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2015年春季,利用样线法和样点法对小北湖自然保护区春季鸟类多样性进行研究。共记录到鸟类16目40科148种4904只,为小北湖国家级自然保护区记录鸟类种数的58.04%。雀形目鸟类种类和数量均最多,共68种3470只,占鸟类种数的45.95%,鸟类数量的70.76%。利用多样性指数和均匀性指数方法对小北湖保护区春季鸟类多样性进行了分析,其多样性指数为3.8877,均匀性指数为0.4575。从生境上分析,林地生境鸟类多样指数值为最高,水域生境最低;不同生境多样性比较:林地(3.3191)草甸(3.1073)灌丛(2.9531)沼泽(2.7129)水域(2.1868);均匀性指数则草甸生境最高,水域生境最低;均匀性比较:草甸(0.4592)沼泽(0.4543)灌丛(0.4465)林地(0.4417)水域(0.3484)。  相似文献   

2003和2004年春、秋两季鸟类迁徙期时,对洪河国家级自然保护区境内迁飞鸟类进行网捕环志,并对其种类及数量进行了相关分析。2年间共网捕环志迁徙鸟95种6072只,隶属6目20科。其中春季78种3011只,秋季81种3061只。春季以燕雀、灰头和田为迁徙鸟类的优势种,每种各环志728、548、403只;秋季以燕雀和灰头的数量占绝对优势,各环志619和542只。对网捕迁徙鸟类进行多样性分析发现:2003年春季迁徙鸟类Shannon-Weaner指数和Pielou均匀度指数最高,H’=3.96;J=0.70。从两年内迁徙鸟类总体看,G指数为3.37,F指数为22.62,DG-F=0.85。这表明该地迁徙鸟类在种、属、科等分类阶元的多样性均较丰富。  相似文献   

2012年4月10日-5月15日,在黑龙江珍宝岛国家级自然保护区对春迁徙水类多样性进行了调查,共记录到鸟类7目13科45种99567只次。共记录到国家级重点保护鸟类13种26899只。应用鸟类多样性公式对春季水鸟多样性进行了分析,其多样性指数、均匀性指数和物种丰富度指数分别为1.849641、0.336797、和0.00042。并对水域、沼泽、草甸和农田水鸟多样性进行了比较;结果表明其多样性为水域(1.791485)>沼泽(1.789785)>草甸(1.629579)>农田(0.098193);均匀性指数为草甸(0.701821)>沼泽(0.368422)>水域(0.330151)>农田(0.098193);物种丰富度指数为草甸(0.037313)>农田(0.003175)>沼泽(0.000951)>水域(0.00063。本研究为今后水鸟资源管理和濒危物种的保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

内蒙古图牧吉自然保护区春季迁徙水鸟多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年4月5日~5月5日,在内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区对春迁徙水类多样性进行了调查,共记录到鸟类7目13科45种99567只次。共记录到国家级重点保护鸟类13种26899只。应用鸟类多样性公式对春季水鸟多样性进行了分析,其多样性指数、均匀性指数和物种丰富度指数分别为1.849641、0.336797、和0.00042。并对水域、沼泽、草甸和农田水鸟多样性进行了比较;结果表明其多样性为水域(1.791485)>沼泽(1.789785)>草甸(1.629579)>农田(0.098193);均匀性指数为草原(0.701821)>沼泽(0.368422)>水域(0.330151)>农田(0.098193);物种丰富度指数为草原(0.037313)>农田(0.003175)>沼泽(0.000951)>水域(0.00063)。本研究为今后水鸟资源管理和濒危物种的保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>合订本价格如下:2003年以前售价为30元(有些年度合订本已售完),2004年售价为50元,2005年售价为50元,2006年售价为50元,2007年售价为80元,2008年售价为90元,2009年售价为100元。  相似文献   

2005/2006年度全球小麦产量约为6.04亿吨国际谷物理事会(IGC)预测,2005/2006年度全球小麦产量约为6.04亿吨,2004/2005年度产量达到创纪录的6.25亿吨。2005/06年度(7月至次年6月)全球小麦贸易将创五年来的最高,北非、近东以及南美的进口增加,全球小麦贸易量将提高至1.076亿吨。国际市场大豆价格出现大幅下跌芝加哥大豆期价近期走出大幅下跌行情,各月合约均出现跌停板,随后一个交易日再次下跌30美分/蒲式耳左右,近月合约收盘价格最低下跌至667美分/蒲式耳。国际市场大豆价格出现大幅下跌行情与美国中西部地区预计出现降雨有直接关系,同时也…  相似文献   

