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宏观视点广交会纺织服装成交额增长5.9%据广交会组委会消息,第106届广交会共有212个国家和地区的188170名境外采购商到会,与今年春交会相比增长13.7%;与去年秋交会相比增长7.8%。第106届广交会出口成交额为304.7亿美元,比今年春交会增加42.4亿美元,增幅为16.2%;比去年秋交会减少10.8亿美元,降幅为3.4%。商品成交普遍回升。其中,  相似文献   

97届广交会玩具成交3.6亿美元升2% 第九十七届中国出口商品交易会出口成交292.3亿美元, 比上届增长7.5%,到会采购商19.5万人,比上届增长16%,实现了"双突破"。据广交会新闻发言人徐兵介绍,本届采购商总教首次突破19万人,各大洲采购商普遍增长。其中,亚洲采购商11万人, 占总数的57%;欧洲、美洲采购商近6万人,比上届均有二位数的增长;非洲采购商1.2万人,增长幅度最大,达68%;新兴客户群大洋洲的采购商6000多人到会,增长达27%。  相似文献   

广交会纺织服装出口下降第105届广交会第三期今日开幕。根据官方数据,本次广交会出口成交额为262.3亿美元,比上一届减少53.2亿美元,减幅为16.9%;共有209个国家和地区  相似文献   

广交会纺织服装成交增8.7%本刊讯据中国纺织品进出口商会统计,在日前结束的第101届广交会上,纺织品服装成交额为46.7亿美元,与上届相比增长了8.7%。其  相似文献   

第105届广交会第三期今日开幕。根据官方数据,本次广交会出口成交额为262.3亿美元,比上一届减少53.2亿美元,减幅为16.9%;共有209个国家和地区的165436位境外采购商到会,与上一届相比减少9126人,下降5.2%。其中,纺织服装成交32.3亿美元,减少11.7%(服装及衣着附件成交下降15.2%,纺织品成交下降7.9%),跌幅比平均跌幅小5.2个百分点。  相似文献   

吕春根 《玩具世界》2010,(11):23-26
“大家利润都低,只要有工好开我们就算满意了”。参加广交会的广东某玩具企业负责人杜先生道出了目前玩具企业在出口方面的无奈。10月24日,第108届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)二期顺利闭幕,据广交会新闻中心提供数据显示,展品包括玩具、礼品等轻工产品在内的二期共成交8g亿美元,比上届增长1.9%,非生活必需品成交量下降,其中玩具成交量下降7.7%,列二期成交增长幅度倒数第一。  相似文献   

张俊 《玩具世界》2011,(5):29-30
第109届广交会玩具、礼品所在的第二期于4月27日闭幕,据组委数据布绒玩具成交总额1.42亿美元,同比下降9.32%。在主要市场中.对中东部分国家出口份额较同期维持增长.其他略有下降。本期进馆人数合计76700人.较上届微增1.6%.亚洲和美洲客商都有小幅增长,但是欧洲客商明显下降。到会采购商居前五位的国家和地区是:中国香港、美国、中国台湾、马来西亚和日本。本届广交会上玩具产品的成交有以下特点:玩具、礼品等商品成交情况总体好于上届,带有实单的客商比例有所提高;客户群主要集中在欧洲、北美、南美、东南亚等地;出  相似文献   

据海关统计,2005年1-8月,我国对外贸易在去年高速增长的基础上,仍保持良好增长势头,进出口总值为8911.1亿美元,比去年同期增长23.5%,其中,出口4756.7亿美元,增长32.0%;进口4154.5亿美元,增长14.9%。实现贸易顺差602.2亿美元。8月当月,全国进出口总值为1256.0亿美元,同比增长27.9%,其中:出口678.2亿美元,增长32.1%;进口577.8亿美元,增长23.4%;进出口顺差100.4亿美元,增长122.1%。2005年1-8月我国纺织品和服装进出口总值为860.56亿美元,比上年同期增长19.67%,占全国外贸进出口总值的9.66%,比全国外贸进出口同比下降3.83个百分点。我国纺织品和…  相似文献   

●7月出口增长减缓●私营企业增长最快●一般贸易比重又有增加●黑龙江省出口增幅最高●美欧等市场增幅回落●下半年增长趋势未变据海关统计,2005年1-7月,我国对外贸易在去年高速增长的基础上,仍保持良好增长势头,进出口总值为7659.0亿美元,比去年同期增长22.8%,其中,出口4079.4亿美元,增长32.0%;进口3579.6亿美元,增长13.8%。实现贸易顺差499.7亿美元。2005年1-7月我国纺织品和服装进出口总值为725.17亿美元,比上年同期增长17.99%,占全国外贸进出口总值的9.47%,比全国外贸进出口同比下降4.81个百分点。我国纺织品和服装出口总值是627.86亿…  相似文献   

华交会出口成交额31亿美元第22届中国华东进出口商品交易会出口总成交31.22亿美元,比上届增长9.98%;纺织服装成交15.58亿美元,增长3.79%。佛山纺织服装出口1月降两成据广东省对外经济贸易合作厅统计数据显示,1月份广东省纺织品服装出口35.2亿美元,同比下降13.3%,其中佛山纺织服装出口下降22.2%,降幅在珠三角9市中排名第二,仅次于深圳。  相似文献   

本论述了商品房按揭贷款中,置业应正确认识贷款本金的偿还是按复利计算时间价值的,正确对待贷款购房中的“杠杆作用”。为置业在住房贷款中,代款数额、贷款方式、还款时间、还款方式的确定提出合理建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the valuation effect of the sale-leaseback of corporate real estate on the stock prices of the selling and purchasing firms. The issue tested is whether the sale-leaseback transaction offers a net benefit to the corporate seller/lessee or purchaser/lessor. The empirical evidence suggests that the sale-leaseback of corporate real estate has substantial benefits for the seller/lessee common stockholders. Additionally, the sale-leaseback transaction produces an insignificant loss for the corporate purchaser/lessor.  相似文献   

