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跨境贸易人民币结算启动 7月3日,中国政府公布新规定,允许指定企业在跨境贸易中以人民币开票和结算,这标志着中国政府在推进人民币国际化和减少对美元依赖方面又迈出了一步。  相似文献   

跨境贸易以人民币结算:路径选择与风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨境贸易以人民币结算是人民币国际化的基石,本文重点分析了对外贸易结算货币的不同组合及其对贸易差额的影响,对现阶段中国跨境贸易结算货币的特征进行了讨论。研究发现,中国政府大力推进跨境贸易以人民币作为结算货币,在进口方面将使得国内的进口企业无法利用人民币升值减少实际支出。在出口方面,人民币结算比重的扩大将减缓外汇储备的增长速度,但与保出口的宏观经济目标相冲突,同时这一政策导向对中国企业的出口竞争力也提出了更大的挑战。  相似文献   

张戈 《中国经贸》2014,(19):145-145
一、人民币离岸市场的含义和作用 人民币国际化进程包括人民币跨境贸易结算、人民币跨境投融资、人民币成为国际储备货币等递进的几个阶段。人民币在国际化进程中充当国际结算货币、国际投资货币和国际储备货币。 国际结算货币:推进跨境贸易人民币结算和跨境直接投资人民币结算,使人民币成为国际结算货币;国际投资货币:全面推进国际资本的双向流动,实现人民币在资本项目下完全可兑换,使人民币成为国际投资货币;国际储备货币:增强中国的综合国力,推进人民币利率和汇率市场化,逐步使人民币成为国际储备货币,实现人民币国际化。  相似文献   

莫淑 《北方经济》2015,(5):73-75
一、跨境贸易人民币结算发展现状跨境贸易人民币结算是指境内机构与境外机构进行跨境经贸时,以人民币作为计价、结算货币,并且允许境外非居民持有人民币账户去方便国际结算的进行。  相似文献   

8月18日,央行宣布,允许境外央行或货币当局、港澳地区人民币清算行、境外跨境贸易人民币结算参加行等三类机构,以人民币投资境内银行间债券市场,即日起开行试点。  相似文献   

人民币国际化,首先,是要培育和拓展人民币走出去的途径,也就是说,不能仅仅停留在跨境人民币贸易结算使用人民币,也应该允许个人未来的投资,个人企业走出去用人民币。当然,国家的援助,政府之间的往来更应该积极推动人民币走出去。  相似文献   

成尧 《魅力中国》2010,(23):365-365
跨境贸易人民币结算迈出了人民币国际化的关键一步,有利于人民币国际地位的提升。金融危机爆发以来,世界贸易主要结算货币美元和欧元都经历了剧烈的波动,人民币计价和结算有利于我国企业规避汇率风险。本文就跨境贸易人民币结算对相关各方的影响进行了分析,并从建立人民币在岸、离岸市场和人民币汇率改革上对跨境贸易人民币结算作出了展望。  相似文献   

自2011年8月23日,人民币跨境贸易结算开始行至全国。2011年一季度,我国跨境贸易人民币结算实际收付总额为2584.7亿元,已达到去年全年数额的一半,作为人民币国际化路线图的第一步,结算数额的"井喷"意义重大。但是限于人民币回流渠道缺失等原因,跨境贸易人民币结算仍集中在边境小额贸易,离"国际化"目标尚远,人民币回流渠道亟待拓宽。  相似文献   

程磊 《特区经济》2009,(12):20-22
全球金融危机爆发以来,人民币跨境贸易结算特别是针对港澳跨境贸易人民币结算的政策频繁出台,这是为推动我国与周边国家和地区经贸关系发展、规避汇率风险、改善贸易条件的一大举措。本文以香港跨境贸易人民币结算为分析对象,分别对香港和内地两地将受到的影响进行深入分析。人民币结算将增加香港进出口企业的汇率风险、香港金融业在短期和长期也将会受不同程度的影响;内地外贸企业则能有效规避汇率风险、节约结算成本,人民币结算在长期也将为人民币国际化作出贡献。但是,跨境贸易人民币结算所面临的内外阻力更加不容忽视。  相似文献   

从20世纪末人民币的跨境流通到2009年我国政府正式启动跨境贸易人民币结算试点的10年间,传递出人民币国际化的信息目标.国际贸易伙伴对该国货币的需求度和信任度是一国货币国际化的重要前提条件.随着后国际金融危机造成的美元结算货币汇率波动幅度的加大,我国国际收支顺差跃居世界第一,促成人民币世界地位大大提升,贸易伙伴国在与我国的贸易往来中纷纷接收人民币作为结算货币.但是,人民币境外的流通并不等于人民币已经国际化了,国际贸易中的人民币结算与人民币国际化既有本质差异又有不可分割的本质联系.  相似文献   

从跨境贸易人民币结算看人民币国际化战略   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
中国改革开放以后经历了本币和外币政策的重大变化.2008年金融危机爆发后,人民币国际化不仅成为保护实体企业的一项短期应对措施,而且成为中国一项重要的国际金融战略.推进跨境贸易人民币计算是人民币国际化路线图的重要一步.这一行动取得了一定成果,但是并没有达到预期效果.进一步推进跨境贸易人民币结算的运行面临诸多问题的挑战.在...  相似文献   

