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通过建构"订单农业"中交易关系建立与发展过程的概念模型,研究发现,在交易关系的发展过程中,政府的介入与人际关系的发展具有至关重要的作用。其中,企业与农户互动过程中人际关系的作用是以往研究中不曾被关注的方面。研究还发现,订单农业中企业与农户人际关系的发展具有稳定交易关系、促进交易关系升级的重要作用。  相似文献   

文章以渠道治理和管理控制理论为基础,从交易关系发展过程的视角,将管理控制作为渠道治理的过程机制,重点考察其在保障契约机制有效执行过程中的中介作用以及农户专有资产净投入对契约完备性与管理控制之间关系的调节影响。通过对来自参与订单农业的217份的农户调查数据进行分析发现:收购商的三种管理控制方式(结果控制、过程控制和能力控制)在契约完备性对农户绩效的提升过程中起到中介作用,过程控制也在契约完备性抑制农户投机行为的过程中起到中介作用。同时,研究证实了农户专有资产净投入高时,削弱了契约完备性对三种管理控制正向影响。  相似文献   

黄民礼 《江苏商论》2007,(8):144-146
订单农业作为一种新的产销组织形式在我国农村日益兴起。本文基于新制度经济学的分析框架,从交易费用理论、风险规避理论两个维度分析了订单农业得以新兴的内在原因:订单农业的组织形式在一定程度上帮助农户克服了生产决策中的信息不对称,进而避免在投入市场和产出市场中的失败。同时,指明了订单双方之间矛盾的内在根源在于契约的不完全性,因此提高订单契约的明确性、规范性和可操作性是一个必然要求。最后,本文从组织创新角度进行分析,认为订单农业这一组织或制度创新具有一定的历史必然性。  相似文献   

交易的治理模式包含正式的合约治理与非正式的关系治理两种,影响治理模式选择的因素很多,其中不确定性和资产专用性是被广泛讨论的两个主要因素,但关于他们的作用却仍然没有统一的研究结论。本文利用来自农业龙头企业与农户间交易的数据,试图在这一特定情境下,对不确定性与资产专用性将如何影响交易的治理模式进行分析。研究发现,相对合约治理来说,农业龙头企业与农户间的关系治理能够更好地应对资产专用性和不确定性带来的风险;而农业龙头企业投入的物质资产专用性的增加也应该伴随着更多的合约治理。本文的研究结果对我国农业龙头企业和农户合作的治理模式选择有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

本文通过整理和辨析关系契约规范、关系资本、专用性投资等相关理论及其关系,构建了关系契约规范治理提高企业交易性能的理论模型和假设,并对此进行了大样本实证研究。实证检验结果验证了包括关系资本对于关系契约规范影响交易性能的中介作用等8个研究假设,但有关有形专用性资产的两个研究假设未能获得支持。  相似文献   

在文献研究的基础上,本文运用关系质量和服务能力二维变量,区分出了交易导向型、关系导向型、契约导向型、服务导向型零售商主导型的渠道关系治理机制,并借助企业生命周期理论论述了零售商在各个生命周期阶段的关系治理机制,认为服务导向是零售企业渠道关系治理的核心要素,服务导向型渠道关系治理机制构建是大型零售商现阶段的主要任务;通过从零售商服务导向业务战略转变、服务供应链、员工培训方面,探讨服务导向型渠道关系治理机制的构建,以期对大型零售商在渠道关系治理领域有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

随着网络组织的发展,网络治理引起学术界广泛关注。本文在对网络治理研究进行回顾的基础上,提出网络组织契约特征:网络组织中存在正式契约与关系契约的不完全性契约组合。并根据契约特征并结合国内外学者的前期研究成果,从正式契约和关系契约的视角分别对网络治理结构进行分析研究。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、客户需求多样化和技术创新的不断加快.越来越多的企业开始通过战略联盟来获取资源,实现优势互补,维持自身在市场中的竞争优势.当然,合作中的竞争也使企业面临自身,核心技术被窃取及优势资源流失的风险.因此,联盟内合作企业间治理机制的构建及其有效性具有非常重要的现实意义,而合作企业间信任关系在联盟治理机制演变过程中起着非常重要的作用.联盟成立初期,企业主要采取正式契约治理联盟;随着双方合作的不断深入,联盟经理间个人关系的发展、企业对合作伙伴预期的实现及联盟绩效的公平获取,会促进双方感性信任的建立.而合作企业间感性信任的发展又会降低对正式契约治理的依赖性,转而使用柔性更高、交易成本更低的关系契约治理联盟.  相似文献   

