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A growing literature has examined the changing nature of urban political leadership in an era of economic globalization and increased pressures for fiscal austerity on governments. Based mostly on the experiences of the United States and Europe, this literature has emphasized the imperative of urban leaders to become increasingly entrepreneurial — to foster collaboration with private sector actors, to mobilize new sources of financing for urban development, and to develop innovative strategies for economic growth. This article examines this question in the very different context of the Extended Bangkok Metropolitan Region (EBMR) in Thailand. It argues that, in the context of rapidly urbanizing regions in Southeast Asia, these changes have in many contexts led to the emergence of businessmen‐cum‐politicians who exert both economic and political dominance in localities. Such figures have emerged as intermediaries in the process of industrialization and urbanization between national governments and people in localities, and play an important role in mobilizing land, labor and capital at the local level, and in fostering a political base for national economic development policy. The article illustrates this phenomenon with a case study from Chonburi, a rapidly industrializing province on the fringe of the EBMR. L'évolution de l'autorité politique urbaine, dans un cadre de mondialisation économique et de gouvernements en butte à des pressions d'austérité fiscale accrues, fait de plus en plus souvent l'objet d'études. Essentiellement basées sur les expériences américaines et européennes, celles‐ci soulignent l'impératif, pour les leaders urbains, de devenir des chefs d'entreprise encourageant la collaboration avec les acteurs du secteur privé, mobilisant de nouvelles sources de financement de l'expansion urbaine et élaborant des stratégies novatrices de croissance économique. L'article examine cette question dans le contexte très différent de la Métropole étendue de Bangkok en Thaïlande. Dans un environnement sud‐asiatique en urbanisation rapide, ce changement a fréquemment fait émerger des hommes politiques‐hommes d'affaires qui exercent une domination tant économique que politique dans les régions. Apparus en tant qu’intermédiaires dans le processus d'industrialisation et d'urbanisation (entre les gouvernement nationaux et les populations régionales), ces personnages jouent un rôle important dans la mobilisation du terrain, de la main‐d'?uvre et du capital en plan local, tout en favorisant un appui politique pour les stratégies de développement économique nationales. L'article illustre ce phénomène avec le cas de Chonburi, province en cours d'industrialisation rapide située aux confins de la Métropole étendue de Bangkok.  相似文献   

In this article contemporary city change in Stockholm is first described against a background of theories on global cities. Stockholm cannot be seen as a global city, but displays many typical signs of the ongoing development in global cities. In the article this is shown by examining the situation in Stockholm regarding the economic structure, especially the expanding IT‐sector, social and economic polarization, local politics and the efforts to improve the infrastructure. In the change of the city social movements have been very active. Since the 1960s three different kinds of movements have existed, which are described and analysed against a background of theories on social movements. The first of these, the so‐called neighbourhood movement, emerged at the end of the 1960s and had all the typical signs of the so‐called ‘new’ social movements of that time. In the 1990s a new environmental movement acted mainly against proposed big traffic‐routes. This movement reflected in its structure some important features of today's society: fragmentation, individualization and globalization. At the end of the 1990s a third movement emerged as a reaction against the new competitive urban politics and the ongoing change of the city. Finally, the modifying impact that movements and local factors in Stockholm have had on globalization is discussed, as well as the difficulty in estimating the impact of movements on local politics. L'article décrit d'abord l'évolution urbaine contemporaine à Stockholm, en fonction des théories sur les villes planétaires. Même si la capitale suédoise n'est pas censée en faire partie, elle présente nombre des caractéristiques du développement actuel de ces grandes villes mondiales. L'article le montre en examinant sa situation en matière de structure économique (en particulier, l'expansion de son secteur technologique informatique), de polarisation sociale et économique, de politique locale et d'efforts d'amélioration des infrastructures. Les mouvements sociaux ont largement contribuéà l'évolution urbaine. Depuis 1960, ils sont intervenus sous trois formes, décrites et analysées par rapport aux théories des mouvements sociaux. La première, le ‘mouvement de quartier’, est apparue à la fin des années 1960 et présentait tous les signes typiques des dits ‘nouveaux’ mouvements sociaux de l'époque. Dans les années 1990, c'est un mouvement environnemental qui a agi surtout à l'encontre des grands itinéraires de circulation proposés, révélant par sa structure quelques caractéristiques importantes de la société actuelle: fragmentation, individualisation et mondialisation. A la fin des années 1990, un troisième mouvement est né en réaction à la nouvelle politique urbaine concurrentielle et à l'évolution vécue par la ville. Pour finir sont discutées l'incidence, sur la mondialisation, des mouvements et des facteurs locaux propres à Stockholm, ainsi que la difficulté d'évaluer l'impact des mouvements sur la politique locale.  相似文献   

