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This study finds evidence that a better macroeconomic climate and an improvement in liquidity help to explain Chinese stock returns. There is no evidence to support the hypothesis that growth in dividend yields can predict stock returns. The sectoral stock returns in China's markets are correlated with stock returns in the US markets as evidenced by: (i) a positive correlation with US stock returns; (ii) a significant negative error correcting term; (iii) a negative response of Chinese stocks to financial stress in the US market; and (iv) a positive correlation with a depreciation in the China/US exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how accounting standards (AS) convergence influences Chinese firms’ overseas mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and shows that this convergence significantly promotes Chinese firms’ overseas M&As. Specifically, we find that both the probability of success and the value of transactions increases significantly in countries that implemented International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) prior to 2007. These results suggest that accounting standards (AS) convergence can improve the comparability of accounting information between China and other countries that have adopted IFRS. Moreover, we find that the impact of accounting standards (AS) convergence on state-owned enterprise (SOE) acquirers is weak. These findings demonstrate that accounting standards (AS) convergence can facilitate Chinese firms’ overseas M&As by improving the comparability of accounting information between China and target countries.  相似文献   

Over the period 1994–2003, 80% of targets and 37% of acquirers obtain a third-party assessment of the fairness of a merger or acquisition. These fairness opinions do not affect deal outcomes when used by targets, but they affect deal outcomes when used by acquirers. The deal premium is lower in transactions if the acquirer obtains a fairness opinion, and is further reduced if multiple advisors provide an opinion. However, the acquirer's announcement-period return is 2.3% lower if the acquirer has a fairness opinion, especially if the acquirer pays a high premium, indicating that investors are skeptical of these transactions.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether listed companies in China are sensitive to public media coverage when making investment decisions regarding mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We find that the likelihood of abandoning a proposed M&A transaction is positively associated with negative media coverage, and this association is stronger with lower announcement abnormal returns. Our analysis demonstrates that the negative information effect is amplified for glamour acquirers. We argue that negative media reactions drive the external feedback mechanism of M&A attempts and help guard against managerial hubris.  相似文献   

In this paper the gains and losses to shareholders of 71 foreign companies which made takeover bids for companies listed in the United Kingdom during the 1986–1991 period are analysed. The average abnormal return during the month of the bid announcement was positive, although not statistically significant. However, both prior to and sub-sequent to the bid announcement month, the overseas bidders earned highly significant negative abnormal returns. The cumulative abnormal returns over the five month period following the bid announcement were-4.77% with the index model and -9.79% with the market model. Further analysis established that Continental European companies performed significantly worse than American bidders. In addition, large companies and companies bidding for large targets, performed significantly better than the other bidders.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the risk and wealth effects of 72 mergers and acquisitions between banks in Europe and insurance companies during the period 1989-2004. The empirical results indicate that acquirers’ total risks remain constant relative to the world, home market indices and home banking indices. There are no changes for the systematic risks (beta) with respect to the world market index or the home banking index. After removing world and home market indices effect, systematic risk against home banking index reduce significantly for domestic deals. In addition, positive wealth effects are documented. Two factors have contributed to the bidders’ cumulative abnormal returns (CARs): relative deal size and being a serial acquirer. Finally, change of beta shows negative relations with CARs.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the government’s industry policies affect investor sentiment, and whether the influenced investor sentiment guides corporate capital flow in the real economy. By examining a sample of cross-industry mergers and acquisitions (M&As) of Chinese listed companies, we find that industry policies promulgated by the government have a significant asymmetric influence on investor sentiment. Furthermore, investor sentiment under the exogenous shock of industry policies has a significant real effect on companies’ cross-industry M&A behavior, generating cross-industry capital flow. Additional analyses reveal that this effect arises because the acquirer depends on equity financing and has incentive to cater to investor sentiment. Our findings help clarify the effect of public policies on the stock market, theoretically, from the company’s micro-level perspective, as well as the mechanism by which stock market volatility transmits to the real economy.  相似文献   

We investigate termination fee size in mergers. Although the deal premium does not significantly affect fee size, smaller targets and targets with lower institutional ownership offer larger fees. Low or moderate fees do not eliminate post-announcement competing bids, while large fees do. Fee size is generally positively correlated with deal completion. However, large fees are negatively correlated with the consummation of high-premium deals. Fee size is generally unrelated to announcement-date cumulative abnormal returns. However, returns are significantly lower for deals including fees larger than 5%. Overall, the study provides evidence that low- or moderate-size fees serve as efficient contractual devices, while large fees are less beneficial to shareholders and therefore tend to suggest agency conflicts.  相似文献   

