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刘剑波 《活力》2013,(2):25-25
班级是学校的最基础单位,班级管理是学校综合管理工作的重要组成部分。班主任作为班级管理的直接参与者,他的文化修养、管理理念、工作方法和作风等势必会影响到每一个学生的发展.对班级管理工作的成败起到不容置疑的作用。但同时.做为班主任.必须清醒的认识到,学生作为组成班级的重要元素,在班级管理中起到班主任和各科任教师无法替代的重要作用。班主任的作用是重视发挥每个学生的主观能动性,  相似文献   

一个班级的好坏,班主任的作用至关重要。可是一个班主任的能力和时间非常有限,又如何才能管理一个班或者多个班的学生呢?要是仅仅依靠班主任的个人能力是不够的,班主任还应该学习并发挥自身的领导能力,通过个人影响力,发展自己的跟随者和学生的领袖,建立班级核心团体将这股力量凝结在一起,从而达到有效管理全班的目的。  相似文献   

中职学校班主任工作是职业教育中极其重要的育人工作,它既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。中职学校班主任应根据社会发展的需要和学生自身的特点,明确自己的工作目标、职责和任务,选择恰当的班级管理模式,认真学习和借鉴有些老师成功的班主任工作经验或班级管理独特的方法、理念,准确把握自身的工作特点,从而实现班级工作和自身专业化成长同步发展的目标。  相似文献   

全面贯彻党的教育方针是高职院校的主要任务,面向全体学生,培养全面发展、具有全面素质、适应新世纪社会主义事业需要的生产、建设、管理和服务第一线高等技术应用型专门人才。班主任是学生班集体的直接教育者、组织者和指导者,对班级人才整体质量地提高起着至关重要的作用。笔者结合自己的工作经历,从确立正确工作目标、抓好就读期间各项常规管理工作、开展不问断的就业指导、加强自身修养与提高自身素质四个方面论述如何做好班主任工作。  相似文献   

一个班级的好坏,班主任的作用至关重要。可是一个班主任的能力和时间非常有限,又如何才能管理一个班或者多个班的学生呢?要是仅仅依靠班主任的个人能力是不够的,班主任还应该学习并发挥自身的领导能力,通过个人影响力,发展自己的跟随者和学生的领袖,建立班级核心团体将这股力量凝结在一起,从而达到有效管理全班的目的。  相似文献   

和谐班级是和谐校园的一个重要组成部分,一个和谐的班级也是大学生身心健康成长、成才的重要外部条件,它具有团结、平等、民主、互助等特征。要构建和谐班级,对班主任工作提出了更高的要求,班主任要拉近与学生的心理距离,以人为本,关爱学生,用心经营班级。  相似文献   

班主任是教师队伍的重要组成部分,五年制高职护理学生由于有其自身的特点,因此班主任要结合学生的特点进行班级管理。笔者结合自己的管理经验总结了一些体会,仅供参考。  相似文献   

刘永富 《价值工程》2013,(30):230-231
作者根据多年的班级管理经验,认为班主任应该提高自身修养,转变教育思想观念,采取合理的、科学的的管理方法和措施,以适应现代教学的需要。  相似文献   

<正>班主任是学生知识上的启蒙者,思想上的引路人,人生道路上的导航者;班主任负责一个班的全部教育工作,对于培养全班学生的思想品德,促进学生全面发展起着关键的作用。所以,班主任工作的好坏,直接影响着所在班级以及班级学生的健康成长。以下结合笔者工作实践,分析班主任工作的修养和教育艺术问题。  相似文献   

罗琳 《民营科技》2010,(5):94-94
学校的教育教学工作,主要是在班级中进行的。要把班级的工作搞好,新时期的班主任应具备较高的思想政治觉悟、较丰富教育教学经验和一定的组织能力。班主任是班级工作的组织者、领导者和教育者,是联系各科教师的纽带,是学校教育学生的主要依靠力量,是沟通学校、家庭和社会的桥梁。但是,随着国家改革开放的日益发展,教育改革的日益深入,社会对学生的影响、家庭教育不当等,这都给我们班主任工作提出了新的问题和新的任务,由此也对班主任工作提出了新的要求与新的挑战。针对此情况,班主任应该如何通过社会、家庭和自身三者来寻求更为有效措施来迎接这场挑战呢?  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of fiscal advisors in maintaining government fiscal discipline when the advisor’s appointment is determined endogenously. Our theoretical model shows that an incumbent politician has an incentive to employ an external advisor as a commitment device for fiscal discipline before being aware of his own competence level. The advisor acts as a restraint on public expenditure, which works to control the incumbent politician’s ex post overspending to buy votes. Our empirical analysis supports this hypothesis in the Japanese case where governments with directors from the central government tend to spend less.  相似文献   

