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由美国"次贷危机"引发的全球金融危机给世界经济和贸易带来了巨大灾难,整个世界经济陷入衰退之中,失业剧增.为了拯救国内经济,西方各国纷纷掀起了救市的热潮,不少国家筑起了贸易壁垒,引发了全球新一轮的贸易保护主义浪潮.  相似文献   

浅议美国量化宽松货币政策背景下我国的经济对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为应对金融危机带来的经济衰退,美国政府采用了量化宽松的货币政策,对全球经济产生了深远的影响,对我国经济的影响同样不可忽视。美国的量化宽松政策一方面导致我国出现严重的输入性通胀,另一方面迫使人民币升值压力加剧。更为严重的是我国的货币政策陷入到两难的境地。为了应对美国这一政策,我国需要全面运用货币政策、财政政策、收入政策、产业政策等政策组合,避免成为美国货币政策的牺牲品。同时以此为契机,加快我国经济结构调整和收入分配体制改革,并积极推进人民币国际化。  相似文献   

国际金融危机与“购买美国货”条款   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国爆发的金融危机给全球金融和经济贸易带来极大的影响,为此,各国纷纷出台应对当前金融危机、刺激经济复苏的政策和措施,美国更是如此。2009年2月17日,美国总统奥巴马签署了《2009年美国复兴与再投资法》,①使之正式成为法律生效,奥巴马"新政"由此也正式启航。然而,美国应对金融危机、刺激经济复苏方案出台前后,不仅在美国国内引起激烈争论,而且在全球范围内也引起轩然大波,矛盾的焦点主要集中在该法的"购买美国货"条款上。带有明显贸易保护主义的"购买美国货"条款出台,使世界上贸易保护主义进一步抬头和泛滥,各国在应对金融和经济危机的同时,不得不与贸易保护主义作斗争。  相似文献   

美国新经济下通货紧缩的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球新经济迅速发展的背景下,很多国家,特别是发达国家,通胀率都保持在较低水平。尤其是美国,从20世纪90年代开始,通胀率就持续走低,这使得全球面临着通货紧缩的压力。同时,新经济下的通货紧缩与传统经济中的通货紧缩有一定的区别,研究新经济下的通货紧缩与历史上的通货紧缩的不同特征,对正确认识和对待新经济下的通货紧缩问题将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Three forces reshaped the U.S. economy during the 1980s—globalization, the creation and application of new technologies, and the shift to a knowledge-based economy. By looking at the historic role of intellectual property rights in U.S. economic growth, one can see not only that an ability to create and adapt has always been the driving force in the U.S. economy, but that it will continue to be its strength in the future. This historical perspective leads to a fundamental conclusion: In the next century, U.S. economic growth and competitiveness will largely be determined by the extent to which the United States creates, owns, preserves and protects its intellectual property, and the extent to which the federal government can foster economic growth by creating incentives for private sector investment in research and development, promoting stronger intellectual property protection abroad, reducing barriers to trade and serving U.S. business interests throughout the world.  相似文献   

金融危机予美国经济以重创,美国迫切需要在全球转嫁其损失,以实现其所谓的全球经济再平衡。文章探讨了美国如何借助美元这一霸权货币,通过美元的国际循环在全球进行债务扩散,以及由此造成全球经济结构失衡的内在机理。研究发现,当前国际分工格局的错位导致了美国巨大的贸易逆差,美国的高赤字率和低储蓄率是造成经济失衡的根源;美国通过美元输出及美元回流在全球进行债务扩散及债务转嫁;经济结构的严重失衡及美联储量化宽松的货币政策导致超发货币,这必然加速美元危机的到来。后危机时代经济失衡的治理必须加强中国等新兴国家的作用。  相似文献   

Dragged by the U.S. subprime crisis and the soaring oil price, the global economy is slowing down, causing problems to China, the country which has continuously achieved miraculous economic growth. Apart from the accumulation of high inflation and risks of overheated economy, China is attacked by serious natural disasters ever since the beginning of 2008, including the snow disaster, the earthquake and the flood. It is obviously that China's priority now is to bring inflation under control so as to maintain the stable growth of economy.  相似文献   

