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The Triple Helix model of university-industry-government relations allows us to use mutual information among geographical, sectorial, and size distribution of firms to measure synergy at various geographical scales in a nation. In this paper we decompose the synergy in Triple Helix relations and analyze the decomposition at the county level. We use micro-level data for all Norwegian firms from 2002 to 2014. This provides new and more detailed insight into the factors explaining the previously reported variation in synergy at county level in Norway. Furthermore, we analyze the county and city level distributions of all national as well as USPTO granted patents with at least one Norwegian inventor. Co-inventor networks for Norwegian USPTO patents are visualized using Google maps. The counties with technology-dominated synergies and strong knowledge institutions have a higher level of international co-inventor networks. Sectorial and geographical networks characterize the oil and gas dominated county, Rogaland. In contrast the knowledge institution dominated county of Sør-Trøndelag has broader networks both with regard to sectors and geography. In the small industry dominated county of Møre og Romsdal with high synergy, the lack of international co-inventor network is striking. This might be interpreted as a sign of industrial lock-in. The use of both firm level and patent data together give a broader and more precise picture of the innovation systems under study. The use of both national and international patent data also broadens the picture of the innovation activity of the nation.  相似文献   

By articulating the notion of university capability by distinguishing resources and capabilities, this paper aims to advance our understanding of the Triple Helix model from a micro-foundational perspective. From an external evaluative viewpoint, we suggest that university capability consists of (1) resource bases, (2) motivation/objectives, (3) resource allocation and coordination mechanisms, and (4) regional outcomes. Based on qualitative data collected from two leading Chinese cities in innovation and regional development, our study empirically elucidates two different approaches to deal with university capability. Our conceptualization of university capability may be a useful analytical tool to better understand the role of ‘university’ and its relationship with the other actors in the Triple Helix model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to assess the effects of technology collaboration networks (TCNs) on the innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). It includes three factors that affect firm dynamics and could influence the success of the TCN: the macroeconomic cycle (macro-level), the industry life cycle (industry-level) and the age of the firm (firm-level). Previous papers have focused on factors at one specific level, mainly the firm level, but have not looked at these all together and have also failed to take into account how they evolve gradually over time. This study closes this gap using a panel of 44,885 observations for SMEs for the period 2003–2013. The findings confirm the importance of the inclusion of these factors at the macroeconomic, industry and firm level since they influence the TCN and the innovation performance relationship. The implications for managers and policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

In a Triple Helix framework, independent hybrid organizations can be created at the intersection of overlapping yet separate institutional spheres to address innovation blockages. However, the formation process of these organizations, which incorporate and combine elements from the Triple Helix spheres, has seldom been investigated. We address this gap by proposing a model that conceptualizes the creation process of these organizations. We argue that their creation opens up a “boundary space” that differs from a boundary line. By comparing empirical results of three cases, we identify a three-step creation process (recognizing a gap; bringing Triple Helix representatives together and creating a consensus; and designing an ad hoc contingent solution). We highlight the individual role of a boundary spanner in these dynamics. The results provide new insights on the micro-foundations of the Triple Helix. They also suggest an extension of the “boundary spanner” concept.  相似文献   

Indications are that industry underinvests in innovation in terms of the ultimate benefits to the firm and society. Using N.S.F, experience as a basis, this article examines some of the issues that arise when government, the university, and industry interact in a cooperative cost sharing effort for stimulating technological innovation, as well as examining criteria and characteristics for establishing those university-industry partnerships that are most likely to succeed.  相似文献   

现代物流业的快速发展对于中国经济的增长及企业国际竞争力的提升而言有着至关重要的作用。为了更好地促进物流行业的发展,广大中小企业应努力提高自身的各项素质。文中对国内中小物流企业管理过程中存在的不足进行了深入研究,同时提出了一些相关的解决措施,以促进中小物流企业的全面、有序发展。  相似文献   