谦卑型领导的前因与结果:人格与组织政治知觉的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,谦卑型领导作为一种全新的领导行为,虽然受到理论界的重视,但对其前因与结果的探索尚处起步阶段.文章采用配对样本收集数据,对谦卑型领导的前因与结果进行了探讨,结果表明宜人性和责任心对谦卑型领导有显著的正向影响,即越具有宜人性和责任心的领导,更可能是谦卑型领导,同时,谦卑型领导对员工沉默有显著的负向影响,并且员工组织政治知觉在谦卑型领导与员工沉默的关系中起完全中介作用.  相似文献   

Institutions across many cities in Africa lack sufficient authority to instil any overarching matrix of definitions and spatial framework capable of holding residents in stable articulations with infrastructure, territory and urban resources of all kinds. The resultant dispersion of ways of operating in cities does not necessarily mean that regularities are impossible to attain. Rather, an increasingly generalized practice of converting bodies, infrastructure and urban objects into mutltiplex and unstable uses can give rise to particular forms of sociality which in turn cultivate a certain flexibility in how highly volatile urban situations are appropriated and lived. By examining various modalities of circulation — through disparate spatial and symbolic economies — engaged in by youth in various situations and quarters in Douala, Cameroon, this article attempts to explore the elaboration of specific urban political practices. These practices are aimed at countering marginalization and reappropriating the city as a platform for more diverse engagements with a larger world. Dans de nombreuses grandes villes d’Afrique, les institutions manquent de l’autorité suffisante pour faire naître une enveloppe de définitions et un cadre spatial capables d’assurer aux habitants des articulations stables avec une infrastructure, un territoire et des ressources urbaines de toutes sortes. Il en résulte une dispersion des modes opératoires dans les villes, ce qui n’interdit pas forcément toute forme de régularité. Au contraire, la conversion généralisée d’organismes, infrastructures et objets urbains en usages composites et instables fait naître des formes spécifiques de socialité qui elles‐mêmes nourrissent une certaine flexibilité dans la manière dont les habitants s’approprient et vivent des situations urbaines très volatiles. En étudiant plusieurs modalités de circulation‐via des économies symboliques et spatiales disparates — adoptées par les jeunes dans des situations et des quartiers variés de Douala (Cameroun), cet article tente d’explorer l’élaboration de pratiques politiques urbaines spécifiques. Ces dernières visent à combattre la marginalisation et à se réapproprier la ville en tant que scène d’engagements plus diversifiés avec un monde plus vaste.  相似文献   

This article engages in the debate on urban contentious politics by returning to the Tunisian revolution. In the article, I chart movements provoked by neoliberal restructurings, and show how these ultimately came together to form a mass movement demanding radical political change. I first describe the socio‐spatial roots of the Tunisian revolution to understand its dynamics. Based on the chronology of the unfolding events I sketch the classes, social groups and movements that coalesced against authoritarian rule in early 2011. Although the Tunisian revolution started in rural environments, I focus more specifically on the role of urban social movements in the uprising to link questions of urbanism to what were clearly national revolts. Secondly, I outline the scope of neoliberal reforms in Tunisia by looking at the impact of these reforms to chart the resulting emergence of contentious politics in response to the increasing violence that characterized all levels of economic life during this period. I also consider the resulting uneven development and the changing relations between the state and the different social classes. This enables me to reflect on the politicization of the city with the aim of opening up new opportunities for engaging with a more comparative and cosmopolitan theory about cities around the world.  相似文献   

