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武钢现有退居休职工近8万人,做好退居休职工的工作对于武钢的稳定发展具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

宁夏王洼煤业有限公司位于宁夏南部山区固原市彭阳县王洼镇境内.这里是我国主要回民聚居区,具有浓郁的伊斯兰风俗特色。王洼煤业有限公司现有干部职工2583人,  相似文献   

面对新的历史时期和肩负的重任,大庆油田公司三届二次职代会暨2010年工作会议确定了今后一个时期“四稳一传承”总体思路及“三个建设”奋斗目标。  相似文献   

源于美国的国际金融危机快速地席卷全球,几十亿的人口都陷入了水深火热之中。包括中国在内的全世界投资者的信心受到了很大程度的影响,也给中国经济的发展蒙上了一层阴影。  相似文献   

大庆呼伦贝尔油田是大庆油田有限责任公司在谋求“持续有效发展、创建百年油田”进程中,走出大庆本土,跨省开发建设的一个新兴油田。呼伦贝尔分公司自2001年7月正式成立以来,在寻求自身发展上,敢于正视环境、地域、人文以及复杂地质条件带来的诸多矛盾和问题,坚持用和谐的办法处理和解决不  相似文献   

伍丽云 《中国电业》2006,(10):24-24
把改革发展成果惠及8万职工,以此鼓舞士气、增强凝聚力,是大唐集团公司快速发展、和谐发展的重要一步。  相似文献   

社会对人才知识能力和素质提出了越来越高的要求,因此未来的经济和科学技术的竞争就是人才的竞争,不仅是数量的竞争,更重要的是质量的竞争。企业需要人才,构筑和谐企业更需要人才,这是企业家们应高度关注的话题。  相似文献   

作为国家基础产业又具有社会公用性质的供电企业,为构建和谐社会建设责无旁贷。企业的和谐是社会和谐的基础。但是,供电企业发展到目前这个阶段,种种矛盾也集中地表现出来了。人浮于事,劳动生产率偏低,推诿塞责、敷衍了事,甚至上有政策、下有对策的情况时有发生,凡此种种已经成为制约企业和谐发展的障碍。  相似文献   

构建和谐图书馆是顺应和谐社会的发展要求,是图书馆建设的必然趋势。图书馆建设应是与时俱进的,紧紧跟随时代的发展,为读者提供更全面、更准确的信息,使图书馆的服务由被动逐渐转为主动,拉近与读者的距离,充分发挥图书馆的作用。  相似文献   

农村环境污染问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张霞 《河北工业科技》2008,25(3):186-189
指出了目前中国农村环境污染问题,分析了其形成原因及本质,指出农村环境保护的重要性和紧迫性,要采取有效对策加以控制和治理,实现建设社会主义新农村的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

Designing, viewed broadly as the human capacity to link thought and action, has meaning and value in the world that transcends its material associations. Given the nature and urgency of current socioeconomic and ecological problems, the creative, generative concept of design must be made more accessible and useful. Accordingly, my intent is to dispel prevailing, narrow, specialist impressions of design and to advance in the public mind a larger concept that can influence deliberations and behavior in society-at-large. One of today's most critical areas of need, and one where I think design can make a particularly significant contribution, is education. A critical task for such design-based education is enabling people to design an ecologically and economically sustainable future.  相似文献   

The introduction of technology education in primary and secondary schools during the past 10–15 years around the world has presented a number of difficulties for teachers, primarily related to their coming to understand the phenomenon of technology and to conceptualise the technology learning area in line with national frameworks. This paper reports on a professional development experience that aimed to assist a small group of primary school teachers to develop their understandings of technology and technology education. A theoretical model framed a series of professional development interactions between the researchers and the experienced teachers who were new to teaching technology. Data sources included teacher interviews, video recordings of the activities, teacher made models, and extracts from their reflective journals. The study presented some insights into how professional development experiences for teachers new to technology could be organised and implemented to best support their developing technology practices and understandings.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of how students might learn about sustainability in technology––education classrooms and the relevance of problem-solving in that learning. One of the emerging issues in technology education research is the nature of problem-solving specified in curriculum documents and the kinds of learning activities undertaken by students in technology education classrooms. In parallel with our developing understanding of the characteristics of good technology education programs is the inclusion in recent curriculum documents of the concept of sustainability or sustainable development. However, as yet there is little information about how technology students think about sustainability and how they might best learn about it. This is of particular interest because in technology education, sustainability is often described in curriculum documents as an issue that is intended to be integrated within design projects and activities, rather than being the topic of a classroom lesson as might happen in a subject such as environmental studies. This paper explores current understanding of the issue generally and within technology education. It concludes that the design, problem-solving approach that is common to technology education classrooms provides many affordances to students engaging meaningfully with ideas of sustainability and of developing strong understandings of its scope and significance.  相似文献   

