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语义场理论是现代语义学和词汇学研究的一个重要成果,它不仅对语境教学产生积极影响,也为词汇学习开拓了道路。随着国际体育赛事的日益繁荣,体育英语是体育专业学生参赛和观赛的基本保障,掌握最基本的体育英语词汇对他们来说至关重要。考虑到体育英语词汇特点,利用语义场理论,建构不同的语义场下的体育英语词汇多媒体数据库至关重要。  相似文献   

词汇是英语教学的基础,帮助高职学生攻克单词关是高职英语教学面临的首要难题。由于高职学生的特殊性,传统的英语教学方法难以有效提升高职学生的英语词汇量,且降低了许多学生对于英语学习的积极性。为改善这一英语教学困境,笔者在实验教学中融入了生态教学理念,强调对学生英语学习积极性的开发,以及对学生词汇运用能力的培养,最终通过对比实验班和控制班在测试后的词汇成绩,对生态教学理念在高职英语词汇教学中的实际效果进行分析,并提出几点改进意见。  相似文献   

英国著名语言学家威金斯(D.A.Wilkins)曾说过:Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothing Can be conveyed.(离开语法,所要表达的东西是有限的;离开词汇,则一切无从谈起)。目前高职院校学生词汇量不足极大地限制听、说、读、写、译等多方面能力的发展,妨碍英语综合语言能力的提高。因此,高校英语教学应重视英语词汇的学习,引导和帮助高职学生掌握合适的英语词汇学习策略,提高英语词汇学习效率和英语应用能力。  相似文献   

作为高中学生,在英语学习中要认识到掌握大量英语词汇的重要性,这也是提高英语学习质量的途径。英语词汇需要记忆,要在短时间内扩大英语词汇量,就要掌握一些记忆英语词汇的方法。本论文针对英语词汇记忆方面的问题展开研究。  相似文献   

泛在化学习时代,手机移动学习软件在大学生英语学习中扮演愈加重要的角色。在五花八门的英语词汇学习APP中,本研究以"百词斩"为例、以调查问卷为主要手段,调查探索英语词汇学习APP在大学生中的使用现状和使用效果和手机移动学习软件对于外语教育的意义与影响以及对我国教育资源多元化的启示。  相似文献   

英语作为一门世界通用的语言,经常被人们使用,而且在不同的语境中使用具有不同的特点,因此对于英语语境的研究具有重要的现实意义。本文根据英语发展的趋势以及在汉语影响下英语用语的分析,对多元语境下的英语进行了分析。  相似文献   

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."("我的语言的局限意味着我的天地的局限。")——路特维格·维特根森。"利用最少的时间,掌握最多最实用的东西",是英语词汇教学的实际目的。由于课时限制,教师不可能教会学生所有的词汇,但可以有针对性的通过以下几种教学方法使学生熟悉并实际运用酒店英语的专业词汇。  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中,阅读是提升学习能力的重要途径,阅读可以通过主动的信息获取,增加自身对于词汇、语法、英语知识等多方面的提升。但是目前而言,大学生的阅读能力普遍偏低,不仅阅读速度较慢,而且对于阅读的理解远远不够。基于此,文章通过对基础阶段的英语学习者如何提稿自身阅读能力进行探讨。  相似文献   

初中英语教师在对学生进行英语教学的时候,都是采用让学生死记硬背单词、将汉语句子翻译成英语等这些过于僵硬化的手段,初中生原本就是处于一个特殊的阶段,他们的性格更加的多样化,情感丰富,但也容易冲动,还容易受到其他事情的影响。因此,初中生在学习英语的时候,因为对英语教师的教学方法熟悉,在学习的时候很难保持激情,容易分散注意力,同时,随着时间的推移,还会对英语产生一种厌烦的感觉。本文就为了让初中生更好的学习英语,从改变教师的教学方法做起,研究英语语境的作用,提出措施希望能提高英语教师在教学时的有效性。  相似文献   

