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亚运会作为亚洲地区的一项体育盛典,不仅能极大地推动举办地的体育事业发展,而且能给举办地带来不可忽视的经济效应.2010年第16届亚运会将在广州召开,届时除了体育产业本身,亚运会还将带动工程建筑、金融、物流、教育、旅游等各方面的蓬勃发展.文章通过深入分析亚运会对广州服务贸易产生的影响,结合当前广州服务贸易的发展现状及广州的地方特点,得出以下三方面的应对措施:适度市场开放,优化出口结构;创新服务思想,提高产品竞争力;加强区域合作,共同推动服务贸易发展.  相似文献   

刘可夫 《大经贸》2005,(6):76-77
筹办2010年亚运会,广州及广东面临着历史发展极好机遇。亚运会将会促进城市基础设施建设,珠江三角洲环境将会得到进一步改善,中心城市商机无限,社会经济持续发展。亚运会将促进广东省国际服务贸易发展。  相似文献   

关于广州城市形象感知的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以服务广州2010年亚运会为目的,通过数据客观地分析了各种群体对广州服务项目的满意度,并根据分析结果得出建议,以期为广东省和广州市政府负责亚运会筹办工作的相关部门制定亚运会服务筹备、形象推广策略提供实证和理论的支持.  相似文献   

2010年的亚运会,给广州的经济型酒店带来了进一步扩张以及扩充国外客源的机遇;然而,同时必然使得广州的经济型酒店面临激烈竞争以及服务管理等挑战.广州的经济型酒店必需增强硬件以及软件服务,抓住机遇迎接挑战,从而赢得会有更大的发展空间.  相似文献   

我国服务贸易竞争力的影响因素与相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢素梅 《北方经贸》2006,(12):25-27
文章根据迈克尔.波特的国家竞争优势理论,从生产要素、需求状况、相关支持产业、企业组织战略及政府作用五个方面分析了影响服务贸易的因素。并对各因素与服务贸易出口进行了回归分析,找出各因素对竞争力影响的大小,为制定相关政策提供依据。  相似文献   

基于国家竞争优势理论的江西服务贸易现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放三十年来,服务贸易在很多省份和地区日趋完善.江西属于中部城市,服务贸易发展程度与沿海、其他一些省会城市相比,相对比较落后,因此,本文运用国家竞争优势理论对江西服务贸易进行分析,从深层次上探讨江西服务贸易发展滞后的原因,并提出促进江西服务贸易快速发展的路径.  相似文献   

本文以广州酒店从业人员素质提高和培训为切入点,运用现代服务管理理论,分析了广州酒店业员工培训存在的主要问题,探讨了引致这些问题的深层原因,并提出如何通过酒店员工的培训和素质提高来保障广州亚运会服务水平的对策与措施.  相似文献   

当前,广州服务外包产业迅速发展。本文通过运用波特的钻石模型理论从生产要素、需求条件、相关与支持产业、企业战略及其结构以及同业竞争、机会和政府等六个方面对广州市服务外包业竞争力的影响因素进行分析,并有针对性地提出了提升广州服务外包竞争力的对策建议。  相似文献   

根据波特的国家竞争优势理论,我国新兴服务贸易竞争力不足的原因主要体现在四组基本因素上:推进要素和专门要素欠缺、消费性服务需求层次低和生产性服务需求不足、新兴服务业欠发达、市场结构不够合理。政府应该充分发挥作为辅助要素对国家竞争优势的作用,采取有效的政策措施影响四组基本要素,推动我国新兴服务贸易竞争力尽快提高。  相似文献   

2010年广州举办亚运会的SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用营销学的SWOT分析方法,对广州举办亚运会进行SWOT分析,清晰把握举办亚运会的优势、劣势,认清周围环境所呈现的机会和威胁,对于成功举办亚运会、探求如何更好地利用亚运会的契机为广州建设国际化大都市服务,是非常必要的。  相似文献   

邓小平理论博大精深,涉及到政治、经济、文化等方方面面,以邓小平经济理论为指导而制定的经济政策,指导着我国的改革开放并取得了举世瞩目的成就,其根本原因就在于邓小平理论有着深刻的经济哲学思想。邓小平经济理论并非仅从耗散结构理论中引申而出,但基于耗散结构理论的思考,则有助于进一步深刻认识其哲学内涵和现实意义。  相似文献   

章礼强 《财贸研究》2003,14(6):101-104
本文通过对李昌麒教授关于经济法的“需要干预说”进行分析,认为该说明显带有移植资本主义国家关于经济法的“干预说”的色彩,且“需要”一词不适于定义。本文力图从国情、国体、经济、政治等方面揭示经济法应反映国家对宏观、社会及市场经济问题的直接控制和间接调节的本旨,从而提出经济法“调-控说”,并试以之为基石构筑经济法学和法律体系。  相似文献   