The Urban Unbound: London's Politics and the 2012 Olympic Games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global events such as London's 2012 Olympic Games raise questions about the ways in which embedded political arrangements take their shape from relationships that stretch across and beyond urban boundaries. In this article, the urban politics that we wish to capture is not one that is merely located in the city, but rather one that has to constantly take into account the mediated demands folded (as it were) into the urban arena. In the first part of the article, the corporate politics of an Olympic‐related urban regeneration are outlined and then considered, first as a staged setting for interaction, a kind of placeless political engagement, and then as a more embedded spatial politics that takes into account the leverage of networked groups acting within and beyond the city. Following that, we explore the politics of regeneration when campaign groups and alternative coalitions of interest raise their own political demands by drawing on references outside of their immediate urban area and attempt to steer political dialogue in ways that extend the reach of urban politics. The urban politics at stake in this context, we argue, appears to work more through topology than a series of mapped connections; through actors registering their presence in ways that often dissolve the tension between inside and outside rather than define it in terms of separate political spaces.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the relationship between participative leadership and job performance within the internship setting. Based on two‐waves of survey data obtained from 309 intern‐supervisor dyads, we find that participative leadership has a positive relationship with job performance, and that affective trust mediates that relationship. We also find that although cognitive trust is not significantly related to intern job performance, it mediates the relationship between participative leadership and affective trust. Our findings contradict those of previous research which question the effectiveness of participative leadership in short‐term employment situations such as internships. They also highlight the importance of designing internships to be reflective of typical performance situations, characterized by participative leadership practices, rather than more directive leadership practices. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This research aimed to reconstruct a local urban politics and develop a meso–micro‐level model of urban politics through a case study, drawing on a Bourdieusian relational framework. To this end, it investigated the case of local low‐income housing policy — inclusionary zoning — in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. It historicized the path of the local low‐income policy issue through document analysis and qualitative media content analysis. Through multiple analyses, the study revealed that urban politics consists of complex interlinkages among stakeholders with shared values or interests from different social domains, created in order to dominate the policy issue. The study further investigated, on the basis of Bourdieu's concepts of capital and habitus, what elicited different political strategies from key community leaders.  相似文献   

Recent research on management innovation, i.e. new managerial processes, practices, or structures that change the nature of managerial work, suggests it can be an important source of competitive advantage. In this study, we focus on management innovation at the organization level and investigate the role of leadership behaviour as a key antecedent. Due to its prominent role within organizations, top management has the ability to greatly influence management innovation. In particular, we focus on leadership behaviour and examine transformational and transactional leadership. Additionally, as contextual variables like organizational size may influence the impact of leadership, we investigate its moderating role. Findings show that both leadership behaviours contribute to management innovation. Interestingly, our study indicates that smaller, less complex, organizations benefit more from transactional leadership in realizing management innovation. On the other hand, larger organizations need to draw on transformational leaders to compensate for their complexity and allow management innovation to flourish.  相似文献   

We examined whether a supervisor's coaching leadership style predicts the perception of organizational politics in performance appraisal (OPPA) reported by the collaborators. Additionally, we drew on social cognition and motivational life‐span development theories to hypothesize age‐related differences in perceived OPPA and its link with the coaching leadership style. Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) on a sample of 576 employees and 112 leaders, we found that coaching leaders are perceived as less manipulative in their performance ratings, especially by older employees. This article includes a discussion of the implications these results have for performance management of an age‐diverse workforce. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

