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language and culture are closely related, language is not only the most important human communication tools, is also a cultural carrier. All our words and deeds are, consciously or unconsciously, reflect a certain culture. Many cultural phenomena can be reflected in language. Chinese and English text is based on the basis of different languages. Chinese people should learn English well, can not be ignored in the Sino-British cultural differences. Article from the Sino-British inter-cultural differences, the...  相似文献   

language and culture are closely related, language is not only the most important human communication tools, is also a cultural carrier. All our words and deeds are, consciously or unconsciously, reflect a certain culture. Many cultural phenomena can be reflected in language. Chinese and English text is based on the basis of different languages. Chinese people should learn English well, can not be ignored in the Sino-British cultural differences. Article from the Sino-British inter-cultural differences, the...  相似文献   

中动结构式在英语、德语等语言中广泛存在,是动词中的一种特殊构式。它的特殊和复杂性一直是中外语言学界研究的焦点。研究表明,汉语是一种动词型语言,汉语的动词语义功能强大,因此,“汉语中同样存在中动结构论”历来是专家、学者们跨文化语言对比英语中动结构的一个讨论焦点。通过以分析语言学界强调汉语中动结构式的研究为出发点。本文简要介绍了近年中国国内语言学界汉语“中动结构式”研究的发展情况以及肯定和否定该理论的主要代表学者和他们的观点。  相似文献   

本文以探寻英汉人际意义的实现形式,即情态助动词、情态副词等为目的,以韩礼德的情态系统为理论框架,对英汉两篇新闻报道进行了对比分析。研究发现,中英情态在实现形式方面既有相似之处,又有相当的差异性。相同点是由新闻语篇这种特定的语类决定的;不同之处则体现着中西社会、文化之间的差异。  相似文献   

帅雨姗 《魅力中国》2009,(20):256-257
改革开放加快了我国市场经济体制的建没,促进了中西文化的交流,特别是在我国加入世界贸易组织之后,掌握一门外语成为了21世纪公民的一个基本要求。因而国家和社会对大学生的外语水平特别是英语水平提出了更高的要求,为此新时期的英语教学成为了人们关注的焦点。  相似文献   

英语、汉语中广泛存在着常规触觉隐喻。研究表明,两种语言体系具有一致性,触觉领域都向非触觉领域影射。也就是说,人们有时是从触觉领域来理解表达非触觉概念的;而且这种触觉隐喻已经常规化了,其隐喻意义已经完全不被人们所感知;另一方面,英、汉常规触觉隐喻也由于所处文化不同呈现出显著的差异。  相似文献   

韦登显 《魅力中国》2011,(10):260-260
随着互联网技术的发展,在企业中运用计算机网络进行各项工作更加的深入和普及,本文通过对企业网络特点及所面临安全风险的分析,从网络安全系统策略与设计目标的确立出发,制定与讨论了多种企业网络安全策略;以期对促进当前我国企业网络普遍应用情况下,企业网络安全问题的解决有所贡献。  相似文献   

身势语是非语言行为系统中重要的组成部分。本文通过身势语的理论浅析和实例对比,论述了身势语在英语课堂教学中的重要性和功能。  相似文献   

本文以人际关系称谓传统观念为例,探讨中西方文化传统的差异,比较分析了英语和汉语不同的语言内涵差异,以求帮助读者加强对英语的认识。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of second languages skills on labor market outcomes in Hong Kong. Using data from the Hong Kong Population Censuses, we find that both Mandarin and English language skills are linked to improved labor market performance, and the premiums for English are much larger than those for Mandarin. We further show that the sovereignty transfer of Hong Kong from the UK to China in 1997 has strengthened the positive role of Mandarin and English language skills in finding a job in Hong Kong. The political change has also increased the earnings of people with the ability to speak Mandarin. As a comparison, the earnings premium for speaking English has declined in magnitude after the sovereignty transfer. Investigating into the mechanisms, we show that the rising premiums for Mandarin language skills are operated through choices of occupations and industry sectors. Our findings suggest that important political changes can affect the economic returns to language skills in the labor market.  相似文献   

杨晓兰  李莉 《南方经济》2021,40(2):35-50
文章旨在检验使用外语对经济决策的两类核心问题,即不确定性(风险、模糊性)决策和跨期决策的偏差是否产生影响。两组实验被试被随机分到母语组和外语组,分别采用母语和外语完成一系列决策任务。实验结果发现使用外语能够显著降低与风险相关的决策偏差,但并不能降低与模糊性和跨期决策有关的决策偏差。具体而言,在与框架效应有关的风险决策任务中,使用外语显著减少了决策的框架效应;与母语组相比,在与小额金钱、大额金钱有关的风险决策问题中,外语组的反射效应消失了;外语组的阿莱行为也显著减少。在模糊性决策任务中,母语组与外语组在决策偏差上没有显著差异。在跨期决策任务中,使用外语对个体的焦虑程度没有显著的影响,但显著增加了双曲贴现偏好。这说明风险、模糊性和跨期决策所涉及的认知过程存在差异,使用外语对决策产生的作用具有复杂性。  相似文献   