国际谷物理事会(IGC)预测,2005/2006年度全球小麦产量约为6.04亿吨,2004/2005年度产量达到创纪录的6.25亿吨。2005/06年度(7月至次年6月)全球小麦贸易将创五年来的最高,北非、近东以及南美的进口增加,全球小麦贸易量将提高至1.076亿吨。  相似文献   

美国农业部(USDA)的最新预测报告预计:2005/2006年度全球粗粮产量、消耗量、贸易量及期末库存量都将比2004/2005年度有所下降。报告预测,2005/2006年度所有粗粮的总产量为9.462亿吨,低于上年度10多亿吨的产量。预计全球总消耗量将会从上年度的9.714亿吨下降为9.685亿吨,由于总产量的降低,期末库存量也会比上年减少13%,为1.494亿吨。估计贸易量为1.003亿吨,与2004/2005年度的1.021亿吨相比略低。仅就占世界粗粮产量71%的玉米而言,预计2005/2006年度产量为6.719亿吨,比上年度的7.086亿吨纪录数下降5%,美国的产量从上年度的3.000亿吨纪录数减…  相似文献   

从2005年11月30日中国科学文献计量评价研究中心提供的“中国学术期刊综合引证年度报告(2005)”(CNKI中国知识资源总库CAJ-SR 2005Z WF0477)中得知,根据《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库(CAJCED)》2004年5941种统计刊源析出的170万条中国期刊引文数及“中国期刊网”中心网站2004年全文下载记录数的统计,本刊2005年度引文计量及Web即年下载率等7项指标的数据如下表所示,各项指标都比2003、2004年度的显著提高。计量指标总被引频次影响因子即年指标他引总引比被引半衰期2004载文量Web即年下载率2005年度指标值199 0·314 0·057 0·8141…  相似文献   

一、世界谷物市场供求概况 由于全球性气候条件良好,在2004/2005市场年度,全球谷物产量估计达到了20.35亿吨,比上年度增长了9.46%.根据美国农业部8月12日公布的供求数据,2005/2006年度世界谷物产量预计为19.46亿吨,较最高历史产量降低4.36%,减少8873万吨.  相似文献   

Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have spread rapidly in the developing world. There has been considerable interest in the potential role ICTs, particularly mobile phones, have begun to play in the marketing of agricultural outputs in these countries. In this article, we discuss the potential impacts ICTs may have on welfare, both in terms of potential efficiency gains (via improved arbitrage), and welfare transfers among agents in the supply chain (via reduced informational asymmetries and market power). We also review the recent empirical evidence for such effects.  相似文献   

The article explores the relationship between fertilizer use and the demand for weather index insurance (WII) among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. We examine whether fertilizer use is profitable under current smallholder production conditions, whether risk‐related factors affect fertilizer use, and we estimate the returns to inputs in the agricultural production function in the absence of insurance. We then study how these primitives of agricultural production functions relate to insurance demand. The study compares a survey‐based estimate of willingness to pay with actual uptake for the weather insurance, finding the stated and actual demand to be almost completely uncorrelated. While those with high marginal returns to inputs say they would purchase insurance, only those with low marginal returns actually do, consistent with the stated purpose of the product as input insurance. Insurance demand proves to be highly responsive to the existence and amount of randomly allocated insurance vouchers.  相似文献   

Supermarkets, wholesalers, and tomato growers in Guatemala   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The article shows the asset‐related determinants and the impacts of the participation of small farmers in supermarkets versus traditional market channels in Guatemala. Compared to farmers selling only to the traditional market channels, farmers selling to supermarket channels are larger (but are in the upper tier of the “small farmer” category), have more capital, and are much more specialized in commercial horticulture in general and in tomatoes in particular. While they have higher yields, they also have higher input use, including use of chemicals. In fact, they severely overuse pesticides and fungicides. Moreover, these greater input expenditures mean that their profit rates are roughly similar to those of farmers in the traditional market channel. Supermarket‐channel farmers prefer the more demanding wholesale‐supermarket channel because it offers lower risks and lower transaction costs to market, a variety of quality grades of tomatoes, all year long. In turn, the supermarkets, who do not buy direct but rather source from a few specialized‐dedicated wholesalers, rely on this year‐round supply, lower transaction costs, and consistency of quality.  相似文献   

