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上海是融通长江三角洲地区物流、人流、信息流的关键枢纽,它具有强大的物流集聚和辐射功能,已成为长江三角洲地区现代物流业发展的“增长极”。但是,上海作为国际经济中心城市在发挥物流聚散功能方面仍然存在着不足之处,从而在一定程度上制约着上海的快速发展[编者按]  相似文献   

一、引言2020年10月16日,中共中央政治局召开会议,审议了《成渝地区双城经济圈建设规划纲要》,对成渝地区双城经济圈建设的提出了明确目标,其中文件中就提到了要将成渝建成中国重要的现代产业基地。产业结构与经济增长有着非常密切的关系,产业结构的演进将促进经济总量的增长,而反过来经济总量的增长也会加速产业结构的演进。四川省作为全国的经济大省,其经济的发展情况一直以来备受社会各界关注,在国民经济结构转型的背景下,如何抓住成渝经济圈建设的机遇,进行产业结构的调整和转型,是四川省实现经济跨越式发展的关键。  相似文献   

, 《中国储运》2012,(12):92-92
联邦快递投资建设货运中心,上海机场货运加速转型近日,联邦快递宣布,将在浦东机场建设全新的上海国际快件和货运中心,投资将超过1亿美元,而在此之前,另外两大国际快递巨头UPS和DHL已经相继落户浦东机场,国际转运中心和北亚枢纽已经投入使用。  相似文献   

"2012上海国际现代物流和交通运输博览会"在各单位共同努力与支持下取得进展。然而,在展会筹备过程中,受国内外经济形势复杂多变及不确定性等因素影响,国内众多物流企业发展较为困难,对参与展会或到展会采购的积极性不高。本着实事求是的原则和认真负责的态度,特郑重决定停办。具体声明详见展会官网  相似文献   

通过研究高速铁路沿线城市的产业结构升级问题,可以为优化沿线城市产业布局提供可供借鉴的思路。首先,建立包含高速铁路与产业结构水平的理论模型,通过模型推演,发现高速铁路的开通缩短旅行时间、降低面对面交流的成本、增加知识交流的频率,促进知识密集型产业的发展,提高沿线地区的产业结构水平。在此基础上,选取南京至上海至杭州沿线城市作为高速铁路开通地区的样本代表,利用倍差法考察其对产业结构升级的影响效果。结果发现,在2008—2016年,京沪铁路沪宁段和沪昆铁路沪杭段动车组列车的运营将其沿途站点的产业结构水平提高了约3.22个百分点,沪宁城际铁路和沪昆高速铁路沪杭段的开通将其沿途站点的产业结构水平提高了约4.01个百分点。  相似文献   

述评长江航运五年乃至十年成就,分析长江航运所面临的国际、国内、行业形势。将党的十八大精神和长江航运发展的实际相结合,提出加快推进长江航运科学发展和现代化建设思路,阐述长江航运在科学发展过程中要始终抓住的"三个关键",在运作中应始终做到的"十个坚持、十个着力"。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的大背景下,我国工程施工企业正不断地调适其走向国际市场的战略,积极参与国际竞争,扩大其市场份额.在此过程中,国际化人才的数量与质量决定了国际化战略的实现.员工队伍是助力抑或制肘,人才队伍建设尤其是人才的培养是关键.  相似文献   

随着中部崛起战略的推进,武汉全面加快港口建设步伐。近日,武汉港务集团与上海国际港务集团、上海港集装箱股份公司签订了共同打造长江中游现代化枢纽港口的合资协议。根据这一协议,在合资兴建长江中游枢纽港过程中,上海国际港务集团和上海港集装箱股份公司分别出资2.02亿元和1.68亿元,分别占有武汉港务集团30%和25%的股权,并与武汉市国资委共同参与武汉港务集团的改制。按照新成立的合资公司的规划,在3~5年内,要构建以外贸集装箱、散货为主的汉阳港区,以液化气、危险品运输为主的左岭港区等5大港区。  相似文献   

本刊讯10月25日,联邦快递与上海机场(集团)签约,将在浦东机场建设全新的上海国际快件和货运中心。据了解,联邦快递上海国际快件和货运中心投资将超过1亿美元,建成后将是联邦快递在亚太区的重要设施之一,为华东地区来往欧洲以及美国之间的货物提供更大的便利性和连通性。该项目预计于2017年投入使用,将配置全自动分拣系统,并将发展与中国海关和中国出入境检验检疫的集成系统,力争实现无纸化通关。  相似文献   

日前获悉,沈阳桃仙国际机场在去年成功开通沈阳经上海至巴黎、伦敦、温哥华等八条国际航线的基础上,在今年"世园会"来临前,还将开通沈阳至阿姆斯特丹、迪拜、纽约、旧金山、慕尼黑、胡志明和海参崴等地国际航线和至中国澳门的地区航线。同时,机场还争取开通沈阳至呼和浩特、乌鲁木齐、重庆、武夷山、上海虹桥、北京南  相似文献   

为了2010年上海世博会能成功举办,上海必须提高环境承载力,郊区建设是提高环境承载力的有效途径之一。分析了上海耕地保护、食品安全、郊区城镇建设等方面存在的问题及原因,有针对性的提出了相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

通过对上海城市文化构成的分析,认为2010年上海世博会城市文化价值营销应该着重在三个方面,即根植于本土文化、营建多元文化融合氛围、担当起思考全人类未来发展的责任。  相似文献   

