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近几年,国务院连续发布了国发[2001]15号、国发[2004] 28号、国发[2006]31号文件,对加强土地管理作出规定.今年伊始又发布了国发[2008]3号<关于促进节约集约用地的通知>(以下简称<通知>).这份文件内容涉及面之广,是前所未有的.  相似文献   

张琪 《时代经贸》2008,6(3):75-76
1 廉租住房制度建设发展历史 我国首次提出廉租住房的概念是在1998年,国务院于1998年7月发布<关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革,加快住房建设的通知>(国发[1998]23号文件)文件提出"建立和完善以经济适用房为主的住房供应体系,对不同收入家庭实行不同的住房供应政策.  相似文献   

张文军  梅德纯 《经济师》1996,(11):39-39
当前城镇住房改革探微张文军,梅德纯自从《国务院关于深化城镇住房制度改革的决定》即国发(199)43号文件颁布以来,我国的城镇住房改革有了迅速的发展,有的地方已进入了全面租售公房的实施阶段。但是,从目前房改进展的实际情况来看,我们认为还存在着不少问题,...  相似文献   

我国住房公积金制度是在1999年学习借鉴新加坡中央公积金制度基础上建立起来的。国务院先后就加强住房公积金管理出台了国办发[1996]35号和国发[2002]12号文件,1999年国务院还颁布《住房公积金管理条例》,其目的就是为了把住房公积金管理纳入法制化、规范化、科学化的轨道,确保住房公积金的安全,使住房公积金制度真正发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

一、对中国2003年以来对房地产业的宏观调控的评价 中国在计划经济向前场经济转轨时,对城镇住房改革制度进行了市场化改革。1998年7月3日国发(1998)23号文件:《国务院关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革,加快住房建设的通知》,停止了住房的福利分配。中国房地产市场开始形成。2003年开始,房地产业进入快速发展的通道。  相似文献   

1廉租住房制度建设发展历史 我国首次提出廉租住房的概念是在1998年,国务院于1998年7月发布<关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革,加快住房建设的通知>(国发[1998]23号文件)文件提出"建立和完善以经济适用房为主的住房供应体系,对不同收入家庭实行不同的住房供应政策.最低收入家庭租赁由政府或单位提供的廉租住房;中低收入家庭购买经济适用房;其他收入高的家庭购买、租赁市场价商品房".  相似文献   

事业单位工资中津贴分配模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏飞 《经济师》1997,(4):86-87
事业单位工资中津贴分配模式初探●张鹏飞津贴的分配要充分体现工资的激励职能,其分配模式的确定,则应以国务院国发〔1993〕79号文件中指出的,为进一步调动职工积极性,合理拉开单位津贴分配的差距等指示精神为指导,以激励为导向,在深化事业单位人事制度改革和...  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局(厅),新疆生产建设兵团环境保护局: 为贯彻落实《国务院关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定》(国发[2005]39号)、《国务院关于印发(节能减排综合性工作方案)的通知》(国发[2007]15号)提出的“建立企业环境监督员制度,实施职业资格管理”、“扩大国家重点监控污染企业实行环境监督员制度试点”要求,提高企业环境守法能力与水平:规范企业环境管理体制与机制建设,我部于2006年组织开展了重点行业企业环境监督员制度试点工作。  相似文献   

根据《国务院批转节能减排统计监测及考核实施方案和办法的通知》(国发[2007]36号)、《国务院关于印发节能减排综合性工作方案的通知》(国发[2007]15号)、国家发展改革委和原国家环保总局《燃煤发电机组脱硫电价及脱硫设施运行管理办法(试行)》(发改价格[2007]1176号)、《排污费征收标准管理办法》(国家计委财政部国家环保总局国家经贸委令第31号)和《排污费征收工作稽查办法》(国家环保总局令第42号)等文件的要求,依据主要污染物总量减排现场核查情况,现将2007年度脱硫设施不正常运行的燃煤电厂核查结果公告如下:  相似文献   

浅谈《企业会计准则第8号——资产减值》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年2月15日,财政部文件财会【2006】3号发布了【财政部关于印发《企业会计准则第1号——存货》等38项具体准则的通知】,《资产减值准则》作为第8号准则写入其中。为了更好的理解和运用《资产减值准则》(以下简称新准则),对资产减值的相关问题进行了探讨,以期对资产减值会计进行更加准确的操作,使资产负债表上的资产项目更符合资产的定义。  相似文献   

This paper identifies a new source that explains environmental behaviour: the presence of future tense marking in language. We predict that languages that grammatically mark the future affect speakers’ intertemporal preferences and thereby reduce their willingness to address environmental problems. We first show that speakers of languages with future tense marking are less likely to adopt environmentally responsible behaviours and to support policies to prevent environmental damage. We then document that this effect holds across countries: future tense marking is an important determinant of climate change policies and global environmental cooperation. The results suggest that there may be deep and surprising obstacles for attempts to address climate change.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of community identity on investment behaviour in the knitted garment industry in the South Indian town of Tirupur. We document very large and systematic differences in both levels of capital stock and the capital intensity of production in firms owned by people from two different community groups. We argue that the differences in investment cannot be explained by productivity differences alone. We suggest that the most likely explanation is that the two communities differ in their access to capital.  相似文献   

