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文章以5.12汶川地震发生日至全国哀悼日期间进行捐赠的114家A股上市公司为样本进行了实证分析,主要研究了上市公司的董事会特征与公司捐赠的关系。研究结果表明:公司捐赠与董事会规模呈显著负相关关系,董事会规模越大,决策民主性越强,制衡效率更高,公司捐赠越少。文章的实证结果从代理成本理论角度拓展了我国关于公司捐赠的研究,以帮助政府和监管机构更好地引导公司捐赠行为,实现社会福利最大化。  相似文献   

近年来,公司的捐赠行为举不胜数,公司捐赠行为不仅对公司,而且对国家、社会、个人都具有重要意义,各国在立法上也都相继对公司的这一行为进行了调整。我国目前并没有制定专门的公司捐赠法,虽然《公司法》、《公益事业捐赠法》、《合同法》中都有相关规定,但规定并不全面,依然存在着如公司捐赠对象不明确、受赠人范围过于狭窄、公司捐赠激励不健全等问题。本文通过对公司捐赠的基本问题的介绍以及对我国的立法现状的剖析,主要针对公司捐赠对象以及公司捐赠激励机制这两方面展开探讨。  相似文献   

追求股东利益最大化是公司的最高目标,承担社会责任是其应有的义务,公司的捐赠行为是公司承担社会责任的一个方面。本文通过对公司捐赠行为的成本-效益分析,解释了公司捐赠行为与公司最高目标的关系,并对如何完善现有法律法规对公司捐赠行为的规范提出了一些个人意见。  相似文献   

以2008—2014年我国沪深两市A股非金融上市公司面板数据为研究样本,采用Logistic模型和受限因变数模型分别研究了公司治理结构对企业慈善捐赠倾向和捐赠额度的影响。研究结果表明:公司董事会规模、董事会会议频率与企业慈善捐赠倾向和捐赠额度呈显著正相关;董事会独立性与企业的慈善捐赠倾向和捐赠额度呈显著负相关;董事会成员中女性占比对企业慈善捐赠行为无显著影响。通过对企业慈善捐赠倾向和捐赠额度的分析,确证了公司治理结构对其有显著影响。  相似文献   

5月12日四川省汶川地区发生严重的地震灾害后,广大纳税人积极踊跃向灾区捐赠。在公司的捐款中,一部分款项由公司捐赠,另一部分由公司职工捐赠,这些捐款在企业所得税和个人所得税前如何扣除,一些企业和个人并不十分清楚。实际上,对于纳税人的捐赠行为,国家有关的政策规定,纳税人符合规定的捐赠可以在缴纳企业所得税及个人所得税前进行扣除。  相似文献   

以2009—2019年我国A股非金融类企业为样本,考察了重污染行业企业的慈善捐赠行为及分析师关注度和市场化水平对这种行为的影响.结果发现:相对于非重污染行业的企业,重污染行业企业慈善捐赠更多;相较于分析师关注度低、市场化水平高的地区,分析师关注度高和市场化水平低的地区重污染行业企业慈善捐赠更多.进一步研究发现,重污染行业企业通过慈善捐赠可以缓解其面临的融资约束,提高企业价值.研究为重污染行业企业的慈善捐赠行为提供了经验证据,对重污染行业企业寻求"自我救赎"具有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

在我国目前的捐赠结构中,公司捐赠占据主导地位,其发展直接牵动着股东利益、公司利益和社会利益,而公司捐赠要想获得健康、可持续发展,必须谋求上述三种利益的平衡。在具体实践中,这种平衡往往会被破坏,这就需要重视制度设计。除了重视公司内部治理、法律规制,还需要鼓励个人捐赠、着力培养健康捐赠文化,还原捐赠的本来属性。  相似文献   

合理的公司捐赠有利于社会公益事业的发展,更有利于公司良好形象的树立和长远发展的要求,与中小股东的权益是一致的。由于控制股东在公司捐赠决策中拥有话语权和决定性影响,公司捐赠决策符合控制股东利益,中小股东权益显得微乎其微,目前法律还缺少对公司捐赠中中小股东权益保护的有效规制,实践中中小股东权益受损的情况时有发生。笔者认为,公司捐赠不应以牺牲中小股东权益为代价,在公司进行捐赠承担社会责任的同时,应加强法律对公司捐赠的有效约束,防止中小股东权益受到不应有的侵害。  相似文献   

