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我们天津武清县供电局以减人增效,提高劳动生产率为目标,深化企业三项制度改革,创出了“主业精,副业兴,职工生活水平增,企业效益翻番增”的大好局面。近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,减人增效与劳动力就业的矛盾越来越突出的显现出来。单纯依靠主业,企业不仅不能发展,连养家都很困难。面对严峻的现实,党委一班人在围绕大局真抓实干的同时,大力兴办第三产业,广开就业门路,主副并举抓两效,较好的开展了就业与再就业工程。目前,全局共有多种经营实体40多个,涉及种植、养殖、生产、加工、商贸、建筑、水暖、装修、房地产、…  相似文献   

2004年,济宁市煤炭冶金工业公司以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,不断树立和落实科学发展观,解放思想,抢抓机遇,真抓实干,求真务实,牢牢把握煤炭市场千载难逢的大好机遇,深化改革,强化管理,全市煤炭冶金工业步入了新的发展阶段.安全生产、经济效益、职工收入都创出了历史最好水平,基本建设、科技进步、职工培训都步入了快速发展的轨道,现场管理、文明生产、依法行政都更加规范有序,呈现出欣欣向荣、充满生机和活力的崭新局面。  相似文献   

杜涛 《广西电业》2008,(3):92-93
长期以来,山东省泗水供电公司围绕建设一支高素质的农电工队伍,不断加强素质教育和培训,开展人性化、亲情化管理,完善激励奖励机制,不断创新思路、创新措施、创新管理手段、创新发展理念,为农电工办理了工伤保险、养老保险、新农合医疗保险,较好地解除了农电工的后顾之忧,增强了向心力,激发了爱岗敬业的工作热情,使农电工的工作效率、服务质量、综合素质不断提高。  相似文献   

抚顺特殊钢有限公司,进入80年代末期,面临激烈市场竞争。近年来,为了克服设备老化等困难,坚持以市场为导向,强化成本管理,充分挖掘生产潜力,优化资源配置,降低消耗、调整产品结构,着力奇、难、缺、特、高产品。同时深化企业内部经营机制的改革,进行技术改造,先后建成了齿轮钢、模具钢等生产线,为今后的发展奠定了基础。近年来,抚钢面临资金严重短缺,原材料及燃料、动力大幅度涨价,贷款回收困难等不利因素,抓住了成本管理这个‘华鼻子”,把资金、成本、利税管理作为财务管理消工作重点,推动各项管理工作的深入开展。同时,…  相似文献   

常常听到一些领导干部喊忙,忙得不可开交,忙得焦头烂额,天明忙到天黑,往往是眼睛一睁,忙到熄灯。让人一听,着实感到领导辛苦,当领导也不容易。 可细细琢磨,领导干部忙,又都忙些什么、忙在了哪里呢?有的忙调研、忙学习、忙接待职工群众来信来访、忙着分析单位工作、科学决策;也有的忙会、忙接待、忙陪同、忙吃饭、忙娱乐。可以说,前一种忙,是真忙,忙到了实处,忙出了效果和效益,而后一种忙,则是假忙,忙到了虚处,忙出的是职工群众的不信任、威信的降低和各种不利因素的产生,有的甚至是身败名裂、身陷囹圄或身首异处,这样…  相似文献   

党的十五届五中全会指出,要进一步开放市场,建立和完善全国统一、公平、竞争、规范有序的市场体系,打破部门、行业垄断和地区封锁,加强市场监督。2000年年底,中央经济工作会议也指出,加快垄断性行业的改革步伐,引入竞争,增强活力。改革开放以来,我国电力工业发展快速,贡献巨大,但市场化改革的步伐滞后,与通信、铁路、民航等垄断性行业,成为当前深化经济体制改革的重点。今后5到10年,与完善社会主义市场经济体制同步,抓紧时机,深化电力体制改革,引入竞争机制,加快市场化步伐,必将促进电力工业持续健康发展,更好地满足国…  相似文献   

丁学锋,男,1959年生,大学,中共党员,教授级高级工程师,从1983年参加工作以来先后担任技术员、施工队队长、项目经理、大型项目经理、总指挥等职务,由于本人的勤奋、敬业、勇于创新,善于钻研,凭借着多年来参与主持完成的各项施工任务中积累的丰富经验,形成了一套完善、可行、科学化、规范化的施工管理模式。在以往的施工中认真、负责、果断、细心,多次受到各界好评。他本人多次被评为省级优秀共产党员。  相似文献   

近年来,大庆油田以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,按照“创建百年油田、搞好二次创业”的战略要求,坚持与时俱进、改革创新的精神,结合实际,探索实践,重点围绕提高综合素质、改善班子结构、提升领导能力,规范决策行为、树立作风形象、发挥整体功能等内容,  相似文献   

中电联第四届理事会第一次会议以来的四年中,我们坚决执行党中央、国务院的各项部署,在电监会的直接领导以及国家能源局等政府有关部门的领导指导下,在电力企业的大力支持下,遵循第四届理事会第一次会议提出的要求,坚持正确的办会思想,认真履行服务、协调、监督、自律职能,不断完善运行机制,自身建设进一步加强,在促进发展、推动改革、加强管理、反映诉求、信息服务、  相似文献   

