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在为期两天的"首届宏达杯中国汽车用纺织品创新论坛"上,来自行业协会、科研院所以及企业的部分代表,以"创新与发展·技术进步与发展趋势"为主题,围绕汽车用纺织品的新纤维、新产品、新工艺、新设备、新技术,汽车用纺织品的设计与发展趋势、标准与检测,环保型纺织品在汽车上的应用等问题,对我国汽车用纺织品的发展之路进行了深入的研讨。  相似文献   

随着汽车产量的不断增加,对纺织品的需求也不断升温,全球汽车工业的发展,给汽车用纺织品带来广阔的市场。今后10年,我国汽车工业将进入一个高速增长期,由此带动汽车用纺织品需求量急速提升。汽车用内饰面料是纺织行业内的新兴门类之一,和传统服饰用纺织品相比,它不仅要求具有美观性和装饰性,而且要求其具有一定功能性,外观和材质都有特殊的要求,因而功能纺织品进入了汽车加工行业,而且用量在逐年上升。  相似文献   

为期两天的"首届宏达杯中国汽车用纺织品创新论坛"于2007年12月13日在上海胜利闭幕。本届论坛由中国纺织工业协会指导、中国纺织信息中心、中国产业用纺织品行业协会主办,浙江宏达经编股份有限公司协办。本届论坛以创新与发展·技术进步与发展趋势为主题,议题主要涉及汽车用纺织品的新纤维、新产品、新工艺、新设备、新技术;汽车用纺织品的设计与发展趋势、标准与检测;环保型纺织品在汽车上的应用等。  相似文献   

汽车内饰纺织品设计创新的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车座椅面料、顶篷织物、地毯、窗帘和车门内壁饰布等是汽车用纺织品中的重要门类,是集装饰性和功能性于一体的技术性织物,是艺术灵感和纺织技术相结合的产物。汽车用纺织品中的2/3是汽车内饰纺织品,直接体现汽车个性化,并影响汽车的舒适、环保、安全、成本等指标。我国汽车内饰织物的发展比较滞后,在材料多样化、织物设计和色彩搭配、织物后整理、质量检测等方面还有待于进一步突破。随着汽车产量的不断提高和纺织面料在汽车内饰中应用范围的不断扩大,汽车内饰纺织品的色彩、图案和织物结构设计已经是汽车设计师创造有特色产品的基本途径之一,其材料选用和装饰设计紧密地与汽车工业的发展,尤其是车型、性能、内饰风格等因素联系在一起,成为吸引消费者的重要因素。因此,探索汽车内饰纺织品的创新设计空间有助于汽车用纺织品与汽车工业同步发展。  相似文献   

产业用应用范围广,发展空间巨大。中国产业用纺织品工业协会理事长朱民儒说,仔细观察生活,产业用纺织品已经遍布生活的角角落落。土工布、农用纺织品、汽车用纺织品以及智能纺织品将在2010年发展可期。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,中国已成为世界上汽车工业发展最为迅猛的国家,汽车产销量居世界第三。汽车工业的快速发展带动了相关产业的发展,尤其是汽车用纺织品的应用,在拓宽传统纺织品应用范畴的同时,更将其舒适性,经济性纳入了汽车业的发展之中……  相似文献   

如果,到2030年,全球汽车生产商缩减到20家;如果,全球汽车配套厂家会减少到3000家;如果,汽车座椅、汽车顶棚都不再使用纺织品;如果,新的汽车设计理念以及流行趋势剔除了纺织品的元素……汽车用纺织品行业,该何去何从?  相似文献   

浅谈汽车用纺织材料的选择及其依据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从纺织品在汽车上的应用领域和各领域对纺织品的性能要求两方面出发,简要探讨汽车用纺织材料选择的依据和品种。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国汽车用纺织品的现状和需求前景。提出了利用振兴我国支柱产业──汽车制造业的契机,大力发展我国汽车工业用纺织品的设想。  相似文献   

5月29日,由中国产业用纺织品行业协会主办、宏达高科控股股份有限公司承办的"2012中国‘宏达杯’汽车用纺织品创新发展论坛"在上海召开。中国工程院院士蒋士成、中国纺织工业联合会副秘书长杨峻,中国产业用纺织品行业协会会长李陵申、海宁市政府领导、上  相似文献   

文章介绍了《纺织品质量标准与检测》的课程背景,对课程进行了整体设计并提出了改革方案,最后总结了该门课程的课程特色、课程评价,提出了本门课程今后的努力方向。  相似文献   

