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我国企业直接债务融资工具主要包括短期融资券、中期票据、企业债和公司债,而由人民银行和中国银行间市场交易商协会主导的中期票据则以灵活的市场化的注册发行制度快速赢得了债券市场的青睐和重视。比较各类直接债务融资工具的不同之处,思考短期融资券、中期票据、企业债和公司债的管理模式和发展前景,并研究突破发行规模比例上限的可能性,是我国企业直接债务融资市场当前面临的最重要的发展问题。  相似文献   

<正>7月27日,经过前期大量准备,中信银行昆明分行帮助云南省某公租房公司发行了首期10亿元的中期票据,该笔债券期限为5年,是全国首单公租房专营公司的中期票据。该笔中期票据落地十分不易,历经投标、审批、上报、注册、发行等诸多环节,还受到地方政府债务率偏高、债券市场大幅波动等影响,项目进程一度停滞不前。在中信银行的大力支持下,中信银行昆明分行克服各  相似文献   

<正>一、我国银行间债券市场企业信用债券的发展历史(一)银行间市场企业信用债券简介按照债券品种分类,我国的债券可以分为公债和企业债,公债是指具有国家信用或者类国家信用的债券,主要包括国债、政策性金融债以及地方政府债券。企业债券可分为狭义企业债券和广义企业债券,我国的狭义企业债券具有中国特色,专指由发展改革委员会核准发行的企业债券。而广义企业债券则包括除狭义企业债券以外的公司债券、短期融资券、中期票据以及中小企业集合债券等。公司债券发行由证监会核准,发行主体为上市公司。短期融资券、中期票据等的发行则实行注册制,由银行间市场交易商协会负责管理。企业债券、公司债券和短期融资券等统称企业信用债券,又叫公司信用债券。  相似文献   

本文以发行中期票据的A股上市公司为样本,通过配对样本研究以及Logistic判定分析方法,从企业财务特征视角深入研究影响企业发行中期票据的相关因素。研究结果表明,中期票据已经成为企业代替中期贷款的重要融资形式;同配对样本相比,发行中期票据的上市公司具有较大的规模、较高的财务成本以及较低的财务杠杆和经营风险,即公司规模与财务成本越高,财务杠杆与经营风险越低,则公司发行中期票据的概率越高。  相似文献   

中国进出口银行助力美兰成功融资 4月20日,海南“离岛免税”政策正式实施,当日中国进出口银行作为主承销商,成功为海口美兰国际机场有限责任公司发行市场首笔AA级7年期中期票据。尽管近期债市因连续紧缩政策出台受到影响,但此笔中票因定价合理、切合市场需求而得到广泛认可,投资者认购非常踊跃。至此,美兰机场已完成本年度在中国银行间市场交易协会注册的16亿元中期票据发行,  相似文献   

方勇 《时代金融》2013,(24):250-252
本文对迄今为止我国发行的所有中期票据样本进行了描述性统计,并通过这些样本分析总结了我国中期票据市场发展的特点及趋势,然后,运用Jonckheere-Terpstra检验方法对影响发行利率的因素进行了实证分析,最后,结合一个实际案例提出了企业进行中期票据融资创新实践的路径。  相似文献   

非金融企业债务融资工具是指具有法人资格的非金融企业在银行间债券市场发行的,约定在一定期限内还本付息的有价证券,主要包括短期融资券、中期票据和中小非金融企业集合票据。非金融企业债务融资工具非公开定向发行的优势  相似文献   

本文对迄今为止我国发行的所有中期票据样本进行了描述性统计,并通过这些样本分析总结了我国中期票据市场发展的特点及趋势.运用Jonckheere-Terpstra检验方法对影响发行利率的因素进行了实证分析.结合一个实际案例提出了企业进行中期票据融资创新实践的路径.  相似文献   

<正>2010年云南省企业短期融资券发行创历史新高,中期票据发行实现零的突破,为此,我们对云南省内已发行过短期融资券、中期票据的企业、部分未发债的上市公司  相似文献   

段一群  董娴 《云南金融》2011,(2Z):69-71
<正>2010年云南省企业短期融资券发行创历史新高,中期票据发行实现零的突破,为此,我们对云南省内已发行过短期融资券、中期票据的企业、部分未发债的上市公司  相似文献   

