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新经济时代传统店铺营销模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱正 《市场研究》2006,(12):39-41
传统店铺营销是与无店铺营销相对应的概念,其历史可谓源远流长,最早可以追溯到有商品交换之初的集市,到了春秋时期,商人阶层开始分化为行商和坐贾,《庄子》中屡屡出现“挂鱼之肆”、“屠羊之肆”可为明证。汉代的经学全书《白虎通义》对传统店铺进行了清晰的界定“贾之为言固也  相似文献   

宾静 《江苏商论》2007,(4):175-176
清政府取消海禁后,国际商业交往日益频繁,具有半官半商性质的外贸垄断组织——广州十三行——应运而生,亦诞生了当时中国最富有的商人群体之一——十三行商人,乾隆年间的行商首领潘启即是其中的重要代表。  相似文献   

突破以往文学作品的局限,生动展示众多商人的商业经营理念及其经营活动,是明代小说"三言"二拍"一个重要而突出的内容。其通过对商人们思想和心理状态、商业经营原则与策略、社会意识和关怀等多方面内蕴的深刻揭示,反映出明中叶以后随着商品经济繁荣发展,商人们在经营观念上日趋成熟、理性,而这正是此历史时期的重要特征。时至今日,"三言"二拍"塑造的各式鲜活、丰满的商人群像,及其凸显的商人经营之道的丰富内涵,仍是研究中国古代社会商业发展及商人活动的宝贵资料,有着深刻的历史认识价值。  相似文献   

商业集群并不是僵化的"中间性组织",而是生命有机体,商业集群的形成是商业企业之间不断竞争的结果,商业集群的发展与生物进化之间必然存在很多相似性。文章基于商业集群的特点,应用生物进化理论及种群生态学相关理论对商业集群进行分析。研究结果表明,合作与竞争机制在商业集群保持生态均衡过程中起着非常重要的作用,集群内商业企业之间存在既竞争又合作的关系。一方面,商业集群内的商业企业之间通过共享资源,实现集群内商业企业之间的互利共生与优势互补,进而提高整个商业集群系统循环的效率与质量,降低交易费用,相互合作的商业企业之间也可通过相互学习获得技术溢出效应,在共同利益与各自利益基础上,实现运营效率的提高;另一方面,商业集群内企业之间通过竞争,实现稀缺性资源的有效配置,提高整个商业集群系统的效率,防止商业集群内商业企业之间发生因合作而导致的损害消费者利益的"串谋"现象。这种商业集群内各商业企业之间既竞争又合作的关系,使得商业集群就像一个完整的生态系统一样,通过自然选择,最终实现优胜劣汰,效益好的商业企业得到了进一步的发展,而亏损的商业企业则面临破产的命运。  相似文献   

形成于明代、兴旺于清代的十大商帮书写了"中国商人"的形象,这种以地域划分为基础、以共同精神为纽带的商人群体,曾经在中国历史上风光一时。过去尽管早已烟消云散,但却留下了宝贵的文化因子。本文重点探寻祖先行商成功根源,挖掘商帮文化优良传统,剖析现代企业文化沿袭,找准高校创业教育的发展方向。  相似文献   

项目组以上海佘山国家旅游区为样本,针对旅游景区周边商业经营行为的多元性、复杂性等特点,以田野观察、访谈和暗访等常规调研手段,并辅以调查问卷、网络公开信息等渠道实施验证,对景区周边商业经营行为的基本概念、类型划分、特征规律和形成机制等基本理论进行辩证性探讨与分析。研究发现,从现行行政管理部门规章的角度来看,可以按照经营者身份将景区周边商业经营行为划分为正规商业店铺的经营行为和非正规就业者的兜售行为。但从实际经营情况和消费者的满意度来看,正规商业店铺的经营行为也存在其不合理性,非正规就业者的兜售行为在某种程度上丰富了景区周边的商业供给,提升了消费者的满意度。"孰是孰非"是本文辩证的焦点,"何去何从"是本文研究的目标与方向。  相似文献   

清代前期广州中西商业信用比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州是清代前期海外贸易的重要口岸,广州行商与欧美商人的交易,是落后的封建制度与先进的资本主义制度的碰撞,是古代的东方商业文化与新兴的西方近代商业文化的交流。广州的中外贸易体现出中国传统贸易与西方近代贸易在货款结算、融通资金、组织方式、信用制度等各方面的差异。  相似文献   

近代商人胡雪岩在经商过程中坚持"人和"理念,充分发挥"人"在生意场上的作用,为其经营谋取到了政府官员的大力庇护、内部雇员的尽心工作、顾客的衷心信任以及商业同人的通力合作,最终创造了近代徽商的又一个辉煌。胡雪岩经商的"人和"理念实际上蕴涵着"以人为本"的原则,至今还具有着积极的现实意义,值得当代商人的借鉴。  相似文献   

"湖塘色织网(www.se-tex.cn)"是常州纺织服装职业技术学院的校企合作项目,服务于江苏常州纺织服装产业集群,该平台提供周到的产业集群公共服务,还创新上线了D2C(Designer to Customer)模式的"色织服装商城",使消费者可以与企业设计师直接交流,选择符合自己理念的产品,满足个性化和高品质的生活需求,同时还为制造业企业提供可选作品和设计师,参与市场定制服务,最终有助于形成设计师、电子商务平台、纺织服装企业与终端客户全新的价值链。  相似文献   