A structural equation model was constructed to analyze the relationship among strategic experiential modules, emotion and visitor satisfaction. For its research site, this study focused on ‘the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea’ held in South Korea. The results of the study supported the hypothesis that the event experience is an important factor and influences visitors' level of satisfaction through emotions during the Expo. This study found that Schmitt's five types of experience indirectly affect satisfaction through positive emotional experience. The results of this study demonstrated that satisfaction not only is an issue that may be attributed to the event but also involves psychological and emotional concerns. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

China launched the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Program on September 29, 2013 in a bid to reduce administrative interventions, ease restrictions on investments, further open up its financial system, and internationalize its currency to booster shipping, logistics, and commerce. This article aims to present a background of the Shanghai FTZ and some reflections on it. China’s economic reconstruction has made a major impact on its port cities. Competitions between ports are gradually evolving into competitions between supply chains, with ports no longer considered as isolated links in the transport chain but rather as integral links in the supply chain. Ports are transitioning into fourth-generation ports with the establishment of logistics and value-added activities, which are developed in conjunction with local industrial and service businesses. In this trend, China’s port cities can provide a wide range of value-added services and become centers of commodity flow, capital flow, and information flow. Specifically, the combined effects of driving the development of peripheral industries and actively coordinating the activities of relevant parties help regulate the operations of the entire supply chain to obtain potential value-added benefits. The implementation of the Shanghai FTZ will not only stimulate trade but will also bring increased shipping and finance opportunities to the city. With free trade as the new direction and focus of the country’s economic initiatives, the Shanghai FTZ will hopefully lay the groundwork for a new round of reforms and restructuring of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

Improving operation efficiency has become an important development strategy for many airport companies. However, there is little research on these companies' operating process decomposition or discussing the causes of inefficiency in sub-processes. This study evaluates the overall efficiency and the operational efficiencies of aeronautical service sub-process and commercial service sub-process for 10 East Asia airport companies from 2009 to 2013 using Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) and identifies the key influencing factors of respective sub-processes efficiency by employing the Panel Data model. The first-stage NDEA results indicate that only Airport Authority Hong Kong in 2012 and 2013 performed efficiently in both sub-processes and achieved overall efficiency. The overall efficiencies of all other companies are not high. During the entire study period, in aeronautical service sub-process, Beijing Capital International Airport Co., Ltd. and Shanghai International Airport Co., Ltd. performed efficiently, while in commercial service sub-process, only Hong Kong airport performed efficiently. The second-stage regression analysis implies the number of airlines served and the number of destinations have significant and positive influences on the efficiency of aeronautical service. Non-aeronautical revenues and service quality have significant and positive influences on commercial service efficiency.  相似文献   

阐述转变经济发展方式的重要意义,认为这是解决当前经济生活中面临突出矛盾和问题的有效途径,必须结合全球产业分工调整趋势和我国经济发展实际,力争尽快在关键领域和重点环节取得突破性进展,全面提高经济发展的质量和效益。  相似文献   

The paper identifies some major economic, social and environmental effects of gaming-related tourism in Macau, the world’s largest gaming location in respect of casino turnover. The main types of effects of casino development are typically those associated with growth machine theory. The paper also identifies major threats to the sustainable development of Macau as a gaming/tourism destination, arising from a narrow industrial base, competing destinations, community alienation, and what is referred to as the ‘China factor’. The paper discusses the types of strategies that are required if Macau tourism is to counter these threats and develop successfully as a ‘World Centre of Tourism and Leisure’. It is argued that Macau can most effectively achieve this goal if it develops its tourism and gaming industries to be consistent with the key attributes of a creative city.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(5):240-250
In recent decades, many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of world cities. One of the most important contributions to world city research has come from the Globalisation and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC-Loughborough University). GaWC focuses on external relationships between world cities. It has analysed the world city network and the hierarchy between cities in various sectors, but primarily in advanced producer services (accountancy, advertising, banking/finance and law). Previous studies have identified London, New York, Paris and Tokyo as high-level global service centres, followed closely by Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Milan and Singapore. Thus far, however, the maritime sector has been neglected in the identification and analysis of global cities. The main purpose of the present article is to fill this void.The first part of our analysis includes a study of the literature on world cities and an examination of the criteria and methods on which previous research has been based. In part II, we explore the world maritime city network by applying and interpreting the GaWC methods. For a city to be recognised as a world maritime city, it must have a presence of container shipping companies and container terminal operators. As for the city's operational capacity, that is determined by the extent of linkages between those container shipping companies and container terminal operators, on the one hand, and the rest of the world maritime market, on the other hand. The collected empirical evidence shows that Hong Kong, Hamburg, Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo, New Jersey/New York, Bangkok/Laem Chabang and London are the world's leading maritime cities. Furthermore, analysis of interrelations in these cities between shipping companies and container terminal has indicated Hong Kong, Hamburg and New York to be the main nodes in the world maritime city network.  相似文献   


This paper analyses demand fluctuations in the field of urban destinations, decomposing Milan’s hotel seasonality. Four different seasonal periods are identified and two research questions are explored. The first aims to verify how seasonality evolved over the period 2004–2015 and the effectiveness of analysing tourism flow in an urban destination using daily data. The second aim explores the effects generated by the Milan Expo 2015 on seasonality. Using Smith Travel Research data, a longitudinal analysis (2004–2015) is carried out, decomposing the annual Theil index. Evidence is reported and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the organizational determinants of safety technology adoption. To shed light on this important question, we develop and test nine hypotheses. Results are based on a national survey of motor carriers sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation. Using a Poisson regression model, we find statistical support for seven hypotheses. A key finding is that prior safety performance influences a firm’s adoption of safety technologies. Additionally, a firm’s optimism about the potential for safety technologies, its technological innovativeness, and its level of comfort with new technologies contribute to its safety technology adoption decisions.  相似文献   

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