工程项目业主作为未来工程项目的所有和建设市场上的买方,对项目目标实现起主导作用,是工程项目的责任主体,工程项目业主应当依法认真履行自己的职责。但是,目前许多工程项目业主将应由自己完成的有关项目工作,强加给承包商、监理去做,项目运行过程中许多工作,达不到项目的需求,搞乱了建筑市场,虽经几年整顿规范建筑市场,此问题没有从分配上解决。我们已加入WTO,将有大量的国外承包商、监理涌入我国,工程项目业主认真履行职责是一个焦点问题,本在分析业主、承包商、监理关系基础上,较具体地指出了项目业主应履行的职责。  相似文献   

This study introduces a framework of persuasive communication that is central to understanding how individual purchasers behave as boundary spanners to manage customer–supplier relationships. Drawing on the institutional theory and multiple governance approach, we assume authoritarian, competitive, and relational behavioral orientations reflect institutional logics at an individual level. Purchasers' boundary-spanner behavior thus manifests itself as individual purchasers' rhetorical orientations. In a sample of 349 purchasers, we find support for the existence of four configurations of orientations: competitive/authoritarian, relational, comprehensive, and neutral. A subsequent follow-up study of 20 interviews with the most typical representatives of each group suggests storylines that reflect the background and logic of different persuasive styles. The findings highlight purchaser persuasive orientation as one facet of a purchaser capability set making it possible to cope with the transactional versus relational paradox in buyer–seller relationship contexts.  相似文献   

The sale of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) equipment represents a large and growing market both in number of dollars and products. This article analyzes the purchaser's perceived role in the EDP acquisition process from both public and private sector perspectives. Major public and private sector purchasing differences are discussed in terms of their implications for improving EDP marketing success. Differences discussed include: purchaser influence in the EDP decision process, necessity of seller-buyer interface, method of purchase, and purchasing's organization structure for buying EDP equipment.  相似文献   

In this study, we find the subsequent price for a property initially sold as a real estate owned (REO) property occurs at market prices. The subsequent price to the REO purchaser is related to indicators that the property has been remodeled, renovated, or updated. This suggests that the difference between the price received by servicers/lenders that foreclose and sell a REO property, and the price received by subsequent property owners that sell is in large part due to timely improvements made postforeclosure. Lenders are not selling REO properties at irrational prices, but rather at prices that reflect the condition of the properties.  相似文献   

The benefits accruing to a purchaser of a product due to the existing base of consumers of the same or compatible products are known as network externalities. This paper studies Katz and Shapiro's (1986) model of network externalities in an experimental setting. Two sellers choose prices for competing technologies sold to two groups of four buyers purchasing sequentially in two stages. The results are qualitatively consistent with Katz and Shapiro's equilibrium predictions. In certain sessions over three-quarters of first stage buyers purchase the more expensive technology anticipating that later arriving buyers will also buy this technology. In periods where a strong network has been established for a technology in the first stage, over 80 percent of second stage buyers buy that technology, even though in most cases it is priced higher. The data, however, differ from the point predictions of the model.  相似文献   

The maturing of e-commerce, the diffusion of call centres into the B2B space and purchaser demands on price and service are leading to rapid change in the route to market in many B2B sectors, with shifting combinations of channels being offered to the customer in the search for advantage. In this situation managers can no longer rely on the channel resources that they have assembled to provide their extant competitive position. Instead they must be able to combine resources in new ways, gain additional resources and dispose of superfluous resources, and to do this repeatedly and rapidly if they are to compete successfully. The term ‘dynamic capabilities’ has emerged in the strategic management literature for these activities. Using four case studies and the analytic induction approach to data analysis, we identify seven dynamic capabilities for channel transformation.  相似文献   

A preferred customer is a buying organization who receives better treatment than other customers from a supplier, in terms of product quality and availability, support in the sourcing process, delivery or/and prices. The decision to become a preferred customer implies a continuous commitment by the purchaser to a complex, expensive and often uncertain process. It is important to use a strategic approach, as well as appropriate tactics. Based on well-known models on the development of buyer-supplier relationship, on customer portfolio analysis and on the emergent literature in customer attractiveness and preferred customer status, we suggest four steps to become – and remain – a preferred customer: initial attraction, performance, engagement and sustainability. The process takes the perspective of a buyer willing to obtain the preferential status and focuses on the strategies and tactics that could influence the supplier's decision of granting this status. The proposed process considers that the supplier is continuously comparing the value offered by the customer to its expectations, and to the value offered by other customer relationships.  相似文献   

This research paper seeks to increase the knowledge of the transition process from transactional arm's length tendering towards partnership thinking in centralized public procurement. In centralized public procurement, the professional public purchaser forms a triadic partnership relationship with the public unit managing the procurement implementation and the private organization. A triadic partnership relationship in a home nursing procurement setting is investigated to further the understanding of the relationship dynamics related to the transitioning of public and private actors towards partnership thinking. The research shows how transactional procurement logic hinders the transition to partnering by establishing challenges for initiating and nurturing public–private partnerships (PPPs) and how partnership thinking changes this procurement logic. It illustrates the transactional procurement logic of single actor and the logic underlying the relationship of two actors to engender and intensify the problems of triad in the centralized public procurement process and vice versa; that is, a shared understanding from jointly agreed procurement goals between two actors is identified as promoting triadic partnering. Managerial implications are given for those public and private organizations engaging in PPPs and seeking to understand the ways of managing them in the context of centralized public procurement, particularly during the transition towards partnership thinking.  相似文献   

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