Modigliani and Miller show that, in perfect capital markets, the optimal investment decisions of a firm are not affected by how these investments are financed. Miller and Modigliani further imply that, under the assumption of perfect capital markets, a firm's investment decisions are not affected by its dividend decisions, although dividend decisions may or may not be influenced by investment decisions. Fama and Miller label this result the separation principle. Most recent studies of the separation principle that take into account the existence of market imperfections report sharply contradictory results. This paper tests for linear and nonlinear causality between dividends and investments using both firm-specific and aggregate data for a sample of 417 firms over the 1962 to 2004 period. In general, linear causality tests support the separation principle, whereas nonlinear causality test results contradict the separation principle by revealing strong bi-directional linkages between dividends and investments.  相似文献   

Using a unique hand-collected dataset comprising 96 public-to-private (PTP) transactions and 258 acquisitions of listed corporations by existing corporate groups completed during the period 1998 to 2000, this paper investigates the extent to which PTPs have different internal and external governance and other characteristics from traditional acquisitions of listed corporations by existing corporate groups. The paper analyses acquisition activity during a period in which three new features were present: the decline in hostile takeovers, the increase in the adoption of governance Codes of Best Practice and the growth in PTP activity. PTPs are usually a response to takeover threat (Lehn and Poulsen, 1989) and so the paper analyses the acquisition decision from two perspectives: first, takeovers as a disciplinary mechanism which substitute for weak internal governance and second, as part of a non-disciplinary perspective where takeovers are complementary to internal governance mechanisms. We find support for the argument that improved internal governance and non-disciplinary takeovers, that is takeovers where the motive is not as a response to under-performing management, are complementary. PTPs are more likely to have higher board ownership and are likely to have duality of CEO and chairman. They are also more likely to have lower growth prospects and lower valuations. However, they do not have sub-optimal internal corporate governance structures in terms of lower proportions of outside directors. With respect to external governance, they are not more likely to experience pressure from the market for corporate control in the form of greater takeover speculation and are also not more likely to suffer hostile threats. We find that PTPs involving management buy-outs (MBIs) have fewer non-executive directors and a greater incidence of duality. MBO also have higher board shareholdings. We find no evidence that management buy-ins (MBIs) have different characteristics. Our results suggest that going private by MBO may result from management's knowledge of private information that leads them to believe that the market has an incorrect perspective of the company's prospects.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the implementation of the 2003 Australian Securities Exchange Limited governance recommendations influenced the governance choices of small companies and whether compliance improves their accounting and market performance and earnings quality. Our analysis examines small and large companies because we are interested in the different effects of the governance recommendations on the two groups. The analysis shows a significant shift by small and large companies to comply with the recommendations around the time of their introduction. We find that formation of an audit committee surrounding the reform period is significantly associated with improved earnings quality for small and large companies. However, compliance with other governance recommendations is not systematically associated with improved performance or earnings quality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of a range of alternative measures of quoted and implied bid–ask spreads on futures contracts, using a complete record of all quotes and trades. Accurate calibration of bid–ask spreads is important for many applications, including tests of market efficiency and assessment of market microstructure models. The results show that the transactions based spread measures are biased estimates of quoted and effective spreads, which illustrates the need for considered implementation of such measures. Similar intraday behaviour is shown by the different measures, with wide spreads at the open and narrow spreads at the close under a competing market maker environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between the managerial ability of acquiring firms and their long-term performance after mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Based on M&A data for U.S. firms from 2000 to 2012, we find that acquiring firms with higher managerial ability achieve better long-term operating performance and stock returns. We also find that the positive effect of managerial ability on long-term performance is more pronounced when acquirers and target firms belong to the same industry. The result suggests that managers who have higher ability to manage their firms, i.e., to generate higher revenues for given resources, are more capable of achieving higher synergy benefits and better post-acquisition performance in same-industry acquisitions than in cross-industry acquisitions.  相似文献   

The present research enterprise addresses the efficacy of securities enforcement in China in relation to listed firms' restatement of annual reports. We conjecture that securities enforcement induces greater care and prudence in disclosure, thus lessening the prospect of subsequent restatement. The evidence in the present inquiry strongly supports this premise. Our focus is on informal enforcements. Significantly, SOEs are more responsive than non-SOEs in arresting reporting deficiencies. In contrast to a narrative of regulatory capture, SOE decision-makers' political connections cement, rather than deter, compliance with state-based enforcements. Additionally, the two mainland exchanges impart stronger effect on disclosure quality than either central or local security bureaus. In relation to governance, independent directors exert little to no effect on year-on-year changes in restatement activities. Overall, we report that Chinese regulatory enforcement has become increasingly effective in raising disclosure standards. We surmise that learning and resource-based effects underlie this outcome.  相似文献   

