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张慧玲 《发展》2002,(1):4-4
党的十五大指出:反腐败“教育是基础,监督是关键,法制是保证”。江泽民同志在中纪委四次全会上提出从严治党的方针。从严治党关键是建立一套有效的监督制约机制,从源头上预防和治理腐败。★抓教育,铸造思想防线冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。腐败产生的根源最初都是由思想的蜕化变质开始的。邓小平同志曾经说过,反对腐败,改善社会风气要从教育入手,对党员干部进行思想政治教育,使广大党员干部真正成为先进生产力发展的要求、先进文化发展方向和人民群众根本利益的忠实代表。一是开展反腐倡廉警示教育活动,定期组织各级领导干部听廉政事迹…  相似文献   

李振华  杨后强 《发展》2010,(9):111-112
坚决反对腐败,是党必须始终抓好的重大政治任务。党的十七届四中全会指出,“要加快推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设,在坚决惩治腐败的同时加大教育、监督、改革、制度创新力度,更有效地预防腐败”。当前要按照《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防情败体系实施纲要》,持续抓好警示教育,使党员干部思想上不愿腐败;心理上不敢腐败;行为上不能腐败,切实以预防为主抓好反腐倡廉建设。  相似文献   

秦忙龙 《发展》2007,(9):33-33
反腐倡廉是各级党组织面临的迫切任务,也是构建和谐社会的基本要求,更是改进领导干部作风的重要内容。推进反腐倡廉关键在人,反腐倡廉的各项制度需要人去遵守和执行,各种腐败现象需要人去监督和抵制。要从源头上预防和治理腐败,就必须以人为本、努力改进各级领导干部作风,构建反腐倡廉的人文环境,使人格防线进一步夯实,人际关系进一步理顺,  相似文献   

本文探讨以完善惩治和预防腐败体系为重点加强党的反腐倡廉建设科学化。认为要采取六项措施:1、加强廉政文化建设,推进反腐倡廉教育;2、以完善党内民主和党内监督制度为重点,健全反腐倡廉法规制度;3、以对领导干部特别是"一把手"行使权力的监督为重点,解决权力过分集中又得不到有效监督的问题;4、以深化体制机制改革为重点,加大从源头上防治腐败工作的力度;5、以健全防治不正之风的长效机制为重点,切实纠正损害群众利益的不正之风;6、以严肃查处违纪违法案件为重点,保持惩治腐败的强劲势头。  相似文献   

以《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》为标志的中国特色反腐倡廉道路,是中国共产党为了防止因腐败而亡党亡国,用与时俱进中国化马克思主义理论武装全党,特别是领导干部,反对腐败、倡导廉政之路。这条道路源于马克思主义,探索于毛泽东时代,形成发展于邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛时代。甍显著特色是标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防。  相似文献   

金扬 《天津经济》2005,(5):73-74
加强经济责任审计工作,是实践“三个代表”重要思想的具体体现;是强化对权力制约,加强干部管理和监督的重要环节;是加强党的执政能力建设,推动依法治国、依法执政、依法行政的需要;也是建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系,促进领导干部廉洁勤政,从源头上预防和治理腐败的重要措施。本文就审计工作中发现的问题谈几点认识。  相似文献   

王亚 《黑河学刊》2012,(2):77-77
进入新世纪后我们党和国家反腐力度正不断加大,反腐败斗争取得明显成效。遏制腐败应加大教育力度,使掌权者“不想贪”;加大监督力度,使掌权者“不能贪”;严厉惩治腐败,使掌权者“不敢贪”,努力把教育的说服力、制度的约束力、监督的制衡力、惩治的威慑力有机结合起来,形成反腐倡廉建设的强大合力。  相似文献   

李伟 《发展》2003,(10):3-3
搞好反腐倡廉是一项复杂的系统工程。要铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,就必须坚持标本兼治不断前移防腐败关口,做到“教育是基础、法制是保证、监督是关键”。思想教育是基础领导自律是关键反腐败斗争,我们要从全面提高广大党员干部的政治素质入手,通过深入有效的党性、党风、党纪教育,使广大党员和干部切实增强抵御资产阶级腐朽思想和生活方式的侵蚀能力,有效地预防和减少违法、违纪现象。突出教育的内容是:1.理想和信念教育:理想和信念是精神支柱,是领导干部的立足之本,引导广大党员干部树立正确的人生观、价值观才能经受得住市场经济的各种…  相似文献   

<正>党的先进性建设是具体的、历史的,是由多种因素构成,有着诸多方面具体体现的。反腐倡廉是党的先进性建设的重要内容,也是先进性建设的具体体现。党的先进性建设是深入开展反腐倡廉工作的前提和基础;是反腐倡廉理论实践的创新,是构建教育、制度、监督并重的惩治预防腐败科学体系的重要举措;是我们党在新的历史条件下,解决自身存在的问题,加强自身建设,深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败工作,推进源头预防治理腐败的新  相似文献   

本文介绍了引导企业员工参与反腐倡廉的具体措施,指出了应注意的问题。其做法是:完善制度机制,畅通员工参与反腐倡廉的渠道;建立健全员工监督网络;拓宽职工监督渠道;加强对管理人员法律法规教育,引导他们与员工多交流;加强对员工的培训,提高他们的监督水平和法律法规知识。其中要注意保护和尊重管理人员的管理权,要强化法律法规教育和依法监督意识。  相似文献   

