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为探究政府会计信息呈报格式对政府债券购买决策产生的影响,本文在精细加工可能性模型上采用实验方法对知识水平和认知需求的调节效应以及两者的交互作用进行了验证.实验结果表明,不同知识水平和认知需求水平的投资者对于呈报格式的感知是不同的:在政府债券购买决策中,低知识水平被试者受到呈报格式的影响显著,高知识水平被试者影响不显著;低认知需求被试者受到呈报格式的影响显著,而高认知需求被试者影响不显著.  相似文献   

网络经济和信息技术的发展使顾客感知价值逐渐成为影响企业生存的核心因素.由于网络信息产品自身的特性及定价因素的复杂程度,使得网络信息产品定价灵活多变,而顾客感知价值又是影响消费者购买行为的关键因素.为此,从网络信息产品市场结构分析入手,以消费者支付意愿为桥梁,构建顾客感知价值的利润函数模型,通过对垄断市场结构下单一定价和歧视定价策略的对比分析,为网络信息产品厂商在市场竞争中制定和选择有效的定价策略提供理论参考和依据.  相似文献   

基于心理契约的网络消费者重复购买意向实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络营销情景下,消费者在进行购买决策时对心理和情感层面的感知依存度很高,通过对消费者交易心理契约、关系心理契约与感知风险、网络信息以及重复购买行为之间的关系假设,并对这些变量进行分别测量的关系验证后发现,关系心理契约主要通过影响消费者的网络信任来影响重复购买意向,而交易心理契约尽管同样主要是通过网络信任来影响重复购买行为意向,但其对网络信任的影响度要低于关系心理契约。从这一点来看,加强关系营销是提高网络营销效果的重要途径。  相似文献   

本文引入顾客感知价值衡量消费者对网上银行的感知,将其分为功能价值、情感价值、社会价值、自我效能价值和感知利失五个维度,并建立结构方程模型考察它们对银行顾客资产(价值资产、品牌资产和关系资产)的影响。通过对360位网上银行用户进行问卷调查及分析发现,顾客对网上银行的情感价值、社会价值、自我效能价值这三个维度的感知与银行的品牌资产和关系资产之间具有显著的正向影响,感知利失对二者有显著的负向影响;关系资产是银行顾客资产最重要的驱动因素,商业银行应该通过提高顾客对网上银行的感知程度,来提升银行的顾客资产。  相似文献   

立足于我国股份回购制度重大修订以及债券市场债券违约潮的现实背景,以公司债信用利差为研究视角,考察上市公司股份回购在债券市场的溢出效应。结果表明,股份回购对公司债信用利差有正向影响,说明股份回购在债券市场存在溢出效应。进一步研究发现,股份回购是通过“风险防御”效应中的信息风险传导使得公司债信用利差增大。公司治理水平越低、融资约束程度越高,这种溢出效应越明显。拓展性检验结果表明,股份回购对公司债信用利差的正向影响在《公司法》修订后更为显著。研究结论不仅为上市公司股份回购的溢出效应研究提供了债券市场的经验证据,也为监管部门制定债权人利益保护政策提供了参考。  相似文献   

互联网保险发展环境下,消费者对网络保险的购买意愿成为影响网络保险消费行为的决定性因素之一。本文采用调查问卷的方式,对950名受访者进行了网络财产保险消费意愿的调查,在计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB)框架下,针对消费者购买网络财产保险意愿进行研究,运用二元Logistic回归模型的方法,对影响消费者购买网络财产保险意愿的主要因素进行实证研究,发现消费者对网络保险的感知价值、网络保险的购买便利性、消费者个人收入水平、网络保险的信誉度与知名度和消费者对网络保险的风险感知程度对购买意愿有着显著的影响。在此基础上,提出了提高消费者购买网络保险意愿的建议,以促进网络保险的健康发展。  相似文献   

基于信息-认知-意愿理论模型对农民投资商业养老保险决策行为意愿进行研究,信息方面考虑农民间小世界网络结构特性的关系强度和社会互动,认知方面考虑感知风险、感知价值和信任,意愿方面考虑保险购买决策中行为意愿。研究表明关系强度对购买意愿有显著的影响,如果信息由强关系来源提供,农民往往对商业养老保险产品信息的感知风险要低一些,感知价值和信任程度要高一些,从而影响农民购买商业养老保险的意愿。社会互动对农民购买商业养老保险意愿的影响不显著,但是社会互动却对农民的感知风险、感知价值产生影响。感知风险、感知价值和信任显著影响了农民的购买意愿。  相似文献   

