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Virtually all industrial countries are experiencing some form of transformation in their economies, from the dramatic move from centrally planned to market economies in East-central Europe, to the rebuilding of the economies in the so-called Rust Belt of the USA, to the efforts by Asian countries to return to their recent high growth levels. The analysis builds on the work of Schumpeter, Hannan and Freeman, and Kornai to develop a picture of an economy as an evolutionary process in which the creation, survival and growth of firms is the key to continued growth. This entrepreneurial activity is vital to successful transformations at critical points when the existing enterprises are not well suited to market conditions—what Schumpeter refers to as creative destruction. This paper uses detailed data on the transitions in the Polish and Michigan economies to present evidence support these propositions. By showing that the successful transformation of two economies with obvious historical differences both depended upon the creation of new firms rather than on the restructuring of existing firms we want to contend that this is a universal necessity in successful economies.  相似文献   

Firm size and innovation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In an innovation survey in the Netherlands, we find considerably more SMEs which perform small scale R&D than are found in the official R&D surveys. Nonetheless, SMEs appear on average to be somewhat less R&D intensive than large firms. Only when we restrict our observations to firms which perform some R&D, there is no systematic relationship between size and R&D. Among the barriers to innovation the following are particularly important to SMEs: information deficits with respect to instruments of innovation policy; a lack of capital; a lack of management qualifications; problems in finding adequate technical information, and problems in finding qualified employees.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the importance of entrepreneurs in terms of job creation and wage growth. Relying on unique data that cover all establishments, firms and individuals in the Danish private sector, we are able to distil a number of different subsets from the total set of new establishments—subsets which allow us to more precisely capture the “truly new” or “entrepreneurial” establishments than has been possible in previous studies. Using these data, we find that while new establishments in general account for one-third of the gross job creation in the economy, entrepreneurial establishments are responsible for around 25% of this, and thus only account for about 8% of total gross job creation in the economy. However, entrepreneurial establishments seem to generate more additional jobs than other new establishments in the years following entry. Finally, the jobs generated by entrepreneurial establishments are to a large extent low-wage jobs, as they are not found to contribute to the growth in average wages.  相似文献   

Davis, Haltiwanger and Schuh (1996) claim to dissect the myth and reassess the facts on the job creation prowess of small businesses. We disagree with the authors. In this comment we discuss their five chief findings and conclusions and in particular, the use of a regression-to-the-mean correction.  相似文献   

Health insurance is regulated at the state level by the use of state-mandated health benefits. These are regulations issued by the state that mandate minimum levels of certain benefits as part of policies offered, e.g., drug abuse and alcohol treatment services, treatment for mental illnesses, etc. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of state health insurance mandates on job creation by small firms using data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) dataset for the period 1993–1995. Results from an ordered probit regression indicate that, the larger the number of mandates in a state, the lower the probability that a self-employed person will be a significant employment generator. These results hold when we consider both the sum of mandates as well as a cost-weighted measure of the most expensive mandates.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of international competitiveness on net employment, job creation, job destruction, and gross job flows for a representative sample of German establishments from 1993 to 2005. We find a statistically significant but economically small effect of real exchange rate shocks on employment, comparable to the one found in studies for the United States. However, contrary to the United States, the employment adjustment (among surviving firms) operates mainly through the job creation rather than the job destruction rate. Job destruction occurs essentially through discrete events such as restructuring, outsourcing and bankruptcy. We suggest that these findings are consistent with a highly regulated labor market, in which smooth adjustment is costly and possibly delayed.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - We model the distributions of firm sizes and of firms’ total factor productivity (TFP) as outcomes of a market equilibrium from the occupational decisions of...  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the determination of employment differs between large and small firms. An employment equation is estimated on panel data of 67 (35) three-digit industries in Dutch manufacturing (1974–1986). The conclusions are as follows. Firstly, employment adjustment appears to be faster in small firms than in large ones. Secondly, the elasticity of factor substitution and the real wage elasticity at constant output are nearly the same for large and small firms. Thirdly, the estimated output elasticities suggest constant returns to scale in large firms and increasing returns in small ones. Finally, the number of working hours has less impact on employment in small firms than in large ones.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between firm size, profitability, and corporate savings behavior in Canada. It shows that the long-run propensities to save out of profits are much the same for firms of all sizes, although foreign-owned firms generally retain more of their profits compared to domestic firms. Profitability has also been found to be largely independent of variations in firm size, although large foreign-owned firms generally earn higher profits than large domestic firms. The study also finds no evidence for the superiority of the “dividend effect” over the “retained effect”. It is suggested that the relatively high debt ratio experienced by small domestic firms might be better explained by the demand than the supply side of the markets for new equity.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the exporter premium in bank lending. We examine credit relationships in Germany, covering all loans of more than 1.5 million euro over the period from 2005 to 2010. Having controlled for a wide range of other firm and bank characteristics, our results indicate that exporting firms take out loans around 15 per cent larger than those of non‐exporters.  相似文献   