关伟  蒋逸 《中国物价》2014,(6):59-62
订单农业作为农业产业化的重要手段一直备受推崇,但是由于信息不对称造成契约关系并不稳定,违约率极高。实践表明,在订单交易的基础上附加贸易信贷可以大大降低农户的道德风险,从而提高契约的稳定性。本文通过构建委托一代理模型分析农户的决策行为,证明企业在订单农业的基础上为订单农户提供贸易信贷、扩大农户产量,可以有效缓解“逆向选择”和“道德风险”的问题,提高商品契约的稳定性。  相似文献   

以商业生态系统为视角对商业生态系统的维度进行了划分,在分析公司治理功能延伸的基础上对公司治理进行了重新建构。研究表明公司之间及其内部参与者之间,在交易中都存在市场关系或契约关系,形成内外两个维度的商业生态系统。现有的对于公司治理结构和治理机制的研究在逻辑上比较混乱,实际上在公司内外治理系统中存在一个完整的治理结构和治理机制。  相似文献   

在全球化生产背景下,模块化生产网络面临复杂的环境,从而带来一系列的风险.文章针对模块化生产网络中的关系风险、绩效风险和嵌入性风险,提出了一条网络治理的分析路径.它主要包括治理环境、治理模式、治理机制和治理目标,其中治理模式有紧密型治理和松散型治理,治理机制包括合同治理和关系治理,治理目标主要是防止机会主义,提高运作绩效和消除锁定效应.沿着这线索,文章构建了一个模块化生产网络治理的系统分析框架.  相似文献   


Vertical co-ordination of business-to-business relationships figures prominently as an effective response to inter-firm dependence. Current empirical works based on transaction costs economics, however, have scantily examined whether the alignment of inter-firm coordination really serves governance efficacy and lowers transaction costs. This study focuses on the transaction costs efficacy of vertical co-ordination in industrial purchasing relationships. Building on transaction costs arguments and related works within marketing and contingency theory, the author explores whether vertical co-ordination is an effective means to adapt to technologcal and economic inter-firm ties.

This research examines in particular possible impacts the buyer's manufacturing technology and deployment of specific assets on the governance efficacy of vertical co-ordination. Empirical findings from a survey of 171 industrial buying firms demonstrate that when asset specificity is substantial, increased vertical co-ordination reduces ex post transaction costs. Further, the governance efficacy of inter-firm co-ordination turned out to be more evident in purchasing relationships among buyers with flexible manufacturing technology (e.g., order based industries) than was the case in process production with high workflow rigidity.  相似文献   

在我国国有企业改革过程存在的问题中 ,公司治理结构运作失灵是阻碍国有企业深入改革的最大障碍。为从困境中摆脱出来 ,运用委托代理理论和交易费用理论 ,分析了国有企业治理结构中产生的问题 ,最后指出了企业治理结构问题产生的根源———信息不对称、契约不完备和经营者选择机制不合理。  相似文献   

从交易成本视角入手并结合信息系统相关研究,文章分析了制造商IT资源对其合同治理手段的影响,以及对分销商渠道投机的抑制作用。经由实地收集的数据实证检验发现:第一,制造商的IT设备越先进,越有助于其与分销商制定更细致的一般合同条款与意外情况合同条款。第二,制造商IT人员提供的支持越多,则越有助于其与分销商制定更细致的一般合同条款与意外情况条款。第三,只有更细致的一般合同条款可以有效地抑制分销商投机,但更细致的意外情况条款则无助于降低分销商的投机。最后,根据上述研究结论,文章给出了企业怎样使用IT资源来提高渠道合同控制效率的相关建议。  相似文献   

蔡荣  蔡书凯 《财贸研究》2013,24(2):29-36
利用粮食主产区安徽省水稻种植户调查数据,考察农户参与订单农业的影响因素,并对参与订单交易后的绩效做出评价。研究表明:农户是否参与订单交易受非农兼业、种植规模、专业化程度、地理位置和价格敏感性等因素影响,而订单参与程度则受户主文化水平、种植规模、签约对象、订单类型、定价制度和预付定金等因素影响;农户参与订单交易的绩效主要源自稻谷产量增加、稻谷质量改善以及稻谷价格提升等方面,而非通常所认为的生产成本或交易成本降低。  相似文献   

实现国家治理现代化,政府组织科学的管理机制和程序设计不可或缺,其中最为关键是如何实现政府财政与预算最优管理。合理推动会计改革对改进政府财政与预算管理尤为重要,高效的政府会计治理机制能有效预防和抑制政府官员的权力寻租,由此降低社会交易成本,促成公共资源科学配置,因此,政府会计制度可成为推动国家治理现代化的机制和程序之一。科学变革政府会计对提升政府组织管理能力,开拓国家治理新路径,夯实国家善治之基础均有促进作用。  相似文献   

