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本文的研究目的为利用全国254个地级市2009-2016年面板数据,考察实施城镇低效用地再开发政策对城市土地利用效益的影响,并分区域、分类型对不同城市政策影响的差异性进行分析,以期为完善城镇低效用地再开发政策体系提供参考。通过双重差分法(Differences-in-Differences Method)和双向固定效应模型,得出研究结果为:(1)实施城镇低效用地再开发能明显提升城市土地效益,其能提升相应城市的地均GDP约4.36个百分点;(2)政策实施存在明显的阶段性效应,土地利用效益的提升作用在政策开展第3年最为显著;(3)城镇低效用地再开发政策效应存在异质性,东部城市土地效益提升最为明显,中部次之,西部则不显著,平原城市土地效益提升尤为显著,山地城市则不显著,此外,城镇低效用地再开发对重工业城市的土地效益提升作用也比较明显。得出的研究结论为政策制定应考虑不同地域、不同类型的城市基础情况,政策实施应注重阶段性效应,并对政策实施进行不断反馈与调整。  相似文献   

中国城镇低效用地再开发的现实困境与理性选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:深入分析城镇低效用地再开发面临的问题,总结地方实践创新经验,提出进一步推进城镇低效用地再开发的建议。研究方法:文献研究法和对比研究法。研究结果:中国城镇低效用地再开发面临资金短缺、产权复杂等现实困难,主要原因是规则的制约和缺失,对广东、浙江、辽宁3个省份集体建设用地管理、违法用地处理、出让方式改进等方面的创新进行了总结。研究结论:城镇低效用地再开发既是现实需要,又有一定的政策空间,应在全国层面完善集体建设用地管理、违法用地处理、土地出让和强制力运行等规则,按照科学规划、市场导向、利益共享的原则推进工作。  相似文献   

<正>核心提示本文认为,当前城镇和乡村地区仍存在存量建设用地布局散乱、利用粗放、用途不合理等问题,系统性、创新性地开展新一轮低效用地再开发试点,需要结合十年来城镇低效用地再开发试点的经验,探寻更好地推进新一轮低效用地再开发的对策。本文观点仅供参考和探讨。  相似文献   

转变土地资源开发和利用方式,推动经济发展和城市功能转型,是经济新常态下国土资源领域新趋势的迫切需要。本文以武汉市为例,通过梳理武汉市土地资源特点,分析当前武汉市土地资源开发面临的挑战主要有5个方面:(1)土地资源禀赋不足,耕地保护形势严峻;(2)建设用地规模快速增长,土地城镇化快于人口城镇化;(3)建设用地低效利用,土地集约水平有待提高;(4)城乡发展不均衡,城镇内部建设用地结构失衡;(5)生态用地日益减少,生态承载问题凸显。基于现状特征和面临的挑战,武汉市围绕土地资源开发和利用模式转变开展了一系列的创新与探索,本文对此进行了归纳与总结:坚持规划引导是统领、坚持底线思维是约束、坚持内涵发展是方向、坚持刚柔管控是抓手。  相似文献   

研究目的:从有关调查数据、用地增长结构和人均用地等角度进行分析研究,找出广东开展节约集约用地的重点地类,并提出实现节约集用地的相应对策。研究方法:文献资料法和情况分析法。研究结果:建设用地节约集约利用重点是城镇闲置用地和低效用地、独立工矿用地中的各类园区、农村居民点用地中空心村和废弃宅基地。研究结论:从区位优势和再利用的选择上,较可行的城镇闲置地的盘活和低效用地的改造,以及加强对园区的控制和管理;从量上看,节约集约空间最大的农村居民点,但现行体制和政策下,短期内有效压缩的空间并不大。  相似文献   

在高质量发展要求下,挖掘城市存量土地资源,调整土地利用结构,开展城镇低效用地再开发,推动土地利用进入"存量时代"至关重要。目前低效用地再开发政策体系存在市场参与度不高、政策统筹力不强、政策差异化不够等问题。建议集中清理解决历史遗留问题,进一步增强市场主体参与城镇低效用地再开发的内生动力,立足实际加强统筹,因地制宜实施差异化开发。  相似文献   

