革,一系列以电为能源的先进、高效技术得以取代传统燃气、煤(油)等设备和技术,并取得了良好的节能减排效果。本文以锅炉用户为研究对象,采用分层随机调查方法,对南京市主城区锅炉用户的能源消费结构展开问卷调查,并选取其中典型企业,分析其电热锅炉替代燃气、煤锅炉的经济性问题,针对锅炉电能替代的推广应用提出建议。  相似文献   

催化干气稀乙烯制丙醛及丙醛市场前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据丙醛国内外生产和市场情况 ,从技术和经济两个方面探讨了利用炼厂副产干气生产丙醛的可行性 ,认为利用炼厂副产干气生产丙醛在技术上是可靠的 ,在经济上是可行的。建议有关炼厂可以建立规模为 2 0kt/a和采用国产技术的丙醛装置。  相似文献   

The global telecommunications service market is undergoing significant change as more countries privatize suppliers, liberalize national markets, and encourage entry. Despite these changes, international settlement rates remain significantly higher than the cost to terminate calls and many carriers reap substantial monopoly profits from the settlement payments they receive. Annual US settlement payments approximate $5 billion. Settlement rates are declining but the progress has been slow. High settlement rates, by raising the cost of international telephone service, result in high calling prices. To accelerate a reduction in settlement rates, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted a set of maximum rates, called benchmark rates, which it expects US carriers to use in their settlements with other carriers and created a process designed to insure the implementation of these rates. The FCC benchmark rates vary primarily on the basis of a country's level of economic development. When the FCC took its action, the benchmark rates, which range from 15 to 23¢, were significantly below the rates in effect with most countries. The FCC action was widely criticized even though the rates exceed costs, vary according to countries’ levels of economic development, and will be phased in over five years to give countries time to adjust. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) took an unprecedented step of proposing an alternative set of settlement rates for its members. The ITU rates differ significantly from the FCC rates, being much lower for economically advanced countries and significantly higher for less developed countries. The ITU rates vary according to a country's teledensity but the rationale for the ITU categories lacks support. In addition, other, arbitrary categories are part of the plan. Neither the FCC nor the ITU approach to reducing settlement rates address the problem of reforming the international settlement process and replacing it with an economically efficient, market oriented payment scheme. The first stage of the FCC policy went into effect in 1999. Complemented by changing market conditions, the policy has lead to lower US settlement rates, but most rates still exceed competitive market levels. Virtually all US minutes in the FCC's top two income categories comply with the prescribed benchmark rates. In fact, many countries in these two categories have rates with US carriers that are below benchmark levels. Several less developed countries have also negotiated rates with US carriers that conform to the FCC plan. As a result, US carriers benefit from the FCC policy as their average settlement costs decline. These cost reductions make possible lower calling prices but the market structure of US international communications service industry may inhibit the flow-through of these savings to US consumers. US consumer's prices were falling before the FCC acted on settlement rates. The FCC action seems to have increased the pressure to further reduce these rates. At the same time, however, service markets are being increasingly segmented and price discrimination is more widely practiced so only some US consumers benefit from lower settlement rates.  相似文献   

Interstate communications in the USA are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The guidelines within which the FCC must operate are set by the Communications Act of 1934, which primarily reflects the technology and industry norms of the late 1920s. There have been dramatic improvements since the second world war in the electronic technology which supports telecommunications. The past decade has brought changes in the price and performance of electronic components, eg Large Scale Integration (LSI), so great as to be a shift in kind and not merely one of degree. The impact of these advances in technology upon the FCC has been to make some of the fundamental distinctions upon which the FCC has based its actions meaningless (eg communications/computers, telephone/telegraph, multi-point/point-to-point, and monopoly/competition). Communications common carriage can no longer adequately be distinguished from many other forms of telecommunications or from non-communications activities in any substantive technical or economic sense. While it may be possible to develop criteria upon which valid distinctions can be based, these will have to be new ones — the traditional criteria have been eroded by technology.  相似文献   

中间产品如何合理定价是项目经济效益评价的一个难点。文章以干气法生产苯乙烯为例,探讨通过多元线性回归模型,由原料苯和产品苯乙烯价格推导中间产品乙苯价格的方法。  相似文献   

甲醇制丙烯的技术进展及经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由煤或天然气经甲醇制丙烯,是解决石油资源紧张和丙烯需求量快速增长等问题的有效途径。对国内外甲醇制丙烯(MTP)工艺技术的进展进行了评述,并分析了MTP的技术经济性。结果表明,MTP技术是可行的,我国发展这一技术具有重要的战略和经济意义。  相似文献   

In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) imposed common carriage regulation—so-called Title II requirements—on previously unregulated broadband Internet service providers. The regime shift was premised on the FCC’s findings that such rules had demonstrably yielded economic gains. This paper evaluates the FCC’s empirical arguments and finds them uncompelling. Adjustments for inflation or general economic trends eliminate the effects cited by the FCC. Moreover, contrary to the Commission’s assessment, mobile services and broadband markets have shown notable growth in response to deregulatory events that reduce Title II requirements.  相似文献   

天然气经甲醇制烯烃技术的进展及经济分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在天然气制烯烃工艺中,天然气经甲醇制烯烃(NG-MTO)技术是最具备工业化条件的技术。文章着重从工艺及催化剂等方面对MTO工艺技术的最新进展作了评述,分析了其技术经济性,结果表明:MTO技术是可行的,经济上,天然气的价格越低越有竞争力。如天然气价格为1.0美元/百万Btu时,竞争力就较大。最后对国内MTO技术的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

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