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新生代农民工的政治参与状况,事关政治稳定和社会和谐,具有重大的现实意义。随着经济的发展、时代的推移,80、90后的新生代农民工逐渐成为现今社会主体农民工群体,成为我国城市化、现代化进程中的重要力量。积极的政治参与是维护自身合法权益、顺利融入城市生活的重要保障,也是我国民主政治建设的应有之义。但是,由于受到国家制度、社会环境和自身条件等诸多因素的影响,打破城乡二元体制、完善农民工利益表达机制成为目前迫切亟待解决的问题。进一步深化户籍制度改革,提高新生代农民工自身素质,破除新生代农民工政治参与存在的各种阻碍。  相似文献   

新生代农民工政治参与现状令人堪忧,改进制约其参与的户籍制度、法律制度、职业流动以及个人素质等因素,将可有效解决新生代农民工政治参与问题,既为新生代农民工群体实现社会转型大背景下的政治参与提供保障,也为促进我国特色政治文明与和谐社会建设夯实基础。  相似文献   

郑满 《中国市场》2015,(11):189-190
随着公共治理取代政治管理,公民参与和公共参与等概念相续产生,对政治参与的认识需要厘清。从政治参与的制度来讲,政治参与的制度化具有提高政府综合治理能力、整合政治参与行为、为政治体系的运行和决策不断提供制度支撑的作用。同时,相应的制度缺位还存在。为此,在通过以政治制度的民主决策模式的建设及其相应手段和方式方法上,进行建设和完善是当前我国政治参与制度化建设的主要对策。因此,研究政治参与制度化及其建设,对于促进我国政治民主化、提高公民政治活动的实效性具有直接的现实意义。  相似文献   

安黎黎  桂静 《中国市场》2011,(35):132-133
社会支持网络是社会成员获取社会资源的一个重要网络来源,但因为新生代农民工非市民又非农民的角色,使得新生代农民工的社会支持网络始终无法系统建立。把社会工作运用于新生代农民工实践活动中,以专业社会工作视角来分析、研究和解决新生代农民工的困境,有助于新生代农民工正确的认识自我,摆脱自我认同困境,有助于新生代农民工社会支持网络新路径的探索。  相似文献   

由于现阶段我国处在社会转型期,各方面不稳定因素增多,部分公民常常诉诸于非制度化政治参与以实现自身利益。随着社会的发展,公民非制度化政治参与的形式和内容也呈现出新的特点。  相似文献   

项宏志 《中国市场》2007,(6):166-167
现代民主政治意义上的政治参与是受制度规范约束的政治参与,即制度化的政治参与.本文从分析政治参与制度化的含义和特征入手,结合我国政治参与的历史发展,指出了我国公民政治参与制度化建设的明确方向.  相似文献   

项宏志 《中国市场》2007,(5):166-167
现代民主政治意义上的政治参与是受制度规范约束的政治参与,即制度化的政治参与.本文从分析政治参与制度化的含义和特征入手,结合我国政治参与的历史发展,指出了我国公民政治参与制度化建设的明确方向.  相似文献   

新生代农民工是我国城市化进程中的主要力量.目前,随着社会转型的加快,新生代农民工的政治参与水平有了很大提高,但受传统政治文化、政治体制、经济因素和自身素质的影响,其政治参与意识还处于比较消极的状态.要真正提高新生代农民工的政治参与意识,最根本的就是要加强农民工的公民文化教育、提高政治主体意识和培育公民意识.  相似文献   

受社会历史、生活环境、教育环境等因素的影响,新生代农民工进城务工后容易产生各种心理困境。应通过深化户籍制度改革,加快推进城镇化进程;提高新生代农民工的工资福利待遇,使其有尊严地生活;加强人文关怀,满足新生代农民工的精神需求等措施来解决新生代农民工的心理困境。  相似文献   

当前,新生代农民工在城市归属过程中有着城乡二元户口制度、就业困难、身份归属等一些困境。针对新生代农民工在城市归属过程中所面临的困境,需要从政府方面、主体方面、社区方面和社会方面采取相应措施,使其突破城市归属的困境,促进其城市归属。  相似文献   

政治参与是农民工的基本政治权利,但在现实中却陷于两难境地。基于对达州市外出务工人员的政治认知、政治选举行为和政治参与渠道等所作的调研发现,农民工有较强的参政意愿,但对参政目的、参政途径、参政手段等认知还存在较大问题,表现出参政意识强烈与参与行为缺乏并存、制度化政治参与与非制度化政治参与并存、渴望融入城市与城市政治参与边缘化并存、法定参与途径多样与可利用的参与方式有限并存的尴尬局面。因此,应从夯实基层参与、强化媒体推动、统筹城乡发展、加强文化建设等方面培育农民工的政治参与意识,提高农民工政治参与的能力和素养。  相似文献   

新社会阶层是伴随着我国社会主义市场经济体制改革产生的一个特殊群体。他们不仅是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者,还是构建社会主义和谐社会不可或缺的重要组成部分。他们的政治参与不仅事关新社会阶层人士的切身利益与和谐社会的构建,甚至关系到我国民主政治建设的顺利推进。当前我国新社会阶层的政治参与在意识上和方式上都出现明显的功利性,因此,须在认真分析新社会阶层政治参与存在的现实困境的基础上,从认识上、渠道上、制度上三个层面探索新社会阶层政治参与的公益性路径,从而使新社会阶层的政治参与沿着公益化、规范化、制度化的方向有序推进。  相似文献   

