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马克思主义哲学中国化是一个具有重大理论价值和实践意义的课题。在全球化的今天,中国社会正经历着前所未有的深刻的社会变革,应如何发展具有中国特色马克思主义哲学?这是摆在我们面前的一个亟待解决的问题,本文从"如何建构当代马克思主义哲学的新形态"方面进行了探索。  相似文献   

哲学的自我反思的自觉是西方哲学的一个基本特征。而对"哲学是什么"的不懈探问,在康德以来的西方哲学中,几乎总是和哲学与科学的关系问题的思考交织在一起。对哲学与科学之关系的问题史考察表明,这一问题的思考对于康德以来的西方哲学的自我反思和形态建构具有前提性和规导性的意义。而反过来,以哲学与科学的关系问题的考察为切入点,也为我们研究西方哲学尤其是康德以来的西方哲学提供了一个基本视角。  相似文献   

"城市危机"的研究与破解需要多个学科和多重理论维度。通过哲学追问与呈现,认为城市本质上是一个生活场所,一个生存空间。因而,"城市危机"的根源就是人与城市、人与人之间关系的全面异化。以此为基础展开对"城市危机"的经济、价值与日常生活等三重批判,揭示"城市危机"的根源是资本的扩张、消费异化与城市自我的异化。由此可见,未来我们摆脱"城市危机"的根本出路在于规范资本运作,引导城市发展;回归日常生活,赋予生活意义;创造新的人类生活形式及其文明形态。  相似文献   

当前学界正努力探索如何建构马克思主义哲学当代形态,然而建构马克思主义哲学当代形态的逻辑起点却是回到马克思。回到马克思是坚持和发展马克思主义哲学的必要前提,正是马克思哲学的超时代性决定了回到马克思的可能性,新时期我们重提回到马克思是为了发展马克思。  相似文献   

历史城市的时空张力在共生中承载了历史价值与文化内涵,如何在城市空间中体现时间特色,是保护与发展的时代要求。通过对"历时、共时"等时空关系理论的系统梳理,建构了"时间哲学→时间思想→时空性状→时空关系理论→时空语境"的研究路径,并在中国传统时间哲学的视角下对历史城市时空关系进一步解读,提出"时"以时空锚固的意识形态指导城市营建、协调人地关系;"生"与"逝"则分别以"通""融"之道、"物""理"之殁促使城市结构持续更新,分别体现了时空的同构性、延展性和终结性。因此对于历史城市的保护需要因"时"立形、重构时空格局,并于简易之"生"与物"逝"意留的文化背景下梳理中心、边界节点、路径等空间转译方式提炼记忆、精神、文脉、刊象等。城市文化内核。在中西方哲学的交叉视角下,历史城市保护与建设内生与外成、知行与认识、道义与伦理的辩证研究,为国内外历史保护价值观念的差异提供解释,也为世界历史文化名城的建构奠定基础。  相似文献   

哲学是时代精神的精华,是每个时代精神的表征。杜威作为美国实用主义的集大成者,其对哲学的改造也是建立在对哲学时代变个问题基础之上的。《哲学的改造》是杜威重要著作之一,是阐释实用主义哲学的主要文本。本文将从这一文本出发,探讨其对哲学改造的根本因素及动力,并对其哲学改造的时代意义进行深入阐述。  相似文献   

城市与社会是双向建构、双向生成的,具有深层的辩证关系。城市现代性的生成过程也是总体性、复杂性的社会转型过程。中国城市现代性既具有现代性的一般规定性,又具有其特殊性。其所展现的是中国社会发展的总体逻辑及其转型过程,包涵着丰厚的中国特色、中国内涵。我们必须通过中国城市现代性生成的历史与逻辑来探索与揭示中国社会转型的深层逻辑与道路选择,实现对当代中国社会转型的总体应对与把握,引领与推动中国社会转型。  相似文献   

从时间维度看,哲学是思想的运动,包括历时性的建构与解构的交替运动和共时性的主体视角与客体视角的交错运动。追问什么是哲学的落脚点在于确立哲学的当代使命。从时间维度看,哲学的当代使命主要应包括建构符合时代要求的世界图景,解构传统的人类自我认同,以及根据实践的需要注重客体视角。  相似文献   

城市从单纯的建设转向景观文化的塑造,使景观改造成为一种手段,解决城市发展过程中景观文化缺失问题。通过对城市文化场域及其对景观改造的影响和制约分析,指出在文化场域的背景下,构建城市景观改造理路对城市景观改造的意义。在此基础上,探讨了当下我国城市景观改造的问题,明确主题文化塑造是城市景观改造主线,建构城市景观形式的多样与统一;关联多样化城市空间,立足于城市景观空间的通透与整合;保留场地具有文化信息的景观元素,延续多样化城市符号;建构"政府—场地—市民"的景观改造供给体系,提升城市景观改造效用。  相似文献   

城市故事论--一种后现代城市设计的建构性思维   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以城市故事的概念来建立一种后现代城市设计的建构性思维,分析城市意义要素类型和营构特性,追求城市的整体生态价值以及环境的公正价值观.研究城市故事空间的的系统性、多元性、深层性和差异性,强调对自然生态系统、人类历史文化以及市民空间行为的重视.  相似文献   

李孟涛 《物流技术》2005,(11):20-22
回顾了城市物流的产生,并对“和谐社会”的理论渊源进行了梳理,指出和谐思想为解决城市物流问题提供了一个新的视角,使我们从科学发展观的高度来审视城市物流的发展。而要建设和谐的城市物流需要重点解决以下3方面问题:城市定位、城市物流的绩效评价及有效利用PPP模式。  相似文献   