王秀兰 《商场现代化》2010,(23):115-116
甘肃中药材资源具有明显优势,但基于专业化分工的医药产业集群尚未形成,多数企业停留在药材加工等价值链低端,中药工业、中药商业、中药服务业等发展滞后,由此造成价值链断裂。本文以波特的"钻石模型"为分析工具,对我省中药产业发展的生产要素、需求条件等构成要素进行了分析,提出了产业集群、区域品牌、价值链等战略。  相似文献   

刘鹤翔 《中国市场》2012,(8):30-31,4
<正>如今,在义乌或者其他地方,那些挑着货郎担子走乡串户的游商们早已企业化网络化,成为坐商;但在毛笔之都江西文港镇,游商们仍然在支撑着一个很有前途却又做不大的行业。然而,毛笔与其他的中国传统的工艺品一样,以山川自然之物为主导,一方面自然环境的变化在改变其性能;另一方面,工业化潮流也会冲击其生产方式,文港镇正面临着继承与创新的两难处境。  相似文献   

杭州商人是浙商的重要组成部分。从历史来看,杭州上千年的商业历史支撑了江浙一带的商帮的繁荣;从现状来看,鲁冠球、宗庆后、冯根生、马云等杭州商人已成为浙商的领军人物。杭州商人既继承了中国的传统商业道德,又体现出“品质创业、和谐创新”的典型特色。杭州商人也为浙商精神的形成和发展做出了自己的贡献。  相似文献   

入世后中国商人商务谈判文化适应现象分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
入世后,中国传统的商务谈判模式和谈判策略面,临着极大的挑战。中国外贸商人在学习西方文化和商业知识的同时.也尝试着改变自己的谈判方式以更好地适应WTO的贸易规则,中国外贸商人在谈判中遇到文化威胁等问题;在国际贸易谈判中的文化适应应是文化差异的适应,其文化取向方面是“沙拉式”的,而非“熔炉式”的。  相似文献   

The political philosopher Hannah Arendt develops several arguments regarding why truthfulness cannot be counted among the political virtues. This article shows that similar arguments apply to lying in business. Based on Hannah Arendt's theory, we distinguish five reasons why lying is a structural temptation to businessmen: business is about action to change the world and therefore businessmen need the capacity to deny current reality; commerce requires successful image‐making and liars have the advantage to come up with plausible stories; business communication is more often about opinions than about facts, giving leeway to ignore uncomfortable signals; business increasingly makes use of plans and models, but these techniques foster inflexibility in acknowledging the real facts; and businessmen easily fall prey to self‐deception, because one needs to act as if the vision already materializes. The theory is illustrated by a case study of Landis, which grew from a relatively insignificant organization into a large one within a short period of time, but ended with outright lies and bankruptcy.  相似文献   

Most of the features of modern Russian business are transient, determined by the transitional character of the Russian economy and drastic changes in the social structure, ideology, and consciousness of Russian society in general. There are three main normative experiences in the traditions of Russian business: a) the experience of pre-Revolutionary business, specifically developed and practiced by the merchants of the old-believers extraction; b) the experience of socialist economy, which was more or less oriented to the public good and presupposed selfless aspirations by the economic agents; c) the experience of legally and administratively constrained private business and illegal shadow business, which expected businessmen to be vigorous, industrious and enterprising. The process of privatization was developed under the aegis of state, specifically the state bureaucracy. The influence of changes in the social-economic system has been ambivalent for social morals. However, the reforms could stimulate their improvement. The recent development in the cultural environment of business testify to the emerging space of civilized business, which manifests that it is practically useful for businessmen to be ethical.  相似文献   

论近代浙商的企业管理思想和经营理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代浙江商人在经商实践中积累了丰富经验,并上升到理论高度。在管理制度、经营思想、人才观念、营销策略、市场竞争意识等方面有自己独到的认识和见解,具有先进的经济思想和经营理念,达到了当时经营管理思想的较高层次和境界。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):47-64
This article uses a little known body of material, which was generated by the operation of the Insolvent Debtors Courts, to examine the business practices of artisans, shopkeepers, publicans and other small businessmen. It is suggested that the experience of these business failures sheds some light on the dealings of that myriad of small businessmen who nourished the demand side of the economy during the Industrial Revolution. The ubiquity of credit transactions at the lowest level of enterprise and the economic vulnerability they induced are demonstrated and the whole problem of credit management is considered.  相似文献   

Successful and unsuccessful loans to minority small businessmen are discriminated using applicant demographic and firm characteristic variables available at the time of application for 65 firms in Cleveland, Ohio. The businessmen studied are the clients of an affiliate of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise and represent a unique segment of the small business community, which has proven to be particularly success resistant. A set of demographic and firm variables are identified that are associated with loan success and can be used to construct a profile of preferred loan applicants. The relative importance of the different variables in discriminating between the two groups of loans and their combined explanatory power is reported.  相似文献   

张名豪  姚恩育  夏赛男 《浙商》2020,(7):24-25,8
说起企业家朱宝良,可谓是“草根”逆袭的代表。高中学历的朱宝良,国为抓住时机逐步构筑起声名显赫的“红楼系”,成立了他自己的商业帝国。但如今,朱宝良卷入了一系列调查之中。谁也无法预言朱宝良能否平安归来,但从坐拥数十亿身家到沧为阶下囚,朱宝良经历了怎样的人生浮沉?  相似文献   

With the amount of business travel increasing three time faster for businesswoman than the businessmen, hoteliers have an opportunity to design their services and facilities for this growing market segment.  相似文献   

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