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从十月一日起,汽车召回政策就正式实施了。汽车召回制的正面意义是毋庸置疑的。但是,在消费者们拍手称庆、奔走相告的同时,也有人怀着一种深深的担忧;召回制是对制造商经济实力的考验。在宣布“召回”的同时,制造商还必须为他们的产品缺陷付出代价。根据需要召回的数量  相似文献   

召回已经成为汽车行业一个非常热门的话题,三菱帕杰罗越野车的大批量召回更将其推向了一个高潮。在众人的千呼万唤中,《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》(草案)(以下简称为草案)也终于露出冰山一角,这意味着在中国汽车召回已迈出了不平凡的一步。然而人们对于召回本身的认识仍然很模糊,本文就这一问题予以简要介绍。1 什么是缺陷汽车产品召回 目前对于召回最权威的解释应是草案的有关规定了。草案第5条第7款规定:“本规定中所称召回,指按照本规定要求的程序,由缺陷汽车产品制造商以有效方式通知销售商、修理商、车主等有关方面关于缺陷的具体情况及消除缺陷的方法等事项,并由制造商组织销售商、修理商等通过修理、更换、收回等具体措施有效消除其汽车产品缺陷的过程。”该条对召回的程序、方式、主体、客体、措施都作了明确的规定。1.1 召回的主体 必须而且只能是汽车制造商,因为制造商是汽车产品所有权的权利主体,按照权利义务相一致的原  相似文献   

美国的产品召回制度开始于1966年,首先在汽车行业,根据《国家交通与机动车安全法》明确规定汽车制造商有义务召回缺陷汽车.此后,美国在多项产品安全和公众健康的立法中引入了缺陷产品召回制度.目前已应用到食品、药品、汽车等多种可能涉及人体健康安全的产品.  相似文献   

《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》(以下简称《规定》)对缺陷汽车产品的处理提供了规则和程序,明确了厂家与用户的权益和责任。汽车制造商一旦  相似文献   

与汽车召回制度的舶来不同,备案制度就诞生于中国。把备案制度融入到汽车召回工作中的最大受益人非汽车生产企业莫属。在《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》(以下简称《管理规定》)中,国家质检总局缺陷产品管理中心的职责之一,就是定期向制造商提  相似文献   

“缺陷汽车召回制度实施以来,累计实施汽车召回827次,涉及1887万辆;2014年以来实施汽车召回159次,涉及412万辆,占全部召回数量的22%.这既反映了汽车制造商主动履行主体责任的态度,也是缺陷产品召回制度的重要成果.” 近日,在首届中国汽车质量峰会上,国家质检总局相关负责人透露,从2004年我国颁布《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》以来,缺陷汽车产品召回数量逐年递增,为消费者挽回经济损失200多亿元.  相似文献   

2008年度汽车召回管理工作会议2009年3月27日在北京召开。中国汽车召回起步晚,体系建设也不算完善,但经过各级政府部门的不断推进,我国的汽车召回正在向制度化、法律化、日常化、标准化的方向发展。召回将不会再是一个让人吃惊、困惑的字眼,中国的汽车消费者将因为企业和政府的共同努力,而得到更多、更周全的安全保障。  相似文献   

产品召回(Product Recall)制度自20世纪60年代开始实施以来.表现出了欣欣向荣的生命力。1966年.美国一名叫拉尔夫的律师发起一场运动,呼吁国会建立汽车安全法规。他努力的结果就是《国家交通及机动车安全法》的出台。该法规定汽车制造商有义务公开发布汽车召回的信息.且必须将情况通报给用户和交通管理部门进行免费修理.  相似文献   

在建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,参与国际经济一体化的过程中,建立缺陷产品管理制度已成为我国经济发展和法治建设的必然选择。记者从11月22日召开的汽车召回制度实施三周年暨产品召回制度研讨会上获悉,自我国于2004年10月1日正式实施《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》以来,截至今年11月,我国已累计召回缺陷汽车130余万辆,涉及45家国内外企业的107种车型,召回次数达103次。汽车召回制度的实施,对于保护消费者合法权益,维护公共安全,促进和谐社会建设,转变政府的管理模式,提高企业产品质量和国际竞争能力等,发挥了十分积极的作用。同时,也为在更大范围内推进缺陷产品召回管理制度积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

开场白:入世后,我国各项经济规则与国际接轨,发达国家早就实施的汽车召回制度成为国人关注的一个热点。随着越来越多的汽车进入家庭以及我国汽车工作的快速增长,关注汽车质量的人们也越来越多。中国什么时候实施汽车召回制度,厂家、消费者、专家学者、政府官员如何看待汽车召回制度?据了解,产品召回作为一个课题,在国家科技部已经立项了,人民大学、中国标准研究中心、汽车工业联合会等共同组成了一个课题组在做产品召回的研究。其研究工作基本完成,马上要到立法程序阶段。本栏目就这一问题对各方人士进行了访谈,现将其各自观点集录一起,以期对这个问题作一多角度探讨。  相似文献   

