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上市公司披露虚假或失真的企业财务信息,进而操纵企业利润的不法行为目前在我国十分严重,已经到了阻碍我国资本市场可持续、健康发展的脚步。为规范企业披露会计信息,防止企业利用会计信息操纵企业利润,我国2006年发布新企业会计准则,新会计准则在一定程度了起到遏制上市公司的利润操纵行为。遏制上市公司操纵利润,就一定要加强会计信息公开披露的力度,满足相关利益者对于会计信息的需要,不仅可以敦促上市公司积极不再操纵企业利润,也是上市公司评估规范自身的会计信息使其保持真实完整的有效措施。  相似文献   

企业价值创造理论探析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
企业价值创造理论主要包括古典利润理论、熊彼特“创新”理论、新古典利润理论以及企业能力理论等。前三种理论实际上是单一产品利润理论,无法解释那些能够长期获得经济利润、具有持续竞争优势的公司长盛不衰的原因。企业能力理论采用内生社会资本、企业文化、组织学习、核心竞争力等视角分析企业持续竞争优势,但其研究主要停留在现象和特征描述层面上,仍缺乏对企业竞争优势之个人行为基础的分析,缺乏从个人层面到组织层面的过程分析。本文认为,企业价值创造理论的未来研究应当对企业长期经济利润的来源作进一步追溯,在个人行为及其如何形成集体行为这二个层面上展开深入探讨。  相似文献   

资本账户开放与经济增长关系综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新古典模型中,开放资本账户有效地推动了资源的国际问分配,使得发展中国家可以获得较低成本的资本流入,从而推动了该国投资的暂时性增加,带动经济增长,最终提高了该国人民的生活水平.经济学家们在这一理论思想的指导下,分别用横断面模型、政策实践观点和企业层面的实践考察了资本账户开放和经济增长之间的关系,其测定理论的研究显示出资本账户开放对资本成本、投资和经济增长有着巨大的影响.  相似文献   

基于控制权收益①驱动公司资本配置行为的理论阐释,结合我国上市公司特有的股权结构及其导致的控制权分配格局,文章从固定资产投资和股权投资两个方面,对形成我国上市公司控制权收益的资本配置行为进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:(1)控制权收益水平与资本配置规模显著正相关;(2)控制权收益水平越高,则增加等量控制权收益所需的资本配置规模就越大;(3)较固定资产投资而言,通过股权并购方式取得控制权收益的代价较低,但控制性股东占有被并购公司控制权收益的比例也较低;(4)上市公司资本配置行为在形成控制权收益的同时并没有通过提高公司业绩而增加控制权的共享收益,资本配置决策在很大程度上是大股东控制下的自利行为。  相似文献   

本文从GDP计算体系和经济增加值(EVA)分析方法着眼,对近年来中国经济增长速度及其与企业微观绩效之间的关系进行了理论和实证性的分析。研究结果表明,首先,我国近年来的经济增长数据基本可靠;第二,我国宏观和微观经济之间并不存在本质性的背离;第三,我国经济的可持续发展的增长点来自于上市公司、集体企业、民营企业、外商及港澳台投资企业、股份制企业等;最后,中国经济的增长能否继续如现状持续下去,很大程度上取决于资本成本能否继续下降。  相似文献   

该文从GDP计算体系和经济增加值(EVA)分析方法着眼,对近年来中国经济增长速度及其与企业微观绩效之间的关系进行了理论和实证性的分析.研究结果表明,首先,我国近年来的经济增长数据基本可靠;第二,我国宏观和微观经济之间并不存在本质性的背离;第三,我国经济的可持续发展的增长点来自于上市公司、集体企业、民营企业、外商及港澳台投资企业、股份制企业等;最后,中国经济的增长能否继续如现状持续下去,很大程度上取决于资本成本能否继续下降.  相似文献   

基于我国上市公司的所有权控制背景,本文实证考察了不同控制特征下资本投资规模对控制权收益形成的影响.研究结果发现:央企所辖上市公司通过资本投资攫取控制权收益的程度显著低于地方所辖的上市公司;民营上市公司的投资规模对控制权收益的影响程度高于中央企业集团控制的上市公司,低于地方企业集团和国资委控制的上市公司;地方企业集团所控上市公司的资本投资行为不仅挤占了中小投责者的共事利益.而且损害了企业价值.  相似文献   

