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印度政府比较早地认识到了生物技术对于发展经济和保障民生所具有的巨大潜力,本文分析研究了印度为发展生物技术所采取的方针政策和措施及其取得的成效,包括在政府中设立的主管部门,制定的生物技术发展战略,实施的多项促进生物技术发展计划,突出介绍了生物农业、生物制药等领域取得的成绩,在注重人才培养、搭建平台、推动生物技术成果转化等方面的经验,同时也提出了印度发展生物技术面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

生物技术产业被誉为永远的朝阳产业。分析了国际生物技术产业的发展现状和特征,根据我国生物技术产业发展中存在的问题,研究探讨了发展我国生物技术产业的对策思路。  相似文献   

美国的生物技术起步较早,目前已拥有全球最强大的科学研发能力、最丰富的技术成果储备,并催生了最先进且最完整的工业产业链,已成为美国高技术产业发展的核心动力之一。本文通过分析美国生物技术领域的前沿发展态势,研究美国生物技术领域的战略规划、监管措施、重点支持项目、经费投入等政策,得出美国在人力资源保障、专利保护、制定科学发展战略、构建合理资本市场、实施有力产业推动措施等方面对生物技术领域进行全面布局的有关结论,总结美国生物技术发展呈现出的四个特点,据此对我国生物技术发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

1986年3月,我国政府制定了高技术研究发展计划,即“863”计划。计划实施以来,我国在高技术研究领域取得的主要成就包括: 1.生物技术 通过对高产、优质、抗逆的动植物新品种,新型药物、疫苗和基因治疗,蛋白质工程三大主题的研究开发,以增产粮食为战略重点和发展生物技术药物产业为突破口,为生  相似文献   

考虑到生物技术产业发展的特点和重要性,建议制定符合生物技术企业特征的税收激励措施:1.增值税措施。建议对大中型生物企业可实行增值税“即征即退”税收优惠政策。对增值税一般纳税人销售其自行开发生产的生物产品  相似文献   

生物技术是本世纪末下世纪初发展国民经济的关键技术之一。其发展的结果是开拓出新产品、新技术,最终目的是形成产业,实现商品化,为人类服务。依据近20年的生物技术发展,可预料生物技术会在医药、畜牧、种植、化工、食品、轻工、环境保护、冶金、能源和生物电子等产业领域得到广泛应用。因此,许多国家为近期和长远利益而竞相发展生物技术,大力促进生物技术产业的形成和发展。我国已将生物技术确定为我国高技术发展战略的优先领域之一。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了国内外农业生物技术研究与发展现状,分析了福建省农业生物技术的主要研究进展及产业发展现状,进而提出福建省农业生物技术研究及产业发展思路、重点与对策建议.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,新的科技革命日新月异,新能源、航空航天技术等高新技术不断取得重大突破,而生命科学、生物技术则以更加迅猛的速度发展。美国是现代生物技术产业的发源地和“领头羊”,其生物技术产业的组织形式或形成模式日益受到关注。南加州地区(主要包括:圣地亚哥、洛杉矶、橙县等地)是近年来美国生物技术产业发展最具活力和特色的地区之一。本文试图对南加州地区生物技术产业的集群模式进行初步分析和探讨。  相似文献   

中国生物技术产业发展现状、问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物技术产业是20年来最高速成长的产业之一,也是当今世界各国争夺的高技术产业高地。本文论述了中国生物技术产业发展的现状与国际趋势,分析了我国生物技术产业发展存在的问题,提出了健全和完善管理体制、建立行业组织管理机构,进行战略布局调整、形成产业聚集区,加大政府投资力度、建立国家生物技术产业重大项目孵化器,大力发展生物技术产业中介组织、协调生物技术企业发展进程等快速发展我国生物技术产业的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着生物科学与技术的不断进步,生物技术产品对经济和社会发展的贡献愈加显著。进入 2000年后,美国又掀起投资生物技术的热潮,新上市的企业中,生物技术企业越来越多,近 400家上市的生物技术公司,今年 6月其市场股值达到 1800亿美元。美国从事生物技术研究开发与生产经营的企业约 1300家,生物技术在美国已形成新的产业,该产业正对美国的经济发展产生较大的影响。   美国生物技术工业组织把生物技术产业定义为:利用细胞和生物分子进行药品、农产品生产开发和环境治理的产业,该产业技术由医药生物技术、农业生物技术和环境生物技…  相似文献   

德国的工业生物技术具有很长的历史,目前在各行业的应用迅速增长.通过发展工业生物技术,德国提高了工业的竞争力和创造了大量就业机会.德国具有发展工业生物技术的雄厚工业基础及技术优势,但缺乏风险资本和配套政策.因此,目前德国正在研究发展工业生物技术的相关政策.  相似文献   

欧盟是现代工业制造业的发源地,长期保持着工业技术的世界领先水平。欧委会根据全球高新技术日新月异的快速发展及其重要性,以及欧盟相对处于世界领先地位的技术优先领域,扬长避短确定了欧盟工业可持续发展的六大关键势能技术(KETs)。工业生物技术,作为欧盟优先确定的六大关键势能技术之一,欧盟己制定具体的优惠政策和行动举措给予重点扶持,旨在提升欧盟先进制造业的世界竞争力,促进经济增长和扩大就业。通过综合研究分析欧盟工业生物技术及产业的发展现状、研发创新、面临的挑战和未来发展趋势,旨在为我国战略性新兴技术产业的可持续发展,提供有益的路径和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Brazil's research and development (R&D) policies are examined in light of changes in economic direction especially as it pertains to competition. In a competitive environment, regions should develop industrial applications and expertise in areas that coincide with their resources. These could be human resources but could, as in the focus of this paper, be useful resources that differentiate the region from others in the world. This differentiation provides an advantage to the region. Brazil and its Amazon region has the large majority of the world's rare genes. In biotechnology, genes are “green gold,” and Brazil is slowly developing a biotechnology industry and beginning to tap into the Brazilian Amazon region's economic biotech potential. This region has enormous potential for the development of biotech-related technologies and products. This paper discusses the relationship between resources and an R&D strategy using as an example the recent developments in biotechnology research in Brazil and the role of the Amazon region in the development of a Brazilian biotechnology industry. It recommends a number of policy initiatives that will enhance Brazil's focus on biotechnology.  相似文献   