The rapid growth and industrialization of Taiwan's textile and IT sectors, mainly comprised of small and medium-sized enterprises, has prompted an array of explanations among academics, including neoliberalism, structural-institutionalism, flying geese patterns, regional networks and economic geography. Drawing on neoliberal, structural-institutional, regional networking and economic geographic views in that strong Taiwanese entrepreneurial culture is important to its textile and IT sector development, this study shares their positive perspectives in influencing the sources of profitability differentials among Taiwan's textile and IT firms in international competitiveness. Researchers investigating the sources of performance differences among firms have focused mainly on the relative importance of industry and firm factors. Specifically, this study employs Taiwan's business database to examine industry and firm effects on profitability differentials in these sectors using return on assets and the economic performance measures of economic value added and market value added. A variance components model is proposed, and findings indicate that firm effects dominate performance while industry effects have little impact. Our discussion reconciles results with those of previous studies.  相似文献   

戴世青 《价值工程》2010,29(13):64-65
集群化发展是促进中小企业发展的重要战略之一。本文分析了中小企业集群化的发展优势,总结了我国的中小企业集群现象,并从充分发挥政府职能、建立诚信机制、优化产业结构、实现持续创新、完善中介服务体系等方面提出了促进我国中小企业集群健康快速发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

At the dawn of the 21st century, global competition continues to increase at an accelerating rate and radical innovation is recognized as a potent weapon for firms to achieve sustainable competitive advantages. Academics, practitioners and consultants share the view that radical innovation is important to the long-term financial success of firms. Nevertheless, empirical studies on the relationship between radical innovation and firm performance have been dominated by survey research, which provided little concrete evidence on the financial impact of radical innovation. In this study we traced the financial performance of publicly traded manufacturing firms in the United States that introduced radical innovations over the period 1986-2000 and examined whether radical innovation could lead to superior financial performance in these firms. We employed the event-study method, matching each sample firm with a control group of firms in the same industry with similar pre-event performance and firm size. Our results show that while radical innovation helps firms maintain sales growth and return on sales (ROS), firm profitability in terms of return on assets (ROA) is not significantly improved. In fact, manufacturers suffer from a decline in profitability upon the introduction of radical innovations in new product development.  相似文献   

我国中小型家具企业面临家具内需增长的同时也必须接受白热化的行业竞争。文中提出基于政府主办的家具行业第三方电子商务平台的模式进行流通渠道变革,实现提高流通效率,减少资金投入和成本,增强中小型企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

In the present study, we developed and tested a causal model of the relationships between firm strategy, industry environment, human capital philosophy, innovativeness, and firm performance. Our results indicate that a differentiation-oriented strategy influences the relative use of an empowerment-oriented human capital philosophy of the firm, moderated by a firm's industry environment. Moreover, firms' human capital philosophies moderated the relationship between strategy and firm innovativeness. We also found support for the proposition that innovativeness mediated the relationship between human capital philosophy and firm performance. In addition, results also indicate that industry dynamism influences new product sales directly and industry survival difficulty moderates the relationship between firm strategy and new product sales. Survival difficulty also had a negative effect on firm profit. Overall, we found support for the mediating roles of human capital philosophy and innovativeness in the relationships between firm strategy, industry environment and firm performance. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

宋娜 《企业经济》2012,(6):156-159
旅游产业是一个综合性的产业。旅游产业技术创新网络包括两个层次:处于核心网络的是产业内部的景区景点等旅游目的地企业、餐饮饭店等食宿型企业、旅行社、交通运输企业、娱乐企业和购物等零售企业。而旅游产业外部的供应商、大学与科研机构、政府相关部门、金融机构及其他核心企业、零售商等构成了旅游技术创新网络的外部网络。旅游产业技术创新网络具有行业分布多元化、地域分布广泛、资源流动性大、组织灵活多变及进出壁垒低等特点。  相似文献   