名牌产品的防伪包装问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伪劣假冒商品几乎无所不有,尤其是利润高、有消费币场、受消费者欢迎的名牌产品,更深受假冒伪劣商品的严重困化,使消费者利益受到损害,使真品的生产厂家形象受损,信誉下降,而假冒商品制造者、售假者从中得利。据最近的调查结果表明,被仿冒的产品严重程度从强到弱依次是,烟、酒、化妆品、药、食品、电子产品、服装等,据称每年因伪劣商品造成的损失千亿元。打假已成为生产厂家、广大消费者、工商部门乃至国家政府的共同愿望,但是由于法规不完善,市场经济在我国尚在发育阶段不成熟,再加上地方保护主义严重影响,不能有效根除假冒伪…  相似文献   

Several different procedures for the implementation of the internal rate of return criterion are presented in the literature on investment projects evaluation. Taking the net present worth criterion as a basis for comparison, a survey of some of the suggested procedures and a critique of their theoretical basis are presented. It is showed that, although leading to a proper evaluaticn, they are internally inconsistent in the sense of incorporating modifications that may not really be necessary. To circumvent this possibility, we are going to suggest a conceptual algorithm that should be implemented if we are concerned with the formal application of the internal rate of return criterion.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of why discount points exist in the mortgage market. In the process of resolving these questions, a number of insights into the mortgage market are achieved. An important principle is that changes in loan structure due to points, prepayments or other deviations in the typical mortgage have no impact on the competitive rate of return. Thus, the essential role of points is not to raise the effective rate of return nor are they the purchase price a risk-averter desires for an option to prepay. Instead it is taxes that play the critical role.  相似文献   

International real estate related securities are investigated to see whether they offer any incremental diversification benefits over foreign stocks using mean-variance analysis together with a multifactor latent variable model. Diversification benefits are found to be primarily driven by unanticipated returns which are partially driven by changes in exchange rate risk. Although exchange rate risk accounts for a larger portion of the return fluctuation in real estate related securities relative to common stocks, international real estate securities provide some incremental diversification benefits over common stocks even if currency risks are hedged.  相似文献   

One problem with internal race of return is the possibility that given cash flows may result in more than one internal rate of return. The purpose of this paper is to develop a method for determining relevance of an internal rate of return. An Internal rate of return is considered relevant if its derivatives with respect to each of the cash flows are positive. It is determined that the necessary and sufficient conditions for relevance are: (1) the net future value function has a negative derivative at a relevant root; and (2) a relevant Internal rate of return must be greater than -1. Our method of analysis identifies a single relevant rate for the dual race problem and for a special case when there are three rates, However, when more than one Internal rate of return meets the conditions for relevance, our analysis cannot be extended to choose among the relevant rates.  相似文献   

Payback period is an important and widely-used measure of the economic attractiveness of an investment opportunity. It is an easy concept to understand and is readily computed by a variety of methods. The difficulty, however, is that these methods give misleading results. Nevertheless, payback period determination may be considered an effective intermediate step in the computation of the after-tax rate of return. The conversion techniques must, of necessity, be simple in order to encourage the use of rate of return as the decision criterion rather than payback period.

The relationships between payback period as defined here and rate of return are developed for both the before-tax and after-tax situations. If the tax consequences are to be considered, the tax rate and depreciation method must be known in addition to payback period and useful life. The equations derived for computing the rate of return are plotted for selected values of the parameters, and the resulting curves provide a simple means for determining the rate of return when the payback period is known.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate a three-equation recursive model of the rate-of-return phase of the regulatory hearing process. Separate equations are estimated for the firm's requested rate of return, the staff's recommended rate of return, and the commission's approved rate of return. The sample used in this estimation contains 122 observations of actual rate cases that were decided between 1980 and 1984. There are 73 electric companies and 37 states represented in this sample. The model differs from prior work in this area by (1) incorporating a separate equation to explain the commission staff's recommended rate of return, and (2) including the regulated companies' actual expenditures on the hearing process as a variable in all three equations.  相似文献   

导出了自有资金内部收益率与资本结构关系的数学表达式,并举例分析了自有资金内部收益率与资本结构、贷款利率.还本付息年限.以及还本付息方式的关系。  相似文献   

This article considers evaluation of nonconventional projects and projects with cash outflows occurring not only at the beginning of project. It has been proved that, being a monotonically increasing function of a discount or finance rate, the modified internal rate of return (MIRR) fails to characterize the rate of return of such projects. We showed how to eliminate the MIRR's dependence on a finance rate and proved that in this case the MIRR becomes the “equivalent rate of return” proposed by Solomon. The generalized internal rate of return (GIRR) and generalized external rate of return (GERR) indices based on the generalized net present value (GNPV) approach are considered as alternatives to the MIRR. Several nonconventional projects have been evaluated using the MIRR, GIRR, and GERR rules. In order to verify the estimates, we drew up a simple project balance sheet, which demonstrated correctness of the results based on the GIRR and GERR rules and errors inherent in the MIRR application.  相似文献   

Depreciation schedules allocate capital expenditure over time. Investors are properly compensated under any full depreciation schedule, when the allowed rate of return plus inflation adjustments to the rate base just equal the investors' nominal discount rate. Whether changes in this nominal rate are reflected in adjustments to the rate base or the rate of return, depreciation schedules can be chosen to generate efficient time paths of output prices. Practical limits on depreciation schedules, nominal rates, or information may affect the choice between adjusting the rate base or rate of return for temporal changes in capital cost.  相似文献   

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