王蔚   《华东经济管理》2006,20(12):82-84
基建时期确保从源头上防止腐败一是靠制度保证,二是靠教育防范,三是靠监管得力.紧紧抓住合同管理这个关键环节,同时进一步增强党员、干部的廉洁自律意识,筑牢拒腐防变的思想道德防线,才能使工程上马人员不落马.企业内积极倡导的廉政文化,逐步形成了以廉为荣、以贪为耻的良好氛围.  相似文献   

The motivation for this study stems from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN‐SDGs) and their impact by 2030. The UN highlights 17 SDGs that address pertinent local and global issues, one of which—SDG‐10—has been devoted to reducing inequality. This study investigates the nexus between trade openness, foreign direct investment (FDI), and income inequality in sub‐Saharan Africa using panel data from 2000 to 2015 and the generalized method of moment (GMM) technique approach. The findings show that FDI and income have a negative, statistically significant relationship with income inequality, signifying that as FDI and income per capita increase, the level of income inequality decreases. However, trade openness, education, political stability, corruption, and rule of law have a positive, statistically significant relationship with inequality. This study, therefore, offers some recommendations that will help policymakers. First, develop good policies to attract more foreign investors, which will contribute to creating employment opportunities in the region. Second, create more infrastructures to provide good quality education. Third, implement a good policy to motivate local production which will contribute to creating jobs. Fourth, build a strong institution(s) to fight against corruption.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in understanding how religion affects corruption. Using provincial-level panel data from 1998 to 2009, this paper investigates the effect of religious beliefs on bureaucratic corruption in China. The empirical results show that, bureaucratic corruption is negatively associated with local religious heritage, implying that religious culture plays a positive role in restraining official's corruption since religion has influence on political preference and work ethic. We also find that the negative association between religion and corruption is weaker in provinces with stronger law enforcement, which identifies the substitution effect between religious ethic and legal supervision in curbing corruption. Our findings also reveal that, among the different religions, the anti-corruption effects of China's native religions (i.e., Taoism and Buddhism) are more significant than those of foreign religions (i.e., Christianity and Islam). These conclusions are consistent and robust to various measures of main variables and a variety of robustness checks. Given the very few studies and limited data resources in the context of China, this paper as a tentative study provides new evidences of the relationship between religion and corruption.  相似文献   

对“三反”运动的历史反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
50年代初的“三反”运动是中共党史上的一次大规模的反腐败斗争。在这次斗争中 ,积累了丰富的经验 ,也留下了令人反思的问题。反腐败斗争是个系统工程 ,必须综合兼治。斗争中既要把腐败问题看作是政治问题又要作到实事求是 ,既要走群众路线又不要搞成群众运动 ,使反腐败斗争在党的坚强领导下严格依法进行  相似文献   

作为执政党,我们党反腐工作一直都是重中之重。本文详细阐述了反腐工作中教育、监督、办案三部分的重要性,提出如何能够不断提高反腐倡廉的能力,保证权力在正确轨道上运行的方法。  相似文献   

伴随着新经济的兴起与发展,腐败现象乘机而入,在新经济领域违纪违法案件呈现多发易发的态势。要充分认识新经济领域违纪违法案的特征与发案规律,寻找切实对策遏制腐败现象的发生发展。  相似文献   

信贷融资中审批腐败与支付腐败比较研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
南旭光  孟卫东   《华东经济管理》2009,23(1):127-131
文章将企业家在向银行寻求信贷融资时遇到的信贷腐败分为两类:金融机构中主管信贷审批的高层人员的审批腐败、负责信贷发放的基层人员的支付腐败。通过分析两种类型的腐败在项目寻求信贷融资时的影响,揭示信贷腐败与信贷融资之间的关系。指出两类腐败具有相互影响的关系,基层支付腐败对信贷融资项目产生逆向选择,阻止了低风险项目的信贷融资行为,而高层人员倾向于和融资项目合作,并有旨在降低基层机构支付腐败的动机。  相似文献   

工程建设监理是针对工程项目建设,社会化、专业化的工程建设监理单位接受业主的委托和授权,根据国家批准的工程项目建设文件、有关工程建设的法律、法规和工程建设委托监理合同以及其他工程建设合同所进行的旨在实现项目投资目的的微观监督管理活动。  相似文献   


China’s financial development and economic growth is achieved under weak legal institutions. The literature attributes this counterexample of law–finance–growth nexus to (a) alternative mechanisms in China such as incentives, reputation and relationships and (b) a well-functioning xinfang system with common law features. In recent years, China has made increasing efforts to strengthen its rule of law. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has taken the lead by launching a far-reaching campaign against corruption, establishing a system of inspection tours, and promulgating a large number of regulations. We argue that using regulations to complement laws is effective: CPC has enough bureaucratic prowess to crack down on corruption whereas the courts are subject to subversion by powerful interests. We also discuss the drawbacks of this approach: regulations aiming at ex ante control of corruption substantially increase procedural formalism and limit the discretion of local governments and state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

This study explores the determinants of corruption, utilizing the Hausman and Taylor's technique to estimate a random effects model that incorporates both the effects of corruption determinants that vary over time and those that are time‐invariant, and using a larger panel dataset and a comprehensive set of corruption determinants. The first interesting result is that perception of strong support for rule of law is strongly correlated with reduced corruption, suggesting that a better quality of law enforcement reduces corruption. Rich countries have lower corruption, and the perception of free expression and accountability strongly decreases corruption, indicating that providing greater opportunities for citizens to participate in selecting their government, more freedom of expression, and free media are effective ways of curbing corruption. Conversely, natural resource abundance, country population size, country's dominant religious tradition, ethnic fractionalization, and political stability are unimportant determinants of corruption, while previous research has suggested they are important.  相似文献   

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