文章扼要论述了中国生物技术产业的现状,分析了发展生物技术产业的优势,概括为:广大的市场,丰富的资源,悠久的文化传统,有相对优势的知识产权,有潜力的研究队伍和优惠的政策;还讨论了存在的问题;缺乏强有力的内行投资人,技术持有者错位,界定不清的知识产权,不够成熟的技术以及市场不够规范,文章最后对生物技术产业发展提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

What is the appropriate institutional set-up for knowledge generation and use in biotechnology? This paper contributes to the debate by addressing the combined--and potentially conflicting--influence, upon the definition of institutional policies and structures, of two of biotechnology's distinctive features. First, its science-based nature, which defines a set of requirements concerning the production of knowledge and the ability to use it; and second its wide applicability, which requires the consideration of the diversity of technological and organizational capabilities displayed by the whole range of potential biotechnology users. In particular the study investigates whether and to what extent institutional models, whose emergence was largely associated with the behaviour of advanced industrial users from science based sectors, are suitable to the requirements of a more heterogeneous set of biotechnology users, and therefore can withstand a variety of industrial specializations. This issue is addressed empirically by analysing the evolution of the scientific and technological infrastructure of Portuguese biotechnology, as well as the strategic positioning and actual behaviour of individual research and technology organizations. The paper discusses the effectiveness of the current institutional model in Portugal and the implications of a mismatch between biotechnology institutional research frameworks and the industrial structure, for organizations, individual researchers and firms.  相似文献   

The innovation style of a country is dependent upon its distinctive capabilities and its government' policies. Three basic factors are involved: its scientific capabilities, its infrasturcture for transferring research from the public domain into industry, and its manufacturing base and industrial know-how. Most research looks at these three factors in relation to advanced economies, Asian Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) and 'third world' countries. This paper addresses these issues from the perspective of a European late-industrializing country (Portugal). It uses the twin ideas of National Innovation Systems and 'technological systems' to analyze the development of biotechnology in Portugal. In so doing it illustrates the impact of country specific factors on this development, and the problems assoicated with 'imitation'. The focus of the research is on Dedicated Biotechnology Firms (DBFs), as they are seen as intermediaries between the public science base and the productive sector. It examines the evolution of the biotechnology industry in Portugal, provides an overview of govermment policies, and finally discusses the implications for the creation and development of DBFs in Portugal. The research shows that there was a government effort to create a science base in this field, but there was no parallel strategy to develop a biotechnology industry. There was (and still is) little incentive to use the results of biotechnological research, and little match between technological and market opportunities. In conclusion, the paper argues that policies should be developed to bridge the gap between public research and industry. This will require mechanisms that, going beyond the notion of 'technology transfer', promote an effective transformation of advanced knowledge intergrated into products and services,a nd facilitate the dialogue and exchange between groups with diverse capabilities, objectives and languages.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of local health systems in developing countries in health biotechnology innovation. The heath systems encompass the final users of health biotechnology products and services. In innovation studies in general, users have been identified as playing vital roles as sources for innovation and in shaping the innovation process. It is therefore of interest to cast light upon the role of users in the health biotechnology innovation in developing countries. This paper briefly reviews literature on science and technology based health innovation in both industrialised and developing countries. It then examines to what extent the focus of developing countries is on their local health problems and explores the linkages between the organisations involved in research and development of health biotechnology products and services with the local health system, and thereby identifies the main roles of their own health systems in the innovation process. The paper bases this analysis on research on publication patterns and case studies on leading developing countries in health biotechnology and focuses particularly on health biotechnology development in Brazil, Cuba and India.  相似文献   

The Japanese pharmaceutical industry has lagged behind the US in developing and marhting innovative new compounh. A gap anabsis rebing on international publication and patenting stahtics as well as market survgs shows that the US is the clear leader in biophannaceuticals. Recent Japanese public and private efforts to close the gap have posed no immediate threat to US pharmaceutical companies. The conflict over industrial policy among the ministries involved will take some time to be resolved. However, information networking activities and cross-border technology linkages of Japanese companies should not be underestimated. Biotechnology is current4 transforming theJapanese pharmaceutical induse, and the US will have to deal with a gowing Japanese challenge in the long run. Preventive US counter-measures should include investments in in-house biotechnology research, acquisitions of smaller biotechnology start-up ventures, global commercialization o f biophannaceuticals, and proactive management o f technology linkages with Japanese companies.  相似文献   

Dedicated biotechnology firms (DBFs) have played an important role in commercializing biotechnology. They emerged first in the US and, after a 5-year time lag, they also appeared in Europe. Faced with long and costly product lead times, DBFs raised money by entering into research contracts, mainly with large chemical and pharmaceutical companies. These coopertive research alliances have not vanished as biotechnology has matured and are more in evidence today than they were in the early dasy of the commercialization of biotechnology. This paper investigates how and why large and small companies enter research collaborations, what they learn from working together, and the effects on European competitiveness.  相似文献   

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