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Richard Thaler was awarded the 2017 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his contributions to behavioral economics. In this article, I review and discuss these contributions.  相似文献   

新准则的颁布,对中国企业内部会计控制提出了新的要求。而健全的内部会计控制制度起到了从内部进行完善的重要作用,能进一步增强企业的核心竞争力。其贯彻和实施需要各有关部门的协作,企业应完善内部会计控制,强化内部会计控制意识,明晰其重要性,建立健全内部会计控制建设,加大执行力度。使之很好地为新准则服务。  相似文献   

We revisit human capital and development accounting. In quantifying human capital, we split it into three components; schooling (years of education), cognitive skills (as proxied by test score results), and a health indicator (for which adult survival rates are used). Our calculations are reported for a substantive cross-section of countries for the year 2000. According to our most conservative estimates, the most complete measure of human capital accounts for 19–28% of differences in output per worker across countries, but when excluding the health component this value falls to 17–22%, and further to 13–14% when only considering schooling. We present group comparisons, finding for some regions values as large as 40–50%.  相似文献   

Understanding the economic integration of minority ethnic communities requires an analysis of the educational process. This paper examines second‐generation immigrant youths’ educational attainments in comparison with those of similarly aged native Swedes. Binomial‐logit, grouped‐regression and multinomial‐logit models are applied to longitudinal data, 1991–1996. The results give evidence for socioeconomic determinants of post‐compulsory education and for parental influence on educational choices. Parental income affects second‐generation immigrants’ post‐compulsory education and Swedes’ choice of level of education. In general, the stronger the labour market positions of the parents, the higher the probability of the children continuing education. It is also found that the geographical origin of second‐generation immigrants matter, with youths of Asian origin having a higher probability of continuing their education. We suggest policy changes on different levels based on the evidence of the paper, as short‐run, long‐run and in general.  相似文献   

发挥内部审计在企业内部会计控制中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内部会计控制是单位为了提高会计信息质量,保护资产安全完整,确保有关法律法规和内部各项规章制度的贯彻执行等而制定和实施的一系列控制方法、措施和程序。一个企业要有一个有效的适合本单位业务特点和管理要求的内部会计控制系统,即自我约束机制,才能保证财务预算的合理执行、组织运营效率与效果的提高,从而有助于经营目标的实现、风险的防范和企业的稳步发展。  相似文献   

In this study, we implemented a dictator game experiment to examine how the increase of the public characteristic in an impure public good affects individuals’ prosocial behaviour. A within‐subject design was used in the experiment. The dictator game was repeated six times with an impure public good introduced in four of them. We observe that the increase of the public characteristic in an impure public good partly crowds out individuals’ subsequent donations, which could be explained by a seemingly ‘mental accounting’ mental process. In addition, we also find that the selfish behaviour of individuals in dictator games with impure public goods, to some extent, has an inertia influence on their subsequent donations when the impure public good is removed.  相似文献   

受会计管理体制的局限性、资源分配能力和操作流程不规范等因素影响,目前企业集团内部会计控制依然存在很多控制方面的问题。针对集团公司内控问题,分析其产生的原因,并提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

企业会计电算化系统内部控制的再认识   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王定迅 《经济经纬》2004,(1):132-134
会计信息系统在不同运行环境下,由于会计业务执行主体的演变,使得内部控制的特点发生了变化。会计电算化系统的内部控制的重点实质上是对人、计算机软件以及系统运行环境的控制。  相似文献   

Foreign currency (FX)‐based loans and deposits became very popular in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) over the 2000–2011 period. In this paper, I simultaneously examine the demand‐side (consumer‐related) and supply‐side (bank‐related) determinants of the quick spread of FX banking. I use a newly constructed dataset on FX and domestic currency loans, deposits and interest rates, covering 16 CEECs overtime. Local‐FX interest rate and market share spreads are: (1) lower in managed currency regimes; (2) strongly affected by the prevalence of FX funding, currency mismatch and FX banking restrictions, and (3) wider after economic crises.  相似文献   

在全球一体化和国际竞争的背景下,越来越多的企业选择更新管理理念,满足顾客需求,而不再一味地追求低成本和高产量。传统的质量成本观寻找企业内的最佳质量成本点,由低成本选择决定质量水平,而忽略了顾客的期望标准。从企业流程再造和优化着眼,通过对企业实施质量管理流程中的会计实时控制,对企业内质量信息流和资金流的传递加以引导,动态地设计数据处理和评价环节,实现质量管理的事前预测、事中控制和事后评价的有机融合。  相似文献   

