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Service innovation is essential, particularly for companies operating in highly competitive environments, as it can lead to innovation adoption behaviors, which in turn influence overall business performance. Drawing upon the innovation adoption and relationship marketing literature, and grounded within the structure-conduct-performance paradigm and social exchange theory, this study examines the reputational and relational mechanisms through which service innovation influences the innovation adoption decisions of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A survey of 336 Australian SME representatives reveals the critical role of suppliers’ sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) and affective commitment in mediating the relationship between service innovation and innovation adoption behavior. However, industry-relevant moderators in the form of technological turbulence and long-term orientation constrain the mediating effects. Specifically, perceived SCA has stronger mediating effects among short-term-oriented customers, whereas affective commitment has stronger mediating effects when technological turbulence is low. The findings provide useful insights for organizations in terms of capitalizing on their reputation and relationship with customers to encourage the adoption of innovation by SMEs.  相似文献   

The literature on organizational learning asserts that external learning is often limited geographically and technologically. We scrutinize to what extent organizations acquire external knowledge by accessing external knowledge repositories. We argue that professional service firms (PSFs) grant access to nonlocalized knowledge repositories and thereby not only facilitate external learning but also help to overcome localization. Focusing on patent law firms, we test our predictions using a unique dataset of 544,820 pairs of European patent applications. Analyzing patterns of knowledge flows captured in patent citations, we find that accessing a PSF's repository facilitates the acquisition of external knowledge. As the effect is more pronounced for knowledge that is distant to a focal organization, we conclude that having access to a knowledge repository compensates for localization disadvantages. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on European government-controlled enterprises (GCEs) which are normal commercial undertakings (e.g. Renault, ENI, British Leyland, Salzgitter) as opposed to public monopolies (e.g. electric or telephone companies). It asks why such companies do or do not go international and what is distinctive about their international strategy and why.  相似文献   

Drawing on practice as a meta-theoretical lens, we explore creative deviance (CD): wilful violation of managerial orders by employee(s) to pursue creative ideas. Data for our inquiry comes from in-depth interviews with middle managers and employees in two professional service firms (PSFs). We argue that two distinct organising processes are necessary for the emergence of CD in practice: organising configuration and formalisation of R&D processes. We develop these dimensions to produce a typology of interrelated ideal types of outcomes when employees are explicitly instructed to stop pursuing an idea. We found three salient organising practices (technical concerns for efficiency and metrics, suppression of metistic knowledge and disjointed managerial responses to violations of sanctioned organising procedures), which may operate in combination or serially, to foster CD in practice. We conclude with some key implications for the theory and practice of creativity in PSFs.  相似文献   

This paper is a theory development to Amit, Brander, and Zott (1998, Journal of Business Venturing, 13: 441-466) on the nature of venture capital firms. In their paper, the authors argue that venture capital firms exist because they fill a market niche by developing the ability to overcome extreme information asymmetry embedded in high-risk entrepreneurial firms. However, this theory encounters difficulties in explaining a variety of organizational and behavioral divides among venture capitalists in different contexts and over time. In this paper, we apply the institution-based view to reveal the nature of venture capital. We argue that it is the venture capitalists’ capability to capture economic rents from the institutional environment that distinguish them from other financial intermediaries. We show the connection of our perspective with the conventional view as well as the usefulness of this theory in explaining the development of the venture capital industry in China.  相似文献   

Emerging from a study of Internet adoption in UK Midlands manufacturing small firms is a new typology characterising owners and key staff as Warriors, Interpreters, Clerks and Priests. This typology is used to explore the impacts of internal factors and organisational culture on innovation and new technology usage in small firms.  相似文献   