世界经济危机对广东加工贸易及经济增长的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加工贸易是广东经济的重要部分,美国次贷危机引致世界经济危机和外需减弱,对广东对外贸易和经济增长带来了巨大冲击。本文运用加工贸易增值率及计量分析方法,探讨1987-2008年加工贸易对广东经济增长的作用。结果表明,加工贸易对广东经济具有较强的拉动作用,加工贸易出口对广东经济增长的贡献要大于加工贸易进口的贡献。在此基础上,分析了世界经济危机对广东经济的影响,并提出广东加工贸易如何在危中求机和进一步加快发展的建议。  相似文献   

The growth in the global economy and the trend toward outsourcing have given rise to concerns over the composition and strength of the U.S. industrial base and the degree of U.S. dependence on other countries for certain goods. The purpose of this article is to examine the concerns surrounding the alleged inroads of foreign manufacturers into the U.S. defense industrial base, as well as the background behind the concerns, with a specific focus on the recent competition over what may be one of the largest defense contracts in U.S. history to supply the United States Air Force with a new fleet of aerial refueling tankers. The article discusses the importance of imports and national defense spending in the U.S. economy, explores the dependence (or lack thereof) of the United States on foreign imports in the defense sector, explores strategies that have previously been deployed to reduce the role of foreign manufacturers in the U.S. defense industrial base, and examines in detail the recent tanker competition. The article argues that this competition required the deployment of innovative strategies on the part of the incumbent in the industry (Boeing) and the potential entrant (Northrop/EADS) in order to balance conflicting economic, political, and military procurement objectives.  相似文献   

世界经济周期对我国出口贸易的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
源于美国次贷危机,进一步向欧洲、亚洲、美洲扩散蔓延的世界经济衰退,是世界经济第五次长周期的下降长波,将使美国、日本、欧盟的经济增长较长时期处于低迷之中,并对我国的出口贸易增长产生长期巨大的负面影响。我国需要加快转变经济和社会发展模式、培育国内消费市场、有效科学投资、培育规模经济、加强监管、调整结构、制度创新,以应对这次百年一遇的世界经济衰退。  相似文献   

全球经济失衡的触发机制及中美两国的政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以中美两国的经济政策为分析起点,构建了一个中美内外部经济失衡与全球经济失衡的关系图,以揭示全球经济失衡的政策性触发机制。在分析全球经济失衡与次贷危机的相互关系之后,文章基于斯旺图形和修正后的蒙代尔政策搭配图形,提出了中美两国应对内外部失衡的"三位一体"的政策搭配组合。  相似文献   

美国贸易逆差与经济增长相辅相成探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的贸易逆差和美国经济增长相辅相成。美国贸易逆差持续扩大的背后是大量廉价商品的涌入和大量廉价资本的流入,它们降低了美国的通货膨胀率、增进了消费者的福利并加速了产业结构的升级,弥补了美国的投资-储蓄缺口,在一定程度上促进了美国的经济增长。而经济的稳定增长刺激了消费需求,又使美国贸易逆差进一步扩大。在经济全球化背景下,美国在发挥自己美元地位、资本市场以及信息技术等比较优势的同时,充分利用了他国的劳动力和资本要素并将其转化为自己的比较利益。  相似文献   

加快发展新能源产业成为奥巴马政府执政纲领的核心。这一政策有其国内经济发展模式不可持续、美国传统石油战略的代价高昂、美国在全球气候问题上的被动局面三方面主要背景。美国的这一政策既有应对金融危机,实现美国经济重振的国内目标,又有维护美国在21世纪全球领导地位的国际战略意图。虽然美国的新能源政策能否实现有待观察,但由于其战略性,将对世界经济政治带来深远影响。  相似文献   

