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霍小玉是唐传奇中一个让人扼腕叹息的悲剧人物,严酷的门第制度,李益的负心薄幸,她自己的性格弱点是形成其悲剧的主要原因。  相似文献   

20世纪人类最大的悲剧是什么?说出来真是伤了我们大家的心.20世纪人类最大的悲剧是:有几十亿人根本不知道自己的人生价值就匆匆死去了.说这话的是美国加利福尼亚大学一个有头有脸的教授.话说得有些骇人听闻,但却发人深省.悲剧发生的原因,只是这几十亿人不知道自己的学习能力,因此也就无法知道自己的生命价值.听了洋教授这样的话,实在让我们感到吃惊和震撼.我们会不会是21世纪的几十亿分之一?  相似文献   

人世间的悲剧,从古到今总是没完没了地上演一幕又一幕。如有项羽乌江自刎的历史悲剧,有林彪折戟温都尔汗的政治悲剧,有拿破伦兵败滑铁卢的战争悲剧,有梁山伯与祝英台的爱情悲剧,有成克杰因拜倒在石榴裙下而演变为巨贪的人生悲剧……。然而,由于人们投以不同的审视眼光,所以其结论也就各异。悲剧是把生活中美好的东西撕碎了给人看。看后有人只是为之汉息、惋惜;有人以“悲剧”为镜,从中悟出了得失;有人不以为然,不久也成为悲剧人物;……可见,悲剧作为一份活教材、警示牌能否为我所用,还是决定于自己把美好生活撕碎的人往往是这…  相似文献   

《雷雨》采用的是"封闭式"结构,巧合情节较多.以血缘关系作为结构的纽带,成功地熔两方的三种悲剧形式的技法于一炉。写侍萍,吸收了古希腊"命运悲剧"的写法;写繁漪,吸收了莎士比亚式的"性格悲剧"的写法;描写"她爱起你像一团火,那样的热烈,恨起你来也像一团火,把你烧毁的"。  相似文献   

一、吴应图的监查人资格思想吴应图认为“监查人(审计人员)欲完全尽其职责,自有种种必要之资格,但可大别之为技能的资格与性格的资格.”(一)技能的资格.吴氏所谓“技能的资格,为监查人适当执行职务上所应备之技术素养,由与监查有关之学问智识及实地经验而成”,主要有以下几个方面:1.关于簿记会计学有专门智识.“监查人为检阅据簿记、会计学记账整理之账簿及决算各表之人,故欲就他人之记账,正确解释,妥善批评,必监查人对斯学有完全之智识,且其必要之程度,盖居技能资格之第一位也.”  相似文献   

人心思涨 “十二五”规划的破冰元年并未能给2011年的A股市场带来一丝暖意,在经过长达三个季度的单边下挫后,沪综指在辛卯之末再度重返2001年的2200点区域,“十年一度轮心”,于A股而言这绝对是个大悲剧。  相似文献   

邢潇潇 《金卡工程》2008,12(11):87-87
利己之心是人性诸要素之一,无所谓善恶,法律应该立足人性,体恤人的利己之心.  相似文献   

李凯 《财会学习》2009,(6):74-74
人都说:"江山易改,本性难移."人的性格是难以改变的,而命运的改变更是让人难以把握.我却因环境的变化而改变了自己的性格,进而改变了人生的轨迹,但我喜欢这种改变,因为它让我体验到了财务工作之美.  相似文献   

人都说:"江山易改,本性难移."人的性格是难以改变的,而命运的改变更是让人难以把握.我却因环境的变化而改变了自己的性格,进而改变了人生的轨迹,但我喜欢这种改变,因为它让我体验到了财务工作之美.  相似文献   

本文运用拉康理论重新阐释尤金·奥尼尔的剧作《榆树下的欲望》。拉康认为,人为建立其主体性必先屈服于其所处之社会文化,为作自己的主人反先成他人的奴仆,人之为人本就是一场悲剧。这正是《榆》剧中在一家之主凯勃特奴御下其他家庭成员的写照。然而,在这悲剧的大环境下,他们为争取自身的独立自主不惜以"死亡"剥夺其征服者的胜利而取得了最终的胜利。  相似文献   

