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刘锋 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):15-16
正京津冀是我国重要的区域旅游合作板块,具有较好的合作基础、强大的发展实力和巨大的市场需求。当前在国家战略推动的大好机遇下,结合大数据、一体化、转型升级三大区域视角背景,京津冀旅游合作应突破创新,协力打造世界级旅游目的地,以更好地促进本区域经济转型升级和协同发展。一、大数据视角下的京津冀合作大数据助力京津冀合作。"大数据"已成为信息  相似文献   

马波 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):24-28
旅游接待地一般要经历自然发展、接待要素发展、吸引物发展、产业协同发展、目的地发展和区域发展等6个递进的阶段,向高一阶段的跃升就是旅游业的转型过程.中国主要的旅游城市或地区已开始进入目的地发展和区域旅游发展的高级阶段.区域旅游合作有市场互换、市场共享、要素协同和一体化发展等4种基本模式,一体化发展是区域旅游合作的高级形式和最终目标.尽管政府的作用不可或缺,但市场是推动区域旅游合作的基本力量.中、日、韩三国具有构建旅游合作体的可行性和必要性,三方当采取切实有力的措施推进这个巨大工程.  相似文献   

谢艳 《西部旅游》2023,(15):39-41
<正>文化旅游是以旅游为核心,将文化与旅游融合在一起的一种旅游形态。作为一种区域经济发展方式,文化旅游在促进地方经济增长、优化产业结构、提高地区知名度等方面具有重要作用。同时,随着区域经济的发展,人们逐渐意识到文化资源保护的重要性,加之旅游需求不断增长,在一定程度上促进了文化旅游产业的发展。文化旅游的开发要重视文化和市场两个层面,在文化层面要挖资源、找定位、塑品牌,在市场层面要查需求、提质量、促营销。  相似文献   

长三角区域旅游合作演化动力机制探讨   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
靳诚  徐菁  陆玉麒 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):43-47
随着经济的发展,区域旅游合作也不断深入.本文选取长江三角洲作为研究对象,对其区域旅游合作的演化进行了初步探讨,划分了三个不同的区域旅游合作阶段,并将区域旅游合作演化的动力归结为三类,即空间生长力、市场驱动力和政府调控力,并在此基础上构建了区域旅游合作演化的动力模型,初步揭示了区域旅游合作演化的动力作用机制、合成原则,以及不同演化阶段的主导力量和演化特征的关系.  相似文献   

文章基于Salop圆周城市模型, 在区域旅游产品特征及区域旅游合作方式分类的基础上, 研究区域旅游一体化的最佳合作方式及实现条件; 考虑区域旅游地合作方式对利润及旅游产品价格的影响, 通过区分区域旅游地的资源导向和市场及形象导向型两种常见情况, 引入两阶段博弈法, 按照两种区域旅游利润最大化的合作方式分别进行求解。结果表明:区域旅游合作是基于旅游产品的差异、同质化程度, 采取不同的协调方式进行的, 主线是促进差异化, 控制同质产品的内部竞争力;追求各自利润最大化下的契约式合作是区域旅游合作的最佳方式。如果政府间要实行行政组织一体化策略, 则只有在各旅游地旅游产品同质化时才易推行, 但是这种竞争状态并不稳定;区域旅游一体化是要利用行政力量削弱行政壁垒, 倡导市场要素流动的无障碍化。  相似文献   

从全新视角看国外区域旅游合作研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯翔  高峻 《旅游学刊》2013,(4):57-65
文章从分析1978年至2010年间发表在国外英文类核心期刊上的区域旅游合作文章入手,以全新的视角,解释了国内学者参考国外区域旅游合作文献的必要性,分析了区域旅游合作的基本概念、合作的经济诱因、合作动机、合作范围和合作模式,并着重介绍了公共治理理论在区域旅游合作中的应用。文章目的在于向国内学者介绍该如何参考国外区域旅游合作文献,吸收国外研究的精髓,以指导自身的旅游研究和实践操作。  相似文献   