We develop an institutional perspective to examine the important, albeit largely overlooked, occurrence of borrowing discouragement for female-owned enterprises: the likelihood that they will not seek business financing because they believe their requests will be rejected. Given a prevailing business logic casting the field of entrepreneurship as largely male-typed, we theorize that female-owned enterprises will be more likely than their male-owned counterparts to exhibit borrowing discouragement. However, we also further propose that gender-based borrowing discouragement will be influenced by female empowerment levels in three distinct indicators of female empowerment that vary by geographic region within a society: social and economic autonomy, reproductive rights, and political participation. We find strong support for our predictions using a unique multi-sourced sample of 4090 small businesses operating in the United States.  相似文献   

The entrepreneurship literature has advanced our understanding of how natural disasters affect new venture founding in their wake. However, despite providing valuable insights, most existing studies focus on theoretical mechanisms that, explicitly or implicitly, invoke material losses or do not hone in on the theoretical effect of human losses caused by these events. This is an important omission because the social psychology literature suggests that individual reactions to human death are not only stronger than (i.e., higher in scale), but qualitatively different (i.e., infinitely stronger) from, those involving other types of losses. The present study addresses this oversight by drawing from the social psychology literature on the emotive and cognitive heuristics (e.g., the incidental emotion and availability biases) induced by human death and developing and testing a theory of how the death toll caused by natural disasters decreases new venture founding by inducing irresolvable uncertainty. Moreover, the study draws from research on how strong pre-disaster local participation in voluntary associations—by increasing the social, symbolic, cultural and material resources in a community—protects against such negative effects. Contributions to both the post-disaster venturing and the broader resiliency literatures are discussed.Executive summaryNatural disasters are on the rise, and the United Nations predicts that these phenomena will pose the single most important threat to social, political and economic stability in the upcoming decades. Entrepreneurship holds great promise for helping regions recover from the havoc wreaked by these events. However, much of the existing entrepreneurship research has not focused sufficiently on how the human death toll caused by natural disasters affects subsequent new venture creation. This is an important question because the existing psychology literature suggests that human death elicits disproportionately high negative individual reactions, which may lead prospective entrepreneurs in afflicted regions to stop or delay their plans to start new ventures, precisely at the time when those ventures are needed the most to help with regional recovery. This study fills this gap by examining how the death toll caused by natural disasters affect new venture creation in counties in the United States between 1991 and 2018. The study finds that the death toll caused by natural disasters in a county has a negative effect on post-disaster venturing in that county, but that strong pre-disaster participation in voluntary associations (e.g., the Girl Scouts, parent teacher associations, etc.) protects against this effect because it allows communities to work together to overcome the challenges posed by these deadly events. This last result highlights the importance that policymakers at every government level and local communities realize the critical role that local participation in voluntary associations prior to deadly disasters can have in fostering entrepreneurship after such events, thereby accelerating regional recovery.  相似文献   

农民的政治参与状况直接影响和制约着政治文明的进程。河北安新县A村农民政治参与案例表明,在华北欠发达地区的农村.农村公民的政治参与具有主动性组织化程度较低、政治参与程度和水平较低、政治参与非制度化可能性仍存在的特征。健全农民政治参与的对策,应当从加强农民政治参与制度建设,加强农村社会主义政治文化建设,发展农村经济,提高农民社会地位,早日建立农民利益的政治表达组织等方面入手。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的社会阶层发生了前所未有的分化,使政治发展面临着政治参与的压力、政治资源的流失、利益整合和政治稳定的挑战。应构建合理的社会阶层结构,合理定位各阶层地位,建立健全各阶层利益表达机制,加强和改善党的领导,以适应社会阶层分化的趋势,促进政治的发展。  相似文献   

This article examines relationships between the hierarchy of consumer participation and propensities for general political and community participation. The results of an empirical study reveal how patterns of participation, knowledge seeking, and decision making are interrelated and deeply rooted in the sociopolitical culture. Cluster analysis reveals that economic, social, and political bias are cumulative in individuals, creating differential patterns in the American political culture resulting in a comparative advantage for some and a structural disadvantage for others. The findings have important implications for understanding behavior in democratic polities, market economic systems, political, economic, and social participation, citizen/consumer education and protection, and policymaking.  相似文献   

目前我国社会资本参与PPP项目的参与度较低,参与的社会资本中,也主要集中在公有资本,社会资本参与PPP项目的意愿并不强烈。从目前我国PPP项目发展的现状为出发点,对社会资本参与情况进行分析,剖析社会资本参与度低的原因,并针对发现的问题提出创新管理模式、降低风险、提升民企能力以及完善退出机制几个角度的建议,以期能够推进我国PPP项目回归公私合作的本质,焕发民营企业的生机和活力。  相似文献   

In spite of extensive research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its link with economic and social performance, few studies have investigated the institutional determinants of CSR. This article draws upon neo-institutional theory and comparative institutional analysis to compare the influence of different institutional environments on CSR policies of European firms. On the basis of a dataset of European firms, we find that firms from the more liberal market economies of the Anglo-Saxon countries score higher on most dimensions of CSR than firms in the more coordinated market economies (CMEs) in Continental Europe. This result lends support to the view of voluntary CSR practices in liberal economies as being a substitute for institutionalized forms of stakeholder participation. Meanwhile, CSR tends not to mirror more institutionalized forms of stakeholder coordination. Instead, in CMEs, CSR often takes on more implicit forms. Our analysis also shows that national institutional and sectoral-level factors have an asymmetric effect – strongly influencing the likelihood of firms adopting ‘minimum standards’ of CSR, but having little influence on the adoption of ‘best practices’.  相似文献   

Political activities of home economists were found to be markedly limited. Those who reported greater amounts of participation were characterized by strong feelings of political efficacy, backgrounds of family political involvement, greater amounts of community participation, and employment in colleges or universities. Respondents not presently employed, including students, homemakers and retired persons, appeared to be the least politically active group. Implications for the academic preparation of home economists are explored.  相似文献   

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