This paper introduces contributions to a symposium that report some of the findings and arguments to emerge from a collaborative research project involving five Colombian universities forming the Observatorio de Restitución y Regulación de Derechos de Propiedad Agraria (Observatory of Restitution and Regulation of Agrarian Property Rights). In a number of ways, the research presented in the symposium advances understanding of the political economy of rural Colombia, and of war in Colombia, and the papers, drawing on the original evidence collected by Observatorio researchers, develop arguments that have a wider relevance too for agrarian political economy and the understanding of violent conflict. In particular, the papers highlight the direct participation of elites in violent conflict; the varieties and nuances of wartime primitive accumulation; the complexities of the state's role in wartime agrarian political economy; the gender dimensions of agrarian conflict; the interaction of war and law; and the significance for service provision of farm size. As Colombia—hopefully—passes from long war to peace, these arguments and this evidence may be valuable in debates about what kind of peace can develop.  相似文献   

Increased investment in agricultural research could contribute to sustainable development goals and benefit farmers, consumers, the environment, and the economy. This paper provides recent evidence and a critical assessment of the evolving Canadian canola crop development and innovation policy and compares it to the wheat and pulse sectors that differ in degree of biotechnology adoption, seeded acreage, intellectual property rights, and private sector involvement. This study also assesses how crop characteristics and technological changes affect future optimal public policy. A number of innovation policies are discussed that could stimulate further growth within the crop sector.  相似文献   

Women play an important role in the agricultural production process in developing countries, yet their role in making decisions about what to grow and implications for household welfare remains poorly understood. In this article, I study women's empowerment in northern Mozambique as it relates to agriculture, considering in particular the factors associated with women managing the plots that they nominally control. Women control about 30% of the plots in the data, but only manage about 70% of those plots. Using a unique panel data set, I find that women are more likely to manage plots when households have had historic access to off‐farm labor, typically completed by men. When women manage plots, they tend to grow crops with less complicated production techniques and are less likely to grow the main area cash crop. However, conditional on historic access to off‐farm labor their farm incomes are the same as among men.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of institutional services of credit, input supply, and extension in the overall commercial transformation process of smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia. Survey data collected in 2006 from 309 sample households in three districts of Ethiopia are used for the analyses. Tobit regression models are used to measure the effect of access to services on the intensity of inputs use for fertilizer and agrochemicals. A probit model is used to measure these effects on the adoption of improved seeds. Intensity of use of seeds is analyzed using an ordinary least squares model. Logarithmic Cobb–Douglass functions are estimated to analyze the effect of access to services on crop productivity. Heckman's two‐stage estimation is used to examine determinants of household market participation and the extents of participation. Results show that access to institutional support services plays a significant role in enhancing smallholder productivity and market orientation. Our results imply that expanding and strengthening the institutional services is critical for the intensification and market orientation of smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia. In particular, appropriate incentives and regulatory systems are urgently needed to encourage the involvement of the private sector in the provision of agricultural services.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence of the link between outlook and practice among farmers, foresters, and growers in New Zealand. Specifically, we use a large, nationally representative survey to assess how foci on production and environmental outcomes influence the adoption of six good management practices aimed at increasing agricultural sustainability. We then show that while environmentally oriented and production-oriented decision-makers are statistically more prepared to take risks, all rural decision-makers are more likely to adopt new technologies and good practices after seeing their relative advantages successfully demonstrated. Next, we show that social and professional networks are small, often limited to five or fewer operators, which begs the question about how the risk-averse operators become informed about good practice. Hence, we ultimately analyse trust in order to identify other credible demonstrators or informants. We find that veterinarians are the most trusted source of information and that government (at all levels) is the least.  相似文献   

The growth of smallholder tobacco production since 2000 has been one of the big stories of Zimbabwe's post–land reform experience. Yet the implications for agrarian change, and the consequences for new relations between farmers, the state, and agribusiness capital have rarely been discussed. The paper reports on work carried out in the Mvurwi area of Mazowe district in Zimbabwe with a sample of 220 A1 (smallholder) farmers and 100 former farmworkers resident in compounds on the same farms. By going beyond a focus on operational and business dimensions of contract farming, the paper concludes with reflections on the implications for understanding agrarian relations and social differentiation in those areas of Zimbabwe where tobacco growing is now significant, with lessons more broadly on the political economy of contract farming, and the integration of agribusiness capital following land reform.  相似文献   

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