Firm size effects on transaction costs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Associated with effects of scale, scope, experience and learning there are effects of firm size on transaction costs; in the stages of contact, contract and control. These effects are due to threshold costs in setting up contacts, contracts and governance schemes, and to differences with respect to the factors that cause transaction costs: bounded rationality, opportunism, uncertainty and transaction specificity of assets. Implications are considered for firm strategy and public policy.  相似文献   

Firm size and the adoption of flexible automation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data on the diffusion of flexible automation systems in the Italian metalworking industry are used to point out the role of size for the adoption of complex, systemic innovations. Plant and firm sizes turn out to be positively correlated to adoption rates. Moreover, adoption is more likely, ceteris paribus, in plants which are part of large industrial groups. This pattern applies in general, and is particularly remarkable for more advanced solutions. In this light, guidelines for industrial policies that focus on financial support, the diffusion of industrial standards, and the correction of asymmetries in the availability of know-how and skills are proposed.Financial support for this paper was provided by the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (MPI 40% research funds). Grants from the Fondazione Mauro and the CNR research project Tecnologie Meccaniche are also acknowledged. The research took advantage of the FLAUTO database, set up at the Laboratorio di Economia dei Processi di Automazione, MIP-Politecnico di Milano.  相似文献   

Job creation, job destruction, and the real exchange rate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Welfare gains from trade are reduced by adjustment costs associated with factor reallocation, but most studies of the effects of trade on labor markets focus only on net employment change. This paper takes a step toward identifying trade-related adjustment costs by estimating the effects of real exchange rates on labor reallocation using a new model of gross job creation and destruction applied to detailed U.S. manufacturing industries between 1973 and 1993. Trend real exchange rates significantly affect job reallocation but not net employment. Cyclical real exchange rates significantly affect net employment through job destruction only.  相似文献   

Research usually finds a positive size-efficiency relationship, but few studies focus on sectors dominated by small and medium-sized firms (SMEs). This paper fills this gap by analyzing this relationship in the German mechanical engineering industry sector, which is both successful and increasingly dominated by SMEs. The analysis, using a large and representative dataset, finds that small and large firms are, on average, the most efficient ones, while medium-sized firms have, on average, the greatest inefficiencies. Thus, the size-efficiency relationship is U-shaped rather than monotonically increasing. Additionally, the analysis finds that companies with active owner(s) are significantly more efficient and that capital firms are less efficient than firms with personally liable owners. Being located in either East or West Germany has no effect.  相似文献   

Increasing American competitiveness in the international economy requires expanding trade with emerging markets, especially in developing countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa. Historically, as developing countries' economies have grown, the capacity for exporting and importing have both expanded. In the future, the capacity for trade in developing countries will depend increasingly on their ability to create sufficient numbers of jobs to absorb their rapidly growing labor forces.Unlike Western countries, most developing economies have a small percentage of their labor forces in large-scale manufacturing and a large share engaged in small-scale and informal sector enterprises. Small-scale enterprises have been the primary sources of labor absorption in cities in developing countries and will continue to play a crucial role in the future. Experience has shown that policies for improving the capacity of small-scale enterprises to generate jobs have had only mixed results in developing countries. The challenge facing governments and the private sector in the future include: (1) creating an economic environment conducive to small-enterprise development; (2) removing regulatory and administrative obstacles to small-enterprise expansion; (3) tailoring small-enterprise promotion programs to local conditions and needs; (4) providing capital and credit for small-business owners; (5) involving the private sector in small-enterprise development programs; and (6) providing technical assistance, training and educational programs through public-private partnerships.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a high level of new business formation in a region stimulates employment growth in that region. We look at the lag structure of these effects using a data set covering a fairly large time span (1982–2002). We find that indirect effects of new firm births on subsequent employment growth are stronger than direct effects. However, indirect effects only occur about 8 years after new firm formation. In particular, and unlike the findings from studies of other countries using a similar approach, positive indirect effects do not seem to tail off in the Portuguese case. This is likely due to a general pattern of results in which lags appear to be longer for Portugal. In view of these results, we suggest that the lag times and magnitudes the effects on new firm formation on subsequent employment growth are likely dependent on the types and qualities of start-ups.
Paulo MadrugaEmail:

