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自中国政府开放中国公民出境旅游后,特别是近10年来,随着老百姓生活越来越富裕,中国公民可以前往的旅游目的地国家越来越多。国内组团社越来越成熟,出境产品越来越丰富,出境旅游呈现快速增长的趋势,在旅行社业务中占据越来越重要的地位。以春秋国旅为例,在10年前,出境游部门只有十几位员工,至今成长为拥有了100多名员工的大部门。  相似文献   

自中国政府开放中国公民出境旅游后,特别是近10年来,随着老百姓生活越来越富裕,中国公民可以前往的旅游目的地国家越来越多。国内组团社越来越成熟,出境产品越来越丰富,出境旅游呈现快速增长的趋势,在旅行社业务中占据越来越重要的地位。以春秋国旅为例,在10年前,出境游部门只有十几位员工,至今成长为拥有了100多名员工的大部门。  相似文献   

高舜礼 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):42-44
2002年7月1日《中国公民出国旅游管理办法》的实施,将我国出境旅游带入一个历史新阶段,表现出五大发展特点。因此,现阶段出境游发展需要重新认识形势,重新定位市场,重新思考发展策略。在此基础上,对出国游组团社提出了五个建议:珍惜特许经营权;加强自律,规范经营、网络化、品牌化发展;三大旅游市场全面推进;努力争取进行跨国经营。文章分析认为,出境游组团社之间实行互为代理,有利于促进旅行社在营销层次的网络化,推动形成批发与零售的专业化分工体系。  相似文献   

2012年,中国已跃居世界出境旅游市场第一大国地位.中国居民出境旅游消费问题成为社会各界关注的焦点,但鲜有文献关注中国居民出境旅游目的地选择个体差异问题.该研究以西方经典的计划行为理论为基础,创新性地将人口特征变量引入TPB模型,采用全国性大规模调查数据,对TPB模型在中国情境下居民出境旅游目的地选择行为研究的适用性进行检验的基础上,重点对人口特征在行为意向与行为关系中所起的调节作用进行实证检验.结果表明:(1)TPB模型对中国情境下居民出境旅游目的地选择行为问题具有很好的解释力;(2)以年龄、受教育程度和收入为代表的人口特征在旅游目的地选择行为意向与选择行为之间起显著调节作用;(3)居民对旅游目的地态度作为人口特征影响目的地选择意向的中介作用并不显著.研究不仅为中国出境旅游组团社经营出境游产品提供理论依据,而且为旅游目的地国家针对中国市场制定营销策略提供决策参考.  相似文献   

中国游客赴欧旅游组织机构的发展与未来任务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯革群 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):40-45
本文试图从全新思维角度阐明全球背景下中国出境旅游,特别是赴欧洲的出境旅游的特征.通过系统分析中国游客在不同文化情境下的旅游行为、中国游客赴欧旅游的动机和不同游客群体、中国和欧洲游客之间的知识鸿沟以及跨文化差异等基础上,提出中国与欧洲旅游组织机构的未来发展任务,并进一步指出从事中国出境游的经销商和企业应以顾客为定向,发展适合中国游客市场的旅游产品和营销战略.  相似文献   

谢婷 《旅游学刊》2011,26(7):7-8
出境旅游市场在中国不断扩大,越来越多的游客将目的地选择扩展到境外。中国旅游研究院发布的出境游研究报告显示,中国公民旅游目的地国家和地区达到140个,正式实施开放的旅游目的地达到110个。  相似文献   

国际旅游可以促进不同文化间的交流与理解,消除民族种族间的偏见与隔阂,也会因文化差异而引起冲突与摩擦。随着中国出境游的常态化、大众化,中国游客在跨文化接触中的旅游行为一直以来颇受诟病。因此,作为出境游全方位管家的领队,为减少文化冲突而充当的"文化桥梁"作用愈来愈显重要。本文旨在探讨出境游领队的"文化中介者"作用,以期对出境跨文化旅游研究提供参考。  相似文献   

要想避开“五一”出游的汹涌人潮,出境游是最简捷的做法。各大旅行社也适时推陈出新,以更多更好玩的出境线路进行招徕。《中国旅游》为你及时播报“五一”出境线路的最新动向。  相似文献   

天文 《山西旅游》2005,(1):59-59
1月31日下午5时,山西和平国际旅行社在江南酒楼举行了该社晋升为出境旅游组团社新闻发布会。省旅游局行管处、质检所、市场开发处及省公安厅出境管理处的领导出席了会议,省城相关单位和国际国内旅行社代表同仁参会庆典。  相似文献   

世界旅游组织预测,到2020年我国将成为世界第一大旅游接待国和第四大客源输出国。届时,中国公民出境旅游人数将达1亿人次。在短短不到30年,我国出境旅游目的地国家与地区数量、出境人数、出境旅游消费都呈现规模化增长,特别是中国  相似文献   

中国出境旅游发展及其影响的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
马波  寇敏 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):24-28
出境旅游持续快速增长,国际旅游双流格局渐次形成,是当前中国旅游业国际化的主要表现.出境旅游发展会改变国际旅游收支关系,但是,即使出现旅游赤字,也不一定对宏观经济产生负面作用.出境旅游发展会刺激中国入境旅游增长,促进旅游企业的跨国经营,有利于提升中国旅游产业的整体素质.当前,政府无需对出境旅游加以直接规制,但需要采取多种跟进措施.  相似文献   

