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2016年被称为"网络直播元年",网络直播平台在资本推手的运作下火爆起来,网络直播井喷式发展,可以说是全民直播。直播+网红的创新性网红经济经营模式已经显现,各类直播APP投身红海之争,直播行业注入资金不可小觑,2015年时已达120亿。通过对现下直播热现象的调研,分析其发展历程和现状,针对其存在的问题在分析与调查的基础上,提出使网络直播良性健康持久发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

<正>据美国《纽约时报》网站报道,跳钢管舞、蹦极,甚至是大妈吃蛆,这样的直播内容在中国的网络平台上屡见不鲜,吸引了大批网友围观。借助手机端的流媒体直播在中国催生了"网红产业"。国外互联网企业纷纷涌入中国网红市场,试图在这种新型经济中分得一杯羹。文章指出,中国是世界上最大的在线市场。网络热点通常来得快,去得也快。不过,以流媒体直播为依托的"网红现象"在网络热点的狂潮中却显现出了持久的生命力。网红,俨然已成为一个不容小觑的产业。互联网巨头和初创公司都嗅到了这其中的商机。他们以秀场打赏作为变现方式,纷纷涌入网红市场。在直  相似文献   

如今"网红经济"发展风生水起,"网红"们不仅通过网络直播收获了大量粉丝的关注,更是通过宣传店铺和广告招标等方式赚得盆满钵满,可见"网红"所带来的经济效益不容小觑.既然"网红"可以带来如此大的经济收益,那么如果将它与企业联系起来会碰撞出什么样的火花呢?本文就以陌陌财报为例,分析了"网红"直播带来经济效益的原因,并以此为依据讨论了"网红"对于企业发展的推动作用.  相似文献   

近年来,随着手机的普及和网络信息技术的不断发展,网红经济呈现出爆发式的增长,逐渐成为推动中国经济转向高质量发展的一个新的增长点。网红经济是的实质是将个人的影响力进行流量变现,转化为具有商业价值的经济模式。我国网红经济呈现出网红领域和内容多元化、网红趋于职业化、网红变现形式多样化、网红产业链不断衍生和网红经济运营专业化的发展趋势。为了推动网红经济的发展,可以从健全相关法律法规,加强网红市场监管,提升网红素质,打造个性化网红品牌,延伸网红产业链,促进网红经济专业化经营等方面着手。  相似文献   

在互联网浪潮的冲击下,网红经济这一经济现象逐渐走入人们视野。网红经济借助社群这一形式应运而生。本文将从四个方面介绍网红经济这一商业模式。第一,网红经济的具体商业模式;第二,网红经济未来的发展趋势及挑战;第三,网红经济的发展建议。希望网红经济可以逐渐成为一个新的经济增长动力,带动互联网经济发展。  相似文献   

郗盼 《投资有道》2021,(1):13-15
随着李佳琦、薇娅等超级网红的频繁曝光,网红经济愈发引起市场关注,2020年迎来各方资本力量入局。不仅如此,2020年直播带货作为新潮的购物方式也受到追捧,除了经常活跃在镜头前的明星外,平时“严谨”的电视台主持人、地方官员、国企领导等也纷纷加入直播带货行列。  相似文献   

网红与带货的话题,一直在坊间的热度居高不下。尤其是近年来大量网红账号被封,但带货的话题一直在持续发酵中。谁又曾料到,区区一个直播就能实现几千万甚至是几个亿的营业额呢。  相似文献   

近年来,“直播+领域”成为新的盈利点,银行也开始探索直播营销模式。本文分析银行直播营销模式对消费者购买意愿的影响。通过问卷收集数据,运用SPSS和AMOS软件验证假设模型。结果显示:银行在直播过程中,其可供性对购买意愿的影响不够显著。但其网络主播、与消费者的高度互动正向影响购买意愿。因此,银行可以提前收集分析消费者数据,打造其心目中的“主播”,且在直播互动中建立服务闭环。据此,为金融行业直播长期发展提供参考。  相似文献   

春节前这一两个月,网红经济概念着实在股市当中火了一把,其中有家名叫“星期六”的公司,最近25个交易日股价收获15个涨停板,市值从50亿左右飙升至270亿。另外一家叫“引力传媒”的公司,近20个交易日股价也收获10个涨停板。  相似文献   

2020年已经过去.这一年,直播带货是“风口”. 直播有多火?是2020年上半年发展最迅猛的互联网应用之一.据商务部监测,全国直播超过1000万场,活跃主播人数超过40万,观看人次超过500亿,上架商品超过2000万. 直播带货,成为缓解商家压力、拯救线下经济的新业态;也满足了陪伴和交易的双重需求;县长、区长、法官直播带货,为的是“云复工”“云扶贫”……  相似文献   

The study analyzes the impact of engaging in non-traditional banking activities on bank liquidity creation. This strand of research has almost gone unnoticed by academics so far. Based on a dataset of Vietnamese commercial banks from 2007 to 2018, we document that the liquidity creation function of banks decreases with the income from non-traditional banking segments. This impact is observed in both on- and off-balance sheets across multiple robustness tests of the static and dynamic panels regressed by the ordinary least squares method and the generalized method of moments. Further decomposing the non-interest income sources, we find that banks that engage more in non-traditional activities for fees and commissions tend to reduce the liquidity creation more compared to other counterparts. The findings offer insightful implications for regulatory agencies and bank managers in the determination of liquidity creation behavior in emerging markets.  相似文献   