Using data from the vehicle resale market, I test consumer responsiveness to large‐scale product recalls that are caused by safety problems. The used‐vehicle prices of Toyotas are compared to the used‐vehicle prices of the other major domestic and foreign manufacturers. The results quantify the losses suffered by Toyota vehicle owners in secondary markets due to the 2009–2010 safety recalls of more than 9 million Toyota Motors vehicles. The treatment effect of a recall is measured using panel data with a difference‐in‐differences estimation approach that allows for time‐varying treatment effects and serial correlation. I find that this recall episode had negative effects in the resale market for automobiles that were quantitatively small (less than 2% of the vehicle’s resale value), statistically indistinguishable from zero, and short lived (did not persist beyond December 2009). A comparison with Audi’s recalls in the 1980s of vehicles with sudden unintended acceleration suggests that the extent to which a company’s reputation is established is more important than whether or not a company has a reputation for producing high‐quality products.  相似文献   

文章对国内外儿童玩具召回制度进行了比较和研究,分析了国内外召回案例的情况,指出了国内召回工作在风险评估和强制性标准方面存在的问题,介绍了国内儿童用品风险评估实践,并提出了国内儿童玩具召回的建议。  相似文献   

During 1999–2003, the US Food and Drug Administration reported a total of 1307 processed food product recalls, most of which were avoidable. There are many areas of the processed food supply chain where significant exposure to risk exists. Additionally, there are systems that can be used in-house at manufacturing facilities, such as hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) and radio frequency identification (RFID) that can be very beneficial in recall avoidance. Effective employee training is another key point for consideration. In the event of a recall, a company must be prepared in advance with a detailed crisis management procedure. Companies should consider recall insurance, depending on their size and market dominance. Public relations strategies are critical in surviving a recall. Care must be taken to connect to the consumer and communicate a strong message. Findings from analysis suggest potential reduction of product recalls through recommended preventive measures including the use of HACCP and RFID systems.  相似文献   

张红英  杨辉鹏 《物流技术》2012,(13):347-348,413
分析了我国汽车租赁行业存在的问题,提出了发挥政府在汽车租赁行业中的主导作用,建立制造商主导下的汽车租赁闭环供应链体系,实施汽车租赁连锁经营的供应链管理的汽车租赁业竞争力提升策略。  相似文献   

有效实施儿童玩具召回活动,对于预防和消除儿童玩具缺陷可能导致的损害,保障儿童身体健康和生命安全具有重要的作用。本文从追踪和溯源的角度分析研究了儿童玩具召回过程的现状和问题,提出了儿童玩具召回产品追溯指南国家标准草案。  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国汽车排放缺陷召回制度的概况和运行情况,重点分析了缺陷召回的程序。研究美国汽车排放缺陷召回制度,对我国相关制度的建立有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

郭德双 《价值工程》2012,31(14):121-122
2010年新年伊始,全球最大的汽车制造商之一日本丰田汽车公司因大规模召回汽车在业界掀起巨澜。透过丰田车召回事件,我们可以领略到汽车制造业在召回制度上的发展进程以及特点,同时也让我们从全新的视角对我国企业诚信机制的构建产生一些启示。  相似文献   

Competitive strategy in remanufacturing and the impact of take-back laws   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper examines the impact of take-back laws within a manufacturer/remanufacturer competitive framework. Take-back laws require that firms take responsibility for the collection/disposal costs of their products. We consider two alternative implementations of take-back laws that are distinguished by the degree of control that the manufacturer has on returns sold to the remanufacturer. In one implementation, known as collective WEEE take-back, the manufacturer has no control over returns sold to the remanufacturer. The other implementation, known as individual WEEE take-back, gives complete control to the manufacturer.We develop a general two-period model to investigate questions of interest to policy-makers in government and managers in industry. Our results suggest that, in some settings, enactment of collective WEEE take-back will result in higher manufacturer and remanufacturer profits while simultaneously spurring remanufacturing activity and reducing the tax burden on society. A negative effect is higher consumer prices in the market. In other settings, we find that collective WEEE take-back introduces a structural change to the industry—creating an environment where remanufacturing becomes profitable when it is not profitable without a take-back law. With respect to individual WEEE take-back, we find that the manufacturer often benefits from allowing the remanufacturer to enter the market, though from a government policy-maker perspective, there are clear risks of monopolistic behavior.  相似文献   

Recent studies show firms suffering drug recalls experience security losses many times larger than any reasonable measure of their direct cost. We discover that the implied standard deviation of stock returns from the Black-Scholes option pricing model significantly increases after a drug recall. The implied standard deviation provides a good proxy for the stock's ex ante beta. The higher systematic risk after a product recall must raise the discount rate used by investors. After a recall, stock prices are reduced in line with the lower expected future earnings and are further reduced because of a higher discount rate.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that a good record of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has an insurance-like effect on shareholder value in negative events. We posit and provide empirical evidence that excessive CSR activities can also cause a boomerang effect during negative events. In the setting of product recalls, we show that overinvestment in CSR has a boomerang effect on shareholder value when a company with excessive CSR activities announces a recall. Further analysis shows that the boomerang effect is exacerbated when institutional ownership is low or when customer awareness is high. Our study adds to the literature new insights on how CSR affects shareholder value during a reputation crisis.  相似文献   

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