城中村改造中的政府角色扮演:安排者、监管者和协调者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城中村改造是地方政府实现彻底城市化,改变城乡二元结构的首要目标。以往的政府为主体的城中村改造模式遭到了越来越多的抵制,激化了社会矛盾,不利于和谐社会的构建。政府在城中村改造中应改变传统的主导角色,定位为公共服务的安排者、公共政策的供给者、改造过程的监管者、利益关系的协调者,为城中村改造的顺利推进提供服务。  相似文献   

Urban plans and projects that aim to initiate the redevelopment and gentrification of urban areas create social and ecological pressures on urban environments and thereby stimulate urban movements. These movements have a lifespan, which evolves in interaction with planning authorities under local or central governments and may be marked by institutionalization and co‐optation, as well as fragmentation among the people involved in them. Fragmentations are usually based on conflicting individual and collective interests, but may also be the result of different political perspectives in groups. This article is based on a case study conducted in two adjacent gecekondu neighbourhoods of Istanbul, Gülsuyu and Gülensu, where urban politics have played an important role in efforts to resist plans for urban transformation. It shows that fragmentations are very likely to occur in urban movements during planning processes in a neoliberal era, owing to the different perspectives in the movement on what the just city is.  相似文献   

团队创新是企业获取竞争优势,实现可持续发展的重要保证。差错管理氛围和特质焦点提供了理解团队创新的新视角。研究发现真实型领导通过营造差错管理氛围,对团队创新绩效产生正向影响;团队提升型特质调节焦点在差错管理氛围和团队创新绩效间起到正向调节作用。文章拓展了创新、差错管理氛围以及调节焦点等相关文献,并为提升团队创新绩效提供了管理建议。  相似文献   

马国泽  孙雯 《价值工程》2010,29(3):144-144
思想政治教育方法是实施思想政治教育的手段,同时也是实现思想政治教育目标的手段。是思想政治教育必不可少的组成部分。由于历史背景、价值观、文化传统以及教育目标、内容等差异,我国和德国思想政治教育方法体现出各自不同的特点。  相似文献   

In recent studies on the role of architecture in urban restructuring, city marketing and the related struggles for meaning, there has been a focus on high‐profile architects and iconic architecture. In this article I wish to examine architecture and building types as ‘socially signifying devices’, in order to take more everyday buildings and their images into account as well. Using Vienna as a case study, I explore how the commercial office tower is utilized to represent the internationalization of the local economy and render new urban political‐economic strategies socially meaningful. This is done by examining recent shifts in urban policy, and the means, channels and practices of discursive and visual representation of the local office architecture. Connecting the concept of economic imaginaries from cultural political economy (CPE) with a sociological approach to building types, I argue that economic imaginaries gain in plausibility if they are discursively and visually anchored in urban space. However, it is also shown that this kind of spatialization of new economic imaginaries is constructed on a selective visual representation of buildings: the assignment of international economic activities to local office towers is revealed to be only partially true in the case of Vienna.  相似文献   

全球化是人类社会发展的必然,在全球化过程中,城市受到巨大的冲击.全球化背景下城市的发展存在趋同与求异两种趋势,并且两种趋势并重.世界潮流,浩浩荡荡,顺之才昌,我们只有趋同,才能更好融入世界,才能获得更快发展;同样越是自然的才越是人类的,越是民族的才越是世界的,我们只有求异,才能在发展过程中不迷失自我,不盲目随从,才能获得更好发展.在具有五千年辉煌灿烂的文明史的泱泱大国,雄厚的文化底蕴是我们最大的瑰宝,充分挖掘城市的本土文化,将之应用到城市发展规划中去,指导城市发展,是我们义不客辞的责任.我国有众多历史文化名城保护不善,或年久失修,或因为建设性破坏而面目全非,失去了其"历史真实性、生活真实性、风貌完整性",亟待整治.只有充分挖掘文化内涵、保持优良传统,达到历史与现代的完美融合,才是城市的最佳发展.  相似文献   

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