We suggest that the medium-term note market provides an excellent laboratory for exploring the relationships between yield, liquidity, and the label affixed to a financial instrument. Crabbe and Turner (1995) examined the liquidity issue and uncovered the counter-intuitive result that issue size is unrelated to liquidity. Their study failed to examine a potential channel for a liquidity effect, however, in the form of multiple issues from a single, typically large, MTN registration filing. We find evidence that file size is significantly related to yield in a number of instances. Several other proxies for liquidity, such as frequency of issue, are also sometimes significantly related to yields. Contrary to Crabbe and Turner (1995) , we find that labeling a security an MTN can have an impact on its yield. The label "note" also appears to matter for yield in some instances.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the impasse over tackling climate change at the 2009 climate change summit is a result of the outcome of the prevailing power and politics at the summit. The paper discusses the sociological literature on power and notes that the failure of the summit illustrates the fragility of legitimacy and authority. The paper rehearses key parts of the chronology of the summit and argues that the politics of domination often prevail over the politics of legitimacy. Moreover, the way in which both science and politics have failed to legitimate the issue of climate change is explored. The paper closes with a discussion of what is required to fix the issue as legitimate and meriting serious action by major international agencies and economies.  相似文献   

陈延忠 《涉外税务》2007,227(5):61-65
包括我国在内的许多国家都承认税收协定具有优先适用的地位。但是对税收协定的优先性,一些人可能存在一种误解,认为税收协定的优先性是指它绝对排除了与之冲突的国内税法的规定。实际上,税收协定遵循的是消极作用原则,这一原则是由税收协定的宗旨——消除国际双重征税所决定的,也是得到各国普遍承认的。消极作用原则的含义包括:税收协定对缔约国的课税权起到限制作用;税收协定不能为缔约国创设或扩大征税权,不能加重纳税人的负担。根据消极作用原则,我国税务机关和法院在适用税收协定时,应注意税收协定的适用顺序。  相似文献   

票据作为融资工具有成本低、融资便利等优势,有利于缓解企业面临的融资难、融资贵问题。在特殊的金融环境下,企业可以通过使用票据支付实现应收/应付账款票据化并获得额外收益。但是,由于票据贴现的贷款属性、票据的“非标准化”债权资产性质以及票据市场受政策影响较大等因素的存在,我国票据市场在发挥融资功能时仍受到制约。所以,在鼓励企业使用票据融资的同时,亟待在宏观审慎评估狭义信贷规模中为票据贴现单独创设信贷规模管理体系,推动票据“标准化”的良性发展以及打造票据市场稳定发展的综合体系。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a new type of security, the yield curve note, which pays interest at a rate that varies inversely with short-term interest rates. A valuation model for yield curve notes is presented, the parameters of the model are estimated empirically, and the estimated model is used to explore, in simulation, the price behavior and risk characteristics of yield curve notes in comparison with fixed-rate notes. The risk of a yield curve note is approximately twice as great as a fixed-rate note with the same maturity. The unique risk characteristics of yield curve notes make them useful (as liabilities) in immunization strategies for financial institutions. Their usefulness in this regard may be the chief rationale for their development.  相似文献   

Despite the stated importance of the audit review process in auditing standards and textbooks, research on the process itself is limited. This study provides evidence on the nature and purpose of the review process by examining the actual review notes prepared by managers of a Big-6 accounting firm. A sample of twenty-eight audit engagements resulting in 3,008 separate review notes was examined. The results suggest that quality control aspects appear to be the main focus of the review process. Review notes sometimes indicated the need to gather further information and/or undertake additional testing, and provided direct as well as indirect advice on the audit approach to subordinates. Few surprises resulted from the review process, and the review notes and approaches varied among managers.  相似文献   

We investigate whether Chinese cryptocurrency investors show confirmatory bias when processing authority‐related news. Authority‐related news is defined as news that is related to government authority (including central bank) policies or talk. By using data from the largest cryptocurrency exchange in China, we find that investors’ response to authority‐related news is negative and significant in general. Moreover, we find that the abnormal trading volume and standard deviation of abnormal trading volume are significantly higher for authority‐related news with higher readability, suggesting investors respond to the more readable authority‐related news with more trading behaviour.  相似文献   

关于商业银行票据融资业务发展问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过分析我国商业银行大力发展票据融资业务的积极作用和可能产生的风险,揭示票据融资与银行信贷之联系规律,提出重塑商业银行票据融资与信贷业务的关系,以及应对票据融资风险的策略,以实现两种业务的优势互补和协同发展。  相似文献   

Float on a note     
From 1863-1914, banks in the U.S. could issue notes subject to full collateral, a tax on outstanding notes, redemption of notes on demand, and a clearing fee per issued note cleared through the Treasury. The system failed to satisfy a purported arbitrage condition: the yield on collateral exceeded the tax rate plus the product of the clearing fee and the average clearing rate of notes. The failure is explained by a model in which note issuers choose to issue notes only in trades that produce a low clearing rate (high float), but in which there are diminishing returns to additional note issue.  相似文献   

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