Focusing on the Small and Medium sized Enterprise (SME) sector, this paper presents the owner manager (OM) process of evaluating business to business (B2B) relationships facing dissolution. Although research has brought new insights to the dissolution of relationships, few researchers have empirically examined how B2B relationships facing dissolution could be evaluated with a view to changing the negative state of the relationship into a positive one. Using SME OM experiences of evaluating relationships facing dissolution, the purpose of this paper is to extend dissolution research through the use of the critical incident technique to explore and interpret the OM evaluation process. The findings extracted from fifty-one critical incidents recounted by twenty-five OMs suggest that the OMs evaluation of B2B relationships facing dissolution is a dynamic process where OMs evaluate both past interactions and anticipated future interactions in the context of the state of the relationship before the critical incident occurs. These evaluations concentrate on relationship closeness, current and future relationship rewards and costs and relationship performance. During the process of evaluation OMs consider the relative state of the relationship: close relationships are those where mutual cooperation at interpersonal and B2B levels' is nurtured whereas arms-length relationships are those where satisfaction, trust and commitment is low. Depending on these different relationship states, the evaluation produces different outcomes regarding the OM's evaluation of past interactions and on the future of the relationship. If the outcome is that future interactions are expected to result in a positive net value to the SME OM, the relationship continues. In contrast where the evaluation outcome is a negative net value, the dissolution of the relationships proceeds now or in the future. The key contribution of this paper is that this is the first documented exploration and interpretation of the OM evaluation process when facing the dissolution of a B2B relationship.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of diffusion process of mobile telephone service and the competitive relationships between mobile and fixed-line services in Guatemalan telecommunications market. We investigated the best-suited model to explain the diffusion process of mobile telephone in Guatemala by estimating diffusion curves using empirical data. Moreover, we explored affecting factors which characterize the diffusion pattern of mobile telephony in Guatemala through statistical analysis. Finally, in order to understand the effects of competition in the diffusion process of Guatemalan mobile phone service, we attempted to clarify the competitive relationship between mobile and fixed-line services using the Lotka-Volterra model. As a result, the logistic model was found to be the best model for describing the diffusion pattern. Moreover, investment in telecommunications, the subscribers of fixed-line services, and the number of operators in mobile market were found as significant determinants of mobile diffusion process. Results from the Lotka-Volterra model showed that the relationship between mobile and fixed-line services has changed from pure competition to amensalism.  相似文献   

This paper fits into the theoretical framework of service networks. Its aim is to understand service network change meaning, characteristics and connections with extant literature and to investigate how a service network can change in a specific context, a regulated sector. The regulated service network considered is the Italian health care network. A theoretical framework guided the analysis to explore how the actors' perceptions evolved during specific time, space, and relationship dimensions in terms of what, why and where changes happened, happen or will happen.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in understanding the way in which firms' marketing and manufacturing policies interact. The studies carried out so far have almost entirely concerned themselves with goods-producing organizations. However this paper suggests that these studies also provide useful insights into the problems faced by service firms in organizing themselves efficiently. Furthermore it suggests that a distinctive problem faced by such firms is that adaption of their organizations may have a significant effect upon consumers' perceptions of the service they offer. The paper first outlines some investigators' views of the link between marketing and manufacturing and follows this by discussing the concept of ‘production’, ‘delivery’ and ‘consumption’ of services. A brief consideration of the pressures for change which particularly impinge upon service firms precedes a discussion of the problems, and apparent contradictions, whch are linked with the concepts of standardization and personalization of services. The paper concludes with three examples of the issues discussed.  相似文献   

Project-based firms (PBFs) increasingly provide comprehensive solutions that consist of products, product systems and services. In solution businesses, long-term collaborative relationships between solution providers and customers are essential. However, little is still known about how relationship marketing activities should be integrated across organizational units, particularly at the practical level of delivering individual projects and services belonging to complete solutions. In this study, based on a case study of a project-based firm and four of its system delivery projects, we identify eight micro-level integration mechanisms for integrating the activities of the project and service business units at the level of delivering a single solution. The joint participation of both project and service business units in project and service activities over the life cycle of a single delivered system enhances the management of customer relationships between the units, and ensures the continuity of the customer relationship over the system life cycle. The identified integration mechanisms also help PBFs to integrate services into their core business and overcome the problems arising from the discontinuous nature of project business.  相似文献   