低效产业用地目标识别与二次开发策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业用地的低效利用是造成我国建设用地效益低下的重要原因。本文以典型地区广州市白云区产业用地为例,对2012年多时相SPOT/QuickBird遥感影像图进行低效产业用地的信息提取研究,并在调查问卷基础上,分析其形成的主要原因,最后提出低效产业用地的二次开发的策略与措施。主要结论有:(1)利用遥感与GIS技术可以实现在高分辨率遥感影像中低效产业用地信息提取;(2)白云区低效产业用地面积大,占建设用地总面积的比例较高;(3)低效产业用地形成的主要原因包括规划与审批、地理位置等因素;(4)城乡统筹是进行低效产业用地再开发、提升其利用效率的根本途径,同时也可以为我国新型城镇化与城乡统筹发展拓展空间提供用地保障。  相似文献   

针对我国城镇用地规划管理部门分析决策的现实和发展趋势,基于当前GIS在该领域开发研究的成果,构建了城镇用地的多目标优化规划模型.并对其进行了需求目标分析、系统结构设计以及模块的功能界定,在此基础上提出了开发基于GIS的城镇用地规划分析决策系统的构想.利用该系统,即能实现城镇用地规划管理的现代化、科学化和自动化,也可提高城市与市镇管理职能部门的管理效率和决策科学性.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于生态位,量化低效建设用地上的物质与生态空间的竞合关系,用以均衡再开发时地块内部"社会经济功能用地"和"生态功能用地"的结构和格局,从规划用途管制的视角,重构低效建设用地的物质和生态空间。研究方法:"绝对面—相对面"辨识体系、生态位测度、线性规划等模型的应用等。研究结果:(1)靠近生态"扩张源"及城市边缘的低效建设用地,应优先再开发为生态功能用地以形成局部生态屏障;(2)均衡后,从中心至边缘,低效建设用地内部用地功能的布局形式,主要呈现从"开发主导"过渡为"生态主导";(3)依据生态—经济竞合的结果实施再开发,可合理拓宽局部的生态空间,并缩减早期物质空间过渡占据的社会经济功能用地。研究结论:通过研究生态—经济的竞合关系,来调整土地资源的流向,有利于实现局部低效建设用地内部物质和生态空间的"重生"与"共生"。  相似文献   

文章分析和诠释了我国现行的城镇低效用地范围总体框架下的城镇低效用地内涵,它具有时代性、相对性、资源性特征。综合比较分析我国城镇低效用地类型划分和判定标准,由于缺乏政策支撑和严格的量化标准,低效用地认定困难。文章提出按低效城镇产业用地、低效城镇生活用地、低效村庄用地和其他低效用地等四种类型划分城镇低效用地,建议从产业发展、空间品质、利用强度、经济效益、民生设施、人居环境等方面进行判定与识别。  相似文献   

研究目的:探究低碳试点政策对城市土地绿色利用的影响效应与内在机制,以期从环境政策的角度为城市土地绿色利用提供对策建议。研究方法:Super-SBM模型、双重差分模型。研究结果:低碳试点政策对试点城市的土地绿色利用效率具有显著的促进作用,在考虑地区与时间特征以及其他影响因素的情况下,该促进效应为1.16%。机制分析结果显示,首先,低碳试点政策的实施对于当地产业结构转型具有促进作用,并表现为第一、第三产业比重的上升和第二产业比重的下降;其次,低碳城市建设所引致的城市创新能力的增强,通过低碳技术研发与应用,对土地绿色利用效率具有提升效应。研究结论:应通过持续推进低碳试点政策改革、结合本地产业特征引导产业转型、鼓励技术引进与创新等措施促进我国城市土地资源的绿色高效利用。  相似文献   

