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为实施国家"走出去"战略,许多中国公司到俄罗斯境内建立独资或合资企业,为了提高俄语译员的综合能力和素质,本文从俄译汉的角度来分析如果准确翻译一份俄罗斯企业的资产负债表.  相似文献   

绥芬河对外经贸实力突出、潜力巨大、业态活跃、覆盖面广,但俄罗斯政策变化导致贸易波动,中美贸易摩擦影响企业进出口,"民贸"市场受俄罗斯经济低迷影响,国内中欧班列补贴政策对绥芬河进口俄罗斯木材造成一定压力,中俄口岸过货能力不对等制约绥芬河进出口货物大进大出。绥芬河市应积极拓展外贸发展空间,优化布局;加快实现"过路贸易"向落地加工转变、资源买卖向投资开发转变、"手拎包"传统方式向新兴业态转变,积极探索设立跨境经济合作区试点;致力解决影响对俄合作互联互通瓶颈问题;发挥各类特殊功能区的支点作用,撬动政策落地,推动对外经贸提质增效。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议的持续推进为中俄两国产品贸易合作带来极大推动力,这一背景下健全两国物流网络迫在眉睫。中国向俄罗斯出口茶产品物流方面依然存在较多掣肘因素,如俄罗斯境内物流水平低、仓储运输质控难度高、缺乏专业化的冷链设备、“灰色清关”模式风险大。针对于此,应从提升俄罗斯本地物流效率、优化存储运输环境、补足配送设备缺失、脱离“灰色清关”四个方面重点突破,以提升中国茶产品出口俄罗斯物流能力。  相似文献   

俄罗斯经济体制转型的特定国情以及在推行企业社会责任方面长期存在政府主导的传统,是俄罗斯企业社会责任“公私协作”模式确立的现实背景.俄罗斯企业社会责任“公私协作”模式具有较大的自主选择性和灵活性,彰显了政府和企业关系中的合作性,有助于调动企业承担社会责任的积极性.在论证中国引入俄罗斯企业社会责任“公私协作”模式可行性的基础上,中国政府应将企业社会责任履行的“公私协作”模式纳入法律和政策框架,明确“公私协作”模式的准入条件,完善与“公私协作”模式配套和衔接的相关政策,以期更好地推进中国企业社会责任的积极履行.  相似文献   

早在1995年,中国药品就已正式进入俄罗斯市场。迄今为止,在俄罗斯各地药品质量监督机构注册的有70多个品种,如"三九"、"天士力"和"鲁抗"等企业的药品。在俄罗斯,销售最好的药品是三九胃泰、华佗再造丸和虫草胶囊等。俄罗斯对药品进口没有设置苛刻的障碍和关税壁垒。外国药品只要在俄罗斯有关药  相似文献   

一俄罗斯社会日益严峻的人口老龄化危机 如果说中国正因"人满为患"而头疼不已,那么俄罗斯则在为国家"无人为续"而伤透脑筋.自1993年以来,俄罗斯人口一直处于负增长态势.俄罗斯总统普京在2006年的一次俄罗斯立法委员会会议上表示:近13年来,人口减少的趋势在俄罗斯已经成为其一个固定的特点①.在俄罗斯辽阔的大地上只有1.43亿人口.世界上面积最大的国家正面临着严峻的人口危机.  相似文献   

实行党风廉政建设责任制是加强党风廉政建设,推动反腐败斗争深入开展的重大举措,是砷党风廉政建设和反腐败领导体制和工作机制的制度化,规范化.但在执行与落实党风廉政建设责任制过程中还存在一些问题,如责任意识"淡";责任目标"空";责任落实"难";责任考核"虚";责任追究"软".对此,笔者认为,要抓好党风廉政建设责任制的"网络"建设,必须抓好三个关键环节.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨宋元动词重叠"AA"式和"A-A"式的语法意义.我们认为:动词重叠式的语法意义AA"式和"A-A"式是一个相当复杂的问题,不能一概而论,必须分不同的情况.动词重叠式有多种格式,格式不一样,语法意义也会有所差别;即使是同一格式,所处的语境不同,语法意义也不尽相同;在语言运用中,动词重叠式的语法意义是立体的,从不同的角度去观察就会得出不同的认识.通过对宋元动词重叠"AA"式和"A-A"式的深入考察,我们发现该书中动词重叠既可以表示动作行为的时短量小,也可以表示动作行为的多量、表示尝试表示委婉语气.  相似文献   

校园“一卡通”建设与高校财务管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大力推进信息化建设,是提高财务管理水平的有效载体.随着信息技术的发展和校园网建设逐步成熟,高等学校财务管理模式正在朝信息化方向改革,以网络技术和IC卡技术为基础的校园"一卡通"在高校的建设逐步得到重视.校园"一卡通"与高校财务管理的联系日益广泛.本文着重分析了校园"一卡通"管理系统对高校财务管理的影响.  相似文献   