郑江涛 《中国外资》2009,(8):227-228
《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德最优秀的小说,也是美国小说史上的一部伟大杰作英国著名诗人和批评家T.S.艾略特称它是“美国小说自从亨利·詹姆斯以来迈出的第一步”。这部悲剧小说,特别是其中盖茨比的悲剧深刻地展现了“爵士时代”的美国社会风貌。盖茨比的悲剧不仅仅是他的幻想造成的,从根本上讲,是资本主义社会中森严的阶级和等级差别造成的。本文试图通过盖茨比的悲剧来探讨造成其悲剧的原因。  相似文献   

<了不起的盖茨比>是菲茨杰拉德最优秀的小说,也是美国小说史上的一部伟大杰作英国著名诗人和批评家T.S.艾略特称它是"美国小说自从亨利·詹姆斯以来迈出的第一步".这部悲剧小说,特别是其中盖茨比的悲剧深刻地展现了"爵士时代"的美国社会风貌.盖茨比的悲剧不仅仅是他的幻想造成的,从根本上讲,是资本主义社会中森严的阶级和等级差别造成的.本文试图通过盖茨比的悲剧来探讨造成其悲剧的原因.  相似文献   

Leading in times of trauma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An employee is diagnosed with cancer or loses a family member unexpectedly. An earthquake destroys an entire section of a city, leaving hundreds dead, injured, or homeless. At time like these, managerial handbooks fail us. After all, leaders can't eliminate personal suffering, nor can they ask employees who are dealing with these crises to check their emotions at the door. But compassionate leadership can facilitate personal as well as organizational healing. Based on research the authors have conducted at the University of Michigan and the University of British Columbia's CompassionLab, this article describes what leaders can do to foster organizational compassion in times of trauma. They recount real-world examples, including a story of personal tragedy at Newsweek, natural disasters that affected Macy's and Malden Mills, and the events of September 11, 2001. During times of collective pain and confusion, compassionate leaders take some form of public action, however small, that is intended to ease people's pain and inspire others to act. By openly demonstrating their own humanity, executives can unleash a compassionate response throughout the whole company, increasing bonds among employees and attachments to the organization. The authors say compassionate leaders uniformly provide two things: a "context for meaning"--creating an environment in which people can freely express and discuss how they feel--and a "context for action"--creating an environment in which those who experience or witness pain can find ways to alleviate their own and others' suffering. A leader's competence in demonstrating and fostering compassion is vital, the authors conclude, to nourishing the very humanity that can make people--and organizations--great.  相似文献   

According to conventional wisdom, the corporate raiders and buyout specialists who flourished in the 1980s were the antithesis of good management. Their goals of realizing quick profits from the acquisition of major companies--frequently through rapid cost-cutting and the breakup of conglomerates--made them the bane of old-school corporate leaders. Long-term management, it seemed, was being sacrificed on the altar of short-term profits. With the abatement of takeovers in recent times, top corporate managers have hailed a return to business-as-usual. But the takeover artists have not, in fact, retreated. Instead, these corporate acquirers, many of whom own large stakes in major industrial companies, are assuming board seats and switching their emphasis to overseeing the companies they control--with an eye toward the long term. In this new role, the takeover experts are not plunderers, nor are they creating quick profit at the expense of companies' long-term health; rather, they are defying expectations and, in a number of important respects, successfully implementing the agenda of the gurus of good management. Setting the pace in this new arena is the most powerful takeover group of the 1980s, the leveraged buyout firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company. KKR's partners hold board seats at nine different companies with $1 billion a year or more in sales.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Jones G 《Harvard business review》2008,86(6):123-7, 142
What is the real key to elite performance? According to sports psychologist turned executive coach Graham Jones, star athletes and businesspeople share one defining trait: mental toughness. People who become champions aren't necessarily more gifted than others; they're just masters at managing pressure, meticulously tackling goals, and driving themselves to stay ahead of the competition. Jones, who has advised Olympic medalists and Fortune 500 executives, sees many parallels between the arenas of business and sports, especially in the behavior of people who rise to the very top. These stars have learned to love pressure because it spurs them to achieve. Inner-focused and self-directed, they concentrate on their own excellence and forget the rest. They don't get distracted by others' victories or failures--or even by a personal tragedy off the field of competition. Like Darren Clarke, the golfer who inspired his team to a Ryder Cup victory shortly after the death of his beloved wife, elite performers are masters of compartmentalization. Superstars rebound from defeats more easily, Jones observes, because they don't engage in self-flagellation. One of the keys to their success is a relentless focus on the long-term and the careful planning of short-term goals that will help them attain major milestones. Competition doesn't daunt elite performers; they just use it to challenge themselves--and they never stop striving. Even after becoming benchmarks in their fields, stars keep their edge by reinventing themselves. Star business people and athletes also recognize the importance of celebrating their wins. It's not just the emotional reward that's important, however: The very best performers also analyze the factors underpinning their success. That helps them build their expertise and their confidence.  相似文献   

