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随着我国劳动力市场的规范发展和企业人力资源管理水平的提高,近年来劳务派遣用工方式被广泛引入。对企业而言,这种用工方式在满足企业灵活性用工需求、提高用工效率、降低用工成本、规避用工风险等方面发挥了积极作用,但在劳动者管理和发展方面又存在局限性。文章着重从用工单位角度出发,在简要介绍劳务派遣的基础上分析其对企业用工所造成的影响,初探消除其消极影响的各种措施,并且时即将实施的《劳动合同法》中对劳务派遣中涉及用工单位的规定着重提示,对企业使用劳务派遣这种用工形式有一定的指导意义和启示。  相似文献   

随着我国劳动力市场的规范发展和企业人力资源管理水平的提高,近年来劳务派遣用工方式被广泛引入.对企业而言.这种用工方式在满足企业灵活性用工需求、提高用工效率、降低用工成本、规避用工风险等方面发挥了积极作用,但在劳动者管理和发展方面又存在局限性.文章着重从用工单位角度出发,在简要介绍劳务派遣的基础上分析其对企业用工所造成的影响,初探消除其消极影响的各种措施,并且对即将实施的《劳动合同法》中对劳务派遣中涉及用工单位的规定着重提示,对企业使用劳务派遣这种用工形式有一定的指导意义和启示.  相似文献   

在2013年修订的《劳动合同法》和《劳务派遣行政许可实施办法》已对劳务派遣用工形式加以规范之后,2014年3月1日实施的《劳务派遣暂行规定》(下称《暂行规定》更进一步对劳务派遣用工方式作出了明确细致的规范:"三性"岗位的确定、派遣工与合同工的同工同酬、派遣工不得超过单位用工总量10%……劳务派遣法律法规体系的建立,使我国劳务派遣用工进入了全新阶段。在《暂行规  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》的颁布对企业的用工成本、用工模式、用工观念带来全方位的影响。企业管理者在劳动合同签订、劳务派遣、规章制度制定等方面顺应法律新变化,才能预防可能出现的法律风险。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法修正案》引起各方关注,此次修改的核心内容是如何更加有效地规范劳务派遣制度。劳务派遣制度在《劳动合同法》实施以来出现诸多问题。各地应当抓住此次契机,根据修正案内容,结合本地区实际研究制定具体实施细则,从劳务派遣员工的同工同酬权、劳务派遣机构的行政管理、用工单位三性界定以及劳务派遣用工比例等方面进行完善,同时注意新旧法律之间的有效衔接。在确保有效解决劳务派遣制度实施过程中所出现问题的同时,又不会矫枉过正。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》实施以来,用工上的"宽进严出"使企业用工成本明显增加,越来越多的企业开始采用劳务派遣这一用工模式,以期减少用工成本。但是《劳动合同法》修改稿已经公布,正待通过,也就是说,法律规定会越发趋向严格,如若企业使用不当,不仅达不到预期减少用工成本的效果,反而会加大用工成本,得不偿失。那么,企业到底该如何使用劳务派遣,如何防范劳务派遣所带来的法律风险呢?这些问题是企业无法回避且必须要解决的。  相似文献   

李军 《中外企业家》2013,(10):195-196
《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》是规范劳动关系的一部重要法律,对劳务派遣用工的规定进行了细化,自2008年1月1日实施以来,一些企业为回避与劳动者签订无固定期限劳动合同,对本企业一些辅助性岗位大范围的引入劳务派遣用工,给人力资源管理带来了新的课题。文章阐述了劳务派遣的定义概念和主要特征,简要分析了劳务派遣制度本身存在的一些局限性,重点剖析了企业在使用劳务派遣用工后存在的一些法律风险,提出了相关防范和控制风险的措施。  相似文献   

随着《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》进一步完善和《劳务派遣暂行规定》的实施,相关法律、法规对劳动者和用工单位及用人单位之间的权、贵、都作了明确而又严格的要求,特别作为关乎民生的供电企业,由于电价的调控和项目建设的投入等方面,政策性非常强,受国家宏观调控,在贯彻落实《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》中,在面对历史与现实都无法回避的庞大的农电工队伍及劳务派遣人员的用工和劳动报酬的分配上,着实存在着巨大的法律、经济以及社会压力.因此,依法规范用工管理,防范法律风险显得尤为迫切而重要.  相似文献   

李军 《中外企业家》2013,(27):195-196
《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》是规范劳动关系的一部重要法律,对劳务派遣用工的规定进行了细化,自2008年1月1日实施以来,一些企业为回避与劳动者签订无固定期限劳动合同,对本企业一些辅助性岗位大范围的引入劳务派遣用工,给人力资源管理带来了新的课题。文章阐述了劳务派遣的定义概念和主要特征,简要分析了劳务派遣制度本身存在的一些局限性,重点剖析了企业在使用劳务派遣用工后存在的一些法律风险,提出了相关防范和控制风险的措施。  相似文献   

自《劳动合同法》的正式施行,到《劳动合同法实施条例》(草案)的意见征求,劳务派遣这一普遍存在的用工形式,始终是社会激烈讨论的焦点。劳务派遣给用工单位带来的真正意义究竟是什么?用工单位该如何选择优质的劳务派遣单位来协助自身发展?本期甲方乙方栏目专家将通过对典型案例的透彻分析,对《劳动合同法》有关劳务派遣用工形式的规定进行深刻解读,进一步明确劳务派遣中被派遣劳动者、用工单位和劳务派遣单位之间的权利义务关系,针对劳务派遣用工在实际操作中出现的问题,提供专业意见和应对策略。  相似文献   