由乌克兰局势预测LNG造船业的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高琛 《市场研究》2014,(5):18-19
持续发酵和升级的乌克兰冲突,使俄罗斯取得了"地缘政治"与"经济利益"的主动权,却影响了欧盟和美国的利益。现今美国、欧盟想启动对俄罗斯的制裁,但是其制裁却很可能引发俄罗斯对欧盟的"天然气反制裁"。笔者的研究认为,当欧盟因为制裁而不能再从俄罗斯进口天然气时,中国的LNG造船业将迎来发展壮大的机会。  相似文献   

通过3个中俄标准对管输俄罗斯原油进行水含量检测,发现采用我国标准所得结果明显偏大,分析后得出俄罗斯国家标准存在方法误差的结论;通过对比蒸馏法与卡尔费休容量法,发现卡尔费休容量法检测水含量快速准确,拥有更多优势。  相似文献   

Western firms that depend on Russian nationals to help operate their businesses in Russia need to find effective ways of designing compensation packages to attract, motivate, and reward these valuable employees. This article proposes that several important aspects of Russian culture should be taken into account. An overview of Russian culture and a discussion of the way it was embedded in compensation systems during the Communist period are presented as background, using Hofstede's five dimensions of culture as a framework. Two surveys of Western firms' compensation policies for Russian nationals are then discussed in light of Russian culture. The article concludes with culturally based guidelines to assist Western firms in developing effective compensation plans for Russian employees.  相似文献   


The article describes the expansion of the Russian direct investments in Poland, especially in the oil sector, illustrated with an example of Lukoil. Apart from the capital transfer, the company contributed to long-term sustainable economic development by implementing environmentally friendly production technologies. However, corruption and political involvement related to the expansion of the Russian investments in the strategic assets had negative impact on the perception of Russian investments in Poland.  相似文献   


In Germany small businesses seem to dominate Russian investment activities in number. Larger, export-oriented Russian companies, mostly from the raw materials sector, use Germany as an entry to Europe-primarily to the old EU member statesutilizing its technological and intellectual infrastructure. However, the majority of investment activities are unspecific and insignificant. Driven by market seeking motives, the Russian companies have established primarily representative offices and marketing subsidiaries. The only remarkable exception is Gazprom, which is involved in more specific and significant investments in Germany.  相似文献   

语言可以反映一个民族的特征,它不仅包含着该民族的历史和文化背景,而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和思维方式.学习一门外国语言应该做到对它的了解不亚于母语的程度.不对应词是指在一种民族语言中表示本民族独有事物的词,在另一种民族语言中没有相同的词汇概念,也找不到相应的词.简言之,不对应词即指时其他语言文化而言特有的词汇.俄语的不对应词的数量虽不多,但它们往往反映了俄罗斯文化中最本质、最主要的东西.所以,研究俄语的不对应词,对学习,掌握俄语具有较大帮助,也能更准确的进行俄语翻译工作.  相似文献   

近几年来,俄罗斯在农业的发展上取得了喜人的成绩。粮食产量连创新高,粮食出口增至1500万吨。2007年下半年由于粮价的上涨,粮食关税从10%上调到40%。2008年,在世界金融危机愈演愈烈的情况下,俄农业生产发展态势良好。根据俄国现行的农业情况,俄政府制定了下一步的农业发展计划,这使我国更加明确了对俄农业合作的途径和目标。  相似文献   


The study explores differences in U.S. and Russian national work-related values. Comparing the results obtained using Hofstede's 1994 instrument with earlier, but very limited U.S. and Russian studies, differences in value orientation of U.S. and Russian cultures were found. A comparative examination of value orientations of U.S. (n = 73) and Russian (n = 75) students found differences that may affect international alliances. Despite exposure of Russian students to Western values, their cultural values remained almost totally unchanged. The study upheld cultural divergence. Implications for practice and future research are offered.  相似文献   


Russian firms are not integrated to the global business world solely via investments from the West to the East but also through investments from Russia to other countries. This article proves that some significant Russian corporations have already taken root in Western economies, including the US market. The first wave of the Russian companies in the West increases the pressure to analyze them as potential partners or competitors. This article uses a REM model to describe the foreign operations of the two biggest Russian corporations, Gazprom and LUKoil. The fast-expanding activities of Russian firms abroad signify that a new era in international business has begun on the eve of this millennium.  相似文献   

In most industrialized nations, the concept and body of intellectual property laws is well into its third century of development and testing. The Russian Federation, however, has created and implemented an entirely new body of intellectual property law since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. As American and other western firms work with the Russian Federation as a supplier and customer, they must recognize that the new nation has abandoned a legal philosophy denying the existence of intellectual property in favor of intellectual property laws recognizing and favoring private development and ownership of such property. This paper examines the Russian intellectual property laws and points out adaptations that western nations should make when dealing with similar entities in the Russian Federation. The study assumes familiarity with Russian history, language, and geography. A caution to domestic firms is that they should retain experienced legal counsel to deal with negotiations and contracts with Russian business interests.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the relevance of a conditional multifactor model and autocorrelation in predicting the Russian aggregate stock return fluctuates over time. The source of return predictability is shown to vary considerably with information flow. In general, predictability of the Russian stock market return is at a high level. Autocorrelation increases during periods of low information flow. During periods of high information, conditional exposure to the local market risk and changes in oil price influence the expected return on the Russian stock market. The lagged global stock market factor and currency returns have insignificant influence.  相似文献   

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