The recent increase in underused land, such as outdoor parking lots and vacant areas, is a serious problem that has led to the decline of central areas in Japanese local cities. To develop these land lots, the distribution of underused land as well as factors to transform these areas must be analyzed. However, the secular changes in underused land are not understood quantitatively, and transformation factors have not been analyzed from the viewpoint of underused lot types.In this study, we constructed a database of underused land using housing maps on GIS. Then we analyzed the relationship between the changes in underused land areas and commercial activity in the central areas of 37 core cities. Finally transformation factors from underused land to business-use and residential land were evaluated with an emphasis on the influence of the proximity to a railway station.Between 1985 and 2005, the results show that small areas of underused land have decreased in central areas, but there is a net increase of underused land. Additionally, commercial activity and population have declined in central areas compared to national trends and the average of core cities. Analyses of transformation factors reveal that outdoor parking lots negatively impact the transformation, but the combination of constructing of railway stations close to central areas and adopting land-use zoning for business-use and residential land have a positive affect on the transformation of underused land.  相似文献   

Although the development of greenfield sites in suburban peripheries is still the predominant trend in Canada, in the decade of the 1990s a growing inclination to redevelop under-utilized urban brownfield sites emerged. This study describes brownfield redevelopment patterns in the former “City of Toronto” during the 1990s and examines the key factors shaping them. The relevant data for the study were compiled from a City of Toronto land-use database, the appurtenant policy and planning studies, interviews with stakeholders, and case studies. Toronto's redevelopment experience has obvious implications for cities of similar socio-cultural and socio-economic character undergoing redevelopment planning and can thus be viewed as a “case-in-point” in brownfield redevelopment planning and policy.  相似文献   

For decades, many cities have introduced densification policy objectives to stop urban sprawl or to promote efficient use of natural resources. In the urban housing sector, however, densification projects often intensify social challenges. Due to rising rents after modernization of existing housing stocks as a consequence of densification, low-income tenants are forced to leave their apartments. Risks of social exclusion and segregation increase simultaneously.In this article, we analyze how municipal planning authorities cope with affordable housing shortages in a context of urban densification. Specifically, we ask: How do municipal planning authorities promote affordable housing in densifying cities? To answer this research question, we apply a neoinstitutional analysis approach to better understand (1) the basic mechanisms of how land policy instruments impact affordability, and (2) why specific instruments are activated to defend affordable housing objectives. Through qualitative case study analysis of four Swiss urban municipalities, our results show that the mere availability of land policy instruments is not sufficient but that the strategic activation of specific instruments matters.  相似文献   

Urban renewal has been predominantly driven by themes of property-led and economic profit-driven redevelopment. The immense redevelopment pressures in dense urban cities have often posed unresolved conflicts in the conservation of historic quarters, particularly vernacular buildings with local significance instead of designated monuments with outstanding heritage value. This study examines the 20-year debate over the conservation and redevelopment of Nga Tsin Wai Old Village, one of the very few remaining villages in the urban area in Hong Kong. This case vividly demonstrates the contestations between the urban redevelopment and heritage conservation regimes and the multiple power relations that exist within each coalition. By combining the urban regime theory with the growth machine thesis, this study illustrates the complex interplay of power relations and struggles amongst different actors to determine their roles and interests, exercise of power and formation of coalitions. As such, the findings of this work improve our understanding of the sequential interrelationships amongst the power struggles of different actors, the redistribution of power, the formed coalitions and the supportive institutional arrangements in the redevelopment–conservation debate, thereby minimising the imbalanced power relations between these two discourses. This study also provides insights that can aid in the formulation of land use planning policies that can also be applied to other cities that are undergoing urban renewal.  相似文献   

