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跨国公司生产组织变革、技术外溢与我国加工贸易的升级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了跨国公司国际生产组织的变革以及与这种变革相适应的国际生产网络中的技术外溢机制与加工贸易升级之间的关系。为了与产品内分工相适应,跨国公司调整其国际生产组织方式,形成了国际生产网络。以跨国公司为主导的国际生产网络中的技术外溢为我国加工企业提升生产能力带来了良机,对我国加工贸易升级具有重要意义。我国的加工贸易企业既要积极参与到国际生产网络之中,又要主动学习和吸收高层级主体向其溢出的先进技术和知识。  相似文献   

尹威 《现代商贸工业》2009,21(23):127-128
加工贸易是全球生产网络下的一种贸易模式,我国当前从事加工贸易企业在生产网络中所处地位普遍不高,加工贸易产业急需升级。而加工贸易产业如何有效的升级在很大程度上取决于对全球生产网络下的外商直接投资的技术溢出效应的吸收能力。从全球生产网络视角出发,实证研究了外商直接投资及其它影响因素对加工贸易出口升级的影响,并给出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

在全球价值链体系中,加工贸易为我国和世界作出了突出的贡献,赢得了"世界工厂"的称谓。但是,随着产业转型升级政策的大力推广,我国加工贸易企业也面临着转型升级的需要。文章从加工贸易地位的变化、加工贸易行业的变化趋势和加工贸易附加值三个方面来衡量我国加工贸易的发展进程和特征,最后利用全球价值链的升级理论为我国加工贸易企业提供升级途径。  相似文献   

加工贸易为我国外贸发展做出了重要贡献,曾占据我国外贸出口的半壁江山.随着国家外贸战略政策的调整,黑龙江省的加工贸易企业转型升级也迫在眉睫.黑龙江省加工贸易规模和比重处于较低水平,且劳动密集型产品居多,外资企业比例下滑,原产地和出口市场单一.因此,提升企业在全球价值链所处环节、延长产业链、扶持产业集群成为加工贸易企业转型升级的主要途径.应继续加大招商引资力度,鼓励内资企业从事加工贸易;优化加工贸易产业结构,提高加工贸易企业的竞争能力;制定相关优惠政策,建立"加工贸易示范园区";鼓励企业"走出去",开展境外加工贸易;要与服务外包有机结合互补发展.  相似文献   

中国加工贸易升级对策研究——基于全球生产网络视角   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
改革开放以来,我国加工贸易一直保持了快速的发展势头,但目前总体上仍处于劳动密集型或非差异化加工为主阶段,面临着进一步升级的严峻挑战.文章从全球生产网络视角,基于加工贸易的升级机制和相关问卷调查结果,对影响我国加工贸易升级的制约因素,提出了推动加工贸易进一步升级的对策.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济不断的发展,我国的加工贸易企业逐渐的发展起来,现今我国的加工贸易行业逐渐地成为了我国最为重要的行业之一。虽然我国的加工贸易行业正在如火如荼的发展着,但是由于我国内外贸易环境的变化,现今的加工贸易行业在发展的过程中依旧存在着许多的问题,这些问题在某种程度上制约了我国的加工贸易企业的发展。因此寻找新的对策促进我国加工贸易企业的转型升级是当前我国加工贸易企业亟待解决的重点问题之一。就此本文结合实际,浅谈我国加工贸易企业转型升级的路径及对策。  相似文献   

加工贸易转型升级是国家经济的热点问题。海关作为加工贸易的直接监管机构,正通过加工贸易流程再造、发展保税物流等方式探索促进加工贸易良性发展,转型升级的新路。目前,学界和海关研究中针对加工贸易转型升级的研究多着重于特殊监管区域内大型的、高新技术产业企业,对为数众多的、散养的中小型加工贸易企业关注较少。本文以分析加工贸易比较优势为基础,以北京东部三区一县中小型企业加工贸易为案例,分析其社会效应与转型升级路径,提出对促进中小型企业加工贸易转型升级的政策建议。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机之后,我国东部沿海地区加工贸易一方面向中、西部转移,另一方面推行自身的转型升级,已成为普遍趋势.近年来,浙江省加工贸易的增速和占比一直处于"双降"状态.本文详细分析了浙江省加工贸易发展面临的主要问题,并结合浙江省加工贸易企业实务,提出了加快促进浙江省加工贸易转型升级的路径与对策.  相似文献   

