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zippo打火机诞生于1932年的美国宾夕法尼亚州。2003年,zippo制造公司开始在中国海关为“Zippo”品牌进行知识产权备案。  相似文献   

1908年美国人摩尔·匡威(Marquis M.Converse)在美国马萨诸塞州创立康沃斯公司(Converse Inc.),制造专业篮球鞋。1917年,世界上第一双ALL STAR帆布鞋在美国康沃斯公司诞生。康沃斯公司高度重视品牌的知识产权保护工作,自2005年起开始在海关总署对其旗下的商标进行了知识产权海关备案。真伪匡威鞋可从以下几方面识别:  相似文献   

日前,常州东风农机集团有限公司收到中国海关总署关于“CTC”、“东风王”、“DFAM”、“常拖”等共15项注册商标文字及图案获得了中国海关总署核发的商标保护海关备案核准通知书。  相似文献   

德克斯户外用品有限公司(Deckers Outdoor Corporation)创建于1973年,旗下共有6个品牌:UGG、Teva、Simple、TSUBO、Ahnu、MOZO。其中,UGG为在中国海关总署备案的注册商标,备案号为T2007-11184。  相似文献   

经过十几年的不懈宣传,保护知识产权的意义和必要性已是路人皆知,但每当落到实处、仍会有诸多细节问题令人犹疑。  相似文献   

The number of foreign companies' trademark application in China increased rapidly in the past two years as China took effective measures in trademark protection, an official with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SACI) said on September 9.  相似文献   

作为世界上第一条牛仔裤的创造者,levi's历经一百多年的风风雨雨,却永远保持着青春和朝气,一直以来不断引领着牛仔裤的最新潮流趋势,成为全世界男女老幼都喜欢的牛仔裤的领导品牌,这不能不说是levi's创造的一个世纪神话。[编者按]  相似文献   

China's foreign trade in March witnessed a monthly trade deficit according to its national Customs data. It was the first time for China to have a trade deficit after 70 months of continuous trade surplus, since May 2004.  相似文献   

李颖 《网际商务》2011,(1):80-81
牛仔服市场相对比较成熟,仅从价格区间和目标消费者定位就可以推出一个新的品牌,进而撬动一个巨大的市场吗?Levi’s 推出的dENiZEN品牌会给出什么样的答案呢?  相似文献   

新办法的条文比修订前增加了6条,并且对27条条文的内容进行了修改和整理,对其中的许多细节问题都进行了规定。  相似文献   

J.M. Barrie created the character of Tinker Bell, who is gifted in using various mending tools, and in Shanghai China, an Inernational Machine Tools Center (IMT) creates a paradise for machine tools. The huge market demand has become the drive of the development of China's machine tools industry. According to the statistics of the Customs, in 2008, the total import & export volume for the machine tools reached US$18.07 billion, with an increase of 12.63% from 2007. In detail, the import volume reached US$12.188 billion with an increase of 6.35% from 2007. In recent years, China's consumption and import of machine tools has continuously increased, ranking No.1 in the world for seven consecutive years.  相似文献   

In 2008, nearly 700,000 trademark applications were submitted in China, marking the seventh consecutive year that the country has ranked first in the world for number of applications. This is according to information from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Inter-Regional High-Level Forum on Intellectual Property recently held in Beijing.  相似文献   

3月27日,一批没在报关单上写商标品牌的手电筒被黄埔海关盯上。4月5日,经权利人——广州市电筒工业公司现场确认,这10万多支出口手电筒是假冒的“虎头”牌电筒。黄埔海关查获的这宗案件是近年来海关系统查获的最大宗侵犯“虎头”牌商标专用权的案件。  相似文献   

Profile of route map In 1949,right after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC),overall economic blockage and embargo imposed by other countries,except the Soviet Union and eastern European countries,separated China from the global economic and trade community.In such a context,China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) was born in May 1952 to facilitate non-governmental trade with other countries,Japan in particular.  相似文献   

案情回放 2011年4月26日,宝龙公司向A海关报关出口一批碳粉。经海关查验,发现出口货物的包装上标有“RICOH”商标和“TOSHIBA”商标,涉嫌侵犯理光和东芝公司在海关备案的商标专用权。  相似文献   

The final verdict in a lawsuit by hundreds-year-old Chinese beancurd brand Wangzhihe against a German supermarket is due April 23, a lawyer said March 30. According to Wolfgang Festl-Wietek, a lawyer for Wangzhihe, the dispute centers on whether OKAI, the supermarket that registered Wangzhihe's logo in Germany, is a competitor to the Chinese company, and whether Wangzhihe had marketing and sales activities in Germany. The lawyer said he had confidence in winning the lawsuit.  相似文献   

China's battery and electric carmaker BYD Co. is aiming to become the nation's largest passenger car manufacturer ahead of its targeted 2015 schedule, China Daily reported on September 16. The newspaper said, citing a senior company executive, that BYD was also making efforts to fulfill its dream of overtaking Toyota as the world's No. 1 carmaker, through annual sales of over 10 million cars by 2025, via a series of "prudent" moves it made recently.  相似文献   

景屏 《中国海关》2001,(9):26-27
7月16日-19日,世界海关组织知识产权保护研讨会在香港召开.作为特邀参加此次会议的少数企业代表之一的荷兰皇家飞利浦电子公司在此次大会上作了重点发言.发言人引述了一个案例.今年6月20日,南京新生圩海关查获了20万只印有"PHLIPS"字样的假冒启辉器,货物应飞利浦公司的要求被公开销毁,侵权人同时被处以3万元的罚款.这是中国海关查获的最大一起侵犯"飞利浦"商标案件.飞利浦公司通过此次事件认识到海关知识产权保护的重大作用,向海关总署提出申请海关保护的备案.  相似文献   

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