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"互联网+"时代,经济发展模式日益多元化,"分享经济"应运而生,成为当今最具特色的经济模式。这种模式下社会中闲置资源被充分利用,劳动力得到了进一步解放,但也给人力资源管理带来了诸多挑战。本文在分析分享经济特点的基础上,提出时下分享经济时代人力资源管理所面临的新型挑战,如管理对象扩大化、管理职能削弱化、管理关系复杂化等,基于此提出人力资源管理应对策略。  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,分享经济逐渐由传统向行、住等多种领域渗透,获得人们的广泛关注和使用,正处于经济发展的风尖浪口。虽然分享经济在我国发展较快,但是起步较晚,在发展过程中也会受到一些阻碍,本文主要介绍在"互联网+"时代分享经济发展的重要意义,当前的主要表现形式以及如何更好地发展。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和时代的进步,我国已经逐渐进入了"互联网+"的时代,在"互联网+"时代下的大数据、信息化和网络化对我国经济发展的各领域都带来了巨大的发展机遇。物流是中小企业发展的重要组成部分,其对推动中小企业的健康发展具有积极的促进作用。目前我国中小企业物流管理模式较为陈旧,难以适应"互联网+"模式的需求,所以对中小企业物流管理模式进行创新是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

随着社会经济不断发展,社会大众的社会活动大幅度增加,各类社会信息呈现出爆发式增长特点,传统纸质档案管理模式也无法满足时代发展的客观要求。在"互联网+"时代背景下,档案管理迎来发展机遇的同时,也需要更好地面对来自各方面的挑战,必须加强档案管理。因此,文章多角度客观分析了"互联网+"时代下档案管理机遇与挑战,多层次探讨了"互联网+"时代的档案管理优化途径。  相似文献   

电子商务的出现改变了人们的购物方式和生活方式,"互联网+"时代的到来,促进了电子商务在各行业的创新发展。目前,电子商务对区域经济发展起着重要的拉动作用。本文以重庆江北为例,对"互联网+"时代下的电子商务影响力进行分析,提出相关建议,以进一步促进当地经济发展。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展以及科学技术的不断进步,现如今我们已经逐渐步入了"互联网+"时代,"互联网+"不仅仅是一种互联网工具,其更像是一种转型模式。在"互联网+"时代下,各行各业的经营模式、经营理念都发生了巨大的变化,比如"互联网+"打破了时空概念,凭借互联网平台,就可以衍生出新的产品和形式,这些新的产品和形式就替代了传统活动下的具体业务的智能。我国企业已经逐渐进入到了以人为核心的企业信息化和人才信息化管理阶段,而在"互联网+"时代下,企业教育培训管理如何抓住转型契机,如何通过"互联网+"促进企业教育培训管理的持续稳定发展,是每一个企业应该思考的问题。因此,本文就"互联网+"时代企业教育培训管理发展趋势进行深入地分析,希望能够为企业教育培训管理提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

在移动互联网时代,微商作为一种社会化的移动电子商务模式悄然出现.微商契合当前"互联网+"分享经济的需要,正在逐渐成长为分享经济发展的新领域、新业态,同时也促进了国民经济的发展.本文将探讨在微商市场上顾客满意度对顾客忠诚度影响机理.基于理论基础和实践情况,以顾客满意度为前置变量,以顾客忠诚度为结果变量,在微商顾客中进行相...  相似文献   

"互联网+"是高速发展下数字经济时代的独有产物,其由创新驱动的跨界融合特点为我国实体经济提供了新的发展方向,也对会计行业产生了巨大冲击。"互联网+"对会计信息质量特征、会计信息披露以及审计工作提供了新的方向;同时,也对会计行业的发展带来了新的挑战,技术发展跟不上理论发展、信息安全风险提升、相关制度规范不完善,通过提出相应对策,以期能对会计行业快速适应"互联网+"时代的发展有所启示。  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代的来临为中国发展打开了新的大门,为各行各业的发展带来了机遇和挑战。作为占领中国经济发展大比重的旅游业,毫无例外地迎来了"互联网+"的热潮。对传统旅游业来说,分析"互联网+旅游"模式的发展现状,研究发展对策,可以更好地紧抓"互联网+"的信息化时代契机,利用互联网推动旅游业发展更上一层楼。  相似文献   

主要分析了"互联网+"时代下,传统会计行业面临的挑战以及该如何融合"互联网+"进行变革与创新的相关问题。主要围绕会计理论,会计人员,会计流程,服务平台四个方面来分析这个问题,并对未来"互联网+"与会计的加强深化融合提出创想和建议。  相似文献   

