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中小企业比大型企业融资难,中小企业现金流对企业生存和发展影响更大。通过以江苏、浙江、安徽三省部分中小企业101份有关现金流管理要素抽样调查数据为依据,对中小企业不同现金流管理要素与企业经营绩效进行相关性分析,提出了改善中小企业现金流管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于问卷调研和实地访谈的形式,对辽宁和东部中小企业发展面临的障碍及政府对企业目前扶持进行对比分析,结果表明政府扶持与企业发展障碍之间不具有对应性,并对政府未来的扶持方向及着力点提出相关建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国东、中、西部地区四县(市)199个农村中小企业的实地调研,分析了不同地区农村中小企业的融资现状,并通过运用多元Logistic模型对我国不同地区农村中小企业融资影响因素进行了实证分析.研究发现,经过政府、银行和企业多年的努力,农村中小企业融资问题已有所改观,但仍然是制约农村中小企业发展的关键要素;企业的固...  相似文献   

目前,人力资源管理的研究主要集中于战略人力资源管理,而关于人力资源管理的伦理道德等问题却一直未能得到足够重视,现代社会里有很多管理者在道德问题上出现了偏差,因而导致了企业人力资源管理产生了一系列问题。本文介绍了管理、道德、管理道德等学科的基本概念,并通过对领导者道德问题的具体分类、产生原因、不良影响各个方面进行分析,提出一些切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

通过问卷及访谈比较分析中小企业发展状况发现,政府扶持政策缺失是造成中小企业融资困难的首要原因,资金是制约企业创新的首要因素。企业最认可的政府控污措施为制定排放标准,最重要的财税政策是中小企业税收减免政策,最影响企业发展的所有制歧视是进入垄断等行业方面的政策歧视,政府对企业最有帮助的前三项为财税补贴、信息、人才培训及引进。  相似文献   

农村中小企业的融资情况、资金来源及政策需求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了农村中小企业的资金来源和融资结构,揭示了不同政策措施对解决农村中小企业融资难的相对重要性,识别了金融服务最需要支持的企业发展阶段,并在不同行业、不同规模、不同类型地区、不同要素密集程度的农村中小企业之间进行了比较,从中得出若干结论和政策启示。  相似文献   

中小企业会计信息失真危害不同于一般企业,其危害性更大.在现有体制条件下.依靠企业会计人员的自身道德约束不足以克服会计信息失真压力.会计信息失真的关键所在是企业领导追求利益最大化取向造成的.因此,加大对企业领导者和企业的监管.将会提高信息的真实性.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查与座谈、访谈等相结合的方法,以重庆市合川区聂家村为例,分析了我国农村中小企业的现状,并针对其存在的问题进行了探讨,进而提出相应的对策建议。分析结果表明,当前农村中小企业存在企业业主的文化程度偏低、政府相关部门的服务有待改进以及创业环境有待改善等问题,对此提出要积极引导中小企业主不断提高自身综合素质、提高政府部门的办事效率及服务水平和努力改善创业环境等政策建议。  相似文献   

本文阐述了会计行为中的道德冲突概念及冲突的本质,并以企业利益相关者理论为指导,借鉴企业利益相关者会计行为要求模型,分析企业利益相关者对会计行为的要求,具体分析会计行为中的道德冲突原因。  相似文献   

本文通过对安徽中小企业实施品牌战略的现状、存在的问题及其原因进行分析,对企业实施品牌战略本身进行SWOT分析,并提出实施品牌战略的具体对策。  相似文献   

Given the increasing interest in the process of how value is co-created through interaction in business relationships, this paper examines the areas of collaboration, value co-creation practices and the respective co-created value in the dyadic relationships. Multiple case studies design involving in-depth interviews were undertaken with small and medium-sized suppliers (SMEs) of organic food in South West England with the dyadic relationship being the unit of analysis. The findings suggest that SME suppliers and their larger customers collaborate in many areas including: innovation, corporate social responsibility, planning and interactive learning. The collaboration led to co-creation of monetary and non-monetary values. This research advances the extant literature on value co-creation in business relationships by examining this complex phenomenon in the context of small and large firms’ dyads in the organic food sector. It is novel in identifying the linkage of the co-created value to the respective value co-creation practices and collaborative areas.  相似文献   