以辽宁省装备制造业为研究对象,通过对供应链治理结构与供应链绩效之间关系的分析得出:关系型和合同型两种治理结构都能对供应链绩效产生正向影响,但随着供应链合作伙伴关系进一步推进,关系型治理对供应链绩效的贡献程度更高。辽宁省装备制造企业应该根据供应链的内部特点、外部环境等积极进行相应治理,来提高供应链响应速度、顾客满意度等,最终提高供应链绩效。此外,辽宁省装备制造业应该准确识别供应链柔性程度,根据其来选择不同类型治理结构,确保能够避免过分依赖合同治理或关系治理来降低供应链合作伙伴关系中效率低下或机会主义风险。  相似文献   

An entrepreneurial firm's relationships with customers, suppliers, investors, universities, and other organizations have a significant and long-lasting impact on the survival and success of the firm. Yet, little research has focused on how the management of these relationships influences outcomes for entrepreneurial firms.This paper focuses on the customer relationships of new, technology-based firms (NTBFs). We aim to contribute to the literature on the governance of exchange relationships between NTBFs and their customers. Further, in so doing, we seek to explore the implications of such governance for the performance of new firms.Because of their small size, their “liabilities of newness,” and their highly specialized, knowledge-intensive resources, NTBFs are able to maintain only a limited number of close customer relationships. Consequently, NTBFs often become highly dependent on one or a few of their customers. In this study, we focus on the relationships between NTBFs and their single largest customers. We refer to the customer that accounts for the highest proportion of an NTBF's total revenue as the “key customer.”Strategic management literature, resource dependence theory, and transaction cost economics emphasize the risks associated with being dependent on an exchange relationship, focusing on the opportunistic use of power by the exchange partner. These perspectives suggest that firms can minimize their external dependencies and protect themselves against opportunism through the use of contracts. The present paper expands this view by also examining how flexibility in exchange governance may unlock potential benefits or dampen potential dangers that an NTBF faces in its commitment to its single largest customer, e.g., sharing the costs and risks of R&;D with the customer, improving the reputation of the NTBF, and realizing savings in sales and marketing costs. We examine the extent to which the realization of the potential positive and negative outcomes of a high level of dependence are moderated by the flexibility of the exchange partners' attitudes toward contractual agreements. The research question that we seek to answer is: Does the manner in which a contractual agreement is implemented affect the outcomes of a customer relationship for an NTBF at high levels of exchange dependence on the key customer?We develop a set of hypotheses that examines how the governance of the key customer relationship affects the NTBF's new product development, reputation, and sales costs when exchange dependence on the key customer is high. We use the term “contractual governance flexibility” to refer to the extent to which the exchange partners are willing to adjust to changes in the relationship instead of relying on the contract. We test the hypotheses with survey data from 195 NTBFs in the UK. The results of regression analyses reveal that contractual governance flexibility moderates the relationship between exchange dependence and outcomes. In relationships with a high level of exchange dependence, greater contractual governance flexibility was associated with greater new product development and sales cost advantages. No such benefits were realized for relationships in which exchange partners relied heavily on the contract.These findings are important because they suggest that by relaxing formal contractual mechanisms governing a relationship, NTBFs can derive benefits from key customer relationships that are characterized by a high level of dependence. Our findings suggest that at high levels of exchange dependence on key customers, NTBFs can benefit when greater contractual governance flexibility is present. Our data indicated that, interestingly, NTBFs tend to do just the opposite: at higher levels of exchange dependence, NTBFs are inclined to rely increasingly on the contract. By so doing, they may fail to realize the potential benefits of the relationships, such as gaining access to complementary resources and reducing costs. These outcomes, which may be derived from dependent exchange relationships by means of contractual governance flexibility, can have a significant influence on the long-term development and competitive advantage of an entrepreneurial firm.  相似文献   

现代社会以市场经济为根据与基础建构而成,它的和谐运行与发展需要一套与其相适应的完整、系统的制度性体系予以治理,这一制度性体系包括民间自治与国家公治,前者主要有契约之治、行规之治,后者主要有政策之治、法律之治。这套制度性治理体系的作用发挥与功能彰显,需要体现各项制度治理的手段、方式、主体到位,并且耦合为一个完整、和谐、一致的治理体系。  相似文献   

This article deals with quasi-integration governance mechanisms in the context of business-to-business buyer-seller relationships. Based on transaction cost analysis and resource dependence theory, the authors identify four key elements of quasi-integration: legal contract, joint problem solving, joint planning, and collaborative communication. From the perspective of resource dependence theory, the authors examine the effects of interdependence on these four elements. Empirical evidence derived from a study of 398 Chinese companies indicates that (1) the four governance mechanisms of quasi-integration are driven by inter-firm dependence; and that (2) legal contract serves as an important foundation of joint problem solving. In addition, the authors examine the distinct effects of the four elements on two critical exchange outcomes: supplier performance and buyer commitment. Their analysis shows that legal contract, joint planning, and collaborative communication positively affect supplier's performance, while joint problem solving and collaborative communication significantly enhance the buyer's commitment to the relationship.  相似文献   

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