于淼 《价值工程》2014,(36):104-105
本文结合笔者多年的工作经验对生态园林城市规划理论研究的意义以及存在问题进行了深入的分析,并提出了构建生态园林城市规划的具体对策。  相似文献   

This interventions forum presents a debate on Margaret Kohn's The Death and Life of the Urban Commonwealth. Four contributors from different disciplinary backgrounds discuss and critique Kohn's book, which offers an exploration of the political in an age of modern urbanism. Building on theories of solidarism and social rights, Kohn puts forth a set of new arguments about how the city might be a more governable commonwealth. Her book lays bare some of the great contradictions inherent in questions of the distribution of wealth and space in the metropolis. It builds on classical and current political theory and philosophy, theories of justice, and debates on gentrification and social mobility. The reviewers appreciate the great contribution the book is making to current debates in urban politics, geography and law, but they also point to significant areas for further debate along various lines as laid out by the author. Kohn concludes the debate with a response to the critical interventions.  相似文献   

城市生态调控的智能方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对城市发展所面临的环境问题的系统分析,提出了以复合生态系统理论、自组织理论和生态控制论等为基础的城市生态调控概念.通过对城市生态调控研究进展的归纳,比较了国内外学者研究重点的异同点,在此基础上,论证了人工智能的应用将是城市生态调控的发展趋势.根据城市生态调控的步骤,依次剖析了城市生态模拟、生态功能分区、生态反馈控制和集成优化调控等过程中,人工神经网络、遗传算法、专家系统、模糊逻辑等方法的应用途径.最后指出了人工智能在城市生态调控领域将具有巨大的应用前景.  相似文献   

The significance of practising theory in context reflects current debates in urban studies as well as the history of poststructural thought whose scholarship, informed by postcolonial critique and understandings of ethics and responsibility in international research collaboration, continues to give evident substance to the nature of epistemological violence. This essay takes up the challenge of contextual theory and empirical research through a critical comparative approach that ultimately finds how the expansive gentrification balloon pops as a consequence of assumptions and misassumptions that leave consequential data hiding in plain sight. The contributions of this essay include treatment of the transposition of ideas as a theoretical, methodological and ethical problem, and an original comparative summary of the frequency of ‘gentrification’ in the news media of ten major cities in addition to the print and online media of Hong Kong. The analysis demonstrates not only how context matters in research design, but also how distinction in the articulation of theoretical argument will be upheld or deflated by knowledge of, and acquired in, context. The essay summarizes the arguments for the larger Interventions forum, and concludes that a critical‐theoretical comparative international urban studies generates and builds through refinement of theory in iterative dialogue with historical processes.  相似文献   

本文首先论述了南京城市用地的扩张过程,及其伴随城市快速扩张而来的城市物质和社会空间结构的重组,在此背景下提出了土地利用不经济、社会空间分化、城市文化景观变异等问题,最后根据土地与环境问题以及社会问题的矛盾,对城市如何步入可持续的良性发展轨道的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

认为城市风貌规划具有塑造城市个性、提高管理绩效、改良城市景观等作用.认为国内风貌规划起步较晚,目前存在着规划理念落后、分析方法主观、规划内容面面俱到、规划成果指导性不强等问题,严重影响了规划实施的可操作性.针对上述问题,试从规划理念、规划方法、规划内容、规划成果四个方面就如何提高风貌规划的可操作性加以探讨,并以台州市路桥区的城市风貌规划为例进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

The relationship between urbanization and democratization remains under‐theorized and under‐researched. Radical urban theory has undergone a veritable normative turn, registered in debates about the right to the city, spatial justice and the just city, while critical conceptualizations of neoliberalism present ‘democracy’ as the preferred remedy for injustice. However, these lines of thought remain reluctant to venture too far down the path of political philosophy. The relationship between urban politics and the dynamics of democratization remains under‐theorized as a result. It is argued that this relationship can be usefully understood by drawing on lessons from avowedly normative styles of political theorizing, specifically post‐Habermasian strands of critical theory. Taking this tradition seriously helps one to notice that discussions of urbanization, democracy, injustice and rights in geography, urban studies and related fields invoke an implicit but unthematized democratic norm, that of all‐affected interests. In contemporary critical theory, this norm is conceptualized as a worldly register of political demands. It is argued that the conceptual disaggregation of component values of democracy undertaken through the ‘spatial turn’ in recent critical theory reorients the analysis of the democratic potentials of urban politics around the investigation of the multiple forms of agency which urbanized processes perform in generating, recognizing and acting upon issues of shared concern.  相似文献   

Recent assertions of urban theory have dismissed the value of postcolonial critique in urban studies. This essay draws on postcolonial theory to demonstrate key flaws in such theoretical formulations. In doing so, it returns to the puzzle of how and why studying urbanism in the global South might matter for the reconceptualization of critical urban theory. Instead of a universal grammar of cityness, modified by (exotic) empirical variation, the essay foregrounds forms of theorization that are attentive to historical difference as a fundamental constituent of global urbanization. What is at stake, the essay concludes, is a culture of theory, one that in its Eurocentrism tends to foreclose multiple concepts of the urban and alternative understandings of political economy. A concern with the relationship between place, knowledge and power—a key insight of postcolonial critique—might make possible new practices of theory in urban studies.  相似文献   

This article explores the possibilities of philosophical pragmatism for critical theory in urban studies. It points to the philosophical connections between pragmatism and the mainstay of critical theory in urban studies — Marxism. The article suggests how these philosophical roots as well as contemporary developments of pragmatism in social science (and in critical theory) open out the terrain of critical urban studies to make it more pluralist and democratic, theoretically and politically. The article concludes by looking at some of the consequences of this pragmatic turn for critical urban theory.  相似文献   

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