The role of trust in eight selected agrifood chains in four EU countries is explored. The empirical analysis is based on a qualitative assessment of 28 expert interviews conducted in summer/autumn 2005. In particular, the connection between perceived trust levels and the prevailing type of vertical economic relationships are explored from the perspectives of farmers, processors and retailers. The findings suggest that trust is more pronounced among SMEs, which are characterized by the existence of personal relationships between business partners. However, as is clear for pork breeders, if a source of distrust exists, trust may not fully develop. Also, if the general economic situation is difficult, the development of trust may be hampered, because all chain participants are struggling to command a share of a diminishing margin within the chain. Finally, if economic power is distributed unevenly, as is the case in Germany, Ireland, Spain and the UK where retailers dominate most chains, trust of the more powerful may be limited.  相似文献   

基于社会责任的绿色矿山政策取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿山企业社会责任层次的划分应突出矿业的特殊性,按照利益相关者和外部性的双重视角,将节约资源和保护环境分别作为社会责任体系中的一个层次。据此构建的矿山企业社会责任体系中,经济责任和法律责任是责任体系的基础支撑部分;环境责任和资源责任构成了责任体系的主体部分;而伦理责任和慈善责任是矿山企业在优先落实资源与环境责任基础上更高的责任层次。将绿色矿山基本条件与矿山企业社会责任结合起来,建立社会责任与基本条件矩阵,为绿色矿山政策制定提供分析工具。通过分析对比,资源与环境责任、伦理与慈善责任是矿山企业持续发展面临的现实要求,而且其行为结果均具有明显的社会性,成为绿色矿山鼓励政策抉择的重要取向。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of external and internal expenditure on research and development on the business performance of industrial agri‐food enterprises. For this purpose, a data sample from the Encuesta de Estrategias Empresariales en España (Survey of Business Strategies in Spain) was used, which includes information on more than 400 businesses over the period 2000–2008. The econometric analysis uses quantile regressions to address the vast asymmetry of the variables and to identify non‐linear relationships. The results reveal interesting new findings on the impacts of R&D on the agri‐food industry. The most evident, although not the most immediately apparent, relationship concerns the positive effects of external R&D on business performance. Internal R&D was also revealed to be an important way of enhancing the productivity of SMEs. In addition, the modernisation of the production process through investment in capital goods continues to be the main path to improve competitiveness. However, support was found neither for the inverse relationship, that is the most profitable firms are those that spend the most on R&D, nor for complementarity between external and internal R&D. The latter would imply that the bulk of Spanish agri‐food firms have at most the capacity for only one type of R&D.  相似文献   

Successful regional products, such as Florida oranges, Idaho potatoes and Parma ham, often have to compete against products passing themselves off as the authentic product using the exact same name. This unfair competition misleads consumers, discourages small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) from marketing products based on their region of origin, and may end up hurting rural economies. To protect consumers, and support SMEs and rural economies, many countries around the world have introduced regulations enabling SMEs to legally protect the names of their regional products. The success of these regulations largely depends on consumers’ appreciation of regional certification labels that inform consumers that the name of the regional product is protected and that it denotes the authentic product. To gain an understanding about consumers’ appreciation of regional certification labels, this paper investigates consumers’ image of these labels and proposes a model that relates this image to consumers’ willingness to buy and pay for protected regional products. The model is tested based on Regulation No. 2081/92 that was introduced by the EEC allowing European SMEs to protect their regional products and market their products with a protected‐designation‐of‐origin (PDO) label. Structural equation modelling results suggest that consumers’ image of regional certification labels consists of a quality warranty dimension and an economic support dimension, which positively relate to consumers’ willingness to buy and pay for the protected regional product. Protecting regional products and marketing them with regional certification labels may be beneficial for SMEs producing and marketing regional products. Policy and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

