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This paper presents comparisons of labour productivity (value added per hour worked) in market services for the UK, the US, France and Germany in 1993. Market services, defined as (1) Distribution, Hotels and Catering, (2) Transport and Communications and (3) Finance, Insurance and Real Estate, make up 34–43 percent of total employment in the four countries. For productivity in market services overall, the US led the UK by 35 percent in 1993, Germany led the UK by 34 percent and France led the UK by 36 percent. The UK productivity shortfall vis-à-vis Germany and France was wider in market services than in manufacturing.  相似文献   

孙丽娜 《价值工程》2013,(17):179-180
随着服务业对经济增长拉动力的增强,服务经济日益成为经济持续发展的重要源泉,对于未来社会经济走向的影响越来越大。服务业是规模空间最大,覆盖面最广的产业。现代服务业是经济可持续发展的重要支持。  相似文献   

Issues in the Industrial Organization of the Market for Physician Services   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
What is the nature of the industrial organization of the market for physician services? Is the market “competitive?” Are there pareto-relevant market failures, such that there is room for welfare-improving policies? Economists have devoted a great deal of attention to this market, but it remains relatively poorly understood. The key features of this market are that the product being sold is a professional service, and the pervasive presence of insurance for consumers. A professional service is inherently heterogeneous, nonretradable, and subject to an asymmetry of information between buyers and sellers. These characteristics are what bestow market power on sellers, further strengthened by the fact that consumers face only a small fraction of the price of any service due to insurance. This paper considers the implications of these characteristics for agency relationships between patients and physicians, and insurers (both private and public) and physicians. Agency relationships within physician firms are also considered. Both theoretical and empirical modeling of contracting between insurers and physicians and of the joint agency problems between patient and physician and insurer and physician are recommended as areas for future research. Because failures in this market are seen to derive largely from the structure of information, the potential gains from government intervention may be sharply circumscribed. Nonetheless, careful consideration of the competitive implications of contracting between physicians, insurers, and other health care providers is an important area for antitrust policy.  相似文献   

Abstract . Despite significant improvements in the status of women, a significant gap between the wages of males and females persists. Women's work is not paid according to its comparable worth. Henry George, the 19th century economist and social philosopher, advocated payment according to contribution to production in a freely competitive labor market. The present is an exploitative one distorted by employers’market power, offering no free choice among alternative occupations. When women can prove, as they do, that sex discrimination has played some part in their historically lower compensation rate, the market is shown to be not fair and efficient. Hence non-market decision making is demanded through vigorous and unrelenting prosecution enforcing the equal pay statute of 1964.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that business services are influential production factors, an empirical analysis of the relation between business service inputs and production output in user sectors is carried out. Danish data from 52 manufacturing and service sectors covering the period 1970-95 are applied in the analysis. A sectoral dimension is introduced by dividing the 52 sectors into eight sectoral groupings and then allowing the slopes of the different variables included in the model to vary between the eight groups. The empirical analysis offers some support to the assumption that business services can have an effect comparable to traditional production factors, although this only applies to service sectors, and, partly, to low-knowledge manufacturing.  相似文献   

Adding options to durable products allows new opportunities for manufacturers and retailers in markets with a secondary market to create better segmentation schemes, provide creative means to differentiate their products and services, and increase the value they offer consumers. This raises the need for sellers to properly price such options. This work presents a few examples of incentive programs for the car industry, develops models and calculates their cost to the seller, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed methodology. Our numerical results indicate that such options are surprisingly inexpensive for car manufacturers and dealers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对一个企业来说,融资不是收入,而是一种负债、一种责任.所以上市公司要持续发展,必须在资本市场和产品市场上同时服务好投资者和消费者这两个"上帝".在资本市场上,上市公司必须努力创造尽可能多的财富,做好投资者关系管理,公平对待每一位投资者;在产品市场上,公司必须要赢得更多顾客的信赖,关注消费者等各利益相关者的利益,自觉履行相应的社会责任.  相似文献   

实践证明,满足顾客要求的产品质量主要来自于设计。创新设计是企业质量战略、质量策 划的主攻方向,是市场与企业的支撑点。1 产品质量是设计出来的起初,人们认为“产品质量是检验出来的”,企业只注重检验把关,强调符合标准;后来 ,人们认识到“产品质量是制造出来的”,企业又关注生产过程的质量控制。至今,我们的 质量管理仍以制造过程为重点。现在,人们已开始意识到“产品质量是设计出来的”,设计过程将顾客和其它相关方的需 求转化为规定的特性和产品实现过程的规范,设计决定了产品的适用性。虽然质量检验、生 产过程的质量控…  相似文献   

This article examines the management of New Zealand's publicly funded pathology services throughout the 1990s in the context of the 'more market' radical reshaping of health services that occurred over that time. Because of the extreme market discipline to which they were subjected, pathology services are interpreted in the analysis presented here as a managerial 'pilot experiment' conducted by a health administration pursuing a long-term agenda of full privatization in health care services. Arguing from extensive archive and interview data collected over the last decade, the authors conclude that compromises involved in maintaining market-led resource control, together with unforeseen repercussions, made the strategy untenable in the New Zealand health care environment.  相似文献   