This paper provides a thorough examination of the Mainland Chinese demand for outbound travel. It analyses the impacts of the Mainland Chinese outbound tourism market according to factors such as policy, economy and socio-political issues. The origins, destination perceptions and organization of Mainland Chinese outbound tourists are also explained, together with the negative impacts of tourism on Mainland Chinese travellers, travel agencies, national image and economic loss. Finally, the marketing policies for Mainland Chinese outbound tourism in travel agencies, government tourism offices and destinations are examined.  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy has transformed Chinese outbound tourism into one of the major players in the tourism industry worldwide. However, Chinese outbound tourists may still encounter travel constraints in some countries, such as Japan, which has had a close and complicated relationship in history with China. This study adopted the qualitative approach by applying focus group and in-depth interviews to investigate and triangulate the travel barriers affecting Chinese outbound travel to Japan. The findings indicated that domestic nationalist sentiment played a key constraining role in influencing Chinese outbound travel decision-making, followed by current political factors, while quality products and service, as well as social environment encouraged tourists to travel. This research also found that visitors and non-visitors have perception differences in terms of travel barriers and attractiveness of travel.  相似文献   

英国出境旅游产品分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林璧属  潘雪 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):54-60
本文通过英国旅行社出境旅游产品的类别分析和价格差异对比,总结了出境旅游产品的5种基本特性,在产品差异原因分析时发现,旅游目的地的旅游资源差异固然是旅游产品差异的主基石,但目的地接待服务水平高低反而是当地旅游业发展的主导因素,在休闲旅游阶段,其作用胜过旅游资源本身,甚至超过了资源。  相似文献   

Why do hearing-impaired people desire to undertake outbound travel as backpackers despite their hearing and speaking limitations? To investigate the reasons, this study applied the push and pull model of travel motivation as the framework. A total of 30 hearing-impaired backpackers participated in face-to-face interviews and responded to questions concerning their motivation to travel overseas. The results of this study reveal many unique motivation themes in the push and pull groups; specifically, five push themes (constraints of group tours, self-challenge, independence, different experience, and invitation by hearing-impaired friends) and two pull themes (enjoy local culture and lifestyle and the “I have been there” feeling) were identified. Furthermore, the participants’ desire to travel as backpackers is based on their previous negative experiences in group tours. Moreover, they prefer backpacking with hearing-impaired partners than with normal-hearing partners. Furthermore, for them, their independence enables them to their parents that they can travel alone. In addition, the study findings suggest that “communication negotiation” should be considered for inclusion in the motivation typology as a new dimension for hearing-impaired backpackers. Finally, the current study provides valuable insights into the behaviors of hearing-impaired backpackers and recommendations for tourism operators.  相似文献   

Chinese outbound travel is thriving, with seniors taking an increasing market share. However, although outbound travel in general has been researched quite well, little is known specifically about the outbound travel behavior of Chinese seniors, or the effects of information technology (IT) on their vacation patterns. This study is an initial and exploratory attempt to understand the relation between IT usage and tourism behavior (travel motivation, travel intention, and sociodemographics) of Chinese senior outbound travelers. The results reveal four segments of IT usage, each with significantly different traveler profiles in terms of sociodemographics, travel motivation, and travel intention.  相似文献   

Solo travel has grown as a significant segment in the tourism market, and outbound travel for solo travel is also increasing. However, the phenomenon remains anecdotal and lacks academic investigation. Therefore, based on of the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model and focusing on Chinese solo tourists in the outbound travel market, the current study aims to examine the relationships among cultural distance, emotional solidarity and perceived safety and their effect on both solo male and female tourists' behavioural intentions. The similarities of solo travellers and their gender differences are prioritized in the findings, which sheds light on destination practitioners taking measures to serve the solo tourism market considering tourists' gender.  相似文献   

孔令学 《旅游学刊》2013,28(7):41-47
公民旅游权是基本人权的重要延伸,是一种综合性权利,可分为基础性旅游权和消费性旅游权两大类,旅游保障权、旅游自由权、旅游平等权、旅游资源共享权、旅游发展共享权、旅游消费权和出入境旅游权等七项权利。在我国旅游发展与旅游者权益保护亟待加强的情况下,建议通过相关制度设计构建全面广泛的公民旅游权保障体系,完善我国旅游业持续健康发展的制度基础。在保险制度方面的保障措施主要包括:借助强制保险和商业保险提供公民旅游休闲保障,完善保险制度安排,加强旅游资源保护,进行保险创新,保障公民旅游自由权,加强保险国际合作保障,公民出入境旅游权等。  相似文献   

Most long-haul and short-haul outbound travelers in Hong Kong purchase all-inclusive package tours through travel agencies. Thus, it is important for travel agencies to understand the criteria used by travelers to select package tours. This study aims to identify these criteria, and to investigate the differences between these two groups of travelers. The sample size was 200. The results show that personal safety and the guarantee of a promised departure date were the most important selection criteria for the travelers. Prospective long-haul travelers were more concerned with product features and the quality of counseling, and were less sensitive to price than were short-haul travelers.  相似文献   

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