中小企业是我国经济发展的中坚力量,提供了大量就业岗位,但中小企业也面临难于吸引高素质人才的问题。高校生是高素质人才的潜力军。本文从中小企业和高校生角度,调查中小企业招聘现状及高校生就业意愿方面存在的问题,提出引导高校生就业及改善中小企业招聘难的对策建议。  相似文献   

地勘单位的改革方向再次明确,各项改革正在推进,如人事制度、产权制度、分配制度、事企分离以及社会保障体系接轨等。地勘单位面临多方面的挑战和机遇,必须注重和加强地勘单位发展战略分析、市场分析、竞争能力分析和日常经营管理分析。运用财务管理理论与方法进行日常经营管理分析仍是地勘单位综合经济分析的重点,全面有效地利用地勘单位掌握和控制的各类资源如资产、技术、人才、资质以及无形资产等,显得极为重要。  相似文献   

Increased market demand and expanded scales of production of fresh agricultural products by small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) have highlighted the challenge of funding sufficient infrastructure. Additional costs to improve the freshness of produce makes the optimal financial and operational policies different for these enterprises. On the basis of the characteristics of the fresh agricultural supply chain, this paper analyses the financing strategies adopted by SMEs and obtains optimal operational and financing strategies for SMEs in six different situations. The analysis shows that the optimal level of financing  by SMEs is not only affected by the financing rate, but also negatively related to the freshness effort cost coefficient, and is positively related to the sensitivity coefficient of market freshness. Moreover, although the cost of improving the freshness level of the producte is only  borne by the SME, the supply chain cannot maximise profit from the optimal financial strategies of SMEs. Shouldering the fresh effort cost also lessens the optimal financing requirement of the SME compared with that of the entire supply chain. The difference is affected by the fresh effort cost coefficient.  相似文献   

‘Low-cost specialization’, ‘differentiation’, and ‘diversification’ are three overarching business models of professional urban agriculture in developed countries. Manifold city-adjusted farm activities belong to these business models resulting in the characteristic farm heterogeneity of urban areas. This paper makes use of the business models as tool for a geo-statistical analysis to spatially investigate farming patterns in reference region Metropolis Ruhr, Germany. Additional farm interviews substantiate findings of the geo-statistical analysis by focusing on horticulture as a common farm activity towards ‘low-cost specialization’, direct marketing and participatory farming belonging to ‘differentiation’, and equestrian services as a representative of the ‘diversification’ business model. These farm activities and underlying business models concentrate and tend to spatially cluster in the metropolitan’s center where population density is highest and farmland proportion is lowest. Agriculture plays a significant role in Metropolis Ruhr cultivating about one-third of the metropolitan area, but on-going loss of farmland and short-term lease of land affect farms considerably by complicating access to land. Most differentiated and diversified farms require certain amount of farmland to be successful, which is threatened by further farmland losses along with increased competition for the remaining farmland. Long-term planning security is crucial for farms focusing on high added value crops and organic farming. Progressively emerging participatory farming activities demonstrate urban farms’ abilities to innovatively adapt to societal demands. Better knowledge on professional urban agriculture’s farm activities and business models is of importance for farms and their related advisory services to address the urban context in farm development strategies more accurately, but also for public authorities’ planning and policies in land-related decision making. Economic viability of professional urban agriculture is the key requirement for additional social, environmental, and landscape functions within urban areas.  相似文献   

中央企业综合绩效评价管理暂行办法和实施细则的评价对象是企业和企业负责人。对企业负责人评价的目的是依据评价结果对其进行优化选择和有效激励,而对企业评价的目的是依据评价结果对企业进行财务资本的配置决策等。评价目的不同,评价的内容和方法也应有所不同。因此,企业、企业负责人应施用两种不同的综合绩效评价办法。对企业的评价,应考虑企业所处的不同行业、不同外部环境、不同地区和不同规模。而对企业负责人的评价,不但要看经营成果,更要依据企业“大环境”等基础条件进行综合评判。  相似文献   

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