李伟 《经济论坛》2004,(17):81-82
EVA的涵义EVA是EconomicVolueAdded的缩写,翻译成中文为经济增加值或经济附加值。经济增加值的理论来源是获诺贝尔奖的经济学家默顿·米勒和费兰科·英迪利尼关于公司价值的经济模型,其计算公式从西方会计角度出发应为:EVA=税后净营业利润-资本总额×加权平均资本成本由于我国税后利润已不包括债务资本利息,其经济附加值计算公式应修正为:EVA=息前税后利润-资本总成本其中:资本总成本=投资资本×投资资金成本率+负债资本×负债资金成本率最后还可简化为:EVA=税后利润-投资资本×加权平均资本成本从上式我们可看出两点:一是EVA计算…  相似文献   

刘智宏 《时代经贸》2011,(2):179-179
我国上市公司融资偏好与理论研究存在悖逆,企业管理者对资本成本的认识存在偏差,使股权资本成本虚化,导致上市公司管理者偏好股权融资;传统的会计利润评价方法强化了这种偏好;EVA评价法可以有效地解决这一问题。  相似文献   

创值论及其对企业绩效的评估   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
本文从理论角度探讨了创值与创利概念的关系及差异 ,并对我国上市企业的创值能力做了实证估算。另外 ,本文从经济和财务两方面进行的分析发现 ,由于造假成本较低 ,企业造假的高度嫌疑面达上市企业的 2 0 %左右。在剔除这些造假嫌疑观测值的基础上 ,我们发现上市企业目前正处于一种资本与利润并增 ,但创值显著下降的状况。反映了企业”圈钱买利润”的资本粗放行为在加剧 ,企业资本规模过度膨胀 ,远远偏离了其创值的优化水平。面对目前企业耗值面达 70 %的股市 ,理性选择必然是投机而非投资 ,因为投资不带来创值收益。因此 ,股市过度投机的真正根源是大量的耗值企业充斥于市。  相似文献   

Dong  He  Wenlang  Zhang  Jimmy  Shek 《Pacific Economic Review》2007,12(5):597-617
Abstract.  This paper analyses both the allocative efficiency and the dynamic efficiency of China's spending on capital. We examine the relationship between investment flows and the marginal product of capital computed by estimating the Cobb-Douglas and CES production functions at both the national and provincial levels. We also investigate dynamic efficiency by comparing the share of capital in national income and the rate of investment. The main finding is that the allocative efficiency of capital in China has improved in recent years, but the high rate of investment may be a sign of dynamic inefficiency of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

The paper presents a small macro model for Pakistan economy focusing the impact of investment in human capital on the key macroeconomic variables. The demand side is modeled along the Keynesian lines while the supply side is modeled as per neoclassical theory of production. This framework allows analyzing the effects of investment in human capital on supply side variables (like labor, physical and human capital) and demand side variables (like consumption and investment) at the same time.The model has small forecasting horizon in which three alternative scenarios regarding government spending on education are evaluated from 2012 to 2016. The model shows that the link between human capital and labor market is weak however a change in education spending affects output through enhancing productivity and through multiplier-accelerator principle. Though the model is small in size and forecasting horizon, it can help in evaluating the future paths of key macroeconomic variables associated with education spending.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We introduce public capital and public services as inputs in an endogenous growth model. We show that the growth rate depends on the apportionment of tax revenues between the accumulation of public capital and the provision of public services. When public spending is financed by proportional income taxes, the growth rate, the level of public spending as a proportion of GDP, the level of investment in public capital as a proportion of total public spending, and the level of private investment as a proportion of total private spending all are lower in the equilibrium outcome than in the optimal outcome. JEL classification: E62, O40  相似文献   

Public Investment and Economic Growth in Latin America: an Empirical Test   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper analyzes the impact on economic growth of public investment spending and other relevant variables (such as human capital) for nine major Latin American nations over the 1983–93 period. The results suggest that both public and private investment spending contribute to economic growth. Overall central government consumption expenditures, on the other hand, are found to have a negative effect on private investment and growth. Finally, public expenditures on education and healthcare are found to have a positive and statistically significant effect on private capital formation and long–term economic growth. From a policy standpoint, the results suggest that indiscriminate cuts in public and private investment spending are likely to be counterproductive in the long run, and more importantly, scarce public expenditures should be channeled to the promotion of new human capital (via primary and secondary education) and the maintenance of existing human capital (through healthcare expenditures).  相似文献   