按照信息经济学的观点,消费者与企业构成委托——代理关系,企业通过发出的产品信号来影响消费者的认知价值,进而影响消费者的购买决策。一直以来,消费者认知价值被抽象为单一的产品质量,产品信号对多维消费者认知价值的作用机制缺乏研究。正交设计实验结果显示,品牌、价格、款式、基本功能、扩展功能,甚至原产地等产品信号对消费者质量价值、价格价值、社会价值和情感价值的变化存在不同程度的影响;如果将产品信号设为既定,消费者关于零售商的信念对质量价值、价格价值和情感价值存在显著影响。  相似文献   

零售商的实体店形象、网络评价与线上价格能影响消费者的线上价格态度,其中零售商实体店形象通过影响消费者感知价值与提高品牌形象来改变消费者的线上价格态度,而消费者依赖价格判断产品与服务质量水平的程度与网络渠道信任倾向是线上价格、网络评价影响价格态度的关键.本文根据消费者线上价格态度形成的一般过程,针对多渠道零售商,分析影响消费者线上价格态度的主要因素.  相似文献   

二维码扫描已经成为消费者日常生活中常见的信息搜寻和支付方式。基于技术接受模型,本文研究了感知有用性、感知易用性和感知风险这三个因素对消费者二维码扫码行为的影响,并研究了扫码行为在零食为代表的易耗品和以电脑为代表的耐用品之间的差异。结果显示,对于零食一类的低值易耗品,感知易用性对于扫码意向具有正向影响,感知风险具有负向影响;对于电脑一类的耐用品,感知有用性对于扫码意向具有正向影响,而感知易用性和感知风险的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

基于中国工业企业数据库1998-2014年7032家企业的平衡面板数据,从银行信用风险内部评级的视角,研究融资约束对企业出口的影响.结果表明:银行信贷融资约束与企业的出口决策及出口强度间有显著负相关关系.同时,使用Heckman二阶段模型研究发现:不同形式的商业信用对企业出口决策及出口强度的影响和作用机制会因企业所处供求端位置的不同而存在差异.其中,需求端的商业信用仅与企业出口决策显著正相关,而与出口强度的相关性并不显著;供给端的商业信用则与企业出口强度显著负相关.  相似文献   

不同于传统的基于资本市场情境进行的会计信息可比性经济后果研究,将研究场景拓展至商品市场中企业供应链层面,考察企业会计信息可比性能否影响供应链伙伴的商业信用政策制定,进而反映到企业的商业信用融资水平.研究发现:会计信息可比性越高的企业,其商业信用融资水平也越高;会计信息可比性对商业信用融资的促进作用只在市场地位较低、所处行业竞争程度较高的企业中存在.进一步的拓展研究证实,提高会计信息可比性可以有效缓解我国中小微企业普遍存在的融资难问题.  相似文献   

基于董事高管责任保险的公司治理观和机会主义观,以中国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验董事高管责任保险对企业商业信用的影响。结果显示:企业认购董事高管责任保险有助于提高商业信用的获取水平,支持了董事高管责任保险的公司治理观。进一步研究发现:在内控质量更高以及非国有企业中,董事高管责任保险对企业商业信用的积极影响更明显;当外部政策不确定性更大及金融发展水平越低时,董事高管责任保险对企业获得商业信用的积极作用更强。  相似文献   

基于"经济人"假设和外部性原理,建立政府、农户及消费者之间的三方博弈模型,考量地方政府检查策略下的生态补贴与惩罚措施以及质量标签策略对农户种植行为的影响行为.结果表明:地方政府的生态补贴政策与农药超标罚款政策对农户的生态种植行为具有促进作用,其监管效率受上级政府检查力度以及社会舆论的影响;而实施质量标签策略可以提升农户选择生态种植行为的收益,促使农户种植行为的选择转变;消费者对质量安全的敏感性会提高其进行生态产品购买的动因,倒逼农户进行生态种植.  相似文献   