随着世界全球化的发展,各国之间联系日益加强,掌握一两种外语成为对人们的基本要求。家长们也越来越重视孩子的外语学习,特别是英语这门国际性的语言。本文试从理论上和实践上分析婴幼儿学习外语的优势,并对如何对婴幼儿进行英语教育提出一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

母语在英语学习中起着重要作用,但由于英汉语言环境与文化之间的差异,母语迁移现象对中国大学生英语学习产生积极或消极影响。以母语迁移为切入点,通过剖析汉语环境下高师院校大学生英语学习状态,着重探讨由母语负迁移导致的"中国式英语"现象产生的原因及对高师院校大学生英语有效输入与有效输出的影响和表现形式,揭示了母语迁移理论对当代中国大学生英语学习的启示,加强英语学习者对跨文化交际知识掌握和运用;创建良好的交际氛围和英语的对母语负迁移现象提出应对策略。  相似文献   

双关作为一种有效的修辞手段而备受广告商的青睐。由于两种语言中词语含义的不对等以及词语音义结合的任意性,在汉语翻译中很难再现英语双关的修辞效果,而英语广告中双关语的翻译则更为复杂。  相似文献   

大学英语写作中句法层面的错误现象比较严重,而组成语法正确、表达地道的句子是构成完整语篇的重要因素.为培养学生英汉对比意识,本文对英汉语句法层面上的差异进行了对比分析,并以学生的错误习作为例进行评析,以期提高学生英语写作能力.  相似文献   

中国英语是汉语与英语语言文化交流过程中所产生的一种语言现象。中国英语有益于传播中华文化,将随着中国人使用英语的普及和中国对世界影响的扩大而逐渐扩充,从而丰富和发展英语与世界文化。“让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界”是我国对外交流的目标,也是我国英语课程教材建设和教学改革的方向。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言文化存在着较大的差异。在培养学生掌握学习策略的过程中,教师应注重培养学生加强文化学习策略的应用,这是学生提高语言能力及语用能力的必要途径。  相似文献   

迁移理论认为在母语和外语有差别的地方,学习者的母语知识会干扰外语学习;而在母语和外语有相似之处的地方,母语则会对外语学习起积极的帮助作用。母语迁移是外语学习中无法避免的现象。在全面对比、分析汉语负迁移对英语词汇学习的影响后,提出了在教学中防止汉语负迁移的对策。  相似文献   

In strategic outsourcing contracts, a substantial portion of implementation occurs at the client's premises and requires integration of effort between the vendor and the client. Compensation design in such contracts involves trade-offs between the higher (lower) incentive properties of fixed-price (cost-plus) contracts and their higher (lower) ex ante contracting and ex post adaptation costs. Uncertainty influences these trade-offs and affects compensation design. We explore the compensation implications of two types of uncertainty—volatility and ambiguity—which are reflected in the client's accounting measures. Volatility reflects the unpredictability of changes in the future environment, which makes it difficult to contractually specify future contingencies. Ambiguity reflects lack of consensus about the nature, drivers, and value effects of uncertainty, which makes it difficult to contractually specify responses to contingencies if and when they occur. Volatility increases the likelihood of ex post adaptation costs, while ambiguity increases ex ante contracting costs; therefore, volatility and ambiguity decrease the attractiveness of fixed-price contracts. We use accounting and market measures to calibrate volatility and ambiguity and examine their implications for compensation design and ex post renegotiation. Analysis of archival data for 455 strategic outsourcing contracts valued over $15 million indicates that volatility and ambiguity influence contract compensation design and renegotiation likelihood. These results hold even after controlling for asset specificity, task complexity, and relational factors. We conclude that accounting measures can provide signals of volatility and ambiguity and thereby influence compensation design in strategic interfirm contracts.  相似文献   

顾芸 《江苏市场经济》2011,(1):58-61,64
翻译技巧与一定的文体相对应,决定着某一类型的文本翻译的基本倾向。法律语言严谨,有比较强的逻辑性,应通过大量例句,从中译英和英译中两个方面说明法律文件的翻译技巧。中译英方面重点探讨选词、用词和句子结构,英译中方面重点探讨专门用语和长句的理解。  相似文献   

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