曹翔宇 《西部旅游》2023,(4):98-100
文旅融合双向驱动是加强特色文化旅游资源开发的有效模式,可以为我国区域经济的转型发展注入强大的动力,对提升区域经济的核心竞争力有积极的影响。地方政府应当立足当地旅游特色,挖掘文化内涵,实施一系列强有力的措施,激发当地经济发展新动能,为区域经济的转型发展打造强劲的引擎。文章着重探索文旅融合促进区域经济转型发展的有效性体现及策略,希望能充分发挥文旅融合优势,拉动区域经济发展,助推乡村振兴。  相似文献   

对区域旅游合作研究几个基本问题的讨论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
宋子千 《旅游学刊》2008,23(6):74-79
区域旅游合作研究在很多基本问题如合作空间范畴、主体和机制等方面都没有形成共识,这种状况制约着研究的进一步发展.对上述问题的讨论得出如下结论:第一,区域旅游合作应该理解为区域之间的旅游合作;第二,政府是区域旅游合作的主要主体;第三,区域旅游合作机制包括动力机制、过程机制、保障机制、空间作用机制等方面.  相似文献   

中国区域旅游合作时空演化特征分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
吴军 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):35-41
自1980年以来,中国的区域旅游合作已经取得了较快进展.为了对我国区域旅游合作发展特征有更为深入的了解,本文利用网上检索的手段获得了153个以政府为主导的区域旅游合作案例.并依照内容、空间、地域和组织划分出不同的合作类型,进行了汇总分析.在此基础上,论文揭示了各种区域旅游合作类型的时间演化特征和区域旅游合作的空间差异特征,对今后中国区域旅游合作发展趋势进行了预测.  相似文献   

刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):13-18
古典贸易理论关于相对优势的阐述,当前我国旅游发展的阶段性实务,都从不同侧面向我们提出了区域旅游合作的问题.其价值、意义和发展方向,本应该是不言而喻的.然而由于地区发展不平衡的现状、背景和各自的利益不尽相同,在近年的实际进程中,我国区域旅游合作的步伐却仍不理想,一些地方甚至踟躇不前.本文意在从理论和实践两个侧面着手,分析当前中国区域旅游合作的难点、机遇和必要,并进而提出自己的有针对性的实操建议,期望能够以此为突破口,推动区域旅游合作的进一步发展与深化.  相似文献   

Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry in which people travel to other countries to receive medical treatments. In 2010, Korea attracted 81,789 foreign medical tourists who spent approximately US$100 million. The aims of this study are to analyze general trends in the medical tourism market, identify problems, or obstacles that affect the development of medical tourism in Korea, provide solutions to overcome these obstacles, and propose better policies. This study employed qualitative research methods, including content analysis of written publications and in-depth interviews. According to the results of the analysis of Korean medical tourism, the weaknesses of the system include insufficient promotion, the lack of a centralized administrative support system, the absence of differentiation strategies with respect to competing nations, an insufficient number of medical tourism professionals, and an inadequate legal system. In addition, this study identified threats that include competition from other countries offering medical tourism, the emergence of new competitors in East Asia, unexpected global crises, and international antagonism against Korea. This article discusses solutions addressing these weaknesses and threats and presents strategies that Korea can adopt to become one of the premier destinations for medical tourism.  相似文献   


The convention industry in Korea has experienced a rapid development, and the hosting of international meetings and events has emerged as a major business in Korea's tourism industry. This paper provides an overview of the development of the convention industry in Korea and assesses the current convention market by applying SWOT analysis. The country's current marketing strategies are also evaluated. The analysis suggests that Korea has great opportunities to emerge as a new international convention destination in the 21st century. The future growth of Korea's convention industry depends on whether the country can manage the challenges better than competitors with effective marketing strategies.  相似文献   

延边朝鲜族自治州地处东北边陲,旅游资源丰富,近年来旅游业发展迅速.中国朝鲜族是从朝鲜半岛琦入中国国境的跨界民族,与韩民族具有血缘关系和特殊的历史文化关系.作为中国朝鲜族曩大的聚居地,延边旅游业的发展与境外民族国家韩国怎息相关.本文通过SWOT分析,提出以当前中韩两国良好的政治经济文化环境为背景.充分利用跨界民族的优势条件,正视存在的问题,抓紧有利时机,是廷边发展旅游业的战略选择.  相似文献   