The financial services sector is characterised by a high level of consumer perceived risk and irrational behaviour in decision-making, which is predominantly influenced by the effect of communication and the application of heuristics as a function of communication in consumer decision-making. This situation promotes marketing communication as one of the most essential activities that financial institutions rely on to mitigate the perceived risks and to satisfy consumers’ quest in understanding financial products. Hence the importance of this research is to establish the effects of marketing communication on consumer purchasing behaviour in emerging economies that are experiencing expanded financial markets but limited corresponding research insight. To achieve the aim of this study, the research uses data from 360 customers of selected financial institutions in Ghana. The hypotheses are tested using the structural equations modelling technique. The results of the study reveal marketing communication strategies evaluated have positive and significant impacts on consumer purchase behaviour. However, amongst the marketing communication strategies tested advertising and celebrity endorsement were found to have an insignificant relationship with consumer purchase behaviour. The study offers practical and theoretical insights into understanding the dynamics and nuances of the integrated marketing communication mix and how they influence the purchase behaviours of consumers.


Issues of transparency lay at the center of the debate surrounding the labeling of genetically modified (GM) food products in the USA. These issues include not only the argument that consumers should be allowed to make purchasing choices based on full disclosure of product ingredients but also that they should have access to the process that makes decisions about labeling. This study examines the influence of procedural justice on perceived decision legitimacy and decision support regarding GM food labeling decisions. Using a 2 × 2 factorial design, participants recruited from an online Qualtrics panel (N = 450) were randomly assigned to read a fictitious news article about an agricultural company’s decision about whether to label their food products as having GM ingredients. Articles varied by the company’s labeling decision (label versus no label) and whether the company listened to public input prior to making the decision (public input versus no public input). The results showed significant main effects on decision support and perceived legitimacy for articles that mentioned public input. Specifically, when participants read articles stating that the company made its decision after listening to public input, they were more supportive of the decision and perceived the decision as more legitimate. Moreover, this main effect occurred irrespective of whether or not the company’s decision was to label GM foods. Our results confirm the influence of procedural justice perceptions in fostering support and perceived legitimacy for controversial risk-related decisions.  相似文献   

This study examines how the large and unexpected Chinese credit stimulus in 2008 affects firms' labor decision. Using a large sample of industrial firms, we find that state-owned enterprises tend to hire more employment than their counterparts after the credit stimulus. Mechanism analysis shows that the credit stimulus package is followed by lower financing costs and more bank loans for the state-owned enterprises, enhancing the degree of their excess employment compared with their counterparts. Moderating effect tests suggest that the overemployment effect is stronger in provinces with a high unemployment level, where the political leaders have stronger promotion incentives, in industries that are selected as the key stimulating industry, and in provinces with higher bank competition level, but weaker in provinces with higher marketization level. Finally, we find that the firm's overemployment caused by the credit stimulus plans decreases firm labor productivity. Overall, our findings shed light on how credit policy influence firms' labor decision and offer important implications for regulators.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that intangible assets play an important role in financial policy. Using a proprietary database of consumer brand evaluation, I show that positive consumer attitude toward a firm's products alleviates financial frictions and provides additional net debt capacity, as measured by higher leverage and lower cash holdings. Brand perception affects financial policy through reducing overall firm riskiness, as strong consumer evaluations translate into lower future cash flow volatility as well as higher credit ratings for potentially volatile firms. The impact of brand is stronger among small firms, contradicting a number of reverse causality and omitted variables explanations.  相似文献   

中央银行购买公司债是次贷危机后货币政策理论的一项伟大创新和重要实践探索。通过对迄今为止购买过公司债的日本央行、英国央行和欧洲央行的公司债购买计划进行的系统梳理和总结,以及对中央银行购买公司债的理论依据进行分析,提出中央银行购买公司债的六大传导机制。对中央银行购买公司债的经验进行阐述后认为,鉴于当前实体经济依然存在融资难融资贵问题,中国央行在必要时也可实施公司债购买计划,以降低信用利差并提高货币政策传导效率。  相似文献   

The present study aims to understand the significance of supplementary services as nonpersonal sources of information to consumers to handle perceived risk associated with the purchase of credit card services. The impact of supplementary services is particularly studied towards functional risk and psychological risk. The study is based on primary data collected by a survey with the help of a questionnaire administered through personal interviews. It is found that supplementary services can play a significant role in controlling functional and psychological perceived risk associated with credit card services. Marketers of credit cards can enhance the value of services to customers and can thus enhance purchase possibilities by reducing perceived risk through supplementary services that are controllable. Perceived risk in financial services marketing is an important factor from the consumers’ point of view for purchase decisions and is also an issue of significance to service marketers. It is an original attempt to examine the relationship between perceived risk and supplementary services.  相似文献   

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