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老旧小区往往面临建成环境与人口双重老化的问题.居住在老旧小区中的老人们,他们切实的生活难点有些什么?哪些方面是他们最需要改善的?社区适老化更新与管理如何把钱用在刀刃上?聚焦社区层面建成环境、设施与相关管理问题,深入分析老年人年龄段特性,结合实证调研和问卷访谈,诊断发现老旧小区老年群体核心诉求,提出相应对策.  相似文献   

城市老旧小区综合治理活动的有序开展,老旧小区居住舒适性、为其生活带来便捷。同时,在有效解决城市老旧小区居住过程中,也暴露出了基础设施的陈旧、公共设施不完善等系列问题。因此,针对这类问题,提出了相应的治理措施,结合实例进一步验证。  相似文献   

社区是由地理要素、经济要素、社会要素和心理要素共同结合起来的社会生活共同体。通俗讲就是以一定物质、经济条件为基础的,建设相对集中,社会组织完备的居住生活区域。随着我国城市互联网络的普及以及3G、4G无线网络的迅速发展,本文在社区用户需求分析的基础上,遵循以人为本、系统性以及因地制宜的原则,对面向城市社区的移动电子商务平台功能进行了框架设计。  相似文献   

老旧小区改造与社区业主的美好生活息息相关,它可以改善业主的居住环境,提升居民的幸福感、获得感。但是,老旧小区改造也面临着一系列难题,如何破解难题,改善业主居住环境,成为管理老旧小区的物业服务企业需要直面的问题,本刊本期刊登珲春新貌物业服务有限公司总经理代立福的文章,请其畅谈老旧小区改造的意义、经验。同时,我们也希望能有更多的物业服务企业能够主动分享本企业在老旧小区改造方面的经验做法,为老旧小区改造贡献智慧。  相似文献   

我国许多城市都存在大量的老旧小区,随着城市迅速发展,人们生活质量不断提高,老旧小区的配套设施老化、公共服务缺位、建筑能耗高等问题日渐突出。而老旧小区改造是顺应时代和民生的新需求。为此,文章分析了新时期老旧小区改造的政策、社会、技术环境现状,以及老旧小区改造面临的痛点难点,并结合实际提出新时期老旧小区改造问题的解决方法,包括搭建多方参与平台、融入“适老化”的智慧社区建设等。  相似文献   

张佳丽  温标  朱东剑  赵宇 《城市发展研究》2021,28(10):中插29-中插33
随着我国新型城镇化的快速发展,以提升居民获得感和幸福感为目的的老旧小区改造受到社会各界的关注.已有的研究更多关注改造内容、融资,而涉及社区居民参与老旧小区改造问题的研究相对较少.通过对衡水市桃城区老旧居民小区改造案例的调研可以发现,居民有限的参与是制约老旧小区改造进程及效果的主要问题之一.影响居民参与积极性的因素既包括利益驱动、社会资本等内在因素,也包括相关制度和社区治理水平等外部因素.为提高居民参与积极性,需要从制度和机制等方面入手改革并完善小区治理体系.  相似文献   

张佳丽  温标  朱东剑  赵宇 《城市发展研究》2021,28(10):中插29-中插33
随着我国新型城镇化的快速发展,以提升居民获得感和幸福感为目的的老旧小区改造受到社会各界的关注.已有的研究更多关注改造内容、融资,而涉及社区居民参与老旧小区改造问题的研究相对较少.通过对衡水市桃城区老旧居民小区改造案例的调研可以发现,居民有限的参与是制约老旧小区改造进程及效果的主要问题之一.影响居民参与积极性的因素既包括利益驱动、社会资本等内在因素,也包括相关制度和社区治理水平等外部因素.为提高居民参与积极性,需要从制度和机制等方面入手改革并完善小区治理体系.  相似文献   

目前长春市老旧小区占地面积大,城市开发建设稳步推进中,城市居住环境还有很大的提升空间。特别是针对老旧小区的改造,采用海绵城市的理念,不仅减少了环境污染,也能使老旧小区的排水更加通畅,打造节能绿色的城市理念。由于老旧小区自身的问题颇多,其改造的可实施性和投入的扶持有限,必须适应其切合点,更好地采取经济、严密的"海绵城市设计方案"。  相似文献   

在城市化与居住郊区化的进程中,居住空间分化是难以避免的社会与地理现象。试图将居住社区的空间分化与社会排斥勾连起来,从空间可及性控制角度切入探析社会排斥问题,并结合实证调研的成果对这些问题加以描述和分析。最后在借鉴新城市主义社区规划思想的基础上,提出居住社区空间整合的对策。  相似文献   

<正>我们有理由相信,在《通知》的指引下,以存量房地产改造来培育新的经济增长点,消化过剩产能、增加就业,扩大物业管理覆盖率,必将达到改善居民居住条件、提升居住环境的目的。《通知》对全国各地老旧小区和电梯更新改造工程具有很强的指导意义,对提高老旧住宅小区的物业管理覆盖率也具有促进和指引作用,是稳步推进老旧小区更新改造的纲领性文件。  相似文献   

低碳消费是实现现有经济模式向低碳经济模式转变的必然环节和促进手段。个体消费惯性可能阻止个体消费者低碳消费行为的发生。通过对社会消费文化对个体消费行为包裹作用的研究发现,要想使个体消费者最终选择低碳消费行为,要么提高社会消费文化的强度,加大对个体消费行为的包裹作用;要么改变舆论导向,改变消费者的消费价值观。  相似文献   