Research that examines race-stereotyped advertising emphasizes the social impact of these representations and overlooks the potential positive effect on advertising effectiveness. The present research examines the effects of race-stereotyped portrayals on advertising effectiveness among both members and nonmembers of a group that is stereotyped in an advertisement. We integrate research on consumer identity, social categorization, and advertising persuasion to hypothesize the process underlying viewers' attitude formation when exposed to advertising featuring a race-stereotyped portrayal. Results of an experiment conducted in South Africa demonstrate that members of the group that is the subject of the stereotyped portrayal (stereotyped viewers) feel offended. At the same time, results suggest that nonstereotyped viewers experience ambivalence when exposed to stereotyped portrayals. Findings highlight the role of viewers' strength of identification and provide guidance to advertisers with regard to the use of stereotyped portrayals in advertising.  相似文献   

The central fact underlying all relations is the question of power and how it can be used to get one's way. When power does not work, we move to compromise. This paper questions the validity of compromise as an effective means of settling differences. My standpoint is that compromise debases relationships, is wrong in principle and does not work in practice either. There is a better strategy: integration, when the contending parties find the wider solution that includes both their interests. Ethically right, integration also works better in practice, for it leads to longer-term, more productive and happier relations.  相似文献   

"Is It Commercially Irresponsible to Trust?"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers a recent U.K. legal dispute where a supplier sued a large organization, which had been a long-term customer, for breach of implied contract. It uses this case to discuss aspects of the nature of trust between organizations. The discussion encompasses a consideration of the distinction between trust and reliability; and, why the concept of blanket trust is not helpful. In conclusion, by contrasting business-to-business and personal relationships, the paper suggests that firms in their relationships with other institutions should never follow an unquestioning form of strong trust.  相似文献   

Through research undertaken in several child adoption agencies, the authors examine the ethical consequences of the use of marketing techniques in the child adoption process within England and Wales.

Increasingly child adoption organisations and social work professionals are made accountable via the language of customer service and performance measurements. The use of commercial techniques such as marketing is justified on utilitarian grounds. However, any utilisation of marketing within the child adoption process is forced to ensure that the child is not de-centred. Here, the authors argue, there are tensions between the humanitarian project that is child adoption, and the unease produced by viewing the child as human 'product'. The use of marketing in child adoption raises issues related to the objectification and commodification of the child and prospective adopters. Within child adoption it is assumed that we must engage with the child as 'face' (Bauman 1995). But will these assumptions stand the encroachment of marketing techniques into this very sensitive area?  相似文献   

2016年,我国将玉米临时收储政策调整为“市场化收购”加“补贴”新机制,这一调整是对玉米市场的重大改革.本文分析了新机制的难点主要在于卖粮难问题难以解决、补贴工作落实难、农户生产决策难,并提出了引导多元市场主体开展市场化收购,维护收购市场秩序;完善信贷服务政策;加强组织管理,推动补贴工作落实;强化玉米种植户市场观念;鼓励“粮豆轮作”,切实落实玉米种植结构调整等对策建议.  相似文献   

苏中经济地位的变化,可谓"兴也交通,衰也交通"。增创苏中新优势面临的机遇多于挑战:国家"一带一路"和长江经济带发展战略的实施,创造千载难逢的新契机;《长三角规划》的实施,营造史无前例的新环境;互联互通综合立体交通走廊建设,提供擎天架海的新支撑;丰富清洁的水资源,搭建得水独厚的新楼台;城市化进程的加速,提供动力强劲的新引擎。机遇不是成功的关键,挑战不是逞能。优势是相对的、动态变化的。优势需要培育,发展必须创新。争创苏中发展新优势,应大力推进创新产业链升级和深度整合,构建具有区域特色和竞争力的现代产业体系;培育壮大创新主体,建立健全企业主导产业技术创新的体制机制;提升政府服务效率和水平,营造创新发展的生态环境。  相似文献   

Household and food store manager perceptions of the acceptance of four means of reducing the incidence and severity of food safety hazards were estimated using a mail survey in early 1992. Households gave limited acceptance to use of vacuum packaging, irradiation, organic production and pesticide-free production as means of reducing food safety hazards. Education of the household head was the only socioeconomic characteristic statistically impacting household acceptance of these four activities. Store manager perceptions of their customers' reactions to these procedures were statistically less favorable than those of the households.  相似文献   

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