在英语的高考中,英语写作占据的分值越来越大,写作的重要性可想而知,写作在日常生活当中也发挥着越来越巨大的作用。写作这道题目在大部分情况下考验学生语法运用的能力,如何将在课堂上学习的内容实践在日常写作中,以及词汇积累的量和短语学习的掌握情况。同时,在日常学习中,英语写作是我们学习的重点内容,而在英语写作过程中,定语从句是常用句式之一,通过定语从句的书写,我们也能看出学生的英语能力。这也是容易出错的地方,本文笔者根据以往的学习经验,对定语从句在写作的过程中常见的基本错句做了简单的归纳和总结。希望能够帮助学生在定语从句方面的学习。  相似文献   

随着因特网的发展与普及,英语作为因特网上的主要语言也随之发展变化。因特网上的英语新词汇有描述新事物的新词汇,有为便于输入而形成的缩略词,还有走向世界通用的符号语言。这些英语新词汇具有词义通俗易懂,生动贴切,简洁易记,输入快捷的特征,还具有一定的隐喻性。网络英语新词的语义呈现和更新速度快、数量多。  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship of dark personality traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy with online review generation, consumption, and distribution. Using TripAdvisor.com as a primary platform of data collection, we collected online reviews of 670 hotels located in New York City posted between 2003 and 2020. Reviews posted after March 2020 were excluded from consideration owing to the circumstantial effects of COVID-19 impacting data differently. Using Pennebaker, Francis & Booth's (2001) closed vocabulary lexical definitions of Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, we studied linguistic styles of review posters as a correlate of DT traits. Our results evidenced that individuals with dark personality traits are naturally more predisposed towards being dissatisfied and prone to negative online reviews but differences in the three dark personality traits were determined in terms of review consumption and distribution. This study opens avenues for scholarly debate on how personality theories can inform tourist behavior and furnish important insights for practitioners in the tourism and hospitality industry.  相似文献   

梁文慧  李玺 《旅游学刊》2011,26(2):89-94
以人为本的理念和学以致用的理念是教育中的重要思想。对于旅游管理专业的同学而言,了解其需求,并对不同类型学生的英语学习期望、学习特点以及学习方式等进行分析,有助于采用较具有针对性的方法提升学生英语学习的积极性以及成效。文章以澳门科技大学国际旅游管理专业的学生为对象,综合运用了问卷抽样调查以及深度访谈等方法,分别从学生在英语学习方面的行为特征与规律、影响英语学习效果的因素以及教师和业界人士对英语学习的认知等方面进行了分析。最终提出,旅游管理专业的英语教学应该注重业界与高校学生交流,增强其英语学习的主动性;积极创新课堂教学形式,提升课堂英语教学的吸引力;尊重学生英语水平的差异,实施个性化教学与培养;完善校园英语学习环境,渲染浓厚的英语学习氛围。  相似文献   

北京国内休闲旅游高端市场发展现状及发展对策   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
国内休闲旅游是旅游市场中重要的组成部分,本文采用企业访谈和问卷调查的方法对北京国内休闲旅游高端市场供求进行了分析,并在此基础上预测了未来的发展趋势,最后提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