本文利用全球价值链升级理论,在系统界定加工贸易转型升级内涵的基础上,依据统计资料和问卷调查结果,对国际金融危机前中国加工贸易转型升级的状况和国际金融危机后面临的挑战进行了分析。结果表明,中国加工贸易已经形成了比较好的升级态势,但总体来说还处于"微笑贫困陷阱"境况。国际金融危机的冲击以及本土加工企业自主研发和技术吸收能力较低等实际情况,使我国加工贸易进一步升级面临着严峻挑战。本文从宏观、中观的角度探讨了加工贸易转型升级所需的国家、区域以及产业环境的培育措施,同时从加工贸易企业的微观竞争优势培育角度提出了对策。  相似文献   

随着国际经济与贸易的不断发展,作为我国经济重要引擎之一的加工贸易迎来了转型升级的关键时期,良好地完成我国加工贸易产业发展和升级任务任重而道远。先行说明了研究加工贸易课题的意义,简要回顾了加工贸易发展现状与产业升级的研究,概括了我国加工贸易产业升级现状,并着重指出其中存在的主要问题,最后结合相关研究结论,归纳提出了加工贸易转型升级的对策。  相似文献   

In recent years.China's public finance put social construction high on the agenda and attaches more importance on livelihood insurance and improvement.The 2003-2007 public financial expenditure reflects a fact that the government isputting more emphasis on livelihood andissues concerning the people.  相似文献   

"Crucial for economic growth.energy utilization has its role in all economic sectors and every aspect of people's daily life.Now we are in dire need of a new profession,namely energy manager.We not only need to have passion and responsibility,but also a scientific approach to conserve energy and cut emissions.APpropriate legislation should be in place.and a special profession should be introduced to ensure the implementation of these laws and regulations."  相似文献   

According to Ma Kai's economic planning report submitted to the NPC session on March 5th,(Ma Kai is the Minister in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission),the government has listed the slowdown in trade surplus growth and the steady expansion of external investment as major tasks for 2008.  相似文献   

A bout fifty years ago. a baby's cry broke the sky of quietness, in a small and beautiful town of Hunan province, which surroundcd by green hills and clear water. Though his .birth brought his family great happiness and hope just as any new life, nobody knew that the little boy would get great achievement when he grow up. even start his business oversea, and earn international honor. Let's share with you the entrepreneur Ouyang Riping's story, which may insights thcsc people who want to succeed and complete oneself in favorite condition or adversity rather leave things to so-called fate.  相似文献   

"In recent years, we've found increasing interest from Chinese investors in the Belarus economy. Please let China know, Belarus is always ready to be a true friend to China. We have built a fort in Europe for China," the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko told Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the Bank of China, during his visit to the capital of Minsk, on January 8th, he expressed his high praise and firm confidence in the development of Sino-Belarusian relations.  相似文献   

Similar to what the Christmas Day means for the westerners,the Spring Festival is the most important celebration for Chinese people.This big event according to Chinese traditional lunar calendar relaxes and pleases the whole country as the happiest gathering time of the year.National-wide crusade for going back home,too-difficult-to-get train tickets,generous family-going-out shopping,Miaohui laundering,New Year Eve reunion dinner,visiting friends and relatives,watching annual TV gala......each piece of clue reminds us of the smell of Chinese Spring Festival.  相似文献   

FDI(Foreign Direct Investment),a component of a country's national financlal accounts,is investment of foreign assets into domestic structures,equipment,and organizations.It does not include foreign investment into the stock markets,concession and subcontract.FDI iS thought to be more useful to a country than investments in the equity of its companies because equity investments are potentially "hot money"which can leave at the first sign of trouble,whereas FDI is durable and generally useful whether things go well or badly.  相似文献   

Holding 88 percent of train media resources across China, based on "Time Cube", on the 2008 Intermedia Recommendation and Introduction Meeting on December 19, 2007, HTC announced its high-profile strategy of tour marketing and tapping the immeasurable potentials on the train. Meanwhile, HTC officially launched its brand new product Olympic Train on the meeting, providing a fabulous platform for all the brands that are prepared to do a smart marketing on the occasion of 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

In the end of 2007, Air China Limited (hereinafter "Air China") and Shanghai Airlines, formally joined Star Alliance at a ceremony held in the new Terminal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport. With the addition of the two Chinese airlines, Star Alliance now has 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.  相似文献   

The overall strategic relationship between U.K. and China is "better than ever", China- Britain relations have maintained good momentum, with increased high-level exchanges and the reinforcement of strategic mutual trust, with more room for growth in the future.  相似文献   

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