江林  李祉辉 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):9-14
中韩两国历史源远流长,文化相似,地理相邻,两国人民世代交往不断。由于特定时期的政治原因,两国一度中断了联系。但自1992年中韩建交以来,两国之间的经济、文化交流日益频繁。中国已经成为韩国第二大旅游客源国,中国公民赴韩国旅游业已成为我国出境游市场的重要组成部分。本论文旨在通过对中国公民赴韩国出境游市场的现状进行分析,提出当前韩国游市场存在的问题,并从政府旅游部门、旅游企业及韩方相关机构角度提出相关对策建议,以利于促进中国公民赴韩出境游市场的持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

This study investigates the importance of destination image as a determinant for the choice of a tourist destination. The inbound market examined is Korea while perceptions are captured from current and prospective Russian tourists. Empirical results show that a difference exists between visitors and non-visitors in terms of their perceived image of Korea. The study also finds that the relationship between overall image and loyalty to a destination is statistically significant. Regression results show in particular that Russians with a positive view of Korea are more likely to recommend Korea to others as a tourist destination.  相似文献   

Korea's traditional distribution market is at a turning point, and the international paradigm of distribution is also gradually declining in terms of numbers and sales. As such, the Korean government has developed cultural tourism to revive regional economies, which are losing competitiveness, by expanding the new distribution field, such as large discount stores and Internet shopping. The results of the empirical analysis indicate that several factors have a significant influence on profitability and success: traditional factors, gender and age, the intention to return, products and competitive prices, and amenities. This paper illustrates how Korea's national and local governments oversee cultural tourism business through case studies in Korea. For a developing country, cultural tourism is a valuable policy in terms of regional development and, by extension, of regional economic revitalization.  相似文献   

Tourism in North Korea is limited by entry bans, visa restrictions, and stringently controlled itineraries. As a consequence, the experience of visiting the country is still poorly understood by academics and practitioners alike. In order to fill this research void, this study aims to describe the essence of the lived experience of travelling to North Korea, following an approach embedded in the philosophical underpinnings of transcendental phenomenology. Based on eight narratives by tourists who have visited the country, the essence of the lived North Korea travel experience is identified as comprising dimensions of trepidation, self-regulation, doubt, and catharsis. Discussing the findings through a tourism lens, suggestions for further research are made and theoretical as well as methodological contributions are highlighted.  相似文献   


This paper explores how academic sojourners, unfamiliar with the local language and culture, accessed casual leisure through mobile instant messaging during a short stay of one or two semesters in South Korea. Ninety-six English-speaking academic sojourners on Korean government scholarships covering tuition, room and board in exchange for contact with local university students seeking informal English language practice took part in this study. They represent a shift in academic sojourner mobility from outbound Asian students seeking language study in English-speaking countries to inbound English-speakers providing language support within Asia. Qualitative analysis revealed how casual leisure, the features of South Korea’s advanced digital environment and mobile instant messaging chat rooms coalesced. The findings show how local digital practices complement casual leisure access and how digital practices can become casual leisure despite limits in language ability and cultural understanding. It recommends further exploration of links between leisure, digital environments and mobile instant messaging in other research settings that are experiencing flows of globally mobile populations.  相似文献   

As little is known about guest experiences when considering tourism in countries such as North Korea where there is tight governmental control of tourist activities, this paper examines guests' perceptions of a North Korean hotel. It suggests that the usual criteria of hotel evaluations do not apply due to a restricted choice set, and hence guests are more tolerant of limited choices and re-value the limitations as part of an experience creation. The paper draws on the classical economic model of “regret and rejoice” and finds that reports posted on social media support this interpretation of guest experience. The results indicate that the liminal nature of hotels discussed separately by other commentators such as Wood, Morgan and Prichard may be applicable as guests impose the context of their stay in North Korea on an interpretation of a satisfactory hotel stay.  相似文献   

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