Research on the CRM-performance link has been fragmented due to various perspectives on CRM. This study, considering different concepts of CRM, proposes a process-oriented framework for examining the relationship among CRM resources, CRM process capabilities, and organizational performance. Based on the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, CRM resources are classified as “technological CRM resources” and “infrastructural CRM resources”. Data from 77 Iranian Internet service provider firms were gathered in a field survey. The empirical work indicates that the measured constructs demonstrate key psychometric properties including reliability and validity. The results reveal that CRM processes are more affected by infrastructural CRM resources rather than technological CRM resources. Moreover, the findings indicate that firms with improved CRM process capabilities enjoy better organizational performance.  相似文献   

High-contact service industries are characterized by close interaction between service employees and customers, and diverse customer needs. Such characteristics pose a great challenge to the delivery of services of superior quality. In this research we conceptually explore and empirically examine several attitudinal and motivational factors of customer-contact employees, and the management style of managers as antecedents to service quality in high-contact service sectors. Based on dyadic data collected from 230 service firms in Hong Kong, we examine the relationships among transformational leadership, transactional leadership, affective organizational commitment, learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, and service quality. We find that learning goal orientation is more effective than performance goal orientation in fostering service quality in the high-contact service context. We also observe that transformational leadership tends to be more effective than transactional leadership in influencing employee attitude in high-contact service firms. This research pioneers theory-driven examination of service quality in high-contact service firms using data collected from service employees and shop managers for hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

The outsourcing of innovation has been on the rise for years, but research in this area lags behind industry practice. Interviews with managers and a theory base grounded in transaction cost analysis are used to guide the development of an exploratory model that details potential drivers of the outsourcing of innovation activities. Using industry‐level data, the proposed model is partially tested using two distinct regression analyses that reveal significant effects both contemporaneously and persisting over time. Several of the proposed drivers of outsourced innovation are shown to be significant, including exploratory research performed and profit margin. The finding that exploratory research performed is significantly related to the outsourcing of innovation activities represents a significant contribution to the innovation and organizational learning literatures. As well, finding a relationship between margins and organizational sourcing fills a gap in the business to business marketing literature. Managerial implications are drawn for both managers of the innovation process in traditional firms and those in firms wishing to garner outsourced innovation contracts. The drivers found to be significant in this study should allow for better resource planning from innovation managers in traditional firms as well as better targeting of perspective clients from firms seeking contract innovation business.  相似文献   

Managing business to business (B2B) customer relationships has become an issue of ecosystem orchestration rather than one of managing a dyadic exchange. A systemic perspective of managing B2B relationships thus recognizes that many more actors than the buyer and the seller are involved. This is particularly the case when it comes to the management of strategic customers. Key account (KA) managers coordinate resources and activities of an important number of varied actors. Therefore, the issue of possible tensions occurring between these numerous and different types of relationships managed by KA managers can legitimately be raised. Yet, the question of how KA managers can actually manage such situations has rarely been addressed. This study proposes to use the notion of identity to investigate this issue. Identity is defined in relation to the question of how to relate to others. Our qualitative empirical study shows that KA managers develop a specific identity built on a specific way of managing paradoxes.  相似文献   