Study abroad experiences are becoming increasingly common with business students. In this study, we build upon previous research into the motivations of students to study abroad by using Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior as a theoretical basis for indentifying the factors which might influence their intention to study abroad. A survey administered to 188 business students and subsequent analysis supported Ajzen's theory that attitude, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms all were significant predictors of intention. This study also identified gender specific differences in the various factors.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework for analysing the connections between foreign direct investments (FDI) and the development of the natural-resource-rich regions. In order to understand the link between FDI and regional development, we need to consider two perspectives at least: those of the investor companies and the developing region. The theoretical framework is built up from a combination of the eclectic paradigm (OLI framework) from international business and the Canadian Staple Theory (CST) from the discipline of economic geography. As it stands, the framework is encouraging in terms of promoting a better understanding of the context and content of inward and outward FDIs in resource-rich regions. This will be illustrated by means of two cases, the Ukrainian/Swiss investment (Donbass-Duferco) in the Hungarian iron and steel company Dunaferr in 2004 and the much-criticized Sakhalin-2 project of the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company (SEIC) in the oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

广州服务业利用FDI的经济增长机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来外商直接投资的重点已由制造业转向服务业,随着广州服务业市场逐步开放,服务业外商直接投资对经济增长的作用不可低估.文章对1980年至2005年广州服务业利用外商直接投资与经济增长关系进行了实证研究,结果表明:广州存在由服务业利用外商直接投资到经济增长单向Granger因果关系,技术效应、就业效应和物质资本积累效应是广州服务业外商直接投资对经济增长最为显著的增长路径.  相似文献   

迄今为止,学术界尚未形成能够被广泛认可的中国管理理论构建范式,而统一的概念作为基础性和导向性研究问题被学者们普遍关注,亟需要解决。从中国管理理论概念的演变梳理视角出发,确定了中国管理理论的统一概念名称。基于中文数据库,以苏东水、曾仕强、徐淑英和陈春花等有影响力的管理学者提出的20个中国管理理论概念定义文本作为研究对象,借助ROST content mining软件进行内容分析,归纳出20个概念中使用最频繁的核心类目,重构了中国管理理论的概念内涵。最后在概念内涵的基础上以“中国故事、中国语言、国际故事和国际语言”2*2分布尝试概念延伸的探讨。  相似文献   

Over the course of a quarter of a century, the eclectic paradigm has derived its strength from being a general framework of analysis that explains the level and pattern of foreign value-added activities of firms, and/or of countries, and allows for the co-existence of complementary and alternative theories in the discipline of international economics in a logically consistent manner without being inextricably wedded to any one particular approach. The current study aims to support such broad theoretical appeal of the paradigm by refining its theoretical interpretations of the concepts of ownership advantages and internalisation. To support its view that asset ownership advantages are both competitive advantages and monopolistic advantages, the theoretical interpretation of asset ownership advantages in the paradigm needs to be broadened from a narrow emphasis on Bain-type monopolistic advantages which enable firms to erect barriers to entry to new competition and exercise monopoly power in final product markets. It must also accommodate the theoretical perception of asset ownership advantages as part of the rivalrous behaviour or competitive process between firms consistent with the approach of Cantillon and the classical economists starting with Adam Smith, the Austrian economists such as Schumpeter and Hayek, as well as Penrose. The eclectic paradigm must also effectively address the important distinction between 'internalisation of ownership advantages or intermediate products' and the 'internalisation of the markets for ownership advantages or intermediate products' within the context of endogenous structural market imperfections in final products and exogenous transactional market imperfections in intermediate products. In clearly distinguishing between the alternative interpretations of the concepts of ownership advantages and internalisation, the paradigm could more effectively synthesise alternative theories of the firm and the multinational corporation in one cogent framework of economic analysis.  相似文献   

To accelerate research discoveries—those required to address paramount challenges facing business today—researchers from diverse disciplines must work together. Interdisciplinary research (IDR) is a research that involves bringing together perspectives from two or more disciplines in an integrative manner to address complex and multifaceted supply chain management (SCM) problems. IDR is needed to address contemporary business challenges. We look at SCM research through the lens of the Behavioral Theory of the Firm (BTF) drawing parallels in research evolution and noting similar antecedents in theoretical development. We point to the advances BTF has offered to organizational theory built on IDR and consider the possibilities for SCM. We make a case for methodological diversity in supporting this research, further paralleling lessons from BTF. Last, we describe the state of IDR in SCM today, discuss the objective of this special issue, and showcase the five contributing papers.  相似文献   

When Insurers Go Bust applies agency theory and the theories of adverse selection and moral hazard as the motivation for prudential regulation of insurance. The resulting scheme has strong flavors of verifiability, simplicity, consistency, and transparency. In consequence, ruin theory does not have an operational role. Theory is applied in familiar ways that are at best convenient shorthand for correct ideas and at worst acceptably suggestive. As in other sources, there is inappropriate emphasis on the general theory of excessive risk‐taking, which tends to deflect attention from the specific nature of insurance firms, but the theoretical excess is adequately counterbalanced by thoughtful case studies. This book is useful for the insurance scholar and feasible as a segment of an advanced undergraduate course.  相似文献   

周玮  殷红卫  赵志霞 《江苏商论》2011,(12):133-136
背包客作为现代时尚而富于个性化的旅游消费群体,其自助、经济、灵活、便利的自由行方式得到越来越多业界和学界的关注,近年来呈现积极的发展态势。本文基于推拉理论的视角,对黄山国内背包客的旅游动机进行了实地调研,发现影响背包客出游的推力因子主要有社交结友、自我价值、求新求奇和休闲放松,影响其出游的拉力因子主要有旅游费用经济、地域文化特色和旅游地形象,进而为促进背包客市场良性循环和理性发展提出适宜的营销策略。  相似文献   

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