One of the recommendations made in the discussion document,A Curriculum Model for Education in South Africa (CUMSA), which was released by the Department of National Education in 1991, is that technology education should be offered for the first nine years of pre-tertiary education as a compulsory subject and for the last three years as an optional subject. This paper aims to locate technology education in the context of the sociopolitical and economic background to education in South Africa and to assess to what extent it meets the emerging aims and needs of education. Further aims are to propose a rationale for the teaching of technology at school level in South Africa, to suggest possible broad aims for the teaching of technology, to outline the nature and character of technology education relevant to the South African situation and to propose a possible methodology for technology education in South Africa. The conclusion is reached that technology education can make an important contribution to South African education if the so-called technological process is the major emphasis as this can be transformative and promote quality education.Dr Piet Ankiewicz (M Sc, D Ed, HED) is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the Rand Afrikaans University. He is responsible for teacher education programmes in the field of Science, and for an M Ed course in technology education. His areas of research include education policy and curriculum development for technology education.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effect of the expansion of broadband infrastructure, which enables high-speed Internet, on population development in panel of Finnish areas in the period 2010–2018. The study differs from previous studies in that it uses accurate statistics on the availability of broadband in 1 km * 1 km population grids. Therefore, the impact of broadband availability on rural development is evaluated more accurately than previously. The results of the Difference-in-difference (DiD) regression analysis show that the availability of broadband reduces depopulation of remote and sparsely populated rural areas. In this respect, the telecommunication policy in Finland has been successful, and the findings encourage the expansion of broadband infrastructure in rural areas.  相似文献   

Technology education is a well-established field of knowledge whose applications have many ramifications. For example, technology education may be used as a tool in meeting the challenges of sustainable development. However, the usefulness of technology education to the sustainability debate as a whole and to education for sustainable development in particular, has largely been overlooked in the past. Indeed, there is a paucity of academic studies which examine the contribution technology education may provide to education for sustainable development. On the basis of the need to address this knowledge gap, this paper reviews the state of affairs in relation to education for sustainable development and considers its links and appropriateness to technology education. A further objective of this paper is to present examples of initiatives and existing practices around the world, drawing partly from the results of the 1st European Conference on Education for Sustainable Development held in Greece in October 2007, as well as from other initiatives undertaken in Europe and North America. Finally, some measures that may be adopted in order to enhance the contribution of technology education to education for sustainable development are outlined.  相似文献   

随着西部大开发战略的提出,西部迎来了经济发展的机遇和挑战。西部有丰富的人力和资源优势,但由于生产力水平低,人口、资源和环境矛盾突出,城乡就业问题异常严重,成为西部地区社会、经济、文化落后的重要原因。缓解城乡就业是推动西部地区经济腾飞,促进人口、资源和环境协调发展的关键。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of how sustainable development might be conceptualised and used to advance technology education practice. It is argued that a conceptualisation of sustainable development based on a combination of weak anthropocentrism and value based approaches within particular social, environmental and economic contexts provides the basis for establishing education for sustainable development (ESD) through technology education. It is argued that such an approach is in accord with the general push for a paradigm shift in curriculum development to meet future social needs. Moral values are proposed to be at the centre of teaching and learning in technology education. Examples of learning activities presented in the article illustrate the position and approach. A second issue addressed in the article concerns the role of teachers in the implementation of ESD. The argument advanced in the article, that this role is critical, is supported by the results of two research projects with in-service and pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

通过计算NU值,对新疆城镇化和工业化的发展水平进行了实证分析,得出新疆城镇化滞后于工业化发展水平的结论,并以此为基础分析这种现象带来的各种问题,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

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