在《汽车观察》杂志社成立5周年之际。我们和凤凰网汽车频道及搜孤汽车频道合作.采用网络读者调查的方式对过去5年来最有代表性的汽车人进行了一次调查。  相似文献   

刻有中国印的奥运徽章、福娃、彰显“绿色、人文、科技”主题的“寿山石”,享誉世界的“中国红.奥运瓷”等奥运礼品,龙凤呈祥、梅兰竹菊等代表吉祥如意的礼品….吸引着大批买家与参观者的眼球,奥运、中国风,成为了展会上用到最多的词汇。这是记者在4月25日开幕的第十六届中国(深圳)国际礼品、工艺品,钟表及家庭用品展览会(简称深圳春季礼品展)见到景象。在中国礼品展览上占据着重要地位的本次展会,由励展华博展览(深圳)有限公司主办,80000万平米的展厅分  相似文献   

这位做了15年汽车推销员并大获成功的“世界上最伟大的推销员”,现在就坐在《汽车观察》记者面前。我们用目光向他表达着敬畏。如果不是他,人们永远不会把汽车销售员这个职业和“伟大”联系起来。事实上,直到今天,也没有第二个人获得如此荣耀。此时,距离乔·吉拉德退休已31年。  相似文献   

上汽收购双龙的困局说明,踏踏实实地做好自己的产品,然后卖到其他国家去,对中国汽车企业而言,或许是比兼并、收购更好的海外扩张途径。中国企业可能第一次如此清晰地感觉到韩国工会的作用——工人们在工会的带领下,脑袋上围着红色的条幅,条幅上打  相似文献   

从中国近代史上看,河北保定是一个盛产将军的地方,中国历史上无数名将诞生于此,黄埔军校的教官多是从保定走出,或许是受参军20多年父亲魏德义的影响,保定人魏建军始终用一颗将军的心建造自己的汽车部队。  相似文献   

Backup strategy for robots’ failures in an automotive assembly system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Automotive assembly lines are often characterized by robots’ failures that may result in stoppages of the lines and manual backup of tasks. The phenomena tend to impair throughput rate and products’ quality. This paper presents a backup strategy in which working robots perform tasks of failed robots. The proposed Mixed-Integer Linear-Programming based approach minimizes the throughput loss by utilizing the robots’ redundancy in the system. Two algorithms are developed to comply with stochastic conditions of a real-world environment. The performance of these algorithms is compared with several heuristics, and the downstream-backup based algorithm is found superior to all other methods.  相似文献   

How can firms from emerging economies, given their internal resource constraints, compete effectively with established multinational enterprises (MNEs) in home markets and gain capabilities for international expansion? We develop an integrative view of resources by incorporating network-based social capital theories and articulate that the depth and nature of emerging economy firms’ external social capital determine the direction and magnitude of resource exchanges with their business partners, and thus their effectiveness in accumulating critical internal resources. Throughout the development of our theoretical framework, we have also relied on empirical evidences from various business sources, including the cases on Lenovo and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). We conclude with scholarly and practical implications and future research avenues.  相似文献   

Environmental mandates, energy security concerns, and societal demands place considerable pressure on automotive manufacturers to develop novel powertrain technologies that reduce energy consumption, and in turn, carbon emissions. The economic case for these novel technologies is far from clear, however, and firms often turn to the respective national governments for R&D aid and demand‐side subsidies. Government on the other hand often feels unable to back any single technology for competition regulatory reasons, while at the same time being presented with conflicting messages from industry where to focus its support. This paper reports on an initiative by the U.K. Government that led to the establishment of a permanent forum for government‐industry exchange, the Automotive Council U.K., in which the author has participated from the outset. In the course of the Council's work, two “consensus roadmaps” have been developed jointly by industry and the U.K. Government to guide national efforts in the transition for both passenger car and commercial vehicle powertrain technologies toward low‐carbon alternatives. This paper discusses the key technological development stages and projections outlined in these technology roadmaps and comments on the general determinants of an effective interaction between government and industry in the light of a technological discontinuity.  相似文献   

Automotive firms are balancing the increasing needs for cost and time efficiency with the necessity of developing more innovative products to stand out on in a competitive market. The strive for efficiency has led to an increasingly structured development process with limited allowances for deviations. Previous academic work has pointed out the importance and embedded potential of the fuzzy front end, where new concepts still have the possibility to impact the new product development (NPD) process. However, most research has focused on the transfer of new technologies, while concepts based on e.g. customer or market knowledge have been more or less neglected. This paper discusses the need for alternative and contingent approaches in the front end of NPD to also consider the transfer of other types of concepts. More specifically, it addresses the need to distinguish between different types of concepts and to explore their different prerequisites in NPD. It is argued that customer- and market-based concepts experience certain difficulties due to the history and power of technology in research and development (R&D) domains in the automotive context as well as a lack of support from the existing, formal processes. In this paper, we argue that all new concepts need to be conceptualized before being introduced to the NPD process, but that does not always suffice. Concepts other than technology concepts also need a contingent package to enable an evaluation in the context of the R&D process – they need to be contextualized. This paper draws on an in-depth case study of Volvo Cars within a long-lasting collaborative research setup. It is based on an interview study with key persons in the areas of concept work and NPD, and uses an insider/outsider approach.  相似文献   

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