美国是当今世界贸易大国,它的对外贸易政策对我国经济发展有举足轻重的影响。深刻理解美国对外贸易政策有着重要意义。本文从美国的全球战略、政治因素和国际政治经济因素三个角度分析了美国对外贸易政策的本质,从而得出结论,美国对外贸易政策的目的是实现美国的国家利益。  相似文献   


This study explores the impact of U.S. consumer motivations on cognitive and affective bases of purchasing or not purchasing American made products. Four motivational components were identified related to national pride, perceptions of product superiority, views regarding global economy, and product availability. Consumers' feelings associated with national pride/stronger economy and the disbelief that foreign products are better were found for the most part to be major reasons driving loyalty of U.S. consumers to purchase U.S. made products. However, support exists for cognitive acceptance of a global economy as evidenced by owning a foreign produced product and reduced feelings about national pride. Retailers should capitalize on these consumer beliefs if employing a “buy American” promotional by avoiding strong appeals to consumer ethnocentric tendencies. As such, promotional efforts by retailers should appeal to American pride in being able to compete on quality without crossing over into blatant flag-waving appeals that could backfire.  相似文献   

University research in the U.S.A. is based on a tight relationship between University and economic activity. In Europe and South America, although less commonly than in the U.S.A., there's already a large amount of experiences related to the creation of "on campus" or "spin off" companies based on the results and knowledge obtained from research in University departments and R&D centres financed with public funds. The virtual base of this results in communication technologies enables private use and the appropriation of the benefits by their authors. European model, historically widely separated from private companies, has produced high quality basic research, but it has failed to obtain profit from technological development. Research funds happen to be basically public. Europe heads for economic, politic and military union. Common economic space and the growing up of the new markets, which we can foresee to be extended to other countries, will promote business opportunities and the relationship University-Industry. University institutions and faculties should think about their current ethic convictions to create a new Industry-University model in the context of a global economy.  相似文献   

Failure rates of 30% for U.S. expatriate international managers relative to less than 10% for comparable Japanese and European international managers represent substantial costs to individuals, corporations, and U.S. global economic interests. The authors provide a profile of successful expatriate international managers and recommend four changes: (1) inclusion of international management development as a strategic U.S. corporate issue for global success; (2) alteration of current U.S. corporate selection procedures; (3) expanded implementation of rigorous leading edge international training programs; and (4) a renewed U.S. corporate-academic-government collaborative partnership to enhance international competitiveness.  相似文献   

本文基于1994~2005年的年度数据,通过协整分析和Granger因果检验发现,人民币汇率升值对中美贸易收支从长期看有一定影响,但不是中美贸易收支失衡的主要原因,美国经济发展状况以及国内政策才是导致中美贸易收支顺差的主要原因。在当前经济形势下,中美贸易顺差依然是我国经济发展的重要引擎之一。所以,我们一方面要警惕美国经济下滑导致我国的出口下降,另一方面可以利用人民币当前小幅上涨的契机,调整我国经济结构,加快产业升级的步伐。  相似文献   

Manufacturing has received increased attention in recent years, as it has enhanced its importance in the economy with output and employment gains and as a driving force of U.S. exports. Nonetheless, the sector faces serious challenges as well as opportunities. The challenges are weak global economic growth, burdensome taxes and regulation, and a labor force that is unprepared to meet twenty-first century needs. Opportunities, however, are likely to more than offset the challenges. These are an improving energy environment, an improved climate for international trade, strong productivity growth, and continued strength in innovation.  相似文献   

祸起于虚拟经济的2008年金融海啸给美国实体经济带来毁灭性的破坏,出于全球经济格局衍变和解决国内现实问题的需要,美国制定和实施了一系列重振制造业的政策,并且取得了较好的效果。我国应在借鉴主要发达国家应对美国重振制造业的经验的基础上,结合本国的实际情况从制造业规划制定、转变经济发展方式、人才培育、税收和融资、竞争方向、国际规则利用等方面采取措施积极应对。  相似文献   

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