The build-up of huge foreign exchange reserve makes China a net creditor and also brings in significant challenges to the Chinese economy. Considering the internationalization of the renminbi as China’s response to the global imbalance, this paper analyzes the effect of renminbi internationalization on the formation of reserves and compares its benefits and costs in rebalancing China’s external position with those of outward direct investment. It assesses the current progress in the practice of using the renminbi in cross-border trade settlement and in the development of the offshore renminbi market. It further examines the possibility of the renminbi serving as a global reserve currency in the future.  相似文献   

The dollar's dominance of international transactions and role as a reserve currency is an exorbitant privilege that is a burden as well as a blessing for the US. It achieved this dominance early in the twentieth century, quite quickly in fact; it may also see that status change equally quickly were the world to move to a multipolar system of currencies. Among the most likely candidates for reserve currencies in such a world are the dollar, the euro, and the Chinese renminbi, Barry Eichengreen explained in his Butlin Lecture earlier in 2011.  相似文献   

Renminbi's Potential to Become a Global Currency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a tentative endeavor to delineate the potential of the renminbi to become a global currency. It first analyzes the critical economic, financial and policy attributes that are required to support a currency to gain an international role. It then examines whether China has the potential to acquire these attributes. The paper concludes by offering some provisional observations on the implications for Asia and the global economy, should the renminbi evolve into a world currency in the coming decades.  相似文献   

China has emerged as a major power in the world economy, so it seems natural to consider whether its currency will also have a major role. At present the renminbi is not used internationally. We look at the factors that contribute to the international use of currencies, and focus on the aspects of China's financial system that would have to change before the renminbi emerged as an important regional or world currency. Even with significant reforms, two questions would remain: whether the authorities would want to encourage its international use, and whether an economy with substantial party control could gain international acceptance for its currency.  相似文献   

In the present paper we explore the internationalization of the renminbi with reference to the experiences of other monetary powers, and discuss its determinants, prospects and implications for China's development in the “new normal.” Specifically, after summarizing the major progress made thus far, we conduct a regression analysis, showing that economic size and financial conditions are significant determinants of the international currency status, while inertia and other unobserved factors also play important roles. These empirical findings enable us to undertake a scenario analysis focusing on the renminbi's potential to become a global reserve currency. Based on this quantitative research, we then revisit China's policy initiatives designed to promote its currency overseas. In our view, the internationalization of the renminbi, along with financial deepening and liberalization, should be regarded as a means to achieve China's goal of reaching a more sustainable and balanced model of development.  相似文献   

Most studies of renminbi internationalization focus on the supply side, by examining China's own economic and political conditions. In contrast, this study addresses the demand side of renminbi internationalization, by providing an in‐depth analysis of renminbi use in ordinary foreign economies from both economic and political perspectives, with a particular focus on South Korea, China's next‐door neighbor. The study finds that sustainable indigenous market forces facilitating renminbi use in South Korea remain weak, despite the country's close economic ties with China. This research also shows, however, that the Korean Government has itself recently been able, through its policy measures, to generate new domestic support for greater use of the renminbi. These findings ultimately highlight the significant impact on the internationalization of a currency of the politics in the foreign countries using it.  相似文献   

李婧 《亚太经济》2008,(6):29-33
2006年以来,美元对国际主要货币的大幅贬值导致全球金融市场动荡,国际短期资本大量流向中国,威胁中国的金融安全,使中国有步骤推进人民币资本账户可兑换、促进跨境资金双向流动的计划受到挑战。中国需要继续完善市场经济体制,按照市场化原则稳步推进资本账户开放;采取盯住货币汇率制度、完善外汇市场等手段,促进人民币汇率的稳定和灵活;提升人民币的国际影响力,增强中国经济抵抗外部冲击的能力。  相似文献   

In deciding whether to support an international role of their country’s currency, national policymakers are often influenced by lobbying from domestic sectoral groups. While these groups will be consistently more interested in some implications of international currency issuance than others, their specific preferences are likely to be highly context specific. Looking at the cases of the United States and China, we anticipate that domestic sectoral lobbying is unlikely to pressure either the US government to defend the dollar’s international role vigorously or the Chinese government to internationalize the renminbi fully. From this domestic sectoral perspective, the future looks to be characterized by reluctant monetary leaders rather than increasingly aggressive currency competition between the United States and China.  相似文献   

International commentators seem to have a consensus view that the Chinese yuan is substantially undervalued and the Chinese monetary authority must take speedy actions to redress the currency misalignment by rapid nominal revaluation. This paper argues for a gradualist but comprehensive strategy for adjusting the renminbi’s exchange rate. Taking into consideration the facts that the yuan’s undervaluation is caused by an array of domestic and international factors and that the Chinese central bank cannot effectively invest its growing holdings of foreign reserves, we develop a framework to provide a theoretical underpinning for the optimal strategy for the renminbi’s gradual revaluation. With this strategy, the renminbi undervaluation problem is gradually redressed through a combination of nominal appreciation and higher inflation plus some other structural and macroeconomic policies. This strategy can also allow absorption of external imbalances, hence strengthening the foundation of China’s long-term growth.  相似文献   

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