Service workers are vital in business solution implementations due to their importance to customer outcomes. However, service workers face time and resource constraints that limit their ability to address the multiple requirements of individual customer firm members. Therefore, achieving relationship quality can be stressful. Surprisingly little research exists in this area, so it is, therefore, the focus of the present study. Drawing on the results of a survey of 220 members of customer firms, the study first explores the impacts of three types of personal resources (flexibility, reputation and empathy) on relationship quality. The results suggest all three personal resources have positive effects. The study also considers the mediating effects of task alignment (i.e. when personal resources are appropriate for specific job demands) and the moderating effects of team membership (customer delivery team versus customer management team). The results suggest task alignment dampens the effects of the three personal resources on relationship quality, which implies that specific tasks do not necessarily affect relationship quality as a whole. Team membership moderates all hypothesized effects, suggesting a more operational focus for customer delivery team members and a more strategic focus for customer management team members.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom argues that appropriating returns from innovation requires protection mechanisms. However, there will be limits to the effectiveness of formal and informal appropriability mechanisms for innovation performance. Their effectiveness will be contingent on the nature of the knowledge that firms are trying to protect and the openness of their innovation strategy (sharing knowledge while attempting to protect knowledge is known as the ‘paradox of openness’). Do these boundary conditions apply to both manufacturing and service firms equally though? Analyzing data from the UK Community Innovation Survey, this study provides evidence for a continuum – from discrete product manufacturing firms, whose products rely heavily on codified, explicit knowledge and for which formal methods are strongly associated with innovation performance, to knowledge-intensive service firms, which tend to rely more on complex tacit knowledge and for which innovation is linked to informal, not formal, appropriability. The findings show that the paradox of openness is a limited problem for service firms. The benefits of collaboration for innovation performance outweigh any reduction in the effectiveness of appropriability. For manufacturers, the benefits of collaboration disappear with high formal appropriability, and thus, discrete product manufacturers, contrary to conventional wisdom, may find it beneficial to reduce collaboration breadth and invest in informal appropriability mechanisms. Knowledge-intensive servitized manufacturers find formal methods effective but only with no or minimal collaboration.  相似文献   

Following over a decade of relationship marketing, this paper re-visits the notion of relationship quality to determine relational drivers of account profitability. Customer executives from multiple industries are interviewed to identify critical success factors in buyer-seller relationships. Based on their responses, a “back-to-the-basics,” grass roots approach to the measurement of relationship quality is offered. To further demonstrate its value for marketing practice, this measure of relationship quality is administered to a nationwide sample of key customer decision-makers to determine its link to profitable outcomes. The results support this measure as a driver of actual sales and recommendation intention.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investments by Korean firms: An analysis with FDI theories   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyzes data on foreign direct investment (FDI) by Korean firms in the light of eight propositions drawn from the literature on FDI which includes both the theoretical and empirical findings of studies on FDI by Third World Multinational Corporations (MNCs). The data concern FDI in manufacturing, natural resources, construction, banking and other industries. The propositions examined include the nature of ownership advantages, the trade-orientation of FDI, and motivations behind the overseas expansion of Korean banks. In addition, the geographical distribution and ownership patterns which arise as a result of these variables are also examined. The findings are generally consistent with many of those in previous theoretical and empirical studies and suggest that an eclectic approach, incorporating many explanatory variables, could adequately explain the patterns in Korean outward FDI.The authors are from School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and School of Business Administration, Georgetown University, respectively. They gratefully acknowledge the valuable suggestions by Professors Sang Kee Min of Seoul National University and Adrian E. Tschoegl of The University of Michigan. They also acknowledge the cooperation of officers in the Bank of Korea, Korea.  相似文献   

In this study three, two-part propositions were developed based on a general model of how organizational variables moderate the influence of individual change values on innovative intentions and how these same organizational factors moderate the impact of individual innovative intentions on organizational innovative outcomes. A total of 66 respondents, mostly top managers in food processing and food equipment and packaging firms, returned questionnaires. Results indicated that the absence of technical specialist concentration significantly (p <.05) increased the correlation between managerial change values and innovative intentions. Organization size and diversification into nonfood markets did not significantly moderate the correlation between managerial change values and innovative intentions although results were in the predicted direction. Managerial innovative intentions were significantly (p <.05) more likely to be correlated with the rate of new products introduction, and the rate of adoption of incremental process innovation when technical specialists were concentrated. Managerial innovative intentions were significantly (p <.05) more likely to be correlated with the rate of new production introduction and the adoption of radical (new to the industry) process innovation in firms that had diversified into nonfood markets. Critical incident accounts by respondents of creative or innovative episodes in their organizations are strongly correlated with indicators of slack resources for innovation, and the skills managers develop to identify and back innovators in their firms are discussed.  相似文献   

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