In two experiments, participants received advice from another participant on a task either with a correct answer (intellective tasks) or without a correct answer (judgmental task), in which the participant had to make a forecast. In both experiments, the level of trust in the advisor and a perception of the advisor having similar values were important predictors of the acceptance of advice for a judgmental, taste forecast task, whereas advisor confidence was a more important predictor of the acceptance of advice on the intellective task. In Experiment 2, the face-to-face interactions between the decision-maker and the advisor were videotaped and coded. Advisors provided more information to decision-makers for the taste forecast than for the intellective task. Further, whether the advisor provided information to supplement their recommendation or not was a significant predictor of the acceptance of advice on the taste forecast, but not on the intellective task. The results are discussed in the context of previous research on advice, which has predominately used intellective tasks.  相似文献   

王素莲 《价值工程》2011,30(14):298-299
中华民族传统道德源远流长,根基深厚,随着社会的进步与发展虽然出现过曾经的暗淡,但这只是短暂的现象,人们心中的优秀道德传统从来都没有泯灭。我们应适应时代的发展,适时弘扬传统道德、培育现代民族精神。  相似文献   

Because they want high quality information, people often follow advice from advisors with high levels of expertise and confidence, and a reputation for accuracy. However, clients cannot always be sure that an advisor is actually using a knowledge advantage to act in the client’s best interests. In two studies we investigated the influence of an advisor’s perceived degree of self-interested intention on the client’s intention to accept and use their advice. We report two experiments in which clients received the same advice from a supposed representative of either a profit or a non-profit organization. The results of our first study suggest that clients who were confronted with an advisor from an organization with a profit-oriented background ascribed higher levels of self-interested intentions to the advisor and perceived the advisor to be less trustworthy. Furthermore, clients were less willing to rely on the advisor’s recommendation, and this effect was mediated by the perceived trustworthiness of the advisor. In our second study we conceptually replicated the findings of Study 1 using behavioral measures, and also differentiated three different facets of trustworthiness (competence, benevolence and integrity) in the interaction between advisor and client.  相似文献   

企业道德资本已是研究企业伦理的重要视角。本文主要依据当下我国企业道德资本建设存在的问题和社会发展的需要,从提升企业管理者的道德素养,塑造优秀的现代企业文化,健全相关机制,完善相关制度等方面,探讨了培育企业道德资本的主要途径。  相似文献   

As the rapid development in information technology (IT), and as the ease of disseminating IT between internet users throughout the world, internet piracy is a global issue that everyone has to be concerned about as it has a significant impact on the economy. In the global IT industry, Taiwan and China play important roles in the manufacturing supply chain. Unfortunately, both Taiwan and China also have significant effect on the IT piracy. Both of them share a similar culture and speak almost same language but different living style and social values. Since many studies reported that digital piracy (i.e. illegal downloading of music) was highly prevalent among college students (Lysonski and Durvasula, J Consumer Mark 25(3):167–178, 2008), understanding the college students’ ethical decision process is one of important issues in internet piracy context. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there is a difference in the perception of moral intensity as well as the ethical decision process for the business students between Taiwan and China. Respondents were asked to the dimensionality of the moral intensity and decision making process construct in three ethical scenarios regarding to internet piracy. The research results find that students in Taiwan possess higher level of moral intensity than students in China. Except for moral recognition, there are significant differences on the perception of moral decision process between two countries.  相似文献   

理财顾问业务是逐渐从券商发展出来的一个新型业务,它也是券商增加利润的重要来源。应大力拓展我国券商的理财顾问业务,使得我国券商的理财顾问业务快速发展壮大,成为我国资本市场的又一重要力量。  相似文献   

田玮 《价值工程》2006,25(10):117-119
道德逐渐成为现代企业组织竞争的基本条件和核心,是企业长期利润的来源之一。本文通过研究道德的载体—人力资本与道德的关系,提出动机—行为模式;通过研究对道德起更重要作用的特定人力资本道德,提出如何提高整个企业组织的道德水平并最终形成善的道德循环。  相似文献   

耿学峰 《价值工程》2011,30(33):97-97
随着我国经济的飞速发展,当今社会频繁出现企业家道德良知丧失、企业诚信匮乏与环境污染加剧等有碍社会发展的不和谐现象。这些问题的症结所在,大多可归结为企业家社会责任行为的缺乏。通过微观层面与宏观层面的分析,我们可以对企业家社会责任行为的道德动因略作了解,还望能对学者们更深入的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

陈艳 《价值工程》2011,30(14):310-311
"絜矩之道"是儒家重要典籍《大学》里提出来的一个重要命题,一直被儒家学者视为治国平天下的要道,包含着丰富的价值意蕴和深刻的生存智慧。研究和探讨儒家的絜矩之道思想不仅有利于弘扬中华民族优秀的传统文明,而且可为我们建立适合现时代的价值观念提供有益的营养和启示。  相似文献   

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