毛月华  田艳君李克 《时代经贸》2007,5(4X):112-113,116
内部会计控制是为了提高会计信息质量,保护资产的安全、完整,确保有关法律法规和规章制度的贯彻执行等而制定和实施的一系列控制方法、措施和程序。目前我国交通运输企业在内部会计控制方面还存在着诸如企业治理结构不健全、会计控制不合理等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出完善企业内部会计控制制度、重视内部审计的作用及健全会计电算化系统等建议。  相似文献   

会计信息质量保障措施研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
常青 《经济与管理》2005,19(3):94-96
随着中国经济体制改革的不断深化和市场经济的日益发展,会计信息在宏观调控和微观管理等方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用。会计信息已经日益成为企业管理者、投资者、债权人、社会公众及政府管理部门改善经营管理、评价经济状况、做出投资决策、制定有关政策的重要依据,会计信息是否真实、完整,将直接影响有关方面的利益和经济秩序,会计信息质量越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

美国强制性双重内部控制评价制度的解析与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阚京华 《经济管理》2007,(22):13-18
安然丑闻后.美国加强了对上市公司的监管。2002年美国国会发布了《萨班斯——奥克斯利法案》.该法案强制要求公众公司年度报告中包含内部控制报告及其自我评价.并要求注册会计师对管理当局做出的评价出具鉴证报告。由此,美国上市公司内部控制的发展从“标准化的内部控制阶段”进入了“受监控的内部控制”阶段,进入一个管理当局自我评价和外部审计师独立评价的强制性双重评价阶段。本文借助美国公司的内部控制评价报告实例对此强制性双重评价制度做一解析.以期为我国监管机构在上市公司内部控制制度评价的强制性规定方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中小企业在中国的经济社会中扮演着重要角色,关系着中国经济的持续繁荣和社会稳定。企业内部会计控制制度对于提高公司会计信息的质量和企业管理效率有着非常重要的作用,是中小企业健康发展的保障。主要分析了当前中国中小企业内部会计控制中存在的问题和原因,并提出了完善中小企业内部会计控制制度的建议。  相似文献   

喀什老城核心区是全国唯一保存完整的维吾尔建筑风格的生土建筑群,拥有丝绸之路遗存下的深厚的商贸文化资源,是我国著名的商贸重镇。从喀什老城核心区商贸业态的分布、商贸资源的等级以及其最具发展潜力的商贸资源上分析了老城核心区发展商贸旅游的可能性,期望能够对喀什老城核心区旅游的发展提供一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

G公司内部控制变革研究——从会计控制到高级导航系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
控制论和权变理论认为,公司内部控制应根据其所处的内外部条件随机应变。G公司为应对内外环境的变迁实施了"新一代内部控制",并将其定位为"高级导航系统",以强化内部控制的决策支持作用。研究发现,G公司内部控制变革的驱动力主要来自环境的变化,多次并购引起的规模扩张及自身组织结构变化;新的控制系统在控制目标、控制方法、重点控制领域、新的信息系统构建、组织结构及内部控制实施人员的角色再定位等方面进行了变革。本文在内部控制变革框架基础上,通过对内部控制部门员工实施问卷调查,检验了该公司从传统的会计控制到新一代内部控制转变的效果。  相似文献   

We integrate two workhorses of the labor literature, the Roy and search models, to illustrate the implications of migration duration—specifically, whether it is temporary or permanent—for patterns of selection. Consistent with our stylized model, we show that temporary migrants are intermediately selected on education, with weaker selection on cognitive ability. In contrast, permanent migration is associated with strong positive selection on both education and ability, as it involves finer employee–employer matching and offers greater returns to experience. Networks are also more valuable for permanent migration, where search costs are higher. Labor market frictions explain observed network–skill interactions.  相似文献   

公司治理对会计信息质量的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
会计信息失真是一个全球性的问题,会计信息失真的真正根源在于公司治理存在漏洞和缺陷。结合我国实际,借鉴国外的经验教训,加强内部及外部监控,不断完善公司治理结构,提高会计信息质量,是推动我国社会经济快速、健康发展的要求。  相似文献   

对外贸企业而言,会计内部控制机制是外贸企业财务处理、业务程序等进行规范的一种管理手段,是外贸企业内部管理的基础和内部控制的关键控制点,在整个外贸企业的发展运行中发挥着重要作用。基于此,通过探讨当前外贸企业会计内部控制机制的现状,对其未来发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between the willingness to take risk and the gender gap in self‐employment in the transition economy, where for decades entrepreneurship was considered a crime. Using rich data on risk preferences and entrepreneurial activities, we show that male–female risk tolerance differential is the main determinant of the gender gap in self‐employment in Ukraine. The decomposition results indicate that up to 38% of the gap can be attributed to this factor. Robustness tests support the validity of the baseline findings by suggesting that the results are not confounded by such factors as being unemployed before starting a current job, having a self‐employed household member, or living in a relatively wealthy household before transitioning to self‐employment.  相似文献   

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