文章利用2007—2019年A股上市公司数据,从高管离任是否可预期角度出发,探讨高管预期离任是否会影响离任当年企业的捐赠行为.研究发现,高管预期离任发生当年,企业捐赠行为会显著地增加,且在董事长子样本中更加突出.研究还发现,预期离任会加重高管的机会主义行为,从而影响捐赠.在高管兼任董事长和总经理时,权力过大加重代理问题,更能引发机会主义行为,导致预期离任与当年企业捐赠之间的正相关关系进一步加强,而当公司位于儒家文化氛围浓厚的地区时,受到儒家文化的熏陶,高管克己复礼的社会责任感更强,会显著减少捐赠行为方式的利益输送.本研究的贡献在于丰富了有关高管变更经济后果、企业捐赠行为机会主义动机的研究,为高管变更引发的代理冲突治理提供经验证据与理论指导.  相似文献   

选择2008—2016年沪深A股上市公司数据作为研究样本,检验了盈余管理、战略性捐赠与公司股价波动三者之间的关系,结果表明:战略性捐赠削弱了公司股价波动;盈余管理增强了战略性捐赠削弱公司股价波动的功效;无论是国有企业还是非国有企业,战略性捐赠均削弱了公司股价波动,且非国有企业盈余管理在增强战略性捐赠削弱公司股价波动的功效方面更强。通过研究验证了“好”的盈余管理可以增强战略性捐赠削弱公司股价波动的功效,是企业谋求长效发展的治理机制,可以保护利益相关者多方权益,而非是单纯的管理层寻求私人利益的工具。  相似文献   

This study examines how shareholders will interpret a socially desirable action taken by firms with a damaged corporate reputation status. We first explain theoretically why shareholders’ path‐dependent judgments of a tainted firm increase the likelihood of shareholders making less favourable judgments of the firm's socially desirable actions. We then test the theoretical predictions using a sample of Chinese listed firms that were sanctioned for securities fraud and subsequently made donations to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake relief funds. We find that the shareholders evaluate the donations made by fraud‐tainted firms less favourably than those made by firms that have not been sanctioned for fraud. Furthermore, the shareholders’ evaluations of the donations made by fraud‐tainted firms is less favourable if the firms have committed more serious fraud and undertaken fewer positive remedial actions in the post‐fraud period. Overall, our evidence demonstrates that shareholders’ path‐dependent judgments of fraud‐tainted firms constitute a major obstacle that constrains the effectiveness of reputation repair.  相似文献   

This paper aims to construct a comprehensive corporate environmental responsibility (CER) engagement measurement to examine the relationship between CER engagement and firm value as well as explore the mediating effect of corporate innovation on this relationship based on a sample of 496 China's A‐share listed companies from 2008 to 2016. The results show that when firms start to adopt environmental regulations, CER would have a negative effect on firm value; however, at a specific level, CER would start to enhance firm value positively. In addition to this, corporate innovation plays a mediating role in the relationship between CER and firm value. Corporate innovation promotes firm value of firms with CER more than firms without CER. Overall, the findings of this paper are extremely relevant for the government, investors, and firm's managers and can be utilized for policy and investment decision making. Also, the findings encourage firms to enhance their sense of environmental responsibility in order to enhance their competitive advantages, enhance corporate innovation capabilities, and thus enhance firm value.  相似文献   

We use a recent dataset of 16,082 firm-year observations from publicly traded Chinese firms to show that directors who have prior foreign study or work experience make more corporate donations, a result that supports the path dependency theory related to the effect of prior experiences on subsequent behaviors. The relationship between a director’s prior life experiences and corporate charitable contributions is robust across different types of ownership and industry. We show that corporate donations enable firms to have better access to bank loans, reducing their financial constraints. In addition, these directors appear to consume fewer perquisites, implying lower agency cost with corporate donations.  相似文献   

