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城市旅游公共服务体系建设之系统思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游公共服务是指由政府或其他社会组织提供的,不以营利为目的,具有明显公共性的,以满足旅游者共同需要为核心的公共产品和服务的总称。旅游公共服务体系是指在一定的旅游公共服务供给模式与政策规范下,依据一定的旅游公共服务的供给方式而形成的旅游公共服务系统。  相似文献   

与商业服务领域相似,旅游公共服务近年来也经历了由产品主导逻辑向服务主导逻辑演变的过程,由公共服务供需双方共创价值的实践现象已经出现。文章以杭州市社会资源国际访问点为案例,通过扎根理论的方法,探索性地提出旅游公共服务价值共创的概念,剖析了由政府、企业、居民、游客等不同社会主体参与的旅游公共服务价值共创现象,识别了制度保障、增权激励、信息透明、技术摄入、文化契合是实现旅游公共服务价值共创的驱动因素与前提条件。而不同主体间耦合形成的服务生态系统,其内部各要素的互动与整合是旅游公共服务价值共创实现的中介要素。此外,旅游公共服务价值共创的行为过程包括价值主张提出、共创环境营造、社会成员嵌入、社会价值共识、公共价值创造和社会影响输出。文章拓展了价值共创理论在旅游公共服务领域的应用,揭示了共创的内部机理与行为规律,为旅游目的地公共服务发展与供给模式创新提供了理论工具。  相似文献   

旅游公共服务的理论认知与实践判断——兼与李爽商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国旅游市场呈现出大众化、散客化、常态化的新趋势下,旅游公共服务体系成为影响游客满意度和目的地竞争力的关键因素。由于旅游业在中国长期被作为高度市场化的经济产业看待,人们对旅游公共服务体系建设的依据和重要性缺乏认识,因而在理论研究和实践探索中均出现不少问题。文章检视了已有研究对于旅游公共服务理论认知的相关论点,着力分析了李爽等的旅游公共服务论所存在的核心概念认知矛盾、理论理解和实践判断偏差问题。在此基础上提出了笔者对于旅游公共服务的理论认知,从5个W和1个H的角度阐述了旅游公共服务的内涵、外延、属性、服务的对象与供给主体、供给机制与时空条件。文章认为,旅游公共服务的主体内容体现为旅游基础设施、目的地推广、旅游权益保障三大方面;其本质是公益性服务,服务供给机制和方式的多元化并不等同于责任提供主体的多元化;旅游者的共同需求和目的地公共利益的性质及其客观存在,决定了旅游并非纯粹市场化领域,政府提供旅游公共服务是正当的,也是应该的。当下中国旅游公共服务的主要问题不是过多,而是欠缺与低效并存。旅游行政部门虽然承担着最大、最多的公共服务职能,但对这一职能的性质、内容和功效的认识并不到位,与旅游者的期望和需求还有较大距离。  相似文献   

随着西藏旅游业的发展,旅游公共服务在供给过程中逐渐出现了资源开发缺乏统一规划、旅游配套基础设施建设严重滞后、缺乏专业管理人才等问题,若将PPP模式运用于西藏旅游公共服务建设中,能够缓解政府财政压力,降低地方债风险,且能促进旅游业投资主体的多元化,帮助政府改善发展模式。  相似文献   

加快完善旅游公共服务体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游公共服务是以旅游管理部门为主的相关公共部门为满足旅游公共需求,向国内外旅游者提供的基础性、公益性的公共产品与服务。世界各国旅游公共服务的内容不尽相同,一般主要包括旅游公共信息服务、旅游公共服务设施、旅游安全保障、旅游公益惠民产品、旅游行政服务等内容。  相似文献   