互联网的普及改变了人们的消费模式,越来越多的人热衷于网上购物,直播带货已然成为一种趋势。近年来,德化积极探索淘宝直播销售模式,利用直播进行陶瓷产品销售,既带动了地区经济增长,也扩大了德化陶瓷的影响力。同时,该模式也面临一些困境,如观念意识淡薄、专业人才缺乏等。因此,有必要从政府和企业的角度展开思考,探索借助网络直播促进德化陶瓷产业发展的有效措施。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(世卫组织命名为COVID-19)来势汹汹,瞬间导致全国物流系统瘫痪,而要让救援物资(口罩、消毒液、防护服)、粮油蔬菜等必备物资畅通物流是一项重大难题。我国多数中小型物流企业发展时间短,规模小,且不愿意进入农村服务,使得农村依赖政府主导的邮政物流,物流通道陷入困境。论文主要针对疫情背景下中小型物流企业的现状,为其提出合理化发展策略。  相似文献   

科技型中小微企业是科技创新活动的主力军和生力军。在认清科技型中小微企业的特点、发展特征、运行机制及河南省科技型中小微企业的发展情况及存在问题的基础上,为促进科技型中小微企业的发展,需要有更切合实际的政策措施。  相似文献   

目前,中国的中小企业近2600万家,占全国企业总数的97%,为国家贡献了55%的GDP,中小企业的贸易量占国际进出口贸易的比例达65%,为国家贡献了超51%的税收,提供了超65.7%的工作岗位。中小企业已成为扩大就业、推动创新、繁荣经济、调整经济结构的重要力量。但是,中小企业的融资难、融资贵,成为制约其生存与发展的关键因素。中小企业面临不完善的融资制度以及受限制的融资渠道,相关政府部门需对此给予重视,为中小企业的健康发展提供助益。  相似文献   

电子信息产品制造业是四川省四大优势产业之一。因此,增强电子信息产品制造业自主创新能力,对于促进四川经济的发展具有重要意义。本文阐述了四川电子信息产品制造业自主创新面临的形势,透过大量数据剖析了四川电子信息产品制造业自主创新方面所存在的问题,最后从政府、企业、高校等多个角度提出了提升四川电子信息产品制造业自主创新能力的建议措施。  相似文献   

考察企业线上销售这一商业模式创新对审计收费的影响,基于2009—2020年我国全部A股上市公司的年报数据,利用Python语言构建企业开展线上销售的度量指标,实证研究发现,企业开展线上销售会使得审计收费显著增加,该结论在经过一系列稳健性检验后仍然成立。从机制检验结果来看,线上销售增加了审计风险,导致审计师采取更多的应对措施,从而提高了审计收费。异质性分析结果表明,“四大”事务所、具有行业专长以及具有较高信息技术水平的审计师审计会削弱线上销售对审计收费的正向影响。总之,厘清了线上销售这一商业模式创新对上市公司审计收费的影响及作用机制,加深了关于商业模式创新对企业经营及审计行为影响的认识,同时也为推动审计行业转型发展提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

随着我国中小企业面临的行业竞争日益激烈,由于缺乏创新,中小企业的产品严重同质化。企业之间的竞争,更多通过价格战和资源战的形式展开,这种竞争对于企业来说是把双刃剑,虽然使企业抢占了一定的市场份额,却直接损害企业的利益和品牌形象。越来越多的企业将营销渠道管理和建设上的创新,视为企业最有效的生存、发展策略,因为创新的营销渠道能够通过长时间的建设和管理,逐步提升品牌的竞争优势。  相似文献   

为了探究长三角地区智慧城市建设对城市创新能力发展的影响,通过构建智慧城市建设评价体系,从智慧民生、城市治理、经济发展三个方面建设创建城市创新评价指标。使用Stata计量软件,建立多元回归模型对变量卫生机构数、社会消费品零售总额、绿化覆盖面积、污水处理量、城镇人均可支配收入、第三产业增加值对城市创新能力的实证检验。结果表明,第三产业增加值和社会消费品零售总额对城市创新有正向的促进作用,城镇人均可支配收入对城市创新的系数为负,卫生机构数、绿化覆盖面积、污水处理量对城市创新表现不明显。研究表明:长三角地区智慧城市建设对城市创新能力有明显的促进作用。最后根据研究结果提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

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