陈会玲  王艳 《价值工程》2011,30(18):271-271
本文通过剖析劳动法规,解析用人单位事实劳动关系存在的巨大法律风险,并对事实劳动关系诱因进行深入分析,针对性地提出防范建议。  相似文献   

何泳涛 《价值工程》2014,(19):161-162
针对集团公司快速发展同步带来劳动用工规模急速膨胀的现状,就如何控制集团企业劳动用工总体情况、规范集团各企业劳动用工管理、规避将来劳动纠纷风险以及稳定骨干人才队伍等进行研究探讨。  相似文献   

承晓 《价值工程》2014,(18):170-171
劳务派遣为用人单位摆脱了繁杂的事务负担,帮助用人单位规避在劳动保障管理以及劳动争议等方面的风险和责任。但随着劳务派遣用工比例的上升及用工范围的扩大,劳务公司、派遣员工及用人单位之间的关系也变得愈加复杂,劳动纠纷及维权投诉也越来越多。作为企业,如何不断提高派遣员工的归属感、幸福感和满足感也成为了一个社会问题。  相似文献   

Labor economics literature provides evidence that marital dissolution induces an increase in labor supply of females. This paper explores an explanation for this finding: Marital separation might place wives at risk of losing health insurance or increase the need for expanded health coverage. Thus, wives must increase their labor supply in order to qualify for health benefits. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, results confirm that marital dissolution is associated with increased female labor supply. However, this effect is mostly concentrated among women who were not previously enrolled in their husbands’ health insurance plans. For wives who were dependent on their husbands for coverage, continuing coverage laws appear to mitigate the effect of marital dissolution on female labor supply.  相似文献   

This paper explores uncertainty shocks as a driving force in a search and matching model of the labor market. Uncertainty takes the form of a noisy component in a firm׳s initial signal about job productivity. Greater uncertainty dampens job creation by increasing the risk of making the costly mistake of investing in jobs that will turn out to be unprofitable. Thus, uncertainty shocks can cause labor market downturns: lower vacancy rates, lower job-finding rates, and higher unemployment. Numerical simulations examine the level of volatility and the cross-correlations and autocorrelations of key U.S. labor market indicators that result from fluctuations driven by changes in uncertainty.  相似文献   

Suppliers’ labor problems in developing countries have emerged as a key risk in global supply chains. In China's coastal industrial zones, where most Fortune 500 companies have established their manufacturing bases, local suppliers are facing serious labor turnover problems. High labor turnover rates have caused poor quality, low productivity, and unfilled orders in supply chains. Applying a combination of quantitative techniques to determine the reasons why workers leave China's export factories, this research tries to identify the root causes of job dissatisfaction leading to turnover and provides managerial implications that may assist managers in dealing with labor-related supply chain risks.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2000,7(2):181-201
The literature on duration of explicit labor contracts has suggested that increased uncertainty should be associated with shorter labor contracts. More recently, it has been argued that the effect of uncertainty on contract duration depends on the type of uncertainty involved. Specifically, if the uncertainty pertains to aggregate real shocks, then contract durations should increase as workers seek to insure themselves against the repercussions of such shocks. Using a sample of 1876 labor contracts signed during the period 1977–1988, this paper provides an empirical test of the foregoing hypothesis (known as the efficient risk sharing hypothesis). The paper presents results from estimation of a generalized-probit, simultaneous equation model, in which the dependent variables are contract length, indexation of the contract through a cost-of-living allowance, and the rate of wage change specified in the contract. The empirical findings confirm the efficient risk sharing hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of labor market institutions on within- and cross-country risk sharing, using a model of international trade in risky assets modified to include a subset of agents, labor-owners who do not access financial markets, and employment security provisions. Labor market, institutions, by promoting within-country risk-shifting arrangements between agents with or without, access to financial markets, reduce the fluctuations of non-tradable labor incomes and amplify the, fluctuations of capital incomes. Capital flows become more volatile across countries, and if the, configuration of labor markets differs across countries, capital-owners bear the burden of systematic, undiversifiable world aggregate uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper compares the steady-state outcomes of revenue-neutral changes to the progressivity of the tax schedule. Our economy features heterogeneous households who differ in their preferences and permanent labor productivities, but it does not have idiosyncratic risk. We find that increases in the progressivity of the tax schedule are associated with long-run distributions with greater aggregate income, wealth, and labor input. Average hours generally declines as the tax schedule becomes more progressive implying that the economy substitutes away from less-productive workers toward more-productive workers. Finally, as progressivity increases, income inequality is reduced and wealth inequality rises. Many of these results are qualitatively different than those found in models with idiosyncratic risk, and therefore suggest closer attention should be paid to modeling the insurance opportunities of households.  相似文献   

金融监管结构与金融结构的匹配是保证金融稳定发展的基本要求。因为不同的金融结构会引致不同的金融风险结构,而风险控制则是金融监管的首要任务。适应金融结构和风险控制的需要,金融监管也必须形成相应的分工结构。“直接融资比重上升”和“金融业混业经营”是当前我国金融结构在宏观和微观两个层面上的重要演变趋势,这种变迁有可能会对金融体系的稳定性产生冲击,这对金融监管提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

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