While many municipalities globally are currently undertaking initiatives to support urban agriculture, policies and zoning regulations can act as barriers, with the former usually not integrated with planning. Extensive research has been conducted on urban agriculture policies in the global South, but much less is known about associated practices and policies in the global North. This is especially true for the Canadian context and therefore the present study aims at improving our overall understanding of the urban agriculture situation in two Canadian provinces. Relevant policies, such as official plans or official community plans, alternate policy documents and guidelines, zoning by-laws, and animal-related by-laws were reviewed for 10 municipalities in Ontario and in British Columbia, all varying in socio-economic and climatological characteristics. Additional key informant interviews were conducted with municipal planners, community garden coordinators, and other municipal staff familiar with urban agriculture policies from six of the selected municipalities.In line with global trends, our results suggest that urban agriculture is becoming more widespread in the two provinces. However, even though all studied municipalities consistently support urban agriculture, they vary significantly in their approach, with some municipalities focusing much more narrowly on certain types of activities than others. Overall, community advocacy and municipal council support are the most important drivers in the policy process. Key informants expressed a need to bridge existing gaps between policy adoption and implementation of tools, emphasize public education and public awareness, create inventories of land available for urban agriculture, incorporate urban agriculture in the development review process, and focus on the commercial potential of the practice. Encouragingly, despite the many challenges that need to be addressed, we found that many opportunities exist that municipalities could consider when creating improved local urban agriculture policies and tools to enhance the urban food system.  相似文献   

深圳土地整备作为政府主导推进的存量土地再开发利用的重要模式之一,需要对土地整备中利益协调情况进行针对性分析,继而探寻有效的利益协调路径。引入嵌套博弈理论,对深圳坪山新区金沙、南布和沙湖3个社区整村统筹土地整备试点工作的利益协调进行探析。研究结果表明整村统筹土地整备中利益博弈多层次嵌套开展,博弈的主要要素体现在土地、规划和资金3个方面。深圳整村统筹土地整备原农村土地利益博弈的根源主要来自对原农村土地现状权益和未来发展权益的合理确定,利益协调的路径需要在现状权益的认定以及未来发展权益的落实方面构建通路,这是解决原农村发展问题的关键和根本。  相似文献   

The spatial and transport planning have geographical, economic and environmental constraints and are closely linked to the social and political conditions of each country as well as are well under the influence of globalization forces. This makes it all a highly complex issue and requires a better understanding of the background and products of policies and the interaction of a number of key determinant factors in policy-making and implementation. Within this large picture, the long-term review of different cases may provide useful discussions for the guidance and reinforcement of policy assessment. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to critically analyze the planning in the Netherlands through examining the issues of governing structure, spatial policy-making, and transport re-structuring. The leading characteristic of the Netherlands is the scarcity of usable land that has raised high and early awareness on spatial development issues and its connections with natural and environmental protection. The functioning of planning systems, and policy aims and measures within the planning documents since the end of the 1950s, have been reviewed and the key planning concepts have been examined by bringing in general and current discussions on the issues. The success and failure in past policy-making and implementations have been highlighted. The policies of the current spatial and transport planning documents have been evaluated by their main policy titles such as compact city, network of cities and sustainable mobility. There is a general consensus that the Netherlands has been developed into a well planned and organized society and has designed leading policies such as the ABC firm location policy. However, a number of issues such as increasing vehicle kilometres, urban decline and sprawl, and some gaps in policy making remain to be the critical planning challenges.  相似文献   

True sustainability demands that we seek to more than ‘prop up’ traditional approaches to our environment; rather, it requires that we redress current shortcomings in the planning and design of our urban environment at both bio-regional and local scales. Nourishing Urbanism proposes a shift in the urban and non-urban paradigm relating to energy, water and food; all face significant climate-related challenges—and are united by land-use policy, planning and design. We need a renewed planning and design framework for cities and regions that allows the retrofitting of today's urbanity, and prepares our cities for a new tomorrow. Nourishing Urbanism seeks to provide a malleable planning and design framework that embraces the symbiosis between urban and non-urban, and provides for the well-being of the human condition through recommending policies and technical solutions that readdress land use, ultimately impacting the security of our energy, water and soil resources, as well as infrastructure, food supply, health and design.  相似文献   

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