A corporate site visit is an effective way to obtain information on a firm. Most studies focus on the information advantages of corporate site visits, but evidence of their impact on firm operations is limited. In this paper, we investigate whether investors’ corporate site visits affect cost stickiness. Using data on investor corporate site visits to Chinese listed firms from 2013 to 2018, we find that these visits can inhibit cost stickiness. This finding holds in robustness tests and when controlling for endogeneity, including firm fixed effects, and using the Heckman selection model and the instrumental variables method. Further analyses reveal this inhibition is more pronounced for nonstate-owned enterprises and the results are more significant regarding cost stickiness in firms consuming nonlabor materials and firms visited by institutional investors. Moreover, we explore plausible mechanisms through which corporate site visits inhibit cost stickiness, such as through a monitoring channel and a learning channel. Our study contributes to academic evidence on the benefit and value of corporate site visits to firm operations, showing these visits can be a useful way to build connections between investors and firms.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of customer concentration on corporate charitable donations. Drawing on stakeholder and resource dependency theories, we argue that when firms rely on a small set of customers for a significant proportion of sales revenue, they will reduce corporate charitable donations. State ownership and industry competition moderate this relationship. Using data on corporate donations from Chinese listed firms between 2009 and 2019, we find support for our hypotheses. Our study contributes to the literature on customer concentration and corporate philanthropy in emerging economies.  相似文献   

This study explores the asymmetric effects of corporate sustainability strategy on firm value at different conditioning quantiles by performing a dynamic panel quantile regression analysis on global automotive firms from 2011 to 2017. Further, this study measures the distinct effects of positive and negative corporate sustainability strategies on firm value, which has remained unconsidered as yet. The findings suggest that low-value and midvalue firms respond more strongly to positive and negative corporate sustainability strategies than high-value firms. This implies that for low-value and midvalue corporations that are in a growth phase, an investment in positive corporate sustainability strategies is essential to increase firm value by enhancing public perception of their efforts. Therefore, positive corporate sustainability strategy contributes substantially to future growth. Conversely, positive corporate sustainability strategy may not be a priority in increasing firm value for high-value corporations, because these strategies do not enhance the public's discernment of their efforts in ethics management and hence do not contribute to a future increase in value. Meanwhile, engagement in negative corporate sustainability strategy worsens firm value in all quantiles, although the effect is somewhat weaker for high-value firms. Nevertheless, however high valued and well established a firm is, it is not immune to crisis.  相似文献   

技术创新与企业文化是企业生存和发展不可或缺的两个重要方面。技术创新是企业赖以生存的支柱和持久发展的动力,同时又影响着企业文化的发展。而优秀的企业文化又将有力地推动着企业的技术创新活动。因此,企业如果在技术创新过程中注重培育企业文化,保持与技术创新能力的要素相协调,便能事半功倍地加大技术创新的步伐。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of corporate charitable donations within a comparative study of corporate behaviour in two time periods, 1989–90 and 1998–99. The analysis is based on a longitudinal data set that includes over 400 UK listed companies. The determinants of corporate charitable donations are explored within a stakeholder model and the relationship between corporate charitable donations and a set of firm and industry variables is estimated using OLS. Particular emphasis is placed on industry effects and the impact of social and environmental stakeholders. The results highlight a significant change in behaviour between 1989–90 and 1998–99 that may reflect a strategic response by corporate decision‐makers to external concerns over corporate social responsibility. In the early period corporate charitable donations were substantially determined by profits. However, this relationship has weakened during the 1990s as firms have become increasingly responsive to stakeholder influences. The results for the later period emphasize the increasing importance of corporate visibility, and the development of social and environmental influences on corporate charitable contributions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of customer concentration on green innovation in Chinese listed firms between 2006 and 2018 through the dynamic panel generalized method of moments regressions. It is reported that major customers positively impact corporate green innovation, indicating that firms have more incentives to engage in innovative green practices to maintain stable relationships with major customers. In addition, the positive relationship between customer concentration and green innovation is more pronounced in state-owned enterprises, firms located in the provinces with a high level of marketization, and after China's new Environmental Protection Law implementation. Moreover, we observe that the positive impact of customer concentration on corporate green innovation is more significant among industrial firms and firms operating in heavily polluting industries. Furthermore, industrial competition is an essential channel for major customers to affect corporate green innovation.  相似文献   

文章总结了国外的研究成果,说明股权结构是通过影响公司治理机制来影响公司的业绩,并分析了中国上市公司股权结构的缺陷与成因,以及中国上市公司治理机制的缺陷,同时提出了改善治理绩效的对策。  相似文献   

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