Although the family firm is the dominant type among listed corporations worldwide, few papers investigate the behavioral differences between family and non-family firms. We analyze the differences in merger decisions and the consequences between them by using a unique Japanese dataset from a period of high economic growth. Empirical results suggest that family firms are less likely to merge than non-family firms are. Moreover, we find a positive relationship between pre-merger family ownership and the probability of mergers. Thus, ownership structure is an important determinant of mergers. Finally, we find that non-family firms benefit more from mergers than family firms do.  相似文献   

In this study, I investigate the impact of managerial reputation, as proxied by high‐profile awards to CEOs, on financial reporting practices and firm performance. Using a sample of 269 awards given to 189 celebrity CEOs (CEOs who win awards) from 1987 to 2003, I compare within‐firm changes in financial reporting practices and firm performance before and after each CEO wins their first award. I find that celebrity CEOs engage in more conservative accounting practices and are less likely to engage in opportunistic earnings management to meet short‐term earnings benchmarks. In addition, firm performance improves after celebrity CEOs win awards.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which firms’ environmental performance is reflected in perceptions of their environmental reputation and whether environmental disclosure serves to mediate the negative aspects of poorer environmental performance associated with those assessments. We also examine whether differences in environmental performance and environmental disclosure appear to be associated with membership selection to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), a factor we also believe may be associated with perceptions of environmental reputation. Based on a cross-sectional sample of 92 US firms from environmentally sensitive industries, we find that environmental performance measured using Trucost environmental performance scores is negatively related to both reputation scores and membership in the DJSI. We argue this is due to the more extensive disclosure levels of firms that are worse performers and the finding of a significant positive relation between environmental disclosure and both the environmental reputation measures and DJSI membership. Finally, we show that the DJSI designation positively influences perceptions of corporate reputation. Overall, our results suggest that voluntary environmental disclosure appears to mediate the effect of poor environmental performance on environmental reputation. Perhaps more troubling, our results also suggest that membership in the DJSI appears to be driven more by what firms say than what they do. Thus, like voluntary disclosure, the DJSI may actually be hindering improved future corporate environmental performance.  相似文献   

Using machine learning to predict the financial distress of Chinese listed companies, this study shows that the incremental value of textual disclosure in financial distress prediction diminishes in the presence of detailed financial data. Detailed financial data itself has the capacity to accurately predict financial distress, and its prediction performance is not improved when combined with predictors extracted from textual disclosure. The model using combined predictors attaches more importance to financial-data-based predictors than textual-data-based ones. Our results provide evidence about the overstated value of textual disclosure and the understated information value of detailed financial data in financial distress prediction.  相似文献   

Risk communication during the years has shown its vitality and has proved its importance as a field of research. This article provides a brief record of the development of risk communication in the environmental and technological domain by examining some of the trends resulting from the analysis of the theoretical and empirical literature in the field, as it is available through scientific journals. In total, 349 peer‐reviewed articles published between 1988 and 2000 and listed in the ISI Web of Science databases were analyzed. The theoretical perspective that we use is that of control mutuality, which emphasizes the interaction between the parties in the risk decision‐making process and their mutual influence, rather than simply unidirectional control of one stakeholder over the other. It echoes the democratic perspective, but also considers the rationality of the technical standpoint.

The results indicate that over the whole period there is an increase in published articles on risk communication. As expected, we found a gradual decrease in the articles referring to a one‐way flow of risk communication and an increase of those concerned with two‐way communication. We also observed a gradual increase in the articles referring to stakeholder participation in risk decisions in the last period. No differences were found with respect to risk communication strategy.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of agency cost on the relation between top executives' overconfidence and investment-cash flow sensitivity using the data from Chinese listed companies. We find that on average top executives' overconfidence leads to increased investment-cash flow sensitivity. However, this relation holds only for companies with state-owned entities as controlling shareholders. In contrast, the relation is not significant for non-state controlled firms. We construct proxy for agency cost and find that state-controlled companies have significantly greater agency cost than non-state controlled companies. Results on sub-samples sorted by agency cost again show that the positive effect of top executives' overconfidence on investment-cash flow sensitivity holds only for companies that exhibit high agency cost. Our results therefore suggest that agency cost has a significant impact on the relation between top executives' overconfidence and investment-cash flow sensitivity, and the investment distortion due to top executives' overconfidence behavior may be alleviated by reducing agency cost through elevated supervision.  相似文献   

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