外商在华直接投资问题研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁华 《当代经济科学》2004,26(5):97-100
外商在华直接投资问题一直是学界关注的焦点,本文主要从外资的区位变化与聚集效应、外资的溢出效应与机制、外资对中国市场结构的影响及其投资战略分析、中国利用外资政策的有效性及其变迁路径、利用外资与产业政策的协调博弈、投资者甄别机制与国内企业自生能力的建立等几个方面对国内2003年的研究现状进行了系统梳理.  相似文献   

罗红雨 《经济经纬》2012,(4):166-170
笔者对13个发达国家1972年~2006年的面板数据进行了实证研究,结果显示:资本性(经常性)支出对经济增长率有负(正)效应,这与以往许多学者所认为的财政的资本性支出较之经常性支出对经济增长更有贡献的观点是相左的。其次,财政支出规模、私人固定投资以及外汇黑市溢价对经济增长也有着显著的影响。本研究对于在平衡预算下的财政支出结构决策有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of military and non-military public expenditures on gross private investment using cointegration and error-correction analysis. The latter type of public spending is disagreggated into expenditures of infrastructure, consumption and other general government expenditures. The empirical evidence from four emerging European countries namely, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain suggests that in some cases public capital spending stimulates investment, while in others it depresses it. Also, the results tentatively indicate that defence spending exerts no influence on private investment, thus adding to the ongoing controversy of the economic effects of military spending.  相似文献   

Despite the apparent importance of the "knowledge economy," U.K. macroeconomic performance appears unaffected: investment rates are flat, and productivity has slowed. We investigate whether measurement issues might account for this puzzle. The standard National Accounts treatment of most spending on "knowledge" or "intangible" assets is as intermediate consumption. Thus they do not count as either GDP or investment. We ask how treating such spending as investment affects some key macro variables, namely, market sector gross value added (MGVA), business investment, capital and labor shares, growth in labor and total factor productivity (TFP), and capital deepening. We find: (a) MGVA was understated by about 6 percent in 1970 and 13 percent in 2004; (b) instead of the business investment/MGVA ratio falling since 1970 it has been rising; (c) instead of the labor share being flat since 1970 it has been falling; (d) growth in labor productivity and capital deepening has been understated and growth in TFP overstated; and (e) TFP growth has not slowed since 1990 but has been accelerating.  相似文献   

This paper examines a model in which growth takes place through investment-specific technological change, which in turn is determined endogenously through research spending. In particular, the role of the degree of substitutability between research spending and new capital construction is explored. It is shown that the effect of a change in the capital tax rate on the growth rate can depend on the degree of substitutability between research spending and new capital construction. Research subsidies tend to have a larger impact on the growth rate than would an investment tax credit of the same magnitude. Increases in the capital tax rate can increase the growth rate of the economy, even in the absence of externalities. In contrast to the existing literature, the welfare cost of capital taxation in this model can be negligible. There may be multiple tax rates on capital that achieve the same growth rate. It is demonstrated that in the presence of certain types of positive externalities, the optimal growth rate can be attained through the use of capital taxes—rather than subsidies.  相似文献   

Expenditure reductions played a key role in many small open economies during fiscal consolidation, with large declines in public investment. This led to a reduction in public capital stock and affected the competitiveness of these economies. After the sovereign debt crisis, the governments that consider increasing investment to replenish the public capital stock have limited fiscal space and have to avoid external imbalances. We show that using budget-neutral investment spending can generate long-term benefits of higher public capital stock while at the same time limiting negative consequences for the public finances and the trade balance. The best way of financing government investment, which preserves fiscal and trade balances, and increases welfare, is by reducing other government spending. The second-best is financing investment with value-added tax. Financing with debt worsens fiscal and trade balances, while using distortionary labour taxes reduces labour supply, increases wage costs and worsens the trade deficit in the short run.  相似文献   

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