公共游憩是国家社会福利的重要内容和实现公民游憩权的主要途径之一.中央政府和城市政府主导的游憩供给模式无法满足日益多样化的游憩需求,游憩公共供给从普遍性供给转向面向弱势群体的供给,形成了由城市政府负责的城市游憩供给、由中央政府负责的国家公园公共游憩供给,由公共部门提供基础性游憩服务、由私人部门提供高端多样化的游憩服务的格局.本文阐述了西方学者对公共游憩供给与社会政策的思辨过程,探索中国公共游憩供给面临的问题,并提出可能的社会议程.  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,旅游成了日常说走就走的常态,新时代下万物互联,旅游从传统跟团游过渡到到自驾散客为主的蜕变,旅游新时代已经成为全民旅游热。全民旅游新时代下,旅游呈现了多样化、常态化、个性化、品质化等特点,游客对公共服务体系的供给质量提出更高的要求,在供给侧改革的背景下,地方各级政府部门也对旅游目的地旅游公共服务建设供给质量提升完善作出了很多努力,这也是旅游公共服务体系建设服务型政府的必然要求,这种体系建设分为硬件和软件两部分。本文以当前供给侧改革背景下,就提高五指山旅游公共服务建设的软实力方面研究分析,提出了加快推进旅游公共服务的供给建议。  相似文献   

旅游公共服务:内涵、特征与分类框架   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
为适应旅游发展的新形势,加强和完善旅游公共服务已经成为各级旅游管理部门一项紧迫而重要的任务。本文基于公共产品等相关理论,从旅游公共服务的服务对象、特性以及相关概念之间的区别等方面对旅游公共服务的内涵范畴、特征进行界定和探讨。根据旅游公共服务的属性特征、内容构成、存在形态、受益影响范围以及需求差异,笔者对旅游公共服务进行全面、系统的划分与归类,为行政管理部门提供具有理论基础的决策依据,以满足公众日益增长的旅游公共服务需求。  相似文献   

关于旅游安全救援服务系统建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游公共服务研究成为我国旅游发展新时期的重要课题。旅游公共服务体系应包括政府主导与市场主导两大子系统。政府主导的公共服务体系包括旅游公共信息服务系统、旅游公共基础设施系统、旅游安全救援系统、旅游服务质量监控系统、旅游公益事业系统。在这五大系统中,旅游安全救援系统是旅游服务顺利进行的保障。  相似文献   

在将旅游业发展成为国民经济的战略性支柱产业和人民群众更加满意的现代服务业的过程中,旅游公共服务发挥着重要作用。对于政府管理部门内部有哪些因素会促进旅游公共服务质量的提升,学术界鲜有实证研究。本文从旅游行政管理部门的角度出发,构建了游客导向、创新导向、跨部门协调对旅游公共服务质量的影响模型。对广东省32个主要客源市场的旅游行政管理部门的309位工作人员进行了问卷调查,探讨旅游公共服务质量提升的驱动因素。结构方程模型结果显示,游客导向、创新导向和跨部门协调都有助于旅游公共服务质量的提升,跨部门协调中介游客导向对旅游公共服务质量的影响。本文在理论上弥补了旅游公共服务质量前因研究的空白,对旅游行政管理部门如何更好地提升旅游公共服务质量具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   


The meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) sector is one of the more rapidly growing market segments of Australian tourism. While demand for this form of tourism is increasing, there are several issues on the supply side which must be addressed. The paper identifies five key challenges relating to promoting cooperative behaviour among industry stakeholders, government support, infrastructure, training and service and marketing which must be met to maximise the scale and scope of these benefits. The paper discusses these issues in turn and assesses the implications for stakeholders in both the public and private sector. It concludes with some observations regarding the development of MICE tourism in Australia.  相似文献   

Scholars and local planners are becoming increasingly interested in the contribution of tourism to economic and social development. In the European cities that currently lead the world rankings for tourist arrivals, local governments have actively promoted tourism. Mobility is an essential issue for tourists visiting large cities, since it is a crucial factor for their comfort. It also facilitates the spread of benefits across the city. This study uses an international database of European cities to examine whether city planners respond to the additional demand for urban public transport by extending service supply. Our results confirm that tourism intensity is a demand-enhancing factor in urban public transport. However, cities do not seem to address this pressure by increasing services. Tourism appears to exert a positive externality on public transport, since it provides additional funding for these services, but it also imposes external costs on resident users because of the congestion caused by supply constraints.  相似文献   