本文分析了上海知识产权信息服务现状,借助于调查问卷概括总结了上海知识产权公共服务表现出的若干特点。本文认为知识产权公共服务要形成有效的市场,必须关注供给与需求状况,鉴于此,本文以上海知识产权(专利信息)公共服务为核心,分别研究了专利信息的供给与需求状况,在此基础上提出了促进知识产权公共服务发展的对策。  相似文献   

The ability to dissent and to protest is a cornerstone of western liberal democracies. But dissent always threatens to exceed its bounds and to become a threat. The issue facing liberal states, then, has not only been how to incorporate dissent, but also how to shape dissent. In this project, the politics of public space has assumed a central role, as material public spaces have become a primary venue for the shaping of dissent. This article examines the ways in which dissent is incorporated into the liberal democratic state through a case study of protest in Washington, DC. In that city, as in others throughout North America and Western Europe, protest permit systems have evolved as a bureaucratic means to actively shape, if not directly control, public dissent. And yet, even as permit systems are becoming fully regularized, debates over their legitimacy suggest that geographically based permit systems might be inadequate to the task of incorporating dissent. As we indicate, recent protest activity shows just how important geography is to regulating, incorporating and policing dissent, even as those protests expose just how blunt and how fragile a tool that geography is. Pouvoir être en désaccord et le manifester est l’une des pierres angulaires des démocraties libérales occidentales. Pourtant, le désaccord risque toujours de dépasser ses limites pour devenir une menace. La difficulté rencontrée par les États libéraux n’était pas tant d’intégrer la divergence d’opinion que de la façonner. Dans ce projet, la politique d’espace public a joué un rôle central, les espaces publics physiques étant devenus un site primordial pour ce façonnage. Les méthodes d’intégration du désaccord dans l’État démocratique libéral apparaissent à travers l’étude de cas de la protestation à Washington DC. Là, comme dans d’autres villes d’Amérique du Nord et d’Europe de l’Ouest, les systèmes d’autorisation de manifestation ont évolué en un moyen bureaucratique de façonner effectivement, si ce n’est maîtriser directement, le dissentiment public. Pourtant, tandis que ces systèmes se régularisent totalement, la mise en cause de leur légitimité suggère que les régimes d’autorisation de type géographique seraient inappropriés pour intégrer le désaccord. Récemment, l’activité de protestation a démontré l’importance de la géographie pour réguler, intégrer et contrôler le dissentiment, même si ces manifestations révèlent aussi combien la géographie est un outil limité et fragile.  相似文献   

The Market as the New Emperor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years readers of urban studies journals have been regaled with articles on urban development in China. Contrary to expectations, what we read is not a multiplicity of accounts, but instead a repetition of one story: (a) the land market has emerged in China; (b) however, the market is imperfect; (c) therefore the best policy is to define property rights. It is surprising how uncritically scholars have accepted the idea that the land market has emerged, without defining the concept of the market. Perhaps even more surprising is the approval of the recommendation to define property rights, without asking what the ideology behind such a recommendation is and what social and political consequences it might have. This article will examine and criticize studies of this type. First, I will reconstruct what seems to be a new fashion in real estate and urban development studies, and then criticize its weaknesses, which are connected to the ambiguity of the concept of the market, insufficient empirical evidence, and ontological and ideological problems.  相似文献   

Many observers of the media argue that advertiser support of the news insulates business from critical scrutiny. News organizations know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. I examine several weaknesses in this corporate advertising bias argument. Most significantly, a favorable political climate for business is a public good, so individual businesses have an incentive to support anti–business messages that generate an audience. Transmission of messages that fail to generate sufficient demand is inefficient. In short, advertising does not create a significant political bias.  相似文献   

从物流承包商视角研究了仓储服务外包风险管理问题,分析了仓储服务外包合作中物流承包商承担的五种风险问题,并提出了物流承包商对仓储服务外包风险的管理对策。  相似文献   

从物流承包商视角研究了仓储服务外包风险管理问题,分析了仓储服务外包合作中物流承包商承担的五种风险问题,并提出了物流承包商对仓储服务外包风险的管理对策.  相似文献   

总部位于柏林的Zanox.de股份有限公司,作为欧洲多渠道商务服务的市场先导,于2005年11月15-17日参展上海国际会议中心隆重召开的AD:TECH--一个专业提供市场交互平台的国际性大会,从而打响进军中国市场的第一炮.展会期间,Zanox于11月16日下午2:00-2:30发表了名为:"Jamster&Zanox:300%基于绩效!"的主题演讲.另外,"ZanoxXS worldwide--中国网上营销之旅"推介会也已于11月18日举行.  相似文献   

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