Firm size and productivity in Spain: a stochastic frontier analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyses the performance of the small and medium-sized manufacturing firms during the period 1995–2001, focusing on the degree of technical inefficiency and its determinants. We use a micro panel data set to simultaneously estimate a stochastic frontier production function and the inefficiency determinants using an unbalanced panel of manufacturing firms. Our empirical results suggest that small and medium-sized firms tend to be less inefficient than the large firms are. Also, we centre our analysis in the effect on efficiency of some organisational factors related to the managerial ability to use and adjust capital and labour properly.
M. Angeles DiazEmail:

This paper demonstrates the importance of new firm formation to economic growth. It begins by providing data that describe the United States as having had greater employment growth than most developed nations of the world over the last 25 years, and focuses upon why job growth in the United States has exceeded that of other nations.Job Creation by Firm Size. We first examine the data on the relative contribution of small and large firms to U.S. job growth. By summarizing research that is uniformly expressed in two-year periods and defines small firms as those with less than 100 employees, conclusive evidence emerges that small firms are the major sources of net new creation.Firm Entry/Exit Rates and Economic Growth. Further understanding of small firm job creation is obtained when we examine firm entry and exit data. Here we find that firm entry rates vary considerably from period to period (range: 10.4%–12.5%), whereas exit rates remain relatively stable from period to period (range: 9.6%–10.4%). Thus, variation in entrepreneurial activity—the formation of new firms—is the major cause of net increases in the number firms. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, net firm increases are positively related to overall economic activity.Firm Entry/Exit and Job Creation. Further exploration of this correlation can be conducted by examining job creation and loss defined by source: entries, expansions, exits, and contractions. The data for 1976 through 1984 shown here demonstrate that new entries account for 74.0% of the 50.8 million new jobs created. Expansions of existing firms accounted for 26.0%. Small firms (less than 500 employees) produced 54.6% of the entry jobs and 56.8% of the expansion jobs.On the other hand, job losses totaled 33.8 million, 79.0% due to exits and 21.0% to contractions. Small firms account for 53.6% of the jobs lost from exits and 47.8% of those lost from contractions. Overall, small firms account for 60.5% of the 17.0 million net new jobs.Given the data that show correlation between net firm formation rates and economic growth, the finding that entry rates vary more than exit rates, and the finding that new entries create most of the new jobs, it can be concluded that firm formation—especially small firm formation—is a significant factor in economic growth. Increases in small firm formation rates have a significant effect on net job creation.Schumpeter's Model and Observed Market Turbulance. Another finding from this data on job creation by entry, expansion, exit, and contraction is the large amount of job creation and destruction activity taking place. For the period studied, three jobs were created and two jobs destroyed for each net new job created. This describes a turbulent job market with many workers moving from job to job. The labor markets are much less stable that normally envisioned.This observed phenomenon fits well with Schumpeter's theory of capitalism; he proposes that capitalistic growth occurs because entrepreneurs use innovations to form new firms which enter existing markets. When successful, these growing new firms destroy existing market structures, causing decline of established firms while creating increased demand and producing overall economic growth. If Schumpeter is correct, one would expect to find high rates of firm formation and failure, and large numbers of jobs created by new firms, while many jobs are lost by exits and contractions of established firms. The findings reported here show this.Government Policy Affects on Entry/Exit. Our results also show that formation of small, new firms is a necessary requirement for economic growth. Historically, however, Government policy has not considered small firm entry as a central issue. Thus, government policies can and have had a negative effect on entry rates and therefore upon economic growth rates.Furthermore, high rates of new firm formation cause a great deal of turbulence in labor markets, with three jobs created and two lost for every one net new job. Such labor turbulence may be seen by policy makers as undesirable as it entails considerable worker movement from job to job. As such, policy makers have recently proposed policies to protect workers from job loss due to contractions and exits. However, such protection policies, as demonstrated in recent European experience, will also construct barriers to entrepreneurial entry. The result may be a decline in small firm entry and a decline in economic growth.Instead of protecting specific jobs, appropriate policies are those that facilitate movement of workers from job to job. Adequate unemployment compensation for short term unemployment, fully vested and portable pension plans, and retraining programs are examples of policies that allow the labor market to remain flexible while reducing the negative effect on those who lose jobs.  相似文献   

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