姜爱茹 《征信》2021,39(1):34-40
关于个人信用权的争议由来已久,个人信用权的权利主体、客体及内容具体清晰,个人信用权与名誉权、个人信息权、隐私权、人格商品化权都有很大的不同,应当为一项独立的民事权利且为人格权。《民法典》提出的个人信用查询权、异议权以及更正删除权是对信用利益保护的一大进步,但对因侵害个人信用权导致的财产利益损失保护不足,应通过司法解释界定财产损失的范围,使个人信用权益得到更加全面的保护。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that risk perception is associated with differences in personality was proposed. Three personality variables were used, Rotter's Internal vs External Locus of Control Scale, Schwarzer's General Self-efficacy Scale and Taylor's Manifest Anxiety Scale. A scale asking for personal and general risk perception measured perceived risk. It was proposed that individuals low in anxiety, having an internal locus of control and high in self-efficacy should perceive general risks and personal risks higher than individuals high in anxiety and low in self-efficacy and having external locus of control should do. Fifty-nine business students responded to these three scales. The hypothesis was supported by the results and suggested that the personality measures and particularly anxiety were significantly associated to both personal and general risk perceptions.  相似文献   

罗勇根  饶品贵  陈灿 《金融研究》2021,491(5):171-188
本文利用“管理层讨论与分析”(MD&A)中的文本信息构造高管宏观认知指标(MMC),研究高管宏观认知是否具有管理者风格效应及其作用机理。研究发现,高管宏观认知具有明显的管理者个体“烙印”,会受到管理者个人风格的显著影响,表现为管理者风格效应。进一步研究发现,管理者个人背景特征对高管宏观认知的管理者风格效应具有显著影响,管理者风格效应主要受管理者后天因素的影响。管理者能力与高管宏观认知的管理者风格效应显著正相关。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether a CEO's marital status reveals unobservable risk preferences which influence their firm's investment and compensation policies. Using biographical data for CEOs of large domestic companies, we find that corporate deal‐making activity (e.g., mergers, joint ventures, major capital expenditures, etc.) and overall firm riskiness both increase significantly with personal life restructuring (e.g., marriages and divorces). This relation is supported by an instrumental variables analysis and also an investigation surrounding CEO turnover. Finally, the link between a CEO's marital status and preference for option‐based compensation further suggests that personal restructuring may be an indicator of executive risk appetites.  相似文献   

白云 《征信》2020,38(2):53-57
信息技术的广泛应用使个人信息的保护受到重视。赋予个人信息法定权利是个人信息保护的基础和前提。从个人信息权利的本质属性来看,个人信息权利不是财产权,而是人格权。但是,个人信息权利应与传统的具体人格权相区别,个人信息权利不应被隐私权所替代,也与其他具体人格权保护的客体不同,个人信息权利应当是一项独立的具体人格权,只有如此,网络空间的个人信息才能够得到完整、全面的保护。  相似文献   

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