虚拟集群式旅游供应链模型构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于旅游供应链理论研究动态与现代信息技术发展态势,提出以信息拉动式为特征的在线旅游供应链(e-tourism supply chain)的理念。从集群式供应链视角,分析了虚拟集群式旅游供应链建立的动因,构建了虚拟集群式旅游供应链理论模型。文章通过创新旅游供应链研究视角,借鉴产业集群与供应链管理耦合研究理论,试图在赛博空间(Cyberspace)里,构建起虚拟集群式旅游供应链的理论框架,可分成4个部分:(1)旅游者信息链,是围绕着每个旅游者需求信息的一条"信息拉动式供应链",在此基础上形成旅游企业旅游服务大规模定制链;(2)旅游服务定制链,旅游企业在以"旅游者"为中心的信息链上提供即时响应、即时采购、即时生产、即时销售的敏捷制造服务,同业性旅游企业合作服务于旅游者;(3)信息共享平台,包括旅游者需求汇集、统计、分流平台,旅游企业沟通平台和旅游评价平台;(4)专业化辅助企业,具有弹性专精的优势,缓解大规模标准通用化服务提供和市场的定制化随机要求(stochastic demand)之间的矛盾,满足了旅游者对定制化旅游服务需求。  相似文献   

A framework model for wellness tourism development in rural areas is developed in this paper, combining the concepts of integrative diversification, tourism product development, and an endogenous approach to innovation dynamics. Three spatial levels of wellness services are considered (establishment, destination, and the region where they are located) in order to identify the required resources, services to develop, stakeholders to involve, and a process to match the supply and demand in wellness tourism. The paper concludes with an exploratory application to the case of east Hokkaido (Japan), identifying crucial challenges for a diversification of wellness services based on the traditional onsen practices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the behaviour of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within the heritage tourism supply chain (HTSC), in two emerging heritage regions. SMEs are conceptualised as implementers, working within the constraints of government level tourism structures and the heritage tourism supply chain. The research employs a case study approach, focusing on two emerging regions in Northern Ireland. In-depth interviews were carried out with small business owners and community associations operating within the regions. The research identifies SME dissatisfaction with the supply chain and the processes in place for the delivery of the tourism product. To overcome the perceived inadequacies of the heritage tourism supply chain SMEs engage in entrepreneurial behaviour by attempting to deliver specific products and services to meet the need of tourists. The challenge for tourism organisations is how they can integrate the entrepreneurial, innovative activities of SMEs into the heritage tourism system.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to improve an already existing Tourism benchmarking tool designed and implemented by the Austrian Provincial Government of Tyrol in 1987 (Haemmerle and Lehar 1987, Berktold 1992). After a brief introduction which overviews latest benchmarking approaches within tourism (Morey and Dittman 1995, Kozak and Rimmington 1998, Siguaw and Enz 1999, Dubé et al. 1999, Ritchie and Crouch 2000) and emphasizing its strategic significance of continually monitoring and emulating standards of performance, the principal purpose of an already existing benchmarking tool, the Tyrolean Tourism Barometer, is described in form of a case study. Both, the data gathering process as well as the operational sequences leading to a variety of indicators are thoroughly discussed. The paper concludes by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of this secondary data based benchmarking tool. The final section of the paper critically assesses the neglect of relevant elements within the production process of tourism services. Here, the point will be made that it will not suffice to only describe structural shifts in tourism supply and demand in order to establish a reliable instrument for retrospectively evaluating tourism policy and strategically optimize future destination policies. Thus, the existing approach, initially based on price and capacity data only, is extended by linking it to both quality measures of customer satisfaction as well as resource allocation conditions (Weiermair and Fuchs 1999, Wöber 2000).  相似文献   

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