It is well known that mis-specification of a trend leads to spurious cycles in detrended data (see, e.g., Nelson and Kang (1981)). Seasonal-adjustment procedures make assumptions, either implicitly or explicitly, about roots on the unit circle both at the zero and seasonal frequencies. Consequently, seasonal-adjustment procedures may produce spurious seasonal variation and other statistically undesirable effects. In this paper we document for a large class of widely used US quarterly macroeconomic series the effects of competing seasonal-adjustment procedures on the univariate time-series properties of the adjusted series. We also investigate which procedures are most appropriate given the properties of the data. Overall, we find very significant differences and evidence that several U.S. macroeconomic time series contain a mixture of deterministic and stochastic seasonal components.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2020,74(2):186-192
While the accumulation of factors of production, both physical and human capital, has helped Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to narrow the income gap with developed economies, aggregate productivity is still relatively low. Although there are numerous determinants of aggregate productivity, it is largely based on the underlying productivity of all firms in the economy. Using firm-level data from several waves of the World Bank Enterprise Survey and Chile's National Manufacturing Survey, we explore the ‘what’ question on productivity dispersion in LAC. We document three stylized facts: (i) there are significant differences in firm productivity within industries – the firm at the 90th percentile of the productivity distribution produces almost seven times as much output (using the same measured inputs) as the 10th percentile firm; (ii) productivity differences persist over time – regressing a firm's current productivity on its one-year lagged productivity yields an autoregressive coefficient of around 0.9; and (iii) most of the growth in aggregate productivity comes from improvements in the productivity of existing firms.  相似文献   

The world of health care has changed. We can't operate on 17th century models and be successful. We don't have to argue for the movement to committed, inspired leadership models, and the death of compliance leadership. There is abundant research to document this is the way we must go. In reality, we have a moral obligation to provide the kind of work environment that provides the meaningful work that Maslow (1998) tells us makes life meaningful. No one has the right to make people miserable at work because we have failed to create the cultures that create commitment, inspiration, and transformation for our patients, their families, and our staff. It is unfortunate that in times of staff shortages, this message is heard louder. We should be equally committed no matter what the situation, because it is the right thing to do. We do not have the right to be abusive to others in any context.  相似文献   

本文根据 2 0 0 0年中国的微观数据 ,运用现代微观计量经济学的分析方法 ,在考虑异质性和选择偏差的基础上 ,估计了 2 0世纪末中国的教育回报。研究结果表明 :与受教育水平相关的收益在人们中间存在显著的异质性 ;在当今中国的劳动力市场上存在一种重要的实证现象 ,即人们根据比较优势原理对教育水平进行选择。传统的普通最小二乘法以及工具变量法都难以对这种选择做出合理的估计 ,我们的分析框架弥补了上述两种方法的缺陷。 2 0 0 0年中国 6个省区城镇青年大学教育的平均回报率为 43 % (年均近 1 1 % )。中国在经历二十多年的市场经济改革后 ,较之 80年代及 90年代初期 ,教育的平均回报有了显著提高 ,中国的教育和劳动力市场已经开始发挥重要作用。  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the historical roots of gender equality. It proposes and empirically assesses a new determinant of gender equality: gender-specific outside options in the marriage market. In particular, enlarging women’s options besides marriage—even if only temporarily—increases their bargaining power with respect to men, leading to a persistent improvement in gender equality. We illustrate this mechanism focusing on Belgium, and relate gender-equality levels in the 19th century to the presence of medieval, female-only communities called beguinages that allowed women to remain single amidst a society that traditionally advocated marriage. Combining geo-referenced data on beguinal communities with 19th-century census data, we document that the presence of beguinages contributed to decrease the gender gap in literacy. The reduction is sizeable, amounting to a 12.3% drop in gender educational inequality. Further evidence of the beguinal legacy is provided leveraging alternative indicators of female agency.


On the morrow of President Truman's election the newspapers announced that the first person the President had received was the President of the powerful American syndical organisation known throughout the world under the name of C.I.Q. (Congress of Industrial Organizations). We know that this organisation as well as the other central organisation, the American Federation of Labour, had unequivocally taken up its stand in favour of Truman's candidacy. As the legislative elections had at the same time given the majority to the Democratic Party it was immediately declared on all hands that trade-unionism was going to exert considerable influence on American policy. These facts conferred a great importance on the memorandum addressed by Mr. Philipp Murray, in November 1947, to President Truman; a memorandum which was officially communicated by the C.I.O. to the International Trades Unions Conference for the recovery and reconstruction of Europe held in London on the 9th and 10th of March, 1948. We are especially pleased to put this document, which constitutes a declaration of principles of tie utmost interest, before the readers of the Annals.  相似文献   

为了规范债务重组的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,财政部于2006年2月发布新的会计准则体系中,对债务重组准则进行了修订,发布了《企业会计准则第12号——债务重组》(以下简称新准则)。此前为《企业会计准则———债务重组(2001)》(以下简称旧准则)研究新旧债务重组准则的变化以及执行新准则对企业财务状况的影响具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

We use Hungarian Customs data on product‐level imports of manufacturing firms to document that the import price of a particular product varies substantially across buying firms. We relate the level of import prices to firm characteristics such as size, foreign ownership, and market power. We develop a theory of “pricing to firm” (PTF), where markups depend on the technology and competitive environment of the buyer. The predictions of the model are confirmed by the data: import prices are higher for firms with greater market power, and for more essential intermediate inputs (with a high share in material costs). We take account of the endogeneity of the buyer’s market power with respect to higher import prices and unobserved cost heterogeneity within product categories. The magnitude of PTF is big: the standard deviation of price predicted by PTF is 21.5%.  相似文献   

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