变质物品考虑资金时值和滞后支付时的库存研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄卫来  黄松 《物流技术》2007,26(1):69-72
研究了变质物品在考虑资金时间价值并且采购费允许滞后支付时的最优经济订货批量问题。建立了变质物品在需求率为库存水平的线性函数,计划时域内允许缺货且短缺量完全拖后,并且考虑资金的时间价值和采购费允许滞后支付时的最优库存决策模型。给出了模型最优解存在的必要条件和求解算法,通过一个算例说明了模型的求解过程。  相似文献   

This paper investigates urban decline and renewal in the United States using three panels that follow neighborhoods on a geographically consistent basis over extended periods of time. Findings indicate that change in neighborhood economic status is common, averaging roughly 13 percent per decade; roughly two-thirds of neighborhoods studied in 1950 were of quite different economic status fifty years later. Panel unit root tests for 35 MSAs indicate that neighborhood economic status is a stationary process, consistent with long-running cycles of decline and renewal. In Philadelphia County, a complete cycle appears to last up to 100 years. Aging housing stocks and redevelopment contribute to these patterns, as do local externalities associated with social interactions. Lower-income neighborhoods appear to be especially sensitive to the presence of individuals that provide social capital. Many of the factors that drive change at the local level have large and policy relevant effects.  相似文献   

廖云飞 《价值工程》2010,29(30):221-221
我国水土流失分布范围广、面积大、类型多、危害重,对我国经济社会的可持续发展和人民群众的生产、生活造成了多方面严重危害。其中,在水资源和水环境方面的危害表现为加剧了非点源污染、恶化了水体水质、降低了水资源的有效利用等,这些危害已经制约了经济社会的可持续发展。因此,进行水土保持措施对水资源与水环境的影响研究已经势在必行。  相似文献   

修订事业单位会计制度是公共财政体制至关重要的环节,是事业单位分类改革的必要条件,是适应社会经济发展需要的必行之举。新事业单位会计制度的重大修订将促使事业单位的财务状况、事业成果、预算执行情况得到更为全面、真实、合理的反映,对于促进事业单位健康可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) allocated $400 million in public funds for Minneapolis neighborhood groups to spend on improvement projects over the coming 20 years. NRP created the most financially empowered structure of neighborhood governance in any American city. This article describes the institutional design of NRP and then explores several of its political, social and economic consequences. In particular, we examine the character of participation, deliberation and conflict in several NRP neighborhoods, the tensions between neighborhood groups and city offices over this decentralization initiative, the effects of decentralization upon neighborhood‐level social capital, and the nature of goods funded under the Program.  相似文献   

Currently, retail facilities play a significant role both economically and socially for their contributions to job creation and to reducing unemployment. In this paper, economic, environmental, and social issues, including unemployment, job creation for the local workforce within their hometown, the immigration of an unemployed workforce, and the naturalization of non-natives are addressed for a retailer. We explore the class of deteriorating products from the viewpoint of its economic and environmental features. Then, a linear multi-objective mathematical model is developed to determine an integrated replenishment and recruitment policy for the retailer in the direction of sustainability. Using data from the flower industry, a numerical analysis is presented. The results indicate that if necessary facilities and infrastructures are provided to permanently settle qualified immigrants, both social and economic indicators will be improved. We also determine that by concentrating on strategies such as job creation for natives through retail facilities with no increase in production capacity and by applying careful policies for immigration and naturalization, social welfare can be improved.  相似文献   

This paper applies the theory of probabilistic consumer demand to an analysis of residential change at the urban neighborhood scale. By developing the profit maximizing pricing behavior of housing suppliers, it is shown that neighborhood transitions from high income to low income and from white to black can be explained on purely economic grounds without involving prejudicial preferences. The analytical model explains two types of transition. In the first, a neighborhood's social mix changes gradually in response to gradual exogenous changes. In the second, a neighborhood “tips” suddenly in response to similar exogenous changes. The two transitions can occur depending on the characteristics of the demand functions for the two competing groups.  相似文献   

岳高峰 《价值工程》2010,29(21):41-41
随着人防工程的增多,其作为一种战时功能服务,开始用于商业、娱乐、旅馆、存储、车库等公益事业,并最大限度地发挥其社会和经济效益。但是其内部空气品质问题已经开始引起业人们的广泛重视,因此本文分析了人防工程内部空气恶化的主要原因,并根据这些原因,阐述了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

In New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, formal alliances between labor unions and community organizations have spurred successful workplace and policy organizing campaigns. As a result, the institutional form of the community–labor coalition is travelling to smaller, less unionized and more politically conservative cities, where the replication of established organizing strategies must contend with political, economic and institutional differences that often go unnoted. Comparing community–labor alliances in Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago, this article identifies heretofore unobserved conditions of possibility for successful urban labor organizing in the US. Compared to smaller cities, Chicago and the large urban areas from which ideal practices are abstracted feature higher levels of union membership, significantly more funding of basic social and neighborhood services, and larger immigrant communities. Operating with minimal human services and limited recourse to the social and institutional networks of immigrant workers, labor coalitions in St. Louis and Indianapolis face recurrent barriers to identifying workplace problems, mobilizing low‐wage workers and sustaining citywide reform campaigns. This indicates geographical limits to the current organizing model and highlights the limitations of urban scholarship derived from large cities unrepresentative of urbanity as a whole.  相似文献   

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