In post‐industrial countries, folk dance may be considered as an embodied performance of a perceived tradition and is representational of values attached to an imagined past. The English Country Dance is one such form of folk dance, having been revived, or re‐invented, in the early twentieth century by Cecil Sharp who claimed it to be a national dance of England. However, Sharp re‐defined it not as a popular and spontaneous leisure activity but as a serious middle‐class art form representing an English sensibility and the virtues of a pre‐industrial pastoral collectivism. After the hiatus of the First World War, the English Country Dance continued to offer a resistance to the modern, this time in the form of a burgeoning popular dance culture which embraced urban sophistication and jazz dance. Using the concept of performativity, this paper attempts to demonstrate that the leisure context of the English Country Dance, in terms of spatiality, style, consumption and gender, enabled a continuity of resistance to the modern in a changing socio‐cultural environment. The paper draws upon primary research in the archive of the Manchester Branch of the English Folk Dance Society and upon records of contemporary dance in the Mass Observation archive.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine the extent to which post-compulsory education can be viewed as a serious leisure activity. Such links between the fields of leisure studies and adult education have yet to be fully explored, especially from a UK perspective. Although Stebbins (1998) has explored the concept of learning serious leisure through adult education, the concept of adult education as serious leisure has yet to be examined. Since 1995 successive UK Governments have engaged in high profile policy initiatives to encourage ‘lifelong learning’, a somewhat controversial concept which has attracted criticism as well as a significant bandwagon. The principal impetus behind the policy is the perceived need to skill the workforce so that industry can operate in an increasingly competitive global market. Emphasized to a much lesser extent, however, is the wish to create a ‘learning society’ in which continual learning, (including that for non-vocational purposes) becomes integral within society, with a subsequent enhancement of social capital. It is argued that it is through learning as ‘serious leisure’, rather than as vocationally oriented that will be most appropriate for such a policy. In this paper the authors have sought to concentrate on this non-vocational dimension of lifelong learning and to explore the links between the concept of serious leisure and lifelong learning. The paper then draws upon literature from the fields of leisure studies and education policy to examine the implications of ‘lifelong learning as leisure’ for the individual, the community and society as a whole.  相似文献   


In the wide context of travel and tourism, recreation plays a significant role in occupying holiday‐maker's agenda, so much so that destination is often sought based on recreation activities it offers. Campus recreation for example, is a major component that influences the young when choosing the destination in which to pursue higher education. However, the truly‐important‐but‐often‐dismissed role of recreation is perhaps its value towards the intellectual development of youth. This special value is perhaps more apparent if we discuss it in the context of adolescents in a campus setting i.e. the students. This study is an attempt to examine the relationship between these two dimensions. Specially, it looked at the link between recreation and academic aspirations and achievement using a specific student population. Aspiration is measured by looking at an individual's attitudes, motivation and expectation with regard to formal education. Findings from the study indicated a strong relationship between intensity of recreation with aspiration. It is found that the more intense the recreation activity, the more positive the individual's aspiration towards in class learning is. However, the same cannot be concluded for relationship between intensity of recreation with academic achievement. This is because the study found that individuals who recreate most intensely do not show good academic achievement. The same scenario is also true for those who recreate least intensely. Individuals who showed the best academic achievement are found to be those who recreation intensity is comparatively moderate. The study provided several recommendations for the planning and provision of recreation activities in institutions of higher learning and emphasized the need for students to recognize the importance of balancing academic and nonacademic pursuit in their time management.  相似文献   


This is an exploratory research project about meeting planning professionals. Survey responses were collected from 288 meeting professionals in an Internet based survey. The results found a significant difference in perception of minority representation in the industry. The study also found that career counselors are not making students in high school or college aware of meeting planning as a profession, so therefore, they are not studying it in college. People instead are finding out about it in nontraditional ways, such as learning on the job, friends and co-workers. As a result, top skills listed that are needed to succeed included personality or character traits rather than skills that could be learned.  相似文献   

Micro-firms dominate the tourism sector internationally, yet there is a notable absence of studies specifically relating to their learning interactions with other tourism firms. Even when studied, a social learning lens is rarely applied in either micro-firm or tourism learning network research despite its relevance in this domain. In seeking to understand and map the social dynamics of micro-firm learning and participation in an independent learning network, the authors studied an evolving learning community (ELC) situated in Ireland's south west region over a four-year period. The findings demonstrate the complexity associated with creating and sustaining a social learning infrastructure in this context. An ELC model is proffered to provide insight into inter and intra social dynamics that influence learning development in the micro-firm setting. The proposed future research includes the study of additional ELCs, in Ireland and other countries, for the purposes of cross case/cross country comparison, and in pursuit of greater insight into the social dynamics of these communities.  相似文献   

本文从历史的角度对高校英语教学的测试进行了回顾和分析,指出了测试中存在的诸多问题,并试图从现代教学理念的角度来审视和提出高校英语教学测试的正确方向和改革方法。本文认为:在英语教学测试中,废除四级类统考,实施着眼于纵向比较、技能和知识并重、以主观题型为主的教学测试是改革的关键所在。  相似文献   

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