This study tests the effects of the dual economy on income smoothing behavior. It is hypothesized that a higher degree of smoothing of income numbers will be exhibited by firms in the periphery sector than by firms in the core sector as a reaction to different opportunity structures and experiences. The results indicate that a majority of firms may be resorting to income smoothing. A higher number is included among firms in the periphery sector.  相似文献   

Drawing on the psychological contract theory, we examine how the celebrity status of chief executive officers (CEO) influences corporate investment behavior. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies from 2002 to 2019, we find that celebrity CEOs increase corporate investment levels, leading to lower investment efficiency. In addition, they employ more impression management tactics to signal their superior managerial ability, and dodge possible rejections of their investment decisions by having fewer board meetings. Furthermore, since the perceived psychological contract is dynamic, we provide evidence that the association between the celebrity CEO and corporate investment is more pronounced when a firm faces environmental uncertainty, and pressures from intensive industry competition and peers' performance. Our study contributes to corporate finance literature and results indicate that CEOs with celebrity status are pressured to maintain a psychological contract, which in turn, reduce the efficiency of corporate resource allocation.  相似文献   

Because big data are widely used today, whether and how to use big data in macroeconomic forecasting has become a new field of economic research. In macroeconomic analyses, two types of data can be applied, namely, structured data and unstructured information. Statistical government data are well-structured, whereas Internet search behavior information, which is representative of online data, is unstructured. This article explores whether Internet search behavior information can facilitate the forecasting of macroeconomic aggregates and components and analyzes the use of feasible methods of structured data and unstructured information. This study is based on the macroeconomic forecasting model and verifies the effect of the two-step method. We find that Internet search behavior information can help forecast the macro economy, and we determine that the best method for variable selection using structured and unstructured data is the two-step method. First, only statistical government data are used, and temporary optimal models are selected. Second, Internet search behavior information are added to these models, and the optimal model is then determined.  相似文献   

I construct an economy with heterogeneous agents that mimics the time-series behavior of the earnings distribution in the United States from 1963 to 2003. Agents face aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks and accumulate real and financial assets. I estimate the shocks that drive the model using data on income inequality, aggregate income, and measures of financial liberalization. I show how the model economy can replicate two empirical facts: the trend and cyclical behavior of household debt and the diverging patterns in consumption and wealth inequality over time. While business cycle fluctuations can account for the short-run changes in household debt, its prolonged rise of the 1980s and the 1990s can be quantitatively explained only by the concurrent increase in income inequality.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper examines tax-induced income shifting behavior among affiliated firms in Korean business groups (chaebols). Korean corporate income tax law does not require consolidated tax returns, and business groups with a large number of affiliated member firms have incentives to shift income across member firms to reduce the overall taxes of the group. For a large number of Korean companies that are subject to external audits, we perform univariate and multivariate regression analyses on the income shifting behavior of chaebol firms compared with non-chaebol control firms. Our evidence suggests that tax-motivated income shifting activities exist among chaebol firms, and that the extent of income shifting is found to depend on its effect on non-tax cost factors such as the earnings, leverage, and cash flow rights of the controlling shareholders. We also find that income shifting is more pronounced in chaebol firms where the control-cash flow divergence is relatively large, suggesting that income shifting is affected by the controlling shareholders' opportunism. Our study provides some insights on the intra-group income shifting activities where research is limited.  相似文献   

The study of insurance fraud and its remedy is a hot topic of research, mainly because the problem of insurance fraud is so widespread. In the United States many state governments have setup agencies to combat fraud. These Insurance Fraud Bureaus (IFB) are typically established to gather information about potential fraudulent claims, and to advise prosecuting officers on the nature of each offense. This paper presents the conditions under which more fraud will be observed in an economy where an IFB conducts all audits than in an economy where each insurance company is responsible for its own investigation. Even if fraud increases, policyholders may be better off than in economy lacking an IFB. One unambiguous case where policyholders are always better is when the IFB conducts every investigation at a cost that is equal to the industry's average.  相似文献   

Research Dissemination and Impact: Evidence from Web Site Downloads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper explores how government size affects the scope for equilibrium indeterminacy in a New Keynesian economy, where part of the population live hand-to-mouth. The main result is that a higher level of public consumption is likely to generate indeterminacy and render the Taylor principle insufficient as criterion for equilibrium uniqueness. This holds even though fiscal policy serves to reduce swings in current income. Only if government consumption is a substitute for private consumption, will it narrow the scope for indeterminacy. Hence monetary policy should be conducted with an eye to the amount and composition of government consumption.  相似文献   

Supply and demand functions for loanable funds are postulated for a no-inflation economy and equilibrium levels of saving, investment, and the interest rate are specified. Certainty and nondepreciating assets are assumed. An exogenous inflation rate is imposed upon this same economy and new equilibrium values for these same variables are established. The analysis is performed twice. The first time, a Modigliani-Miller [17] tax structure is assumed while the second analysis assumes a Miller-Scholes [15] tax structure. In both cases, inflation causes the nominal rate to increase by more than the inflation rate. The analysis is repeated assuming that investments live for one period and are then written off against taxable income at historical cost